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Git Staging Area


The staging area (also called the "index") is one of Git's most powerful features and an essential concept to understand when learning Git. Think of the staging area as a preparation zone where you can organize and review your changes before committing them to your project's history.

Unlike other version control systems that directly commit all modified files, Git provides this intermediate step that gives you fine-grained control over exactly what changes will be included in your next commit.

What is the Staging Area?

The staging area is a file (technically called the "index") in your Git directory that stores information about what will go into your next commit. It sits between your working directory (where you make changes to your files) and the repository (where commits are stored).

This three-state workflow is one of Git's distinctive features:

  1. Working Directory: Where you modify your files
  2. Staging Area: Where you prepare changes for your next commit
  3. Repository: Where Git permanently stores your changes as commits

Why Use the Staging Area?

The staging area allows you to:

  • Commit only some of your modified files, not all of them
  • Split changes in a single file into multiple commits
  • Review and organize your changes before committing
  • Construct clean, logical commits that represent complete units of work

Basic Staging Commands

Checking File Status

To see which files are in which state, use:

git status

Output example:

On branch main
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)

For a more condensed view:

git status -s

Output example:

?? new-feature.js


  • M means modified
  • ?? means untracked

Adding Files to the Staging Area

To add files to the staging area:

# Add a specific file
git add filename.js

# Add multiple files
git add file1.js file2.js

# Add all files in the current directory
git add .

# Add all files of a certain type
git add *.js

Viewing Staged Changes

To see what changes you've staged:

git diff --staged

Output example:

diff --git a/ b/
index 3b18e51..c5ba5bc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
# My Project
+This is a sample project to demonstrate Git features.

To see what changes you haven't staged yet:

git diff

Unstaging Files

If you've added a file to the staging area but want to remove it:

git restore --staged filename.js

In older Git versions:

git reset HEAD filename.js

Practical Example: Building a Logical Commit

Let's walk through a real-world example of using the staging area to create a clean, logical commit.

Imagine you're working on a project and have made several changes:

  • Fixed a bug in utils.js
  • Added a new feature in app.js
  • Updated documentation in
  • Added some console.log statements for debugging

First, check what you've modified:

git status


On branch main
Changes not staged for commit:
(use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
(use "git restore <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)
modified: app.js
modified: utils.js

Let's say you want to commit just the bug fix first:

git add utils.js
git commit -m "Fix calculation error in utils.js"

Now you can stage and commit the feature addition:

git add app.js
git commit -m "Add user authentication feature"

Finally, stage and commit the documentation update:

git add
git commit -m "Update README with authentication instructions"

This creates three separate, logical commits instead of one large commit with mixed changes, making your project history much more useful and easier to understand.

Advanced Staging Techniques

Staging Parts of a File

Sometimes you've made multiple changes to a single file, but want to commit them separately. Git allows you to stage specific parts of a file:

git add -p filename.js

Git will break the changes in the file into "hunks" and ask you what to do with each one:

diff --git a/filename.js b/filename.js
index 1234567..abcdefg 100644
--- a/filename.js
+++ b/filename.js
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
function calculateTotal(items) {
return items.reduce((total, item) => {
+ // Fix calculation to include tax
return total + item.price;
}, 0);
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,s,e,?]?

You can respond with:

  • y - stage this hunk
  • n - do not stage this hunk
  • q - quit; don't stage this hunk or any remaining hunks
  • a - stage this hunk and all remaining hunks
  • d - do not stage this hunk or any remaining hunks
  • s - split the hunk into smaller hunks (if possible)
  • e - manually edit the hunk
  • ? - print help

Stashing Changes

If you're in the middle of working on something but need to switch contexts, you can use Git's stash feature to save your unstaged and staged changes temporarily:

git stash

This cleans your working directory. Later, you can reapply those changes:

git stash pop

Common Workflows with the Staging Area

Feature Branch Workflow

When working on a new feature:

  1. Create a feature branch: git checkout -b new-feature
  2. Make changes to files
  3. Stage related changes: git add relevant-file1.js relevant-file2.js
  4. Commit the staged changes: git commit -m "Add first part of new feature"
  5. Continue making changes, staging, and committing
  6. When the feature is complete, merge back to the main branch

Code Review Preparation

When preparing code for review:

  1. Make your changes
  2. Review all changes: git diff
  3. Stage changes file by file: git add file1.js
  4. Check what you've staged: git diff --staged
  5. Make sure commits are logical and well-organized
  6. Push for review

Common Issues and Solutions

I accidentally staged a file I don't want to commit

git restore --staged unwanted-file.js

I want to undo all staged changes

git restore --staged .

I want to stage all tracked files but not new ones

git add -u

I want to see what I'm about to commit

git diff --staged


The Git staging area is a powerful tool that allows you to control exactly what goes into each commit. By thoughtfully using the staging area, you can:

  • Create cleaner, more logical commits
  • Make your project history more meaningful
  • Collaborate more effectively with others
  • Simplify code reviews and troubleshooting

Remember that good commits should represent logical units of change. The staging area helps you achieve this by letting you organize your changes before committing them.

Additional Resources

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a new Git repository and practice adding and removing files from the staging area
  2. Try using git add -p to stage only parts of a modified file
  3. Experiment with creating multiple commits from a single set of changes
  4. Practice using git diff and git diff --staged to see the difference between staged and unstaged changes

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)