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Ansible Connection Plugins


When you're automating tasks with Ansible, one of the fundamental aspects is how Ansible connects to your target systems. This is where Connection Plugins come into play. Connection plugins determine the method Ansible uses to communicate with managed nodes, whether they're remote servers, local machines, or even container environments.

In this guide, we'll explore Ansible Connection Plugins, understand how they work, and learn how to leverage them effectively in your automation workflows.

What Are Connection Plugins?

Connection plugins are modules that define how Ansible communicates with target hosts. By default, Ansible uses SSH to connect to remote machines, but there are situations where you might need alternative connection methods.

For example:

  • You might need to manage Docker containers
  • You might want to execute tasks locally
  • You might need to connect to Windows machines using WinRM
  • You might be working in a network with specific security requirements

Each connection type is handled by a specific plugin that knows how to establish the connection, transfer files, and execute commands on the target host.

Available Connection Plugins

Ansible includes several built-in connection plugins to accommodate various scenarios:

sshThe default connection plugin, using OpenSSH
localExecutes on the control node itself
dockerConnects to Docker containers
winrmConnects to Windows hosts
network_cliUsed for network devices
httpapiUsed for REST API endpoints
kubectlExecutes commands in Kubernetes pods

Let's examine the most commonly used ones in detail.

The SSH Connection Plugin

The SSH plugin is Ansible's default connection method and works for most Linux/Unix environments.

How to Configure SSH Connections

You can specify SSH connection details in your inventory file:

[webservers] ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/key

Or in your Ansible configuration file (ansible.cfg):

remote_user = admin
private_key_file = /path/to/key

pipelining = True
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s

SSH Connection Options

Some useful SSH connection options include:

  • ansible_ssh_host: The hostname/IP to connect to
  • ansible_ssh_port: The SSH port (default: 22)
  • ansible_ssh_user: The username to connect with
  • ansible_ssh_private_key_file: Private key file
  • ansible_ssh_common_args: Arguments to pass to all SSH CLI tools
  • ansible_ssh_extra_args: Extra arguments specific to ssh

Example: Using SSH with Non-standard Port

- name: Update web servers using non-standard SSH port
hosts: all
ansible_port: 2222
ansible_connection: ssh

- name: Update apt cache
update_cache: yes

The Local Connection Plugin

The local connection plugin executes tasks on the Ansible control node itself, which is useful for managing the controller or when tasks need to interact with local resources.

Example: Using Local Connection

- name: Local tasks example
hosts: localhost
connection: local

- name: Create a directory locally
path: /tmp/ansible_test
state: directory

- name: Get local machine information
register: local_facts

- name: Show local machine info
var: local_facts.ansible_distribution


TASK [Show local machine info] **********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"local_facts.ansible_distribution": "Ubuntu"

The Docker Connection Plugin

The Docker connection plugin allows you to manage Docker containers directly.


To use the Docker connection plugin, you need:

  1. Docker installed on your control node
  2. The Python docker module (pip install docker)

Example: Docker Connection

First, let's define an inventory with Docker hosts:

web_container ansible_connection=docker
db_container ansible_connection=docker

Then, let's create a playbook to manage these containers:

- name: Manage Docker containers
hosts: containers
gather_facts: no

- name: Install curl inside containers
raw: apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl

- name: Check connectivity
shell: curl --version
register: curl_version

- name: Display curl version
var: curl_version.stdout_lines

The WinRM Connection Plugin

For managing Windows hosts, Ansible uses the WinRM connection plugin.

Setting Up WinRM

Before using the WinRM plugin, you need to configure WinRM on your Windows hosts. You can use the PowerShell script provided by Ansible for this setup.

Example: WinRM Connection

Inventory file:

win_server ansible_host=


Playbook to manage Windows hosts:

- name: Windows management example
hosts: windows

- name: Get Windows version
win_shell: Get-ComputerInfo | Select-Object WindowsProductName, WindowsVersion
register: win_info

- name: Display Windows info
var: win_info.stdout_lines

Switching Connection Types

Sometimes you might need to use different connection methods within the same playbook. Ansible provides several ways to specify the connection type:

1. In the Inventory File

[web_servers] ansible_connection=ssh

container1 ansible_connection=docker

2. In the Playbook

- name: Tasks for SSH hosts
hosts: web_servers
connection: ssh
# SSH-related tasks

- name: Tasks for Docker containers
hosts: containers
connection: docker
# Docker-related tasks

3. At the Task Level

You can also change connections for specific tasks using the delegate_to directive with local_action:

