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Flask Cache Backends


When implementing caching in Flask applications using the Flask-Caching extension, one of the most important decisions is selecting the appropriate cache backend. A cache backend is essentially the storage system where your cached data is kept. Different backends offer various features, performance characteristics, and are suitable for different deployment scenarios.

In this guide, we'll explore the various cache backends available in Flask-Caching, how to configure them, and when to use each one. By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to make an informed decision about the right cache backend for your Flask application.

Available Cache Backends in Flask-Caching

Flask-Caching supports several cache backends out of the box:

  1. SimpleCache - In-memory cache for single-process environments
  2. FileSystemCache - Uses the file system to store cached items
  3. RedisCache - Uses Redis as the caching engine
  4. MemcachedCache - Uses Memcached server(s) as the caching engine
  5. SASLMemcachedCache - Similar to MemcachedCache but with SASL authentication
  6. SpreadSASLMemcachedCache - Like SASLMemcachedCache but distributes keys across multiple servers
  7. NullCache - A cache that doesn't cache (for development/testing)

Let's explore each of these backends in detail.



SimpleCache is the simplest caching backend that stores items in a Python dictionary in memory. It's perfect for development environments or small applications with a single worker process.


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)

cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "SimpleCache",
"CACHE_DEFAULT_TIMEOUT": 300 # 5 minutes default timeout

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

@cache.cached(timeout=60) # 60 seconds cache
def index():
# Expensive operation here
return "Hello, World!"

Pros and Cons


  • Very easy to set up, no external dependencies
  • Works out of the box
  • Great for development


  • Not thread-safe (not suitable for multi-threaded environments)
  • Does not persist when the application restarts
  • Not suitable for multi-process environments (e.g., Gunicorn with multiple workers)
  • Memory usage grows with cached data



FileSystemCache stores cached items as files on the file system. This is useful when you need to persist cache data between application restarts but don't want to set up a separate cache server.


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "FileSystemCache",
"CACHE_DIR": os.path.join(app.root_path, 'cache_directory'),
"CACHE_THRESHOLD": 1000 # Maximum number of items the cache will store

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

def get_user(username):
# Expensive database query
user_data = fetch_user_from_database(username)
return user_data

Pros and Cons


  • Persists between application restarts
  • No additional services required
  • Can handle larger datasets than SimpleCache (limited by disk space)


  • Slower than memory-based caching
  • Not ideal for high-traffic applications
  • Requires file system access permissions
  • Can be problematic in containerized environments with ephemeral file systems



Redis is one of the most popular caching backends for production applications. It's an in-memory data structure store that can be used as a database, cache, and message broker. Flask-Caching's RedisCache backend allows you to use Redis for caching.


Before using RedisCache, you need to install Redis and the required Python package:

pip install flask-caching[redis]


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)

cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "RedisCache",
"CACHE_REDIS_HOST": "localhost",
"CACHE_REDIS_URL": "redis://localhost:6379/0", # Alternative to host/port/db

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

def get_products():
# Expensive operation to get products
products = fetch_products_from_database()
return products

Real-world Example with Redis

Here's a more comprehensive example of using RedisCache in a Flask application to cache API responses:

from flask import Flask, jsonify
from flask_caching import Cache
import time
import requests

app = Flask(__name__)

# Redis cache configuration
cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "RedisCache",
"CACHE_REDIS_URL": "redis://localhost:6379/0",

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

@cache.cached(timeout=600) # Cache for 10 minutes
def get_weather(city):
# This function will only run if the result is not in cache
print(f"Fetching weather data for {city}") # This will only show when cache is missed

# Simulate an API call to a weather service
time.sleep(1) # Simulating slow API response

# In a real app, you'd make an actual API call here
weather_data = {
'city': city,
'temperature': 22,
'conditions': 'Sunny',
'last_updated': time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

return jsonify(weather_data)

def clear_cache():
return jsonify({'message': 'Cache cleared successfully'})

if __name__ == '__main__':

In this example, weather data for each city is cached for 10 minutes. Subsequent requests for the same city within that timeframe will return the cached result without making the expensive API call.

Pros and Cons


  • Very fast in-memory caching
  • Supports distributed environments
  • Persistence options available
  • Atomic operations
  • Can be shared between multiple applications/services
  • Rich data structure support


  • Requires setting up and maintaining a Redis server
  • Additional infrastructure cost
  • Requires proper security configuration in production



Memcached is a high-performance, distributed memory caching system designed for simplicity. It's often used to speed up dynamic web applications by alleviating database load.


