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Ansible Command Modules


Ansible command modules are essential components in the Ansible ecosystem that allow you to execute commands on remote hosts. While Ansible's philosophy encourages using specialized modules for most tasks (like apt for package management or file for file operations), there are situations where you need to run direct commands on target systems.

In this guide, we'll explore the three primary command modules:

  • The command module
  • The shell module
  • The raw module

Each has specific use cases, capabilities, and limitations that are important to understand for effective automation.

The Command Module

The command module is the most basic way to execute commands on remote nodes. It runs the specified command without using the shell, which means shell operators like | (pipe), > (redirection), and & (background tasks) don't work.

Basic Usage

- name: Run a simple command
command: uptime

Output Handling

You can capture the command's output by registering a variable:

- name: Get system uptime
command: uptime
register: system_uptime

- name: Display the captured output
var: system_uptime.stdout

Parameters and Options

The command module offers several useful parameters:

- name: Run command with working directory and environment variables
command: ls -la
chdir: /var/log
creates: /path/to/sentinel_file
removes: /path/to/file_to_remove

Key parameters include:

  • chdir: Changes to this directory before running the command
  • creates: Skip the command if this file exists
  • removes: Skip the command if this file doesn't exist
  • environ: Set environment variables

The Shell Module

The shell module is similar to the command module but runs commands through a shell (/bin/sh on Unix/Linux), allowing you to use shell features like pipes, redirections, and environment variables.

Basic Usage

- name: Find all log files and count lines
shell: find /var/log -name "*.log" | xargs wc -l
register: log_count

Using Shell Features

Shell module allows powerful operations combining multiple commands:

- name: Get top 5 memory-consuming processes
shell: ps aux | sort -rk 4 | head -5
register: top_memory_processes

- name: Display results
var: top_memory_processes.stdout_lines

Security Considerations

When using the shell module, be cautious about potential security risks, especially with user input:

# DON'T do this in production - risk of command injection
- name: Dangerous command with user input
shell: "find /data -name {{ user_input }}"

# DO this instead - use the 'cmd' parameter with proper quoting
- name: Safe command with user input
cmd: find /data -name "{{ user_input }}"
user_input: "safe_value"

The Raw Module

The raw module is the most direct way to execute commands on remote hosts. It doesn't require Python on the remote system, making it useful for initial bootstrapping or systems without Python.

Basic Usage

- name: Install Python on a fresh system
raw: apt-get update && apt-get install -y python-minimal

When to Use Raw

Use the raw module only when:

  • The target system doesn't have Python installed
  • You're bootstrapping Python on a system
  • You need to interact with devices that don't support Python (like network hardware)
- name: Check if Python exists
raw: test -e /usr/bin/python || test -e /usr/bin/python3
register: python_check
changed_when: false

- name: Install Python if needed
raw: apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3
when: python_check.rc != 0

Practical Examples

Example 1: System Maintenance Script

- name: System maintenance tasks
hosts: webservers
become: true
- name: Clear old log files
shell: find /var/log -name "*.log.*" -type f -mtime +30 -delete
register: log_cleanup

- name: Show cleanup results
msg: "Logs cleaned: {{ log_cleanup.stdout if log_cleanup.stdout else 'No logs needed cleaning' }}"

- name: Check disk space
command: df -h
register: disk_space

- name: Display disk space information
var: disk_space.stdout_lines

Example 2: Application Deployment Checks

- name: Application deployment verification
hosts: app_servers
- name: Check if application is running
shell: pgrep -f myapp || echo "NOT RUNNING"
register: app_status
changed_when: false # This is just a check, not a change

- name: Verify application port is listening
shell: netstat -tulpn | grep 8080
register: port_status
ignore_errors: true
changed_when: false

- name: Display application status
msg: >
Application status: {{ "RUNNING" if "NOT RUNNING" not in app_status.stdout else "NOT RUNNING" }}
Port 8080 status: {{ "LISTENING" if port_status.rc == 0 else "NOT LISTENING" }}

Example 3: Database Backup

- name: Database backup
hosts: db_servers
become: true
backup_date: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'date +%Y%m%d') }}"
backup_dir: /var/backups/postgres

- name: Ensure backup directory exists
path: "{{ backup_dir }}"
state: directory
mode: '0750'

- name: Perform PostgreSQL backup
shell: |
pg_dump -U postgres main_db > {{ backup_dir }}/backup_{{ backup_date }}.sql
gzip {{ backup_dir }}/backup_{{ backup_date }}.sql
creates: "{{ backup_dir }}/backup_{{ backup_date }}.sql.gz"
become_user: postgres

Command Module Decision Flowchart

Here's a flowchart to help you decide which command module to use:

Best Practices

When working with command modules, follow these best practices:

  1. Use specialized modules when possible - Command modules should be your last resort when no specialized module exists for your task.

  2. Handle errors properly - Use failed_when to define when a command has failed beyond exit codes:

    - name: Run application check
    command: /opt/app/
    register: app_check
    failed_when: "'ERROR' in app_check.stdout or app_check.rc != 0"
  3. Determine when a task has changed - Use changed_when to define when a task has actually made a change:

    - name: Get server status
    command: service nginx status
    register: result
    changed_when: false # This is just a status check, it doesn't change anything
  4. Avoid command injection - Always use proper quoting and parameter passing:

    - name: Safe command execution
    cmd: find /data -name "{{ filename }}"
    filename: "safe_value"
  5. Use check mode compatibility - Make your commands work with --check mode:

    - name: Restart service if needed
    command: service nginx restart
    when: config_changed | bool
    check_mode: false


Ansible command modules provide different ways to execute commands on remote hosts:

  • Command module: Executes commands without a shell, most secure but limited functionality
  • Shell module: Runs commands through a shell, allowing pipes, redirections, but needs careful security consideration
  • Raw module: Direct command execution without Python, useful for bootstrapping

While specialized modules are preferred for most tasks, command modules are invaluable for custom scripts, one-off commands, and situations where no appropriate module exists.

Additional Resources

  • Practice creating playbooks that use command modules for various system administration tasks
  • Experiment with different options for error handling and output capture
  • Challenge yourself to convert command module usage to specialized modules when possible


  1. Create a playbook that gathers system information (uptime, disk usage, memory usage) using command modules and displays a summary.
  2. Write a task that safely executes a shell command with user-provided input.
  3. Develop a maintenance playbook that uses command modules with proper error handling and change detection.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)