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Git Revert


When working with Git, mistakes happen. You might commit changes that introduce bugs, implement features incorrectly, or simply want to undo certain changes. Git provides multiple ways to undo changes, and git revert is one of the safest and most collaborative-friendly approaches.

Unlike other undo mechanisms like git reset, which removes commits from history, git revert creates a new commit that undoes the changes made by a previous commit. This approach maintains a complete history of all actions, making it ideal for collaborative projects where history preservation matters.

What is Git Revert?

Git revert is a command that creates a new commit that undoes all the changes made in a specific previous commit. It's like saying "I want to create a new commit that does the exact opposite of this other commit."

Key Characteristics

  • Safe for shared branches: Since it adds a new commit rather than removing existing ones
  • Preserves history: All actions remain in the commit log
  • Clear documentation: The revert commit message explains what was undone
  • Selective undo: Can target specific commits even if they're not the most recent

Basic Usage

The basic syntax of the git revert command is:

git revert <commit-hash>

Where <commit-hash> is the identifier of the commit you want to undo.

Example: Reverting a Single Commit

Let's walk through a simple example:

  1. First, let's check our commit history:
git log --oneline


a1b2c3d Added feature X
e4f5g6h Updated documentation
i7j8k9l Initial commit
  1. Now, let's say we want to undo the "Added feature X" commit. We can use:
git revert a1b2c3d
  1. Git will open your default text editor to create a commit message. The default message is usually sufficient:
Revert "Added feature X"

This reverts commit a1b2c3d.
  1. After saving and closing the editor, Git creates a new commit that undoes the changes:
git log --oneline


z9y8x7w Revert "Added feature X"
a1b2c3d Added feature X
e4f5g6h Updated documentation
i7j8k9l Initial commit

Understanding What Happens

Let's visualize what happens during a revert:

As you can see, the revert doesn't remove the original commit. Instead, it adds a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the original commit.

Advanced Usage

Reverting Multiple Commits

You can revert multiple commits by specifying each commit hash:

git revert a1b2c3d e4f5g6h

This will create one revert commit for each specified commit.

Reverting a Range of Commits

To revert a range of commits:

git revert older_commit^..newer_commit

For example:

git revert HEAD~3..HEAD

This reverts the last three commits, creating three separate revert commits.

Reverting Without Automatic Commit

Sometimes you might want to revert changes without immediately committing them:

git revert --no-commit a1b2c3d

This applies the reverse changes to your working directory and stages them, but doesn't create a commit automatically. You can then:

  • Make additional changes
  • Stage them with git add
  • Commit everything together with git commit

This is useful when you need to revert multiple commits and want to combine them into a single revert commit:

git revert --no-commit HEAD~3..HEAD
git commit -m "Reverted last three commits"

Handling Revert Conflicts

When Git can't automatically revert changes (usually due to conflicting changes made after the original commit), you'll encounter merge conflicts:

git revert a1b2c3d


error: could not revert a1b2c3d... Added feature X
hint: after resolving the conflicts, mark the corrected paths
hint: with 'git add <paths>' or 'git rm <paths>'
hint: and commit the result with 'git commit'

To resolve revert conflicts:

  1. Check which files have conflicts:
git status
  1. Open the conflicting files and look for conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>).

  2. Edit the files to resolve conflicts.

  3. Stage the resolved files:

git add <resolved-file>
  1. Complete the revert:
git revert --continue

If you want to cancel the revert operation:

git revert --abort

Real-World Applications

Scenario 1: Reverting a Bug Introduction

Imagine you deploy code to production and discover that a recent commit (with hash a1b2c3d) introduced a critical bug:

# First, ensure you're on the main branch
git checkout main

# Revert the buggy commit
git revert a1b2c3d

# Push the revert to the remote repository
git push origin main

This quickly removes the buggy code from production while maintaining a clear record of both the bug's introduction and its removal.

Scenario 2: Undoing a Feature for a Release

Your team has been working on multiple features, but at the last moment, you decide one feature isn't ready for the upcoming release:

# Find the commit that introduced the feature
git log --grep="Add feature Y"

# Revert that commit
git revert feature_commit_hash

# Continue with your release

Later, when the feature is ready, you can re-implement it properly or even "revert the revert" to restore the original implementation.

Git Revert vs. Other Undo Methods

Let's compare git revert with other methods of undoing changes:

MethodWhat it doesWhen to useImpact on history
git revertCreates a new commit that undoes changesWhen working on shared branchesPreserves history
git resetMoves branch pointer to an earlier commitFor local changes onlyRewrites history
git checkout -- <file>Discards changes in working directoryBefore committing changesNo impact on history
git restoreRestores files from a specific commitTo restore specific filesNo impact on history

Best Practices

  1. Use revert for shared branches: If others have already pulled your changes, use revert instead of reset.

  2. Write clear commit messages: Explain why you're reverting, not just what you're reverting.

  3. Consider using --no-commit for multiple reverts: This allows you to combine several reverts into a single commit.

  4. Test after reverting: Make sure the revert actually fixed the issue without introducing new problems.

  5. Push revert commits promptly: This ensures others get the fix as soon as possible.


Git revert is a powerful and safe way to undo changes in your Git repository:

  • It creates a new commit that undoes changes from a previous commit
  • It preserves history, making it ideal for collaborative projects
  • It can target specific commits, even if they're not the most recent
  • It handles conflicts through Git's standard merge conflict resolution

By understanding and using git revert effectively, you can confidently make changes knowing that you can always safely undo them if necessary.


  1. Create a simple Git repository, make several commits, then practice reverting different commits.

  2. Try reverting multiple commits at once using both individual reverts and the range syntax.

  3. Deliberately create a scenario that will cause a revert conflict and practice resolving it.

  4. Compare the output of git log before and after performing a revert to understand how history is preserved.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)