Ansible Template Logic
Templates are one of Ansible's most powerful features, allowing you to create dynamic configuration files tailored to each managed host. Ansible uses the Jinja2 templating engine, which provides a rich set of logical operations that help you create truly dynamic content.
In this guide, we'll explore the logic capabilities available in Ansible templates, including conditionals, loops, filters, and more. These features allow you to make smarter templates that adapt to different scenarios and requirements.
Template Logic Fundamentals
Before diving into complex operations, let's understand what makes template logic work in Ansible:
- Variables: The foundation of dynamic templates
- Expressions: Calculations and operations within templates
- Control Structures: Conditionals and loops to control template flow
- Filters: Transform data within templates
Conditional Statements
Conditional statements in Ansible templates allow you to include or exclude content based on specific conditions.
Basic If Statements
The most fundamental conditional is the if
{% if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' %}
# This is an Ubuntu server
apt_package_manager: apt
{% elif ansible_distribution == 'CentOS' %}
# This is a CentOS server
apt_package_manager: yum
{% else %}
# Unknown distribution
apt_package_manager: unknown
{% endif %}
This will generate different configuration based on the Linux distribution of the target system.
Ternary Operator
For simple conditions, you can use the ternary operator:
server_type: {{ "production" if environment == "prod" else "development" }}
This produces:
server_type: production
is "prod"server_type: development
Testing for Existence
Check if variables exist before using them:
{% if database_port is defined %}
port: {{ database_port }}
{% else %}
port: 5432 # Default port
{% endif %}
Loops in Templates
Loops allow you to process collections of data in templates.
For Loops
The basic for
loop iterates through a list:
# Available databases:
{% for db in databases %}
- {{ }} ({{ db.type }})
{% endfor %}
If your databases
variable looks like:
- name: users
type: postgres
- name: logs
type: mongodb
The output would be:
# Available databases:
- users (postgres)
- logs (mongodb)
Loop Variables
Jinja2 provides special variables inside loops:
{% for server in web_servers %}
server{{ loop.index }} # Numbered starting from 1
{% endfor %}
Useful loop variables include:
: Current iteration (1-indexed)loop.index0
: Current iteration (0-indexed)loop.first
: True if first iterationloop.last
: True if last iterationloop.length
: Total number of items
Nested Loops
You can nest loops for more complex data structures:
{% for env in environments %}
[{{ env }}]
{% for server in servers[env] %}
{{ }} ansible_host={{ server.ip }}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
Filters and Transformations
Filters transform variable data before rendering it in templates.
Basic Filters
{{ username | upper }} # Convert to uppercase
{{ path | basename }} # Extract filename from path
{{ number | int }} # Convert to integer
Default Values
{{ database_port | default(5432) }} # Use 5432 if database_port is undefined
Combining Filters
Chain multiple filters together:
{{ filename | basename | splitext | first }} # Get filename without extension
Working with Lists
Process lists with specialized filters:
{{ ['web1', 'web2', 'web3'] | join(', ') }} # Results in: web1, web2, web3
{{ servers | map(attribute='name') | list }} # Extract all server names
{{ servers | selectattr('type', 'equalto', 'web') | list }} # Filter by server type
Custom Filters
Ansible provides many useful filters:
{{ secret | password_hash('sha512') }} # Generate password hash
{{ 192168100 | ipaddr }} # Format as IP address:
{{ data | to_yaml }} # Convert data to YAML format
Practical Example: Web Server Configuration
Let's look at a complete example of an Nginx configuration template:
# server.conf.j2
server {
listen {{ nginx_port | default(80) }};
server_name {{ server_name }};
{% if ssl_enabled | default(false) %}
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate {{ ssl_cert_path }};
ssl_certificate_key {{ ssl_key_path }};
{% endif %}
root {{ web_root }};
index index.html;
{% if allowed_ips is defined and allowed_ips %}
# IP restrictions
location / {
{% for ip in allowed_ips %}
allow {{ ip }};
{% endfor %}
deny all;
{% endif %}
{% for location in custom_locations | default([]) %}
location {{ location.path }} {
{% for key, value in location.options.items() %}
{{ key }} {{ value }};
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
When used with this variable set:
nginx_port: 8080
ssl_enabled: true
ssl_cert_path: /etc/certs/
ssl_key_path: /etc/certs/
web_root: /var/www/example
- path: /api
proxy_pass: http://backend:3000
proxy_set_header: Host $host
- path: /static
expires: 7d
The resulting configuration would be:
# server.conf.j2
server {
listen 8080;
listen 443 ssl;
ssl_certificate /etc/certs/;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/certs/;
root /var/www/example;
index index.html;
# IP restrictions
location / {
deny all;
location /api {
proxy_pass http://backend:3000;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
location /static {
expires 7d;
Advanced Template Logic
Define reusable template code blocks with macros:
{% macro database_config(name, user, password, host='localhost', port=5432) %}
[database_{{ name }}]
host = {{ host }}
port = {{ port }}
user = {{ user }}
password = {{ password }}
{% endmacro %}
# Main database
{{ database_config('main', 'admin', 'secure_password') }}
# Reporting database
{{ database_config('reports', 'reporter', 'report_pwd', '', 5433) }}
This would produce:
# Main database
host = localhost
port = 5432
user = admin
password = secure_password
# Reporting database
host =
port = 5433
user = reporter
password = report_pwd
Template Inheritance
For complex configurations, you can use template inheritance:
{# base.conf.j2 #}
global_setting = value
{% block server_config %}
# Default server configuration
{% endblock %}
{% block logging %}
log_level = info
{% endblock %}
Then in a child template:
{# web_server.conf.j2 #}
{% extends "base.conf.j2" %}
{% block server_config %}
# Web server specific settings
threads = {{ threads | default(4) }}
max_connections = {{ max_conn | default(100) }}
{% endblock %}
Error Handling
Handle undefined variables gracefully:
{% if user is defined %}
username = {{ user }}
{% else %}
# No user defined, using default
username = nobody
{% endif %}
Template Logic Best Practices
- Keep Logic Simple: Complex logic should be handled in playbooks or roles, not templates
- Use Defaults: Always provide default values for optional variables
- Document Templates: Comment your templates, especially complex logic
- Test Thoroughly: Validate templates with different variable sets
- Variable Naming: Use clear, consistent naming for variables
Debugging Template Logic
When templates don't render as expected, use these debugging techniques:
Debug Filter
{{ variable | debug }}
Verbosity in Ansible
Run your playbook with increased verbosity:
ansible-playbook -vvv playbook.yml
Template Testing
Test templates locally before deploying:
ansible-playbook playbook.yml --check --diff
Visualizing Template Flow
Ansible template logic combines the power of Jinja2 templating with Ansible's variable system to create dynamic, adaptive configuration files. The key components we've explored include:
- Conditional statements for situational configuration
- Loops for processing collections of data
- Filters for transforming and manipulating variables
- Advanced features like macros and inheritance for reusable templates
By mastering these template logic concepts, you can create sophisticated configurations that automatically adapt to different environments, reducing duplication and increasing consistency across your infrastructure.
- Create a template for an Apache virtual host that changes based on whether the environment is development, staging, or production.
- Build a database configuration template that supports multiple database types (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB) with appropriate settings for each.
- Create a logging configuration template that can be customized based on the application and environment.
Additional Resources
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)