Echo SQLx Integration
Echo is a high-performance, minimalist Go web framework that makes it easy to build web applications. When building web applications, you'll often need to interact with databases. This is where SQLx comes in – it's an extension of Go's standard database/sql
package that adds powerful functionality while maintaining simplicity.
In this guide, we'll explore how to integrate SQLx with Echo to create robust, database-driven web applications. We'll cover setting up the connection, creating models, implementing CRUD operations, and handling common patterns you'll encounter in real-world applications.
Before diving in, make sure you have:
- Basic understanding of Go programming
- Familiarity with Echo framework basics
- A database system installed (we'll use PostgreSQL in our examples)
- Go installed on your system
Setting Up the Project
First, let's create a new project and install the necessary dependencies:
mkdir echo-sqlx-demo
cd echo-sqlx-demo
go mod init
go get
go get
go get
Connecting to the Database
Let's start by creating a database connection using SQLx:
package database
import (
_ "" // PostgreSQL driver
// DB is a global variable to hold the database connection
var DB *sqlx.DB
// Config holds database configuration
type Config struct {
Host string
Port int
User string
Password string
DBName string
SSLMode string
// Connect establishes a connection to the database
func Connect(config Config) (*sqlx.DB, error) {
dsn := fmt.Sprintf("host=%s port=%d user=%s password=%s dbname=%s sslmode=%s",
config.Host, config.Port, config.User, config.Password, config.DBName, config.SSLMode)
db, err := sqlx.Connect("postgres", dsn)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = db.Ping(); err != nil {
return nil, err
DB = db
log.Println("Connected to the database successfully!")
return db, nil
Creating Models
Now, let's create a simple model for our application. We'll use a User
model as an example:
package models
import (
// User represents a user in our system
type User struct {
ID int `db:"id" json:"id"`
FirstName string `db:"first_name" json:"first_name"`
LastName string `db:"last_name" json:"last_name"`
Email string `db:"email" json:"email"`
CreatedAt time.Time `db:"created_at" json:"created_at"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `db:"updated_at" json:"updated_at"`
// Users is a collection of User
type Users []User
Notice how we're using struct tags to map the database column names to our struct fields. The db
tag is used by SQLx to map database columns to struct fields, while the json
tag is used by Echo to serialize/deserialize JSON.
Setting Up Repository Pattern
The repository pattern is a design pattern that separates the data access logic from business logic. Let's implement a repository for our User
package repositories
import (
// UserRepository handles database operations for the User model
type UserRepository struct {
DB *sqlx.DB
// NewUserRepository creates a new UserRepository
func NewUserRepository(db *sqlx.DB) *UserRepository {
return &UserRepository{DB: db}
// FindAll returns all users from the database
func (r *UserRepository) FindAll() (models.Users, error) {
users := models.Users{}
err := r.DB.Select(&users, "SELECT * FROM users ORDER BY id")
return users, err
// FindByID returns a single user by ID
func (r *UserRepository) FindByID(id int) (models.User, error) {
var user models.User
err := r.DB.Get(&user, "SELECT * FROM users WHERE id = $1", id)
return user, err
// Create adds a new user to the database
func (r *UserRepository) Create(user *models.User) error {
now := time.Now()
user.CreatedAt = now
user.UpdatedAt = now
query := `
INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
return r.DB.QueryRow(query, user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.Email, user.CreatedAt, user.UpdatedAt).Scan(&user.ID)
// Update modifies an existing user in the database
func (r *UserRepository) Update(user *models.User) error {
user.UpdatedAt = time.Now()
query := `
UPDATE users
SET first_name = $1, last_name = $2, email = $3, updated_at = $4
WHERE id = $5
_, err := r.DB.Exec(query, user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.Email, user.UpdatedAt, user.ID)
return err
// Delete removes a user from the database
func (r *UserRepository) Delete(id int) error {
_, err := r.DB.Exec("DELETE FROM users WHERE id = $1", id)
return err
Creating Echo Handlers
Now, let's create Echo handlers that use our repositories to interact with the database:
package handlers
import (
// UserHandler handles HTTP requests for users
type UserHandler struct {
repo *repositories.UserRepository
// NewUserHandler creates a new UserHandler
func NewUserHandler(repo *repositories.UserRepository) *UserHandler {
return &UserHandler{repo: repo}
// GetUsers returns all users
func (h *UserHandler) GetUsers(c echo.Context) error {
users, err := h.repo.FindAll()
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, users)
// GetUser returns a single user by ID
func (h *UserHandler) GetUser(c echo.Context) error {
idParam := c.Param("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idParam)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, map[string]string{"error": "Invalid ID format"})
user, err := h.repo.FindByID(id)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusNotFound, map[string]string{"error": "User not found"})
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, user)
// CreateUser adds a new user
func (h *UserHandler) CreateUser(c echo.Context) error {
user := new(models.User)
if err := c.Bind(user); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
if err := h.repo.Create(user); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
return c.JSON(http.StatusCreated, user)
// UpdateUser modifies an existing user
func (h *UserHandler) UpdateUser(c echo.Context) error {
idParam := c.Param("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idParam)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, map[string]string{"error": "Invalid ID format"})
user := new(models.User)
if err := c.Bind(user); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
user.ID = id
if err := h.repo.Update(user); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, user)
// DeleteUser removes a user
func (h *UserHandler) DeleteUser(c echo.Context) error {
idParam := c.Param("id")
id, err := strconv.Atoi(idParam)
if err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, map[string]string{"error": "Invalid ID format"})
if err := h.repo.Delete(id); err != nil {
return c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, map[string]string{"error": err.Error()})
