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Echo Route Naming

Route naming is a powerful feature in the Echo framework that allows you to create more maintainable and flexible web applications. In this guide, we'll explore how to name your routes effectively, why it matters, and some best practices to follow.

What is Route Naming?

Route naming is the practice of assigning unique identifiers to your API endpoints. Instead of just defining URL paths, you give each route a memorable name that can be referenced throughout your application.

Think of route names as variables that represent your URLs - this abstraction provides several benefits as your application grows.

Why Name Your Routes?

Before diving into implementation details, let's understand why route naming is valuable:

  1. URL Generation - Generate URLs programmatically without hardcoding paths
  2. Centralized Routing - Change a route's path without updating every reference
  3. Documentation - Self-documenting code that explains the purpose of each route
  4. Maintainability - Easier to understand and maintain routing structure

Basic Route Naming

In Echo, naming a route is straightforward. You simply chain the .Name() method after defining your route:

package main

import (

func main() {
e := echo.New()

// Named route
e.GET("/users/:id", getUser).Name("get-user")


func getUser(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "User profile page")

In this example, we've named the /users/:id route as "get-user".

Accessing Named Routes

Once you've named your routes, you can reference them elsewhere in your application. Echo provides the Echo.Reverse() method to generate URLs based on route names:

func generateUserURL(c echo.Context) error {
// Generate URL for the "get-user" route with id parameter
url := c.Echo().Reverse("get-user", "123")

return c.String(http.StatusOK, "User URL: "+url)

When executed, this would output something like:

User URL: /users/123

This is particularly useful when you need to create links or redirect to other parts of your application.

Naming Conventions

Establishing consistent naming conventions will make your routes more intuitive and easier to maintain:

  1. Resource-Action Format: resource-action

    e.GET("/posts", getAllPosts).Name("posts-list")
    e.POST("/posts", createPost).Name("posts-create")
    e.GET("/posts/:id", getPost).Name("posts-show")
    e.PUT("/posts/:id", updatePost).Name("posts-update")
    e.DELETE("/posts/:id", deletePost).Name("posts-delete")
  2. HTTP Method in Name: Including the HTTP verb can add clarity

    e.GET("/api/products", listProducts).Name("get-products")
    e.POST("/api/products", createProduct).Name("post-product")
  3. Namespaces for API Versions: Use prefixes for versioned APIs

    // API v1
    e.GET("/api/v1/users", getUsersV1).Name("api-v1-users-list")

    // API v2
    e.GET("/api/v2/users", getUsersV2).Name("api-v2-users-list")

Real-World Example: Blog Application

Let's look at a more comprehensive example of a blog application with named routes:

package main

import (

func main() {
e := echo.New()

// Public routes
e.GET("/", homePage).Name("home")
e.GET("/about", aboutPage).Name("about")
e.GET("/contact", contactPage).Name("contact")

// Blog routes
e.GET("/blog", blogIndex).Name("blog-index")
e.GET("/blog/:slug", blogShow).Name("blog-show")

// Admin routes
admin := e.Group("/admin")
admin.GET("", adminDashboard).Name("admin-dashboard")
admin.GET("/posts", adminPosts).Name("admin-posts")
admin.GET("/posts/new", adminNewPost).Name("admin-posts-new")
admin.POST("/posts", adminCreatePost).Name("admin-posts-create")
admin.GET("/posts/:id/edit", adminEditPost).Name("admin-posts-edit")
admin.PUT("/posts/:id", adminUpdatePost).Name("admin-posts-update")
admin.DELETE("/posts/:id", adminDeletePost).Name("admin-posts-delete")


// Route handlers would be implemented here...
func homePage(c echo.Context) error {
return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Home Page")

// Other handlers...

// Example of generating URLs for navigation
func renderNavigation(c echo.Context) error {
e := c.Echo()

// Generate URLs from named routes
homeURL := e.Reverse("home")
aboutURL := e.Reverse("about")
contactURL := e.Reverse("contact")
blogURL := e.Reverse("blog-index")

// Example showing how to use these URLs
navigation := map[string]string{
"Home": homeURL,
"About": aboutURL,
"Contact": contactURL,
"Blog": blogURL,

return c.JSON(http.StatusOK, navigation)

Route Naming with URL Parameters

When working with dynamic routes that contain parameters, you need to provide parameter values when generating URLs:

func showBlogPost(c echo.Context) error {
// Get the current blog post ID
postID := c.Param("id")

// Generate link to edit this post
editURL := c.Echo().Reverse("admin-posts-edit", postID)

return c.String(http.StatusOK, "Edit this post at: "+editURL)

For multiple parameters, provide them in the same order they appear in the route definition:

// Route with multiple parameters
e.GET("/categories/:category/products/:product", showProduct).Name("product-detail")

// Generate URL with multiple parameters
url := e.Reverse("product-detail", "electronics", "smartphone")
// Result: /categories/electronics/products/smartphone

Best Practices

  1. Be Consistent: Use a consistent naming scheme throughout your application
  2. Be Descriptive: Names should clearly indicate the purpose of the route
  3. Group Related Routes: Use prefixes for routes that belong to the same feature
  4. Avoid Redundancy: Don't repeat information that's obvious from context
  5. Document Special Cases: Add comments for routes with unusual behavior

Common Pitfalls

  1. Duplicate Names: Echo will use the last defined route if you use the same name twice
  2. Missing Parameters: Ensure you provide all required parameters when generating URLs
  3. Overcomplex Names: Keep names readable and reasonably concise


Route naming in Echo provides a powerful way to make your application more maintainable and flexible. By assigning meaningful names to your routes, you can:

  • Generate URLs programmatically throughout your application
  • Change route structures without breaking existing code
  • Create cleaner, more maintainable routing code

Following consistent naming conventions and best practices will help ensure your route names remain useful and intuitive as your application grows.

Additional Resources


  1. Basic Route Naming: Create a simple Echo application with at least five named routes
  2. URL Generation: Write a function that generates navigation links using named routes
  3. Route Refactoring: Take an existing application and convert its routes to use names
  4. Advanced Routing: Implement a versioned API with named routes for each version
  5. Parameter Handling: Create routes with multiple parameters and practice generating URLs for them

By mastering route naming, you'll build Echo applications that are more robust, easier to maintain, and ready to scale.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)