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Git Template Directory


When you initialize a new Git repository with git init, Git creates a basic structure with a .git directory. But what if you want every new repository to include certain files, hooks, or configurations by default? This is where Git template directories come in handy.

A Git template directory allows you to define a set of files that will be copied to the .git directory whenever you create a new repository. This feature is incredibly useful for maintaining consistency across projects, enforcing team standards, and automating repetitive setup tasks.

What Is a Git Template Directory?

A Git template directory is simply a directory containing files and subdirectories that Git will use as a template when initializing a new repository. When you run git init, Git copies everything from the template directory into the new repository's .git directory.

This allows you to:

  • Customize your Git hooks
  • Set up standard Git configuration
  • Include useful scripts
  • Add template files like README templates or contribution guidelines
  • Enforce coding standards

Configuring a Template Directory

Setting Up Your Template Directory

First, you need to create a directory that will serve as your template:

mkdir -p ~/git-templates/hooks

Creating Template Files

Let's create a sample commit message template:

echo "# [TYPE]: Short description (50 chars or less)

# Body: More detailed explanatory text if needed. Wrap at 72 chars.
# Include motivation for the change and contrast with previous behavior.

# Issue: #123
# Co-authored-by: Name <[email protected]>
" > ~/git-templates/commit-template.txt

Next, let's add a pre-commit hook to check for trailing whitespace:

cat > ~/git-templates/hooks/pre-commit << 'EOF'

# Check for trailing whitespace
if git diff --cached --name-only | xargs grep --with-filename -n '[[:blank:]]$' > /tmp/whitespace.txt 2>&1; then
echo "Error: Trailing whitespace found in the following files:"
cat /tmp/whitespace.txt
exit 1

exit 0

chmod +x ~/git-templates/hooks/pre-commit

Configuring Git to Use Your Template Directory

Once you've set up your template directory, you need to tell Git to use it. This is done through the init.templateDir configuration:

git config --global init.templateDir ~/git-templates

Now, whenever you run git init, Git will copy the contents of your template directory to the newly created .git directory.

Using Templates in Practice

Example 1: Creating a New Repository with Templates

Let's see what happens when we create a new repository:

mkdir my-new-project
cd my-new-project
git init


Initialized empty Git repository in /path/to/my-new-project/.git/

If we look in the .git directory, we'll see our template files have been copied:

ls -la .git/hooks/


total 16
drwxr-xr-x 2 user user 4096 Nov 15 10:30 .
drwxr-xr-x 8 user user 4096 Nov 15 10:30 ..
-rwxr-xr-x 1 user user 275 Nov 15 10:30 pre-commit

Example 2: Setting Up a Team-wide Template

For team projects, you might want everyone to use the same template. You can create a shared template in your project or organization repository:

# In your organization's setup repository
mkdir -p git-templates/hooks

# Create various hooks and templates...

# Tell team members to configure Git to use this template
# Instructions for team:
# git config --global init.templateDir /path/to/shared/git-templates

This ensures everyone on the team follows the same standards and workflow.

Common Template Directory Contents

A well-structured Git template directory might include:

  1. Hooks directory (hooks/):

    • pre-commit: Run tests or linting before commits
    • commit-msg: Validate commit message format
    • pre-push: Run integration tests before pushing
  2. Info directory (info/):

    • exclude: Global patterns to ignore
  3. Template files:

    • description: Repository description
    • commit-template.txt: Standard commit message format

Customizing Templates for Different Projects

You can have multiple template directories for different project types:

# For Python projects
git config --local init.templateDir ~/git-templates/python

# For JavaScript projects
git config --local init.templateDir ~/git-templates/javascript

Important Considerations

  1. Template files are only copied on initialization: Changes to your template directory won't affect existing repositories. They only affect new repositories created after the changes.

  2. Executable permissions matter: Make sure your hook scripts have executable permissions (chmod +x).

  3. Templates can be overridden: Local repository settings can override template settings.

Visualizing the Template Process

Common Use Cases

Enforcing Code Quality

You can use template hooks to enforce code quality standards:

# In pre-commit hook
if command -v eslint >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Running ESLint..."
eslint . || exit 1

Standardizing Commit Messages

You can configure Git to use your commit template:

git config --global commit.template ~/git-templates/commit-template.txt

Automating Repository Setup

You can include scripts that set up common configurations:

# In post-create hook
npm init -y
git flow init -d


Git template directories provide a powerful way to standardize your Git repositories and automate repetitive setup tasks. By setting up a template directory, you can ensure consistent configurations, hooks, and files across all your new Git repositories.

To get started with Git templates:

  1. Create a template directory
  2. Add your desired hooks, configurations, and template files
  3. Set the init.templateDir configuration to point to your template directory
  4. Create new repositories with git init

Templates are especially valuable for team environments where consistency is crucial, helping to enforce standards and streamline workflows for everyone.

Further Resources


  1. Create a template directory with a pre-commit hook that enforces a specific code style.
  2. Set up a commit message template that follows the Conventional Commits specification.
  3. Create different template directories for different programming languages or frameworks.
  4. Add a hook that runs appropriate tests based on the files being committed.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)