FastAPI Feature Flags
Feature flags (also known as feature toggles or feature switches) are a powerful technique in modern software development that allows developers to modify system behavior without changing code. They enable teams to turn features on or off at runtime, gradually roll out features to users, conduct A/B testing, and deploy code that isn't fully ready yet.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to implement feature flags in FastAPI applications, covering both simple approaches and more sophisticated solutions.
What Are Feature Flags?
Feature flags are conditional statements in your code that determine whether a feature is available to a particular user or in a specific environment. They help you:
- Safely deploy features that are still in progress
- Gradually roll out features to a subset of users
- Conduct A/B testing to compare different implementations
- Quickly disable problematic features without redeploying
- Provide different experiences to different user segments
Basic Implementation of Feature Flags in FastAPI
Let's start with a simple implementation of feature flags in a FastAPI application.
1. Using Environment Variables
The simplest approach is to use environment variables to control features:
import os
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
# Check if feature is enabled via environment variable
ENABLE_NEW_UI = os.getenv("ENABLE_NEW_UI", "false").lower() == "true"
async def root():
return {"message": "Welcome to the new UI!"}
return {"message": "Welcome to the classic UI!"}
You can run this application with the feature enabled like this:
ENABLE_NEW_UI=true uvicorn main:app
2. Using Configuration Files
For more complex applications, you might want to use configuration files:
import yaml
from fastapi import FastAPI
app = FastAPI()
# Load feature flags from a YAML file
def load_feature_flags():
with open("feature_flags.yaml", "r") as file:
return yaml.safe_load(file)
feature_flags = load_feature_flags()
async def root():
if feature_flags.get("enable_new_ui", False):
return {"message": "Welcome to the new UI!"}
return {"message": "Welcome to the classic UI!"}
Example feature_flags.yaml
enable_new_ui: false
enable_new_payment_processing: true
enable_beta_features: false
Advanced Feature Flag Implementation
For more realistic applications, we need a more sophisticated approach to feature flags.
Creating a Feature Flag Service
Let's create a dedicated feature flag service:
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException, Request
from pydantic import BaseModel
import yaml
from typing import Dict, Optional, List, Callable
import random
app = FastAPI()
class FeatureFlag(BaseModel):
name: str
enabled: bool
# Percentage of users who should see this feature (0-100)
rollout_percentage: Optional[int] = 100
# List of user IDs that should always see this feature
user_ids: Optional[List[str]] = []
# List of user groups that should see this feature
groups: Optional[List[str]] = []
class FeatureFlagService:
def __init__(self, flags_file: str = "feature_flags.yaml"):
self.flags_file = flags_file
def reload_flags(self):
with open(self.flags_file, "r") as file:
data = yaml.safe_load(file)
self.flags = {name: FeatureFlag(name=name, **config)
for name, config in data.items()}
def is_enabled(self, flag_name: str, user_id: Optional[str] = None,
user_groups: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> bool:
"""Check if a feature flag is enabled for a specific user"""
if flag_name not in self.flags:
return False
flag = self.flags[flag_name]
# If the flag is disabled, return False immediately
if not flag.enabled:
return False
# If user ID is in the whitelist, enable the feature
if user_id and flag.user_ids and user_id in flag.user_ids:
return True
# Check if user belongs to an enabled group
if user_groups and flag.groups:
if any(group in flag.groups for group in user_groups):
return True
# Apply percentage rollout if no other conditions match
if flag.rollout_percentage < 100:
# Use user_id to ensure consistent experience
if user_id:
# Deterministic random based on user_id and flag name
import hashlib
seed = f"{user_id}:{flag_name}"
hash_value = int(hashlib.md5(seed.encode()).hexdigest(), 16)
return (hash_value % 100) < flag.rollout_percentage
# Random percentage for anonymous users
return random.randint(1, 100) <= flag.rollout_percentage
return True
# Create a singleton instance of the service
feature_flag_service = FeatureFlagService()
# Dependency to get the feature flag service
def get_feature_flag_service():
return feature_flag_service
Now, let's create some routes that use our feature flag service:
async def get_features(
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service)
"""Return all feature flags (admin only in a real app)"""
return feature_flags.flags
async def root(
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service)
# In a real app, you'd get the user ID from the authentication system
user_id = request.headers.get("X-User-ID")
user_groups = request.headers.get("X-User-Groups", "").split(",") if request.headers.get("X-User-Groups") else []
# Check if the new UI feature is enabled for this user
new_ui_enabled = feature_flags.is_enabled("enable_new_ui", user_id, user_groups)
if new_ui_enabled:
return {"message": "Welcome to the new UI!"}
return {"message": "Welcome to the classic UI!"}
async def payment(
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service)
user_id = request.headers.get("X-User-ID")
user_groups = request.headers.get("X-User-Groups", "").split(",") if request.headers.get("X-User-Groups") else []
if feature_flags.is_enabled("new_payment_system", user_id, user_groups):
return {"message": "Using the new payment system!"}
return {"message": "Using the classic payment system!"}
Example feature_flags.yaml
for the advanced implementation:
enabled: true
rollout_percentage: 25
- "admin123"
- "tester456"
- "beta_testers"
enabled: true
rollout_percentage: 10
- "internal_users"
enabled: false
Creating Feature Flag Middleware
To automatically check feature flags for specific routes, we can create custom middleware:
from fastapi import FastAPI, Depends, HTTPException, Request, Response
from starlette.middleware.base import BaseHTTPMiddleware
class FeatureFlagMiddleware(BaseHTTPMiddleware):
def __init__(self, app, feature_flag_service: FeatureFlagService):
self.feature_flag_service = feature_flag_service
# Define which endpoints require which feature flags
self.route_flags = {
"/api/v2/": "api_v2",
"/experimental/": "experimental_features"
async def dispatch(self, request: Request, call_next):
