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Git Branch Switching


When working with Git, one of its most powerful features is the ability to create and manage multiple branches. Branches allow you to work on different features, bug fixes, or experiments simultaneously without affecting your main codebase. However, creating branches is only half the story - you also need to know how to switch between them efficiently.

In this guide, we'll learn how to navigate between branches in Git, understand the implications of switching, and explore some advanced techniques for managing your workflow.

Understanding Git Branches

Before diving into branch switching, let's quickly review what branches are:

A branch in Git is simply a lightweight movable pointer to a commit. The default branch is called main (or master in older repositories). When you create a new branch, you're creating a new pointer to the current commit.

In the diagram above, we have:

  • The main branch with 3 commits
  • A feature branch that diverges after the second commit
  • Two commits on the feature branch

Basic Branch Switching

Viewing Your Branches

Before switching branches, you might want to see what branches exist in your repository:

git branch


* main

The branch with an asterisk (*) is your current branch.

Switching Branches with git checkout

The traditional command for switching branches is git checkout:

git checkout feature


Switched to branch 'feature'

This command changes your working directory to reflect the state of the feature branch.

Switching Branches with git switch

Git version 2.23 introduced a new command specifically for branch switching called git switch. This offers a clearer syntax:

git switch feature


Switched to branch 'feature'

The switch command is now the preferred way to change branches as it's more intuitive and separates the concerns of branch switching from other checkout functionality.

Creating and Switching in One Step

With checkout

You can create a new branch and switch to it in a single command:

git checkout -b new-feature


Switched to a new branch 'new-feature'

With switch

Similarly, with git switch:

git switch -c new-feature


Switched to a new branch 'new-feature'

Handling Uncommitted Changes When Switching

When you try to switch branches with uncommitted changes, Git will prevent you from switching if those changes would be overwritten by the switch. Let's explore different scenarios:

Scenario 1: Non-conflicting Changes

If your uncommitted changes don't conflict with the branch you're switching to, Git will allow the switch and carry your changes over:

# Make some changes to file.txt
git switch feature


Switched to branch 'feature'

Your changes to file.txt are preserved and carried to the feature branch.

Scenario 2: Conflicting Changes

If your changes would be overwritten by switching branches:

# Make changes to a file that differs between branches
git switch feature


error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.

In this case, you have several options:

  1. Commit your changes to the current branch:

    git add file.txt
    git commit -m "Complete work on feature X"
    git switch feature
  2. Stash your changes to apply them later:

    git stash
    git switch feature
    # Later, if you want to apply the changes
    git stash apply
  3. Discard your changes if they're not needed:

    git restore file.txt  # or git checkout -- file.txt in older Git versions
    git switch feature

Advanced Branch Switching Techniques

Temporary Branch Switching with git worktree

If you need to quickly check something in another branch without committing or stashing your current work, you can use Git worktrees:

git worktree add ../temp-main main

This creates a new working directory at ../temp-main with the main branch checked out, allowing you to browse that branch without disturbing your current work.

Branch Switching with Specific File Restoration

Sometimes you want to switch branches but keep specific files from your current branch:

git switch feature -- file.txt

This will switch to the feature branch but restore file.txt from your current branch.

Detached HEAD State

You can also checkout a specific commit instead of a branch, which puts you in a "detached HEAD" state:

git checkout a1b2c3d


Note: checking out 'a1b2c3d'.

You are in 'detached HEAD' state. You can look around, make experimental
changes and commit them, and you can discard any commits you make in this
state without impacting any branches by performing another checkout.

This is useful for examining old versions of your codebase, but be careful as commits made in this state may be lost if you don't create a branch from them.

Real-World Application: Feature Branch Workflow

Let's walk through a common workflow that involves branch switching:

  1. Start on the main branch and make sure it's up to date:

    git switch main
    git pull
  2. Create and switch to a feature branch:

    git switch -c feature/user-authentication
  3. Work on your feature, making commits as needed:

    # Make changes
    git add .
    git commit -m "Add login form"
  4. While working on your feature, a critical bug is reported that needs immediate attention. Stash your current changes and switch to main:

    git stash
    git switch main
    git pull
  5. Create and switch to a bugfix branch:

    git switch -c hotfix/critical-bug
  6. Fix the bug and commit:

    # Fix bug
    git add .
    git commit -m "Fix critical bug in payment processing"
  7. Push the bugfix and create a pull request (or merge directly if appropriate):

    git push -u origin hotfix/critical-bug
  8. Switch back to your feature branch and restore your stashed changes:

    git switch feature/user-authentication
    git stash pop
  9. Continue working on your feature.

This workflow demonstrates how branch switching enables you to manage priorities effectively without losing work.

Common Issues and Solutions

Issue: "Cannot switch branch due to local modifications"

Solution: Commit, stash, or discard your changes as described earlier.

Issue: "Branch switching resulted in merge conflicts"

Solution: Resolve conflicts by editing the conflicted files, then:

git add <resolved-files>
git commit

Issue: "Lost track of which branch I'm on"

Solution: Check your current branch with:

git branch

or for more detailed information:

git status


Branch switching is a fundamental Git skill that allows you to navigate between different versions of your codebase. Here's what we covered:

  • Basic branch switching with git checkout and git switch
  • Creating and switching to new branches in one step
  • Handling uncommitted changes when switching branches
  • Advanced techniques like using worktrees and detached HEAD states
  • A real-world workflow example showing how branch switching fits into daily development

By mastering branch switching, you'll be able to work on multiple features simultaneously, handle urgent bugs without disrupting your main work, and explore your project's history effectively.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a new Git repository, add a few files, and commit them
  2. Create three different branches and make unique changes in each
  3. Practice switching between branches and observe how your working directory changes
  4. Try creating a situation with uncommitted changes, then practice stashing them to switch branches
  5. Create a branch from a specific commit in your history, make some changes, and then merge it back to your main branch

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)