Echo Monitoring Setup
Once you've deployed your Echo application to production, it's crucial to set up proper monitoring to ensure it runs smoothly and to quickly identify any issues that may arise. Monitoring helps you track your application's performance, resource usage, error rates, and other vital metrics that indicate the health of your system.
In this guide, we'll learn how to set up monitoring for your Echo applications using popular tools like Prometheus and Grafana. We'll also explore how to implement logging and tracing to achieve comprehensive observability for your Echo applications.
Why Monitoring Matters
Before diving into the technical setup, let's understand why monitoring is essential:
- Detect issues early: Identify problems before they affect your users
- Performance optimization: Gather data to improve application performance
- Resource planning: Understand usage patterns to allocate resources effectively
- Debugging: Collect information that helps troubleshoot issues
- Business insights: Gain visibility into application usage and behavior
Setting Up Basic Logging
The first step in monitoring is implementing proper logging. Echo provides built-in middleware for logging HTTP requests and responses.
Basic Logger Setup
package main
import (
func main() {
e := echo.New()
// Add logger middleware
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(200, "Hello, World!")
When you run this application and send requests, you'll see log output like:
2023/07/15 14:37:06 GET / 200 2.25ms 13B
2023/07/15 14:37:07 GET /health 404 0.71ms 24B
Customizing the Logger
For more control, you can customize the logger format:
Format: "time=${time_rfc3339}, method=${method}, uri=${uri}, status=${status}, latency=${latency_human}\n",
This will produce logs like:
time=2023-07-15T14:38:21Z, method=GET, uri=/, status=200, latency=1.21ms
Implementing Metrics with Prometheus
Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that collects and stores metrics as time-series data. Let's integrate it with Echo.
Step 1: Add Required Libraries
First, add the Echo Prometheus middleware:
go get
Step 2: Implement Prometheus Middleware
package main
import (
func main() {
e := echo.New()
// Add logger middleware
// Add Prometheus middleware
p := prometheus.NewPrometheus("echo", nil)
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(200, "Hello, World!")
With this setup, Prometheus metrics will be exposed at /metrics
endpoint. You'll see output like:
# HELP echo_request_duration_seconds The HTTP request latencies in seconds.
# TYPE echo_request_duration_seconds summary
echo_request_duration_seconds{code="200",method="GET",url="/"} 0.000151461
# HELP echo_requests_total How many HTTP requests processed, partitioned by status code and HTTP method.
# TYPE echo_requests_total counter
echo_requests_total{code="200",method="GET",url="/"} 1
Step 3: Configure Prometheus Server
Create a prometheus.yml
configuration file:
scrape_interval: 15s
- job_name: 'echo'
- targets: ['localhost:1323']
Start Prometheus with this configuration:
prometheus --config.file=prometheus.yml
Visualizing Metrics with Grafana
To visualize your metrics effectively, Grafana is an excellent choice.
Step 1: Install and Start Grafana
Download Grafana from and start it:
grafana-server --config=/path/to/grafana.ini
Step 2: Add Prometheus as a Data Source
- Open Grafana (default: http://localhost:3000)
- Log in (default: admin/admin)
- Go to Configuration > Data sources
- Add Prometheus data source
- Set URL to http://localhost:9090
- Click "Save & Test"
Step 3: Create a Dashboard
Create a new dashboard with panels for metrics like:
- Request count by endpoint
- Response time percentiles
- Error rate
- HTTP status codes distribution
Here's an example query for request count:
Custom Application Metrics
Beyond HTTP metrics, you might want to track business or application-specific metrics.
Creating Custom Counters
package main
import (
var (
loginAttempts = prometheus.NewCounterVec(
Name: "app_login_attempts_total",
Help: "Total number of login attempts",
func init() {
func main() {
e := echo.New()
// Expose metrics endpoint
e.GET("/metrics", echo.WrapHandler(promhttp.Handler()))
e.POST("/login", func(c echo.Context) error {
// Your login logic
success := true // Determined by your logic
if success {
return c.String(200, "Login successful")
} else {
return c.String(401, "Login failed")
Other Useful Metric Types
- Gauge: A value that can go up and down (like memory usage)
- Histogram: Samples observations and counts them in configurable buckets
- Summary: Similar to histogram but calculates configurable quantiles
Distributed Tracing
For complex applications with multiple services, distributed tracing helps understand the flow of requests through your system.