- name: Server management
hosts: web_servers

- name: Remote task using SSH
name: nginx
state: present

- name: Local task
module: file
path: /tmp/local_report
state: touch

Creating a Custom Connection Plugin

For advanced use cases, you might need to create your own connection plugin. Here's a simplified example of how to create a custom connection plugin:

  1. Create a directory structure:
├── ansible.cfg
├── inventory
├── playbook.yml
└── connection_plugins/
  1. Update ansible.cfg to include your custom plugins:
connection_plugins = ./connection_plugins
  1. Create your custom plugin (
from ansible.plugins.connection import ConnectionBase

class Connection(ConnectionBase):
Custom connection plugin for specialized connections
transport = 'my_connection'

def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(Connection, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) = self._play_context.remote_addr

def _connect(self):
# Establish your custom connection
return self

def exec_command(self, cmd, in_data=None, sudoable=True):
# Execute command logic
return 0, b'stdout data', b'stderr data'

def put_file(self, in_path, out_path):
# File transfer logic

def fetch_file(self, in_path, out_path):
# File retrieval logic

def close(self):
# Clean up connection
  1. Use your custom connection in a playbook:
- name: Use custom connection
hosts: custom_hosts
connection: my_connection

- name: Run a command
raw: your_command_here

Connection Plugin in Action: Real-World Scenario

Let's look at a practical example that uses multiple connection types to deploy a web application:

- name: Prepare local build
hosts: localhost
connection: local

- name: Build application
shell: npm run build
chdir: /path/to/app

- name: Create deployment package
path: /path/to/app/dist
dest: /tmp/
format: zip

- name: Deploy to web servers
hosts: web_servers
connection: ssh

- name: Ensure web directory exists
path: /var/www/myapp
state: directory

- name: Copy deployment package
src: /tmp/
dest: /tmp/

- name: Extract application
src: /tmp/
dest: /var/www/myapp
remote_src: yes

- name: Restart web service
name: nginx
state: restarted

This playbook:

  1. Builds the application locally (using local connection)
  2. Creates a deployment package
  3. Deploys the application to web servers (using ssh connection)

Visualizing Connection Flow

Here's a diagram showing how connection plugins fit into Ansible's architecture:

Debugging Connection Issues

When you encounter connection problems, these techniques can help:

1. Increase Verbosity

Run Ansible with increased verbosity to see connection details:

ansible-playbook -i inventory playbook.yml -vvv

2. Check Connection Parameters

Verify the connection parameters in your inventory or variables:

ansible-inventory --host hostname -i inventory --yaml

3. Test Basic Connectivity

Use the ping module to verify basic connectivity:

ansible hostname -i inventory -m ping

4. Connection-Specific Troubleshooting

For SSH issues:

ssh -v user@hostname

For Docker issues:

docker ps
docker exec -it container_name ls

Best Practices

When working with connection plugins, follow these best practices:

  1. Consistent Configuration: Define connection settings in inventory or group variables for consistency

  2. Security First: Always use secure methods (key-based authentication, avoiding plain-text passwords)

  3. Test Connectivity: Before running complex playbooks, test basic connectivity

  4. Use Connection Groups: Group hosts by connection type in your inventory for better organization

  5. Minimize Connection Overhead: Use pipelining and persistent connections for SSH to improve performance

  6. Control Parallelism: Adjust the forks parameter to control how many parallel connections Ansible makes


Ansible Connection Plugins provide the flexibility to connect to various target environments using different protocols and methods. By understanding the available plugins and how to configure them, you can extend your automation capabilities to diverse infrastructure types.

We've covered:

  • The concept and purpose of connection plugins
  • Common built-in connection plugins (ssh, local, docker, winrm)
  • How to configure different connection types
  • Switching between connection types
  • Creating custom connection plugins
  • Real-world application scenarios
  • Troubleshooting connection issues

With this knowledge, you should be able to effectively use Ansible to manage not just traditional servers but also containers, network devices, and other specialized environments.

Additional Resources

  • Explore more connection plugins in the Ansible documentation
  • Practice with different connection types in a test environment
  • Experiment with connection parameters to optimize performance


  1. Create a playbook that uses the local connection to generate a report and then uses SSH to distribute the report to multiple servers.

  2. Set up a Docker environment and create a playbook that manages containers using the docker connection plugin.

  3. Implement a mixed-environment playbook that manages both Linux servers (via SSH) and Windows servers (via WinRM) to deploy a cross-platform application.

  4. Try creating a simple custom connection plugin for a specific use case in your environment.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)