Before using MemcachedCache, install the required packages:

pip install flask-caching[memcached]


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)

cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "MemcachedCache",
"CACHE_KEY_PREFIX": "flask_cache_",

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

@cache.cached(timeout=3600) # Cache for 1 hour
def get_blog_post(post_id):
# Expensive database query to get blog post
post = fetch_blog_post(post_id)
return post

Pros and Cons


  • Very fast in-memory caching
  • Designed specifically for caching
  • Simple to use
  • Distributed by design
  • Good for multi-server environments


  • No data persistence
  • Limited to storing strings (more complex objects need serialization)
  • No built-in security features
  • Requires setting up and maintaining Memcached servers

SASLMemcachedCache and SpreadSASLMemcachedCache

These are specialized versions of the Memcached backend that support SASL authentication for environments where security is important. SpreadSASLMemcachedCache additionally distributes keys across multiple servers.


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)

# For SASLMemcachedCache
cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "SASLMemcachedCache",
"CACHE_MEMCACHED_USERNAME": "memcached_user",
"CACHE_MEMCACHED_PASSWORD": "memcached_password",

# For SpreadSASLMemcachedCache
spread_cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "SpreadSASLMemcachedCache",
"CACHE_MEMCACHED_USERNAME": "memcached_user",
"CACHE_MEMCACHED_PASSWORD": "memcached_password",

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)



NullCache is a special cache backend that doesn't actually cache anything. This is useful for development or testing environments where you want to disable caching without changing your code.


from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache

app = Flask(__name__)

cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "NullCache"

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)

@cache.cached(timeout=60) # This won't actually cache anything
def get_data():
# This will run every time
data = fetch_expensive_data()
return data

Choosing the Right Cache Backend

Selecting the appropriate cache backend depends on your specific application needs. Here are some guidelines:

  1. Development/Testing:

    • SimpleCache for single-process development
    • NullCache when you want to disable caching
  2. Small to Medium Applications:

    • FileSystemCache for simple persistence needs
    • SimpleCache for single-process applications with small cache needs
  3. Production/High Traffic Applications:

    • RedisCache for most production scenarios, especially when you need persistence or complex data structures
    • MemcachedCache for simple, distributed caching needs
    • SASLMemcachedCache when security is a concern
  4. Multi-server Deployments:

    • RedisCache with a central Redis server
    • SpreadSASLMemcachedCache for distributed Memcached setup

Practical Tips for Cache Backend Usage

1. Setting Cache Keys

When working with cache backends, you might want to manually set and get cache values:

# Setting a value
def set_cache(key, value):
cache.set(key, value, timeout=60)
return f"Set {key}={value} in cache"

# Getting a value
def get_cache(key):
value = cache.get(key)
if value is None:
return f"Key {key} not found in cache"
return f"Value for {key}: {value}"

2. Using Memoization

For caching function results, you can use the memoize decorator:

def get_user_profile(username):
user = load_user(username)
return render_template('profile.html', user=user)

def load_user(username):
# This function will be cached based on its arguments
print(f"Loading user {username} from database") # This will only run on cache misses
return User.query.filter_by(username=username).first()

3. Configuring Cache Backend Dynamically

You can configure your cache backend based on the environment:

from flask import Flask
from flask_caching import Cache
import os

app = Flask(__name__)

# Get environment settings
env = os.environ.get('FLASK_ENV', 'development')

# Configure cache based on environment
if env == 'production':
cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "RedisCache",
"CACHE_REDIS_URL": os.environ.get('REDIS_URL', 'redis://localhost:6379/0'),
elif env == 'testing':
cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "NullCache"
else: # development
cache_config = {
"CACHE_TYPE": "SimpleCache",

cache = Cache(app, config=cache_config)


In this tutorial, we've explored the various cache backends available in Flask-Caching:

  • SimpleCache for simple in-memory caching
  • FileSystemCache for file-based persistence
  • RedisCache for powerful, distributed caching with persistence options
  • MemcachedCache for high-performance distributed caching
  • SASLMemcachedCache and SpreadSASLMemcachedCache for secure, distributed caching
  • NullCache for development and testing

Each backend has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the right choice depends on your specific application requirements, infrastructure constraints, and scaling needs.

Remember that caching is a powerful tool for improving application performance, but it also introduces complexity in terms of cache invalidation and consistency. Always test your caching strategy thoroughly before deploying to production.

Additional Resources


  1. Set up a Flask application with SimpleCache and measure the performance difference for an expensive operation with and without caching.

  2. Create a Flask app that uses RedisCache and implement a cache invalidation strategy for when data changes.

  3. Implement a Flask application that uses different cache backends based on the environment (development, testing, production).

  4. Create a Flask API with rate limiting using Redis as a backend to track request counts.

  5. Implement a caching layer for database queries in a Flask application, using memoization with appropriate timeout values.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)