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Ansible Global Variables


Ansible global variables are predefined variables that are automatically available in all Ansible playbooks and roles without requiring explicit declaration. These variables provide essential information about the managed hosts, the control node, and the Ansible runtime environment. Understanding global variables is crucial for creating dynamic, adaptable playbooks that can respond to different environments and conditions.

In this tutorial, we'll explore Ansible's global variables (also known as "facts" and "magic variables"), learn how to access them, and discover practical applications for making your automation more powerful and flexible.

Types of Ansible Global Variables

Ansible provides several categories of global variables:

  1. Facts - Information gathered about managed hosts
  2. Magic Variables - Special variables set by Ansible
  3. Connection Variables - Variables related to the connection to managed hosts
  4. Environment Variables - Variables from the control node's environment

Let's explore each type in detail.

Ansible Facts

Facts are variables containing information about the managed hosts that Ansible automatically collects during playbook execution.

How Facts Are Collected

By default, Ansible runs the setup module at the beginning of each play to gather facts about the hosts. This process is called "fact gathering."

- name: Example Playbook with Fact Gathering
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes # This is the default; facts will be collected

- name: Print operating system
msg: "The OS is {{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}"

You can disable fact gathering for performance reasons if you don't need facts:

- name: Example Playbook without Fact Gathering
hosts: all
gather_facts: no # Facts will not be collected

- name: A task that doesn't need facts
msg: "Running a task without facts"

Common Ansible Facts

Here are some commonly used facts that Ansible collects:

Fact VariableDescriptionExample Value
ansible_distributionOperating system distribution"Ubuntu"
ansible_distribution_versionOS distribution version"22.04"
ansible_architectureSystem architecture"x86_64"
ansible_processor_coresNumber of CPU cores4
ansible_memtotal_mbTotal memory in MB8192
ansible_hostnameHost's hostname"webserver01"
ansible_fqdnHost's fully qualified domain name""
ansible_default_ipv4.addressDefault IPv4 address""
ansible_interfacesList of network interfaces["eth0", "lo"]

Viewing All Available Facts

You can see all facts available for a host using a simple ad-hoc command:

ansible hostname -m setup

Or within a playbook:

- name: Display all facts
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes
- name: Print all facts
var: ansible_facts

Magic Variables

Magic variables are special variables that Ansible sets automatically. They provide information about playbooks, inventories, and the current execution environment.

Common Magic Variables

Magic VariableDescriptionExample Usage
hostvarsContains variables for all hosts{{ hostvars['web1'].ansible_host }}
group_namesList of groups the current host is in{% if 'webservers' in group_names %}...{% endif %}
groupsDictionary of all inventory groups{{ groups['database'] }}
inventory_hostnameName of the current host as in inventory"web1"
playbook_dirDirectory containing the playbook"/path/to/playbook/dir"
ansible_play_hostsAll hosts in current play{{ ansible_play_hosts }}
ansible_versionDictionary of Ansible version info{{ ansible_version.full }}

Example Usage of Magic Variables

- name: Example of using magic variables
hosts: all
gather_facts: yes

- name: Show the groups this host belongs to
msg: "This host ({{ inventory_hostname }}) belongs to: {{ group_names }}"

- name: Show all hosts in the webservers group
msg: "Webservers: {{ groups['webservers'] }}"
when: groups['webservers'] is defined

- name: Get IP of another server
msg: "The database server IP is {{ hostvars[groups['database'][0]].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}"
when: groups['database'] is defined and groups['database']|length > 0

Practical Examples

Let's look at some real-world examples of using global variables in Ansible playbooks.

