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Git Filter Branch


Git filter-branch is one of Git's powerful history rewriting tools that allows you to make sweeping changes across your repository history. Unlike simpler history modification commands that affect recent commits, git filter-branch can rewrite large portions of your commit history according to specified filters.

Think of it as a Swiss Army knife for repository maintenance - it enables you to permanently remove sensitive files, fix committer information across multiple commits, or restructure your entire repository in a single operation.


git filter-branch is considered somewhat outdated, and Git now recommends using tools like git-filter-repo for most use cases. However, understanding filter-branch remains valuable as it comes built-in with Git and helps explain the concepts behind history rewriting.

Understanding Git Filter Branch

What Does It Do?

git filter-branch applies specified filters to rewrite Git history. It essentially:

  1. Extracts each commit from your history
  2. Applies the filter(s) you specify
  3. Creates a new commit with the same metadata (but new hash)
  4. Rebuilds your history with these modified commits

When To Use It

Common scenarios for using git filter-branch include:

  • Removing sensitive data accidentally committed (passwords, API keys)
  • Removing large binary files that bloat repository size
  • Changing author/committer information across many commits
  • Moving subdirectories to their own repositories
  • Restructuring your project's directory layout

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax for git filter-branch is:

git filter-branch [options] [--] [<rev-list options>]

The command accepts various filter options that define what changes should be made. The most common filters include:

  • --env-filter: Modify environment variables for the commit (author, committer)
  • --tree-filter: Run a command on each checked-out tree
  • --index-filter: Run a command modifying the index or staging area
  • --msg-filter: Modify commit messages
  • --subdirectory-filter: Extract a subdirectory as a new repository

Practical Examples

Let's explore some practical examples to demonstrate how git filter-branch works in real-world scenarios.

Example 1: Removing a Sensitive File From History

Imagine you accidentally committed a file containing API keys or passwords named config.secret.json:

git filter-branch --force --index-filter \
"git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch config.secret.json" \
--prune-empty -- --all

This command:

  • Uses --index-filter (faster than tree-filter as it doesn't check out files)
  • Runs git rm --cached --ignore-unmatch config.secret.json on each commit
  • --prune-empty removes any commits that become empty after the change
  • --all applies it to all branches and tags

The output would show something like:

Rewrite 3a7c9f5... (25/79) (2 seconds passed, remaining 6 predicted)
Rewrite 4b3d8c1... (26/79) (2 seconds passed, remaining 6 predicted)
Ref 'refs/heads/master' was rewritten

Example 2: Changing Author Information Across All Commits

If you need to update your email across all commits:

git filter-branch --env-filter '
if [ "$GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL" = "[email protected]" ]
export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL="[email protected]"
export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME="Your New Name"
if [ "$GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL" = "[email protected]" ]
export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL="[email protected]"
export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME="Your New Name"
' --tag-name-filter cat -- --all

This script:

  • Uses --env-filter to modify environment variables
  • Checks both author and committer information
  • Uses --tag-name-filter cat to preserve tags pointing to rewritten commits

Example 3: Moving a Subdirectory to Root (Creating a New Repository)

If you want to extract the src/module1 directory to create a new repository:

git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter src/module1 -- --all

This command:

  • Keeps only the history related to files in src/module1
  • Makes that subdirectory the new project root
  • Preserves commits that affected this directory

The result is a repository containing only the history of the specified subdirectory, with that subdirectory now as the root directory.

The Process Visualized

Here's a visualization of what happens during a git filter-branch operation:

Best Practices and Warnings


  1. Make a backup: Always create a backup before using git filter-branch.

    git clone --mirror my-repo my-repo-backup
  2. Rewriting public history: Never rewrite history that's been pushed to shared repositories without coordinating with all team members.

  3. Performance: git filter-branch can be slow on large repositories. For better performance:

    • Use --index-filter instead of --tree-filter when possible
    • Consider using git-filter-repo for very large repositories

After Running Filter Branch

After running git filter-branch, you'll want to:

  1. Verify the changes look correct

  2. Force push the rewritten history if working with remote repositories:

    git push origin --force --all
    git push origin --force --tags
  3. Clean up the references created by filter-branch:

    git for-each-ref --format="delete %(refname)" refs/original/ | git update-ref --stdin
    git reflog expire --expire=now --all
    git gc --prune=now

The Modern Alternative: git-filter-repo

While this tutorial focuses on git filter-branch, it's worth noting that Git recommends the newer git-filter-repo tool for most history rewriting tasks:

pip install git-filter-repo

Using it for file removal looks like:

git-filter-repo --path config.secret.json --invert-paths

This accomplishes the same thing as our first example but runs much faster and has fewer pitfalls.


Git filter-branch is a powerful but complex tool for rewriting repository history. Its key strengths include:

  • Comprehensive history modification capabilities
  • Built-in to Git (no additional tools needed)
  • Flexible filtering options for various use cases

However, due to its complexity and performance limitations, consider more modern alternatives like git-filter-repo for extensive history rewriting.


  1. Create a test repository and practice removing a file using git filter-branch.
  2. Try to extract a subdirectory from an existing project to create a standalone repository.
  3. Experiment with changing author information on a test repository.
  4. Compare the performance of git filter-branch vs git-filter-repo on a repository with many commits.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)