# Check if any route prefix matches
for route_prefix, flag_name in self.route_flags.items():
if request.url.path.startswith(route_prefix):
user_id = request.headers.get("X-User-ID")
user_groups = request.headers.get("X-User-Groups", "").split(",") if request.headers.get("X-User-Groups") else []
if not self.feature_flag_service.is_enabled(flag_name, user_id, user_groups):
return Response(
content="Not Found",
# If no feature flag restrictions or all passed, continue with the request
response = await call_next(request)
return response
# Add middleware to the application
# Now all requests to /api/v2/* will only work if the "api_v2" flag is enabled
async def get_users_v2():
return {"users": ["User1", "User2"], "version": "v2"}
Feature Flag Decorator
For more fine-grained control, we can create a decorator to protect specific endpoints:
from functools import wraps
from fastapi import HTTPException, Request, Depends
def require_feature(flag_name: str):
def decorator(func):
async def wrapper(
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service),
*args, **kwargs
user_id = request.headers.get("X-User-ID")
user_groups = request.headers.get("X-User-Groups", "").split(",") if request.headers.get("X-User-Groups") else []
if not feature_flags.is_enabled(flag_name, user_id, user_groups):
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Feature not available")
return await func(request=request, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
return decorator
# Use the decorator to protect endpoints
async def beta_feature(request: Request):
return {"message": "You have access to the beta feature!"}
Real-world Applications
1. Gradual Rollout of a New UI
Imagine you're updating your application's UI. You can use feature flags to gradually roll it out:
async def dashboard(
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service),
templates: Jinja2Templates = Depends(get_templates)
user_id = request.cookies.get("user_id")
user_groups = get_user_groups(user_id) # Custom function to get user groups
if feature_flags.is_enabled("new_dashboard", user_id, user_groups):
return templates.TemplateResponse("new_dashboard.html", {"request": request})
return templates.TemplateResponse("dashboard.html", {"request": request})
2. A/B Testing for Performance Optimization
You can implement A/B testing to compare different algorithms:
async def search(
query: str,
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service)
user_id = request.cookies.get("user_id")
# Use different search algorithms for different users
if feature_flags.is_enabled("new_search_algorithm", user_id):
results = new_search_algorithm(query)
# Log that the new algorithm was used
log_search_metrics(user_id, "new_algorithm", query, results)
results = old_search_algorithm(query)
# Log that the old algorithm was used
log_search_metrics(user_id, "old_algorithm", query, results)
return {"results": results}
3. Feature Gates for Subscription Tiers
Use feature flags to control access to premium features:
async def advanced_analytics(
request: Request,
feature_flags: FeatureFlagService = Depends(get_feature_flag_service),
user_service: UserService = Depends(get_user_service)
user_id = request.cookies.get("user_id")
if not user_id:
raise HTTPException(status_code=401, detail="Authentication required")
user = user_service.get_user(user_id)
user_tier = user.subscription_tier # e.g., "free", "premium", "enterprise"
# Check if this user's tier should have access to this feature
if not feature_flags.is_enabled(f"analytics_{user_tier}"):
raise HTTPException(status_code=403, detail="Upgrade your subscription to access this feature")
# User has access to the feature
return {"analytics_data": generate_advanced_analytics(user_id)}
Using External Feature Flag Services
For production applications, consider using dedicated feature flag services that provide additional capabilities like:
- Web UI for managing flags
- User targeting rules
- A/B testing analytics
- Audit logs
Here's how to integrate with a third-party service like LaunchDarkly:
import ldclient
from ldclient.config import Config
# Initialize LaunchDarkly client
class LaunchDarklyFeatureService:
def is_enabled(self, flag_name: str, user_id: str, user_attributes: dict = None) -> bool:
if not user_id:
# Anonymous user
context = {"key": "anonymous"}
context = {
"key": user_id,
"kind": "user",
**(user_attributes or {})
return ldclient.get().variation(flag_name, context, False)
# Usage
async def premium_feature(
request: Request,
ld_client: LaunchDarklyFeatureService = Depends(get_launchdarkly_service)
user_id = request.cookies.get("user_id", "anonymous")
user_data = get_user_data(user_id) # Custom function to get user data
# Check if the feature is enabled for this user
if ld_client.is_enabled("premium_feature", user_id, user_data):
return {"message": "Premium feature is available!"}
return {"message": "Premium feature is not available for your account."}
Feature flags are a powerful technique that allows you to:
- Safely deploy code while controlling feature availability
- Gradually roll out new features to users
- Conduct A/B tests to validate changes
- Quickly disable problematic features without rolling back code
- Provide different feature sets to different user segments
When implementing feature flags in FastAPI, you can start with simple approaches like environment variables or configuration files. For more complex applications, consider creating a dedicated feature flag service or using third-party services.
The examples in this tutorial showed different approaches to implement feature flags, from basic to advanced, including:
- Simple environment-based flags
- Configuration file-based flags
- A full-featured flag service with user targeting
- Route-specific middleware for protecting entire API sections
- Decorators for protecting individual endpoints
- Integration with external feature flag services
Additional Resources
- Feature Toggles (Flags) - Martin Fowler's Article
- LaunchDarkly - Feature Flag Management Service
- Flagsmith - Open Source Feature Flag Platform
- Unleash - Open Source Feature Flag Service
- Implement a simple feature flag system using environment variables in a FastAPI application.
- Create a feature flag service that loads flags from a JSON or YAML file.
- Implement a feature flag that gradually rolls out a new feature to 10% of users.
- Create a middleware that protects all routes under
with a feature flag. - Add A/B testing to a search endpoint, with logging to compare the performance of two algorithms.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)