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Ansible Role Tasks


Tasks are the heart of any Ansible role. They define the specific actions that Ansible will execute on your managed hosts. When you organize tasks within roles, you create reusable, modular components that can significantly simplify your automation workflows.

In this guide, we'll explore how to create, organize, and implement tasks within Ansible roles. You'll learn best practices for structuring your tasks and see practical examples that you can adapt for your own projects.

Understanding Tasks in Ansible Roles

In Ansible roles, tasks are defined in YAML files that outline the specific operations to be performed. These tasks typically reside in the tasks directory of your role structure:

├── tasks/
│ ├── main.yml
│ └── additional_tasks.yml
├── handlers/
├── defaults/
├── vars/
├── files/
├── templates/
└── meta/

The main.yml file serves as the primary entry point for your role's tasks. When Ansible executes your role, it automatically looks for this file first.

Basic Structure of Task Files

Let's examine the basic structure of a task file:

# tasks/main.yml

- name: Install required packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- nginx
- python3
- python3-pip
become: true
- packages
- setup

- name: Create application directory
path: "/opt/myapp"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
become: true
- configuration

Each task consists of:

  1. A descriptive name (highly recommended for readability)
  2. A module name (like apt, file, template)
  3. Module parameters
  4. Optional elements like become, when, tags, etc.

Organizing Tasks with Include and Import

As your roles grow more complex, you might want to split your tasks into multiple files for better organization. Ansible provides two mechanisms for this: include_tasks and import_tasks.

Using import_tasks

The import_tasks directive processes the included file during the playbook parsing phase:

# tasks/main.yml

- import_tasks: packages.yml
- import_tasks: configuration.yml
- import_tasks: services.yml
# tasks/packages.yml

- name: Install required packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
- nginx
- python3
- python3-pip
become: true
- packages

Using include_tasks

The include_tasks directive processes the included file during the execution phase:

# tasks/main.yml

- include_tasks: packages.yml
- include_tasks: configuration.yml
when: configure_app | bool
- include_tasks: services.yml

The key difference is that import_tasks is static (processed at parse time), while include_tasks is dynamic (processed at runtime). This means include_tasks can use variables defined during the play execution and can be conditionally included.

Task Conditionals

Tasks can be selectively executed based on conditions:

- name: Install Apache for Debian/Ubuntu systems
name: apache2
state: present
when: ansible_os_family == "Debian"
become: true

- name: Install Apache for Red Hat systems
name: httpd
state: present
when: ansible_os_family == "RedHat"
become: true

Loops in Tasks

When you need to perform the same action multiple times with different parameters, loops are invaluable:

- name: Create multiple directories
path: "{{ item }}"
state: directory
mode: '0755'
- /opt/myapp/config
- /opt/myapp/data
- /opt/myapp/logs
become: true

Task Handlers

Tasks can notify handlers to trigger additional actions:

- name: Update Nginx configuration
src: nginx.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/sites-available/myapp.conf
become: true
notify: Restart Nginx

The handler referenced by notify would be defined in the handlers/main.yml file:

# handlers/main.yml

- name: Restart Nginx
name: nginx
state: restarted
become: true

Role Tasks Visualization

Here's a simplified diagram of how tasks flow within a role:

Practical Examples

Example 1: Web Server Role

Let's create tasks for a web server role:

# tasks/main.yml

- import_tasks: install.yml
- import_tasks: configure.yml
- import_tasks: secure.yml
- import_tasks: deploy.yml
# tasks/install.yml

- name: Install Nginx web server
name: nginx
state: present
become: true
- install
- nginx

- name: Ensure Nginx is started and enabled
name: nginx
state: started
enabled: yes
become: true
- service
- nginx
# tasks/configure.yml

- name: Create virtual host configuration
src: virtualhost.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ app_name }}.conf
become: true
- configure
- nginx

- name: Enable virtual host
src: /etc/nginx/sites-available/{{ app_name }}.conf
dest: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/{{ app_name }}.conf
state: link
become: true
notify: Restart Nginx
- configure
- nginx

Example 2: Database Role

Here's an example of tasks for a database role:

# tasks/main.yml for a PostgreSQL role

- name: Install PostgreSQL packages
- postgresql
- postgresql-contrib
- python3-psycopg2
state: present
become: true
- install
- database

- name: Ensure PostgreSQL is started and enabled
name: postgresql
state: started
enabled: yes
become: true
- service
- database

- name: Create application database
name: "{{ app_db_name }}"
state: present
become: true
become_user: postgres
- database
- configuration

- name: Create database user
db: "{{ app_db_name }}"
name: "{{ app_db_user }}"
password: "{{ app_db_password }}"
priv: "ALL"
state: present
become: true
become_user: postgres
- database
- configuration
no_log: true # Hides sensitive information in logs

Task Execution Control


Tags allow you to run or skip specific parts of your role:

- name: Install packages
name: "{{ item }}"
state: present
loop: "{{ required_packages }}"
become: true
- install
- packages

You can then run only tasks with specific tags:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --tags "install"

Or skip tasks with specific tags:

ansible-playbook playbook.yml --skip-tags "install"

Error Handling

You can control how Ansible responds to errors in your tasks:

- name: Attempt to start application
command: /opt/myapp/bin/
register: start_result
ignore_errors: true

- name: Display error message if application failed to start
msg: "Application failed to start: {{ start_result.stderr }}"
when: start_result.rc != 0

Best Practices for Role Tasks

  1. Use descriptive names: Always include a clear name for each task.
  2. Group related tasks: Use separate files for logical groups of tasks.
  3. Use tags effectively: Tag tasks to allow selective execution.
  4. Balance granularity: Too many small tasks can be inefficient, while monolithic tasks are hard to maintain.
  5. Consider idempotency: Tasks should be able to run multiple times without causing errors.
  6. Document your tasks: Use comments to explain complex logic or unusual configurations.
  7. Handle errors gracefully: Use ignore_errors, failed_when, and changed_when to control execution flow.
  8. Hide sensitive data: Use no_log: true for tasks that deal with passwords or keys.


Tasks are the fundamental building blocks of Ansible roles. By effectively organizing your tasks, you can create modular, reusable roles that simplify your automation efforts.

In this guide, we've covered:

  • The basic structure of tasks within roles
  • How to organize tasks using import_tasks and include_tasks
  • Using conditionals and loops in tasks
  • Practical examples of tasks for web server and database roles
  • Best practices for writing and organizing tasks

By following these patterns and best practices, you'll be able to create robust, maintainable Ansible roles that can be easily shared and reused across your projects.

Further Learning

To continue developing your Ansible role skills, try these exercises:

  1. Create a role that installs and configures your favorite application
  2. Refactor an existing playbook into a role with properly organized tasks
  3. Implement error handling in your existing roles
  4. Experiment with using both import_tasks and include_tasks to understand their differences

You can also explore Ansible Galaxy to see how other users structure their roles and tasks for inspiration.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)