return c.NoContent(http.StatusNoContent)
Setting Up Routes
Let's put it all together by setting up our Echo routes:
package main
import (
func main() {
// Connect to the database
dbConfig := database.Config{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 5432,
User: "postgres",
Password: "password",
DBName: "echo_demo",
SSLMode: "disable",
db, err := database.Connect(dbConfig)
if err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to connect to the database: %v", err)
defer db.Close()
// Create repositories
userRepo := repositories.NewUserRepository(db)
// Create handlers
userHandler := handlers.NewUserHandler(userRepo)
// Create Echo instance
e := echo.New()
// Middleware
// Routes
e.GET("/users", userHandler.GetUsers)
e.GET("/users/:id", userHandler.GetUser)
e.POST("/users", userHandler.CreateUser)
e.PUT("/users/:id", userHandler.UpdateUser)
e.DELETE("/users/:id", userHandler.DeleteUser)
// Start server
Database Migrations
In a real-world application, you'll also need to handle database migrations. Let's create a simple migration file to set up our users
package database
import (
// Migrate creates necessary tables if they don't exist
func Migrate(db *sqlx.DB) error {
schema := `
first_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
last_name VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL,
_, err := db.Exec(schema)
return err
Don't forget to call this migration function in your main.go
after connecting to the database:
// After successful database connection
if err := database.Migrate(db); err != nil {
log.Fatalf("Failed to migrate database: %v", err)
Transactions with SQLx
For operations that require multiple database queries to be executed atomically, we can use transactions. Here's an example of how to implement a transaction in our repository:
// CreateUserWithProfile creates a user and their profile in a transaction
func (r *UserRepository) CreateUserWithProfile(user *models.User, profile *models.Profile) error {
tx, err := r.DB.Beginx()
if err != nil {
return err
// Try to execute all database operations
now := time.Now()
user.CreatedAt = now
user.UpdatedAt = now
userQuery := `
INSERT INTO users (first_name, last_name, email, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
err = tx.QueryRow(userQuery, user.FirstName, user.LastName, user.Email, user.CreatedAt, user.UpdatedAt).Scan(&user.ID)
if err != nil {
return err
profile.UserID = user.ID
profile.CreatedAt = now
profile.UpdatedAt = now
profileQuery := `
INSERT INTO profiles (user_id, bio, location, created_at, updated_at)
VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)
_, err = tx.Exec(profileQuery, profile.UserID, profile.Bio, profile.Location, profile.CreatedAt, profile.UpdatedAt)
if err != nil {
return err
// If everything went well, commit the transaction
return tx.Commit()
Testing Our API
Let's test our API using curl
- Create a new user:
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"[email protected]"}' http://localhost:8080/users
Expected output:
{"id":1,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z"}
- Get all users:
curl http://localhost:8080/users
Expected output:
[{"id":1,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z"}]
- Get a specific user:
curl http://localhost:8080/users/1
Expected output:
{"id":1,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Doe","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z"}
- Update a user:
curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"first_name":"John","last_name":"Smith","email":"[email protected]"}' http://localhost:8080/users/1
Expected output:
{"id":1,"first_name":"John","last_name":"Smith","email":"[email protected]","created_at":"2023-09-10T12:00:00Z","updated_at":"2023-09-10T12:05:00Z"}
- Delete a user:
curl -X DELETE http://localhost:8080/users/1
Expected output: No content (204 status code)
Best Practices
- Connection Pooling: SQLx automatically creates a connection pool. You can configure its size:
db.SetMaxOpenConns(25) // Maximum number of open connections to the database
db.SetMaxIdleConns(5) // Maximum number of connections in the idle connection pool
db.SetConnMaxLifetime(5 * time.Minute) // Maximum amount of time a connection may be reused
Prepared Statements: SQLx handles prepared statements automatically when using methods like
, andNamedExec
. -
Error Handling: Always check for errors and provide meaningful responses to clients.
Input Validation: Validate user input before sending it to the database.
Use Context: For long-running operations, use context to handle timeouts and cancellations.
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), 5*time.Second)
defer cancel()
var users models.Users
err := r.DB.SelectContext(ctx, &users, "SELECT * FROM users")
Common Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them
Not Closing Rows: When using
directly, always deferrows.Close()
to prevent resource leaks. -
SQL Injection: Always use parameterized queries (as shown in our examples) to prevent SQL injection attacks.
Database Connection Leaks: Make sure to close all resources properly, including database connections when the application shuts down.
Ignoring Transaction Rollbacks: Always handle transaction rollbacks properly in case of errors.
In this guide, we've covered:
- Setting up SQLx with Echo
- Creating and using models with SQLx struct tags
- Implementing the repository pattern
- Creating Echo handlers for CRUD operations
- Handling transactions with SQLx
- Testing our API
- Best practices and common pitfalls
By integrating SQLx with Echo, you can create powerful, database-driven web applications that are both performant and maintainable. The combination of Echo's ease of use and SQLx's powerful extensions to the standard database/sql
package makes for a robust development experience.
Additional Resources and Exercises
Add Search Functionality: Implement a search endpoint that allows searching users by email or name.
Implement Pagination: Modify the
endpoint to support pagination with limit and offset parameters. -
Add Validation: Integrate a validation library like validator to validate input data before persisting it to the database.
Create a Many-to-Many Relationship: Implement a system where users can have multiple roles, demonstrating a many-to-many relationship with SQLx.
Advanced Querying: Implement advanced query features like filtering, sorting, and joining related tables.
By completing these exercises, you'll gain a deeper understanding of how to use SQLx with Echo in real-world scenarios, making you better prepared for building robust web applications.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)