Setting Up Tracing with OpenTelemetry
package main
import (
sdktrace ""
semconv ""
func initTracer() *sdktrace.TracerProvider {
exporter, err := jaeger.New(jaeger.WithCollectorEndpoint(
if err != nil {
tracerProvider := sdktrace.NewTracerProvider(
return tracerProvider
func main() {
tp := initTracer()
defer func() {
if err := tp.Shutdown(context.Background()); err != nil {
log.Printf("Error shutting down tracer provider: %v", err)
tracer := otel.Tracer("echo-server")
e := echo.New()
e.GET("/", func(c echo.Context) error {
ctx := c.Request().Context()
_, span := tracer.Start(ctx, "home-handler")
defer span.End()
// Your handler logic
return c.String(200, "Hello, World!")
Setting Up Health Checks
Health checks are crucial for container orchestration systems like Kubernetes.
package main
import (
func main() {
e := echo.New()
// Basic health check
e.GET("/health", func(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "OK")
// Detailed health check
e.GET("/health/detailed", func(c echo.Context) error {
// Check database connection
dbOK := checkDatabaseConnection()
// Check cache connection
cacheOK := checkCacheConnection()
if dbOK && cacheOK {
return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, map[string]interface{}{
"status": "healthy",
"database": "connected",
"cache": "connected",
statusCode := http.StatusServiceUnavailable
return c.JSON(statusCode, map[string]interface{}{
"status": "unhealthy",
"database": dbHealthStatus(dbOK),
"cache": cacheHealthStatus(cacheOK),
func checkDatabaseConnection() bool {
// Implement actual DB connection check
return true
func checkCacheConnection() bool {
// Implement actual cache connection check
return true
func dbHealthStatus(ok bool) string {
if ok {
return "connected"
return "disconnected"
func cacheHealthStatus(ok bool) string {
if ok {
return "connected"
return "disconnected"
Setting Up Alerts
Once you have metrics in Prometheus, you can set up alerts to get notified when issues occur.
Example Alert Rules in Prometheus
Create an alerts.yml
- name: echo_alerts
- alert: HighErrorRate
expr: rate(echo_requests_total{code=~"5.."}[5m]) / rate(echo_requests_total[5m]) > 0.05
for: 2m
severity: critical
summary: "High error rate detected"
description: "Error rate is above 5% for 2 minutes (current value: {{ $value }})"
- alert: SlowResponses
expr: histogram_quantile(0.95, rate(echo_request_duration_seconds_bucket[5m])) > 0.5
for: 5m
severity: warning
summary: "Slow response times detected"
description: "95th percentile of response time is above 500ms for 5 minutes"
Add this to your Prometheus configuration:
- "alerts.yml"
Complete Monitoring Stack Example
For a comprehensive monitoring setup, you might use:
- Echo with Prometheus metrics
- Prometheus for metrics collection
- Grafana for visualization
- Jaeger for distributed tracing
- Alertmanager for alerting
You can set this up with Docker Compose for ease of deployment:
version: '3'
build: .
- "1323:1323"
- prometheus
- jaeger
image: prom/prometheus
- "9090:9090"
- ./prometheus.yml:/etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
- ./alerts.yml:/etc/prometheus/alerts.yml
image: grafana/grafana
- "3000:3000"
- prometheus
image: jaegertracing/all-in-one
- "16686:16686"
- "14268:14268"
image: prom/alertmanager
- "9093:9093"
- ./alertmanager.yml:/etc/alertmanager/alertmanager.yml
Setting up proper monitoring for your Echo application is essential for maintaining application health and quickly responding to issues. In this guide, we covered:
- Basic logging with Echo's built-in middleware
- Metrics collection using Prometheus
- Metrics visualization with Grafana
- Custom application metrics for business requirements
- Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry and Jaeger
- Health checks to ensure application availability
- Alerting to get notified of issues
By implementing these monitoring solutions, you'll have better visibility into your Echo application's performance and behavior, making it easier to maintain and troubleshoot in production environments.
Additional Resources
- Prometheus Documentation
- Grafana Documentation
- OpenTelemetry Documentation
- Echo Middleware Documentation
- Set up basic Prometheus monitoring for an existing Echo application
- Create a Grafana dashboard showing request count, latency, and error rate
- Implement a custom metric that tracks a business-specific event in your application
- Configure an alert that triggers when your application's error rate exceeds 5%
- Add distributed tracing to an Echo application that calls an external service
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)