Kubernetes Backup
Kubernetes has become the de facto standard for container orchestration, managing mission-critical applications across organizations of all sizes. However, even the most robust Kubernetes clusters can experience failures due to human error, infrastructure issues, or software bugs. This is where backup strategies become essential.
In this guide, we'll explore why backups are crucial for Kubernetes environments, examine different backup approaches, and walk through practical implementation steps to secure your cluster resources.
Why Backup Kubernetes?
Kubernetes clusters store various types of critical data:
- etcd database: Contains all cluster state information
- Persistent volumes: Stores application data
- Custom resource definitions (CRDs): Defines extensions to the Kubernetes API
- ConfigMaps and Secrets: Hold configuration and sensitive information
Without proper backups, you risk:
- Permanent data loss: If a cluster fails catastrophically
- Extended downtime: Longer recovery times without backup points
- Configuration drift: Loss of carefully crafted resource configurations
- Compliance issues: Many regulatory frameworks require backup procedures
Kubernetes Backup Components
Let's explore what needs to be backed up in a Kubernetes environment:
1. etcd Backup
The etcd database is the heart of your Kubernetes cluster, storing all cluster state including resource definitions, configurations, and status information.
Creating an etcd Snapshot
To back up etcd, you'll create a snapshot of its database:
# For Kubernetes installed with kubeadm
sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot save /backup/etcd-snapshot.db \
--endpoints= \
--cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt \
--cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt \
Always verify your backups:
# Verify the snapshot
sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl --write-out=table snapshot status /backup/etcd-snapshot.db
# Example output:
# +----------+----------+------------+------------+
# +----------+----------+------------+------------+
# | fe01cf57 | 10983 | 1024 | 1.0 MB |
# +----------+----------+------------+------------+
Restoring from an etcd Snapshot
In case of cluster failure, you can restore from a snapshot:
# Stop the kubelet and etcd services
sudo systemctl stop kubelet
sudo systemctl stop etcd
# Restore the snapshot
sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot restore /backup/etcd-snapshot.db \
--data-dir=/var/lib/etcd-restore \
--name=master \
--initial-cluster=master= \
--initial-cluster-token=etcd-cluster-token \
# Update etcd configuration to use the restored data
sudo mv /var/lib/etcd /var/lib/etcd.old
sudo mv /var/lib/etcd-restore /var/lib/etcd
# Restart services
sudo systemctl start etcd
sudo systemctl start kubelet
2. Resource Backup with kubectl
For a simple approach to backup specific resources, you can use kubectl
# Backup all deployments in the default namespace
kubectl get deployments -o yaml > deployments-backup.yaml
# Backup all resources in the application namespace
kubectl get all -n application -o yaml > application-namespace-backup.yaml
While this method is straightforward, it doesn't scale well for large clusters and lacks features like incremental backups or scheduled operations.
3. Using Velero for Comprehensive Backup
Velero (formerly Heptio Ark) is a specialized tool for backing up and restoring Kubernetes cluster resources and persistent volumes.
Installing Velero
First, install the Velero CLI:
# Download Velero
wget https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero/releases/download/v1.11.0/velero-v1.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Extract the tarball
tar -xvf velero-v1.11.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
# Move the binary to your PATH
sudo mv velero-v1.11.0-linux-amd64/velero /usr/local/bin/
Next, install Velero in your cluster (this example uses AWS S3):
# Create credentials file for AWS
cat << EOF > credentials-velero
aws_access_key_id = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY
aws_secret_access_key = YOUR_SECRET_KEY
# Install Velero in the cluster
velero install \
--provider aws \
--plugins velero/velero-plugin-for-aws:v1.6.0 \
--bucket velero-backup \
--backup-location-config region=us-east-1 \
--snapshot-location-config region=us-east-1 \
--secret-file ./credentials-velero
Creating Backups with Velero
Velero allows you to back up entire namespaces or specific resources:
# Back up an entire namespace
velero backup create nginx-backup --include-namespaces nginx-example
# Back up specific resources
velero backup create nginx-deployment-backup \
--include-namespaces nginx-example \
--include-resources deployments,services
# Create a scheduled backup (every day at 1 AM)
velero schedule create daily-nginx-backup \
--schedule="0 1 * * *" \
--include-namespaces nginx-example
Check backup status:
velero backup get
# Example output:
# nginx-backup Completed 0 0 2023-04-18 09:24:53 +0000 UTC 29d default <none>
Restoring from Velero Backups
When you need to restore your resources:
# List available backups
velero backup get
# Restore a specific backup
velero restore create --from-backup nginx-backup
# Restore to a different namespace
velero restore create --from-backup nginx-backup --namespace-mappings nginx-example:nginx-restored
Verify the restore operation:
velero restore get
# Example output:
# nginx-backup-20230418094230 nginx-backup Completed 2023-04-18 09:42:30 +0000 UTC 2023-04-18 09:42:35 +0000 UTC 0 0 2023-04-18 09:42:30 +0000 UTC <none>
4. Backing up Persistent Volumes
Persistent volumes require special attention as they contain your application data. Velero supports backing up persistent volumes using volume snapshots.