Example 1: OS-Specific Tasks

Use facts to perform different tasks based on the operating system:

- name: Install web server
hosts: webservers
gather_facts: yes

- name: Install Apache on Debian/Ubuntu
name: apache2
state: present
when: ansible_distribution in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu']

- name: Install Apache on CentOS/RHEL
name: httpd
state: present
when: ansible_distribution in ['CentOS', 'RedHat']

- name: Report unsupported OS
msg: "Unsupported OS: {{ ansible_distribution }}"
when: ansible_distribution not in ['Debian', 'Ubuntu', 'CentOS', 'RedHat']

Example 2: Resource-Based Configuration

Adjust application settings based on server resources:

- name: Configure application based on server resources
hosts: application_servers
gather_facts: yes

- name: Set JVM heap size based on available memory
src: jvm.options.j2
dest: /etc/app/jvm.options
# Set heap size to 50% of available memory, max 8GB
heap_size: "{{ [ansible_memtotal_mb * 0.5, 8192] | min | int }}"

With a template file (jvm.options.j2):

# Generated by Ansible
-Xms{{ heap_size }}m
-Xmx{{ heap_size }}m

Example 3: Using Inventory Group Information

Configure load balancer to include all web servers:

- name: Configure load balancer
hosts: load_balancers
gather_facts: yes

- name: Generate Nginx config with all web servers
src: nginx.conf.j2
dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf
web_servers: "{{ groups['webservers'] }}"

With a template file (nginx.conf.j2):

http {
upstream web_backend {
{% for server in web_servers %}
server {{ hostvars[server].ansible_default_ipv4.address }}:8080;
{% endfor %}

server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://web_backend;

Custom Facts

In addition to built-in facts, you can create custom facts that become available as global variables.

Creating Custom Facts

  1. Create a directory on the remote host: /etc/ansible/facts.d/
  2. Place files ending with .fact in this directory
  3. Make the files executable and ensure they output valid JSON

Example custom fact script (/etc/ansible/facts.d/application_status.fact):


# Get application status
APP_VERSION=$(cat /opt/app/version.txt 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown")
APP_STATUS=$(systemctl is-active my_application 2>/dev/null || echo "unknown")

# Output JSON
cat << EOF
"name": "$APP_NAME",
"version": "$APP_VERSION",
"status": "$APP_STATUS"

Accessing Custom Facts

Custom facts appear under the ansible_local variable:

- name: Use custom facts
hosts: application_servers
gather_facts: yes

- name: Display application status
msg: "Application: {{ }} ({{ ansible_local.application_status.version }}) - Status: {{ ansible_local.application_status.status }}"
when: ansible_local.application_status is defined

Visualizing Variable Scope

Here's a diagram showing the scope of different Ansible variables:

Best Practices

When working with global variables in Ansible:

  1. Cache facts for performance when dealing with many hosts:

    # ansible.cfg
    fact_caching = jsonfile
    fact_caching_connection = /path/to/facts_cache
    fact_caching_timeout = 86400 # seconds (24 hours)
  2. Use variable validation to avoid errors:

    - name: Ensure required facts are available
    - ansible_distribution is defined
    - ansible_memtotal_mb is defined
    fail_msg: "Required facts are not available. Make sure fact gathering is enabled."
  3. Document fact usage in your playbooks with comments:

    # Uses ansible_distribution fact to determine package name
    - name: Install appropriate web server package
    name: "{{ 'apache2' if ansible_distribution == 'Ubuntu' else 'httpd' }}"
    state: present
  4. Be careful with sensitive information in facts:

    - name: Display only non-sensitive facts
    msg: "{{ ansible_distribution }} {{ ansible_distribution_version }}"
    # Avoid displaying all facts as they might contain sensitive information
    # debug: var=ansible_facts


Ansible global variables provide essential information about your environment and greatly enhance the flexibility and power of your playbooks:

  • Facts provide information about managed hosts (OS, hardware, network)
  • Magic variables provide information about the Ansible environment
  • Custom facts allow you to extend the fact system with your own variables
  • Global variables enable dynamic, adaptable automation that works across different environments

Understanding how to use these variables effectively will help you create more robust and flexible automation solutions with Ansible.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a playbook that displays the operating system, total memory, and IP address of all your hosts.
  2. Write a playbook that installs a different package depending on the operating system distribution.
  3. Create a custom fact that records the last deployment date of your application and display it in a playbook.
  4. Write a template that uses the hostvars magic variable to list all hosts in your inventory along with their IP addresses.
  5. Create a playbook that skips certain tasks based on the amount of available memory on the target host.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)