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Docker Swarm Configs


When managing a distributed application across multiple containers in a Docker Swarm, sharing configuration data efficiently becomes a critical challenge. Docker Swarm Configs provides a solution to this problem by allowing you to store and distribute configuration data to containers in a secure and efficient manner.

In this tutorial, you'll learn what Docker Swarm configs are, why they're useful, and how to implement them in your own applications.

What are Docker Swarm Configs?

Docker Swarm Configs is a feature that allows you to store non-sensitive configuration information as objects in the swarm and then securely distribute this configuration to only the services that need access to it. This eliminates the need to build configuration data into your container images or pass it through environment variables.

Some key features of Docker Swarm configs:

  • Configs are only accessible to services that have been granted explicit access
  • Configs are mounted into containers as files in a temporary filesystem
  • Config updates require redeployment of services
  • Configs are immutable once created


Before you begin, ensure you have:

  1. Docker installed (version 17.06.0 or higher)
  2. A Docker Swarm initialized (docker swarm init)
  3. Basic familiarity with Docker Swarm services

Creating and Using Docker Swarm Configs

Let's walk through the process of creating and using configs in a Docker Swarm environment.

Step 1: Create a Config File

First, let's create a simple configuration file that we want to share with our services:

echo "This is a configuration file for our application" > app-config.txt

Step 2: Create a Docker Config

Now, let's create a Docker config from this file:

docker config create app-config ./app-config.txt



You can verify the config was created with:

docker config ls


ID                          NAME        CREATED          UPDATED
mqu3gd0yp5bhbzymjdom0hipd app-config 10 seconds ago 10 seconds ago

Step 3: Create a Service Using the Config

Now, let's create a service that uses this config:

docker service create \
--name nginx-config-demo \
--config source=app-config,target=/usr/share/nginx/html/config.txt \
--publish 8080:80 \

This command:

  • Creates a new service named nginx-config-demo
  • Mounts the app-config config to /usr/share/nginx/html/config.txt inside the container
  • Publishes port 8080 on the host to port 80 in the container
  • Uses the nginx image

Step 4: Verify the Config is Available

We can now check if our config is properly mounted in the container:

# First, find the container ID
docker ps --filter name=nginx-config-demo -q

# Then, execute a command in the container
docker exec $(docker ps --filter name=nginx-config-demo -q) cat /usr/share/nginx/html/config.txt


This is a configuration file for our application

You can also access the configuration via the web server:

curl http://localhost:8080/config.txt


This is a configuration file for our application

Real-World Example: Multi-Environment Configuration

In real applications, you might need different configurations for different environments (development, staging, production). Let's implement a more complex example.

Creating Environment-Specific Configs

First, let's create configuration files for each environment:

# Create development config
echo '{"api_url": "", "debug": true, "log_level": "debug"}' >

# Create production config
echo '{"api_url": "", "debug": false, "log_level": "error"}' >

Now, let's create Docker configs from these files:

docker config create app-config-dev ./
docker config create app-config-prod ./

Creating a Node.js Application

Let's create a simple Node.js application that reads the configuration:

// app.js
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');

// Read the config file
const configPath = path.join(process.env.CONFIG_PATH || '/app/config', 'config.json');
const config = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(configPath, 'utf8'));

console.log('App starting with configuration:');
console.log(JSON.stringify(config, null, 2));

const express = require('express');
const app = express();
const port = 3000;

app.get('/', (req, res) => {
message: 'Configuration loaded successfully',
environment: config.debug ? 'development' : 'production',
api_url: config.api_url,
log_level: config.log_level

app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`App listening at http://localhost:${port}`);

Create a Dockerfile:

FROM node:14-alpine


COPY package.json package-lock.json ./
RUN npm install

COPY app.js ./

CMD ["node", "app.js"]

Build and push the Docker image:

docker build -t yourregistry/config-demo:latest .
docker push yourregistry/config-demo:latest

Deploying with Environment-Specific Configs

Now, let's deploy our application with different configurations:

# Development environment
docker service create \
--name app-dev \
--config source=app-config-dev,target=/app/config/config.json \
--publish 3001:3000 \

# Production environment
docker service create \
--name app-prod \
--config source=app-config-prod,target=/app/config/config.json \
--publish 3002:3000 \

You can now access both environments:

Each service will display different configuration values based on the config that was mounted.

Working with Config Updates

Docker Swarm configs are immutable, which means you cannot update an existing config. Instead, you need to:

  1. Create a new config with the updated content
  2. Update the service to use the new config
  3. Remove the old config (optional)

Let's see how to update our configuration:

# Create updated config file
echo '{"api_url": "", "debug": true, "log_level": "info"}' >

# Create new config
docker config create app-config-dev-v2 ./

# Update the service to use the new config
docker service update \
--config-rm app-config-dev \
--config-add source=app-config-dev-v2,target=/app/config/config.json \

The service will be updated to use the new configuration.

Config Permissions and Security

You can control access to your configs by specifying the file mode when mounting:

docker service create \
--name secure-app \
--config source=app-secrets,target=/app/config/secrets.json,mode=0400 \

This sets the permissions to read-only for the file owner (root by default), which prevents other users in the container from accessing the config.

Best Practices for Swarm Configs

Here are some best practices for working with Docker Swarm configs:

  1. Use configs for non-sensitive data only: For sensitive data, use Docker secrets instead
  2. Name configs clearly: Include version or environment information in the config name
  3. Version your configs: Use a versioning scheme when creating configs to track changes
  4. Document dependencies: Keep track of which services depend on which configs
  5. Clean up unused configs: Remove old configs that are no longer in use

When to Use Configs vs. Other Methods

MethodUse CaseProsCons
Docker ConfigsNon-sensitive application configurationCentralized, secure distributionRequires swarm mode, immutable
Environment VariablesSimple configuration, runtime settingsEasy to set, no additional filesLimited in size, all or nothing access
Config Files in ImageDefault configurationBundled with appRequires rebuild for changes
Mounted VolumesLarge configuration files, frequently changing configCan be updated without redeployRequires volume management
Docker SecretsSensitive informationEncrypted, secureSimilar limitations to configs


Docker Swarm Configs provides a powerful mechanism for managing configuration across a Docker Swarm cluster. In this tutorial, you've learned:

  • What Docker Swarm Configs are and their key features
  • How to create and use configs with Docker services
  • How to implement multi-environment configuration
  • Best practices for managing configs in a production environment

By using Docker Swarm Configs effectively, you can simplify your application's configuration management, improve security, and make your deployments more repeatable and reliable.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a Docker Swarm Config containing a custom Nginx configuration and deploy an Nginx service using this config.
  2. Create a multi-container application that shares the same configuration using Docker Configs.
  3. Implement a versioning strategy for your configs and practice updating a service to use a newer config version.
  4. Create a Docker Compose file that defines a service using a Docker Config.
  5. Compare the use of Docker Configs and Docker Secrets in a sample application that requires both non-sensitive and sensitive configuration.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)