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Django Redirects


In web applications, redirects are a common and essential feature that allows you to send users from one URL to another. Whether you're redirecting after a form submission, moving users away from deprecated pages, or implementing URL shorteners, Django provides robust tools for handling redirects effectively.

Redirects in Django are HTTP responses with special status codes (usually 301 for permanent or 302 for temporary redirects) that instruct the browser to navigate to a different URL. They're an important part of creating a smooth user experience and maintaining proper web standards.

Understanding HTTP Redirects

Before diving into Django's implementation, let's understand the common HTTP redirect status codes:

  • 301 (Moved Permanently): The requested resource has been permanently moved to a new URL
  • 302 (Found): The requested resource is temporarily located at a different URL
  • 303 (See Other): The response to the request can be found at another URI using a GET method
  • 307 (Temporary Redirect): Similar to 302, but maintains the HTTP method used in the original request
  • 308 (Permanent Redirect): Similar to 301, but maintains the HTTP method used in the original request

Basic Redirects in Django Views

Django provides the redirect() function in django.shortcuts module for creating redirect responses easily.

Simple Redirect Example

from django.shortcuts import redirect

def my_view(request):
# Process some data...
return redirect('/success/')

In this example, when a user visits the URL associated with my_view, they'll be redirected to the /success/ URL with a 302 (temporary) redirect.

Redirection Methods

Django offers several ways to specify the redirect destination:

1. Redirect to a URL

def view_product(request):
# Some logic...
return redirect('/products/42/')

2. Redirect to a View Name (URL Pattern)

def checkout_view(request):
# Process order...
return redirect('order_confirmation', order_id=12345)

In this case, Django will use the URL pattern named 'order_confirmation' and pass the order_id parameter to construct the full URL.

3. Redirect to a Model

If your model has a get_absolute_url() method, you can redirect directly to that model instance:

def create_author(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
# Create the author
author = Author.objects.create(
return redirect(author) # Will call author.get_absolute_url()

The model should implement the get_absolute_url() method:

class Author(models.Model):
name = models.CharField(max_length=100)
bio = models.TextField()

def get_absolute_url(self):
return reverse('author_detail', kwargs={'pk':})

Permanent vs. Temporary Redirects

By default, redirect() returns a temporary (302) redirect. For permanent redirects, use the permanent parameter:

def old_url_view(request):
return redirect('/new-path/', permanent=True) # Returns a 301 redirect

Use permanent redirects when:

  • An URL has permanently changed
  • You're setting up canonical URLs
  • You're consolidating duplicate content

Use temporary redirects when:

  • The redirect is based on user input or state
  • The original URL might be valid again in the future
  • You're redirecting after a form submission


Under the hood, Django's redirect() function uses HttpResponseRedirect. You can use this class directly if needed:

from django.http import HttpResponseRedirect

def my_view(request):
# Some processing...
return HttpResponseRedirect('/some/url/')

For permanent redirects, use HttpResponsePermanentRedirect:

from django.http import HttpResponsePermanentRedirect

def my_view(request):
return HttpResponsePermanentRedirect('/new-url/')

Redirecting with Query Parameters

To redirect and include query parameters, you can construct the URL manually:

from django.shortcuts import redirect
from urllib.parse import urlencode

def search_redirect(request):
query = request.GET.get('q', '')
params = urlencode({'query': query, 'source': 'redirect'})
url = f'/search/?{params}'
return redirect(url)

Real-world Examples

Example 1: Redirect After Form Submission

A common pattern in web applications is the "Post/Redirect/Get" pattern where after a form is submitted via POST, you redirect the user to prevent form resubmission:

def contact_form(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
form = ContactForm(request.POST)
if form.is_valid():
# Redirect after successful POST
return redirect('contact_thank_you')
form = ContactForm()

return render(request, 'contact.html', {'form': form})

Example 2: User Authentication Redirect

Redirecting users based on authentication status:

def dashboard(request):
if not request.user.is_authenticated:
# Redirect to login page if user is not logged in
return redirect('login')

# Continue with dashboard view for authenticated users
return render(request, 'dashboard.html')

Example 3: Custom Redirect with Messages

Combining redirects with Django's messages framework:

from django.shortcuts import redirect
from django.contrib import messages

def update_profile(request):
if request.method == 'POST':
# Update the user profile
# ...

# Add a success message
messages.success(request, "Your profile has been updated successfully!")

# Redirect back to the profile page
return redirect('profile')

# Handle GET request...

Using the Redirect Middleware

Django provides a built-in RedirectFallbackMiddleware in the django.contrib.redirects app that lets you manage redirects through the admin interface. To use it:

  1. Add the redirects app to your INSTALLED_APPS:
# ...
# ...
  1. Add the middleware to your MIDDLEWARE setting:
# ...
# ...
  1. Ensure the sites framework is enabled:
# ...
# ...

  1. Now you can add redirects through the Django admin interface by creating Redirect objects that specify old paths and new URLs.

Best Practices for Redirects

  1. Use named URL patterns: Instead of hardcoding URLs, use Django's named URL patterns for maintainability:

    return redirect('view_name', arg1=value1)
  2. Set appropriate status codes: Use permanent redirects (301) for content that has moved permanently, and temporary redirects (302) for situational redirections.

  3. Avoid redirect chains: Multiple redirects slow down the user experience and waste resources. Try to redirect directly to the final destination.

  4. Log redirect errors: Monitor your redirects to catch any issues or infinite loops.

  5. Handle trailing slashes consistently: Django can handle these with APPEND_SLASH setting, but be aware of how your redirects interact with this setting.


Django provides flexible and powerful tools for implementing redirects in your web applications. From simple one-line redirects using the redirect() function to more complex solutions using the redirects middleware, you have multiple options to guide users smoothly through your site.

Key points to remember:

  • Use redirect() for simple redirects in view functions
  • Choose the appropriate status code (301 for permanent, 302 for temporary)
  • Consider using named URL patterns instead of hardcoded URLs
  • For database-managed redirects, use the built-in redirects app


  1. Create a view that redirects users to different pages based on a query parameter.
  2. Implement a "Post/Redirect/Get" pattern for a simple form.
  3. Set up the redirects middleware and create some redirects via the admin interface.
  4. Create a view that redirects mobile users to a mobile-optimized version of your site.
  5. Implement a URL shortening service using Django's redirect functionality.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)