With Velero and Cloud Provider Snapshots
# Create backup including PVs
velero backup create full-cluster-backup --include-namespaces=default,app --snapshot-volumes
# Restore with PVs
velero restore create --from-backup full-cluster-backup --restore-volumes
Persistent Volume Backup Strategy
For critical applications, consider implementing:
- Regular snapshots: For quick recovery of recent state
- Full backups: For complete disaster recovery
- Cross-region replication: For protection against regional failures
Implementing a Backup Strategy
A comprehensive Kubernetes backup strategy should include:
1. Establish Backup Policies
Define your Recovery Point Objective (RPO) and Recovery Time Objective (RTO):
- How much data can you afford to lose?
- How quickly must you recover?
Based on these requirements, determine:
- Backup frequency
- Retention periods
- Storage locations
2. Schedule Regular Backups
Automate your backup process:
# Daily backup of critical namespaces with 30-day retention
velero schedule create daily-critical-backup \
--schedule="0 1 * * *" \
--include-namespaces production,database \
--ttl 720h \
# Hourly backup of etcd
# Add to crontab:
# 0 * * * * sudo ETCDCTL_API=3 etcdctl snapshot save /backup/etcd-$(date +\%Y\%m\%d\%H).db --endpoints= --cacert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/ca.crt --cert=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.crt --key=/etc/kubernetes/pki/etcd/server.key
3. Test Restore Procedures
Regularly validate your backup and restore process:
# Create a test namespace
kubectl create namespace backup-test
# Deploy a test application
kubectl -n backup-test apply -f test-deployment.yaml
# Create a backup
velero backup create backup-test --include-namespaces backup-test
# Simulate disaster by deleting the namespace
kubectl delete namespace backup-test
# Restore from backup
velero restore create --from-backup backup-test
# Verify restoration
kubectl get all -n backup-test
4. Document the Process
Create clear documentation for both backup and restore procedures:
- When and how backups are created
- Where backups are stored
- Step-by-step restore instructions
- Escalation contacts in case of emergency
Real-World Example: Database Backup and Recovery
Let's walk through a complete example of backing up and restoring a stateful application - a PostgreSQL database running in Kubernetes.
Setup a PostgreSQL Database
# postgres-deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: StatefulSet
name: postgres
namespace: database
serviceName: "postgres"
replicas: 1
app: postgres
app: postgres
- name: postgres
image: postgres:14
name: postgres-secret
key: password
- containerPort: 5432
name: postgres
- name: postgres-data
mountPath: /var/lib/postgresql/data
- metadata:
name: postgres-data
accessModes: [ "ReadWriteOnce" ]
storage: 10Gi
Apply this configuration:
kubectl create namespace database
kubectl apply -f postgres-deployment.yaml -n database
Back Up the Database
First, let's back up the entire database namespace with Velero:
# Create a backup including persistent volumes
velero backup create postgres-backup --include-namespaces database --snapshot-volumes
For a more database-aware backup, you might also want to use PostgreSQL's native tools:
# Run a pg_dump inside the container
kubectl -n database exec postgres-0 -- bash -c 'PGPASSWORD=$POSTGRES_PASSWORD pg_dump -U postgres > /var/lib/postgresql/data/backup.sql'
Simulating a Disaster
Let's simulate a catastrophic failure by deleting the namespace:
kubectl delete namespace database
Restoring the Database
Now, restore from our Velero backup:
velero restore create postgres-restore --from-backup postgres-backup
Verify the restoration:
kubectl get pods -n database
# Example output:
# postgres-0 1/1 Running 0 45s
Connect to the database to confirm data integrity:
kubectl -n database exec -it postgres-0 -- psql -U postgres
# Inside PostgreSQL, check for your tables:
# postgres=# \dt
# Should show your tables
Best Practices for Kubernetes Backups
Follow the 3-2-1 backup rule:
- Have at least 3 copies of your data
- Store backups on 2 different storage types
- Keep 1 backup offsite
Version your backups: Label backups with dates, environment details, and purpose
Automate backup verification: Regularly test your backups by performing restore operations
Monitor backup jobs: Set up alerts for failed backup operations
Secure your backups: Apply encryption and access controls to backup storage
Backup before changes: Create backups before major cluster changes or upgrades
Implementing a robust backup strategy is a critical component of Kubernetes administration. By regularly backing up etcd, cluster resources, and persistent volumes, you can protect against data loss and minimize downtime in case of failures.
In this guide, we've covered:
- Why Kubernetes backups are essential
- Multiple backup methods including etcd snapshots, kubectl, and Velero
- Implementing a comprehensive backup strategy
- Testing restore procedures
- A real-world example with PostgreSQL
Remember that a backup strategy is only as good as your ability to restore from it. Regular testing of restoration procedures is just as important as creating the backups themselves.
Additional Resources
- Set up Velero in your test cluster and create a backup schedule for a namespace
- Perform a backup and restore of an etcd database
- Create a disaster recovery plan document for your Kubernetes cluster
- Practice restoring a stateful application from a backup
- Implement backup validation automation using a script that creates test resources, backs them up, deletes them, and verifies restoration
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)