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Ansible Connection Methods


When Ansible communicates with managed hosts to perform tasks, it uses various connection methods or plugins to establish these connections. The connection method determines how Ansible reaches the target system and executes commands or modules. Understanding these connection methods is crucial for effectively managing diverse infrastructure environments.

By default, Ansible uses SSH to connect to remote hosts, but it supports multiple connection types to accommodate different scenarios, such as local execution, containerized environments, or Windows hosts.

Default Connection: SSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is the default connection method and is used when no other connection type is specified.

How SSH Connection Works

  1. Ansible connects to the remote host using SSH
  2. Transfers the module files to the remote host
  3. Executes the module on the remote host
  4. Retrieves the results

Basic SSH Configuration

In your inventory file, you can specify SSH-related parameters:

[webservers] ansible_user=admin ansible_ssh_private_key_file=/path/to/key.pem ansible_port=2222 ansible_user=admin

Alternatively, in YAML format:

ansible_user: admin
ansible_ssh_private_key_file: /path/to/key.pem
ansible_port: 2222
ansible_user: admin

Common SSH Parameters

ansible_userUsername to use when connecting
ansible_portSSH port (default: 22)
ansible_ssh_private_key_fileSSH private key file path
ansible_ssh_passSSH password (not recommended - use Ansible Vault instead)
ansible_ssh_common_argsAdditional SSH arguments

Example: Using SSH with Different Parameters

- name: Update web servers
hosts: webservers
- name: Ensure Apache is installed
name: apache2
state: present

In this example, Ansible will connect to each host in the webservers group using the SSH parameters defined in your inventory.

Local Connection

The local connection executes commands on the control node (the machine running Ansible) rather than on remote hosts.

When to Use Local Connection

  • Running commands on the Ansible controller itself
  • Interacting with local files and services
  • Using Ansible for local configuration management
  • Executing API calls or other tasks that don't require remote execution

Configuring Local Connection

Explicitly specify local connection in your inventory:

localhost ansible_connection=local

Or in a playbook:

- name: Local operations
hosts: localhost
connection: local
- name: Create a local file
path: /tmp/test_file.txt
state: touch

Example: Running Local and Remote Tasks

- name: Mixed local and remote operations
hosts: all
- name: Local API call
method: GET
register: api_result
delegate_to: localhost

- name: Deploy configuration based on API result
src: templates/config.j2
dest: /etc/service/config.yaml
when: api_result.status == 200

In this example, the first task runs on the local machine using delegate_to: localhost, while the second task runs on each remote host.

Docker Connection

The docker connection type allows Ansible to communicate with Docker containers.


  • Docker must be installed on the controller node
  • Containers must be running when Ansible attempts to connect

Configuring Docker Connection

Specify Docker connection in your inventory:

mycontainer ansible_connection=docker

Or use dynamic inventory with Docker:

# docker_inventory.yml
plugin: docker
strict: no

Example: Managing Docker Containers

- name: Configure containers
hosts: containers
connection: docker
- name: Ensure required packages are installed
- curl
- vim
state: present

- name: Create application directory
path: /app
state: directory
mode: '0755'

Windows Connection Methods

For Windows hosts, Ansible uses different connection methods.


Windows Remote Management (WinRM) is the default connection method for Windows hosts.

[windows] ansible_connection=winrm ansible_user=Administrator ansible_password=SecurePass

Setting Up WinRM

To use WinRM, you need to configure it on your Windows hosts:

# Run on the Windows host to set up WinRM
$url = ""
$file = "$env:temp\ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1"
(New-Object -TypeName System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile($url, $file)
powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File $file

Smart Connection Method

The smart connection type is a special mode that automatically selects between SSH and paramiko based on system capabilities.

When to Use Smart Connection

  • When connecting to a mix of hosts with different SSH implementations
  • When you're unsure if OpenSSH is available on all systems
[mixed_hosts] ansible_connection=smart ansible_connection=smart

Comparing Connection Methods

Common Connection Parameters

These parameters work across different connection types:

ansible_connectionConnection type (ssh, local, docker, winrm, etc.)
ansible_hostHostname or IP to connect to
ansible_userUsername to use for connection
ansible_becomeWhether to use privilege escalation
ansible_become_methodMethod for privilege escalation (sudo, su, etc.)

Configuring Connection Methods in ansible.cfg

You can set default connection settings in your ansible.cfg file:

# Default connection type
transport = ssh

# SSH specific settings
ssh_args = -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s
pipelining = True

Troubleshooting Connection Issues

Common SSH Connection Problems

- name: Test SSH connection with verbose output
hosts: problematic_host
gather_facts: no
- name: Run simple command
ansible.builtin.command: whoami
register: result

- name: Display result
var: result

Run this with ansible-playbook -vvv for detailed connection debugging.

Docker Connection Troubleshooting

Ensure your Docker container is running:

# Check container status
docker ps

# Run a simple test
ansible -i 'container_name,' all -c docker -m ping


Understanding Ansible connection methods is essential for efficiently managing diverse infrastructure:

  1. SSH Connection: The default and most commonly used method for Unix/Linux systems
  2. Local Connection: Executes commands on the Ansible controller itself
  3. Docker Connection: Interacts directly with Docker containers
  4. WinRM Connection: Manages Windows hosts through Windows Remote Management
  5. Smart Connection: Dynamically chooses between SSH and paramiko

By selecting the appropriate connection method and properly configuring connection parameters, you can ensure Ansible communicates effectively with all your managed hosts, regardless of their environment or platform.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Create an inventory file with hosts using different connection methods.
  2. Write a playbook that executes tasks on both local and remote hosts.
  3. Configure a Docker container and manage it using Ansible with the docker connection.
  4. Test different SSH parameters to optimize connection performance.
  5. Set up a Windows host with WinRM and connect to it using Ansible.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)