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Git Abort Merge


When working with Git, merging branches is a common operation. However, sometimes a merge doesn't go as planned - you might encounter unexpected conflicts, realize you're merging the wrong branch, or simply want to start over. This is where Git's ability to abort a merge becomes invaluable.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how to safely abort a merge operation in Git, allowing you to return to the state before the merge was initiated.

When to Abort a Merge

You might want to abort a merge operation in several scenarios:

  1. Unexpected merge conflicts that are too complex or numerous to resolve at the moment
  2. Merging the wrong branch by mistake
  3. Needing more preparation before performing the merge
  4. Testing a merge to see what conflicts might arise, with the intention of aborting afterward

How Git Merge Works

Before we dive into aborting merges, let's quickly understand what happens during a merge:

When Git cannot automatically merge changes due to conflicts, it enters a special state known as the "merge in progress" state.

Aborting a Merge

The Basic Command

To abort a merge that's in progress, you use:

git merge --abort

This command will:

  • Stop the merge process
  • Revert all changes made during the merge attempt
  • Return your working directory to the state it was in before you started the merge

Example Scenario

Let's walk through a practical example:

# You're on the main branch
git checkout main

# Start merging a feature branch
git merge feature-branch

# Git reports conflicts
# CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/app.js
# CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/utils.js
# Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

# You decide you're not ready to deal with these conflicts
git merge --abort

# Your repository is now back to the state before the merge attempt

Here's the terminal output you might see:

$ git checkout main
Already on 'main'

$ git merge feature-branch
Auto-merging src/utils.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/utils.js
Auto-merging src/app.js
CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in src/app.js
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

$ git merge --abort

$ git status
On branch main
nothing to commit, working tree clean

Alternative Methods

Using git reset

If for some reason git merge --abort doesn't work (which can happen in older Git versions), you can use:

git reset --hard HEAD

This forcefully resets your working directory to the state of the last commit. However, be cautious as this will discard ALL uncommitted changes, not just those from the failed merge.

For Git Versions Below 1.7.4

In very old Git versions that don't support git merge --abort, use:

git reset --merge

This is similar to --abort but may behave slightly differently in certain complex scenarios.

Practical Applications

Scenario 1: Exploratory Merge

Sometimes you want to see what conflicts might arise when merging, without actually completing the merge:

# Start the merge to explore potential conflicts
git merge feature-branch

# Git reports conflicts, you review them to plan your strategy

# Abort the merge when you're done exploring
git merge --abort

Scenario 2: Wrong Branch

You accidentally started merging the wrong branch:

# Accidentally merge the wrong branch
git merge wrong-branch

# Realize your mistake
git merge --abort

# Merge the correct branch instead
git merge correct-branch

Scenario 3: Too Many Conflicts

When you encounter numerous conflicts that require careful planning:

# Start the merge
git merge complex-feature

# Git reports dozens of conflicts
# You decide this requires more planning or team discussion

git merge --abort

Understanding the State During Merge

During a merge, Git enters a special state that's reflected in the output of git status:

$ git status
On branch main
You have unmerged paths.
(fix conflicts and run "git commit")
(use "git merge --abort" to abort the merge)

Unmerged paths:
(use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
both modified: src/app.js
both modified: src/utils.js

This output explicitly tells you that you can abort the merge.

Potential Issues After Aborting

Uncommitted Changes

If you had uncommitted changes before starting the merge, aborting might not restore them. It's always best to start a merge with a clean working directory.

Lingering .orig Files

Sometimes Git creates .orig files during conflict resolution. These might remain even after aborting. You can safely remove them:

# Remove all .orig files
find . -name "*.orig" -delete

Best Practices

  1. Commit or stash changes before starting a merge
  2. Review the branches carefully before merging
  3. Use git status to confirm you're in a merge state before aborting
  4. Consider creating a temporary branch before attempting complex merges


Git's merge --abort command provides a safety net when merging branches. It allows you to back out of a merge operation cleanly, returning your repository to its pre-merge state. This is particularly useful when encountering unexpected conflicts, merging the wrong branch, or simply needing more preparation before tackling merge issues.

Remember that aborting a merge doesn't solve conflicts; it just gives you a clean slate to approach the merge differently or at a better time.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a test repository with two branches containing conflicting changes, then practice initiating and aborting a merge.
  2. Try using git merge --abort in different scenarios to understand its behavior.
  3. Compare the behavior of git merge --abort, git reset --hard HEAD, and git reset --merge in a test repository.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)