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Gin Query Building


When building web applications using Go's Gin framework with database integration, one of the most common tasks you'll encounter is constructing database queries based on API request parameters. Effective query building is crucial for creating flexible, performant APIs that can filter, sort, and paginate data according to client needs.

In this guide, we'll explore how to build queries in Gin applications that interact with databases. We'll cover extracting query parameters from requests, constructing SQL or ORM queries dynamically, and implementing common patterns like filtering, searching, sorting, and pagination.

Basic Query Parameter Extraction

Let's start with the basics of extracting query parameters from Gin requests:

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
// Extract query parameters
name := c.Query("name") // Get the 'name' parameter or empty string if not present
category := c.DefaultQuery("category", "all") // Get 'category' with a default value of "all"
limit := c.DefaultQuery("limit", "10") // Get 'limit' with default "10"
page := c.DefaultQuery("page", "1") // Get 'page' with default "1"

// We'll use these parameters later to build our query
fmt.Printf("Querying products: name=%s, category=%s, limit=%s, page=%s\n",
name, category, limit, page)

// ...database operations will follow

The request URL might look like: /api/products?name=keyboard&category=electronics&limit=20&page=2

Converting Query Parameters to Appropriate Types

Query parameters come as strings, so we often need to convert them to appropriate types:

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
// Extract and convert parameters
name := c.Query("name")
category := c.DefaultQuery("category", "all")

// Convert string parameters to integers
limitStr := c.DefaultQuery("limit", "10")
limit, err := strconv.Atoi(limitStr)
if err != nil {
limit = 10 // Default if conversion fails

pageStr := c.DefaultQuery("page", "1")
page, err := strconv.Atoi(pageStr)
if err != nil || page < 1 {
page = 1 // Default if conversion fails or page is less than 1

// Calculate offset for pagination
offset := (page - 1) * limit

// Now we have properly typed values for our database query
// ...

Building SQL Queries Dynamically

Here's how to build SQL queries dynamically based on parameters:

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
// Extract and validate parameters...
name := c.Query("name")
category := c.DefaultQuery("category", "all")
sortBy := c.DefaultQuery("sort", "id")
order := c.DefaultQuery("order", "asc")

// Create base query
query := "SELECT * FROM products WHERE 1=1"
var args []interface{}

// Add conditionals based on parameters
if name != "" {
query += " AND name LIKE ?"
args = append(args, "%" + name + "%")

if category != "all" {
query += " AND category = ?"
args = append(args, category)

// Validate and add sorting
validColumns := map[string]bool{"id": true, "name": true, "price": true, "created_at": true}
validOrders := map[string]bool{"asc": true, "desc": true}

if validColumns[sortBy] && validOrders[order] {
query += fmt.Sprintf(" ORDER BY %s %s", sortBy, order)
} else {
query += " ORDER BY id ASC" // Default sort

// Add pagination
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("limit", "10"))
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("page", "1"))
offset := (page - 1) * limit

query += " LIMIT ? OFFSET ?"
args = append(args, limit, offset)

// Execute the query
db := database.GetDB()
rows, err := db.Query(query, args...)
if err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "Database error"})
defer rows.Close()

// Process results...

Query Building with GORM

If you're using GORM (a popular ORM for Go), query building becomes more intuitive:

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
var products []models.Product
db := database.GetDB()

// Start with a base query
query := db.Model(&models.Product{})

// Apply filters
name := c.Query("name")
if name != "" {
query = query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%" + name + "%")

category := c.DefaultQuery("category", "")
if category != "" {
query = query.Where("category = ?", category)

minPrice, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.DefaultQuery("min_price", "0"), 64)
if err == nil && minPrice > 0 {
query = query.Where("price >= ?", minPrice)

maxPrice, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.DefaultQuery("max_price", "0"), 64)
if err == nil && maxPrice > 0 {
query = query.Where("price <= ?", maxPrice)

// Apply sorting
sortBy := c.DefaultQuery("sort", "id")
order := c.DefaultQuery("order", "asc")

// Validate sorting parameters (to prevent SQL injection)
validColumns := map[string]bool{"id": true, "name": true, "price": true, "created_at": true}
if validColumns[sortBy] {
orderClause := sortBy
if order == "desc" {
orderClause += " desc"
query = query.Order(orderClause)

// Apply pagination
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("limit", "10"))
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("page", "1"))
if page < 1 {
page = 1
offset := (page - 1) * limit

// Count total items for pagination metadata
var totalCount int64

// Execute the paginated query

// Return response with pagination metadata
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": products,
"meta": gin.H{
"total": totalCount,
"page": page,
"limit": limit,
"total_pages": math.Ceil(float64(totalCount) / float64(limit)),

Creating Reusable Query Builder Functions

For more complex applications, consider creating reusable query building functions:

// QueryBuilder contains methods to construct database queries
type QueryBuilder struct {
DB *gorm.DB

// NewQueryBuilder creates a new query builder with the given database connection
func NewQueryBuilder(db *gorm.DB) *QueryBuilder {
return &QueryBuilder{DB: db}

// ApplyFilters adds WHERE conditions based on the provided filters
func (qb *QueryBuilder) ApplyFilters(query *gorm.DB, c *gin.Context) *gorm.DB {
// Name filter
if name := c.Query("name"); name != "" {
query = query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%"+name+"%")

// Category filter
if category := c.Query("category"); category != "" {
query = query.Where("category = ?", category)

// Price range filter
if minPrice, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.DefaultQuery("min_price", "0"), 64); err == nil {
query = query.Where("price >= ?", minPrice)

if maxPrice, err := strconv.ParseFloat(c.DefaultQuery("max_price", "0"), 64); err == nil && maxPrice > 0 {
query = query.Where("price <= ?", maxPrice)

// Status filter
if status := c.Query("status"); status != "" {
query = query.Where("status = ?", status)

// Date range filter
if startDate := c.Query("start_date"); startDate != "" {
query = query.Where("created_at >= ?", startDate)

if endDate := c.Query("end_date"); endDate != "" {
query = query.Where("created_at <= ?", endDate)

return query

// ApplySorting adds ORDER BY clause
func (qb *QueryBuilder) ApplySorting(query *gorm.DB, c *gin.Context, defaultSort string) *gorm.DB {
sortBy := c.DefaultQuery("sort", defaultSort)
order := c.DefaultQuery("order", "asc")

// Define allowed columns for sorting (whitelist to prevent SQL injection)
validColumns := map[string]bool{
"id": true, "name": true, "price": true,
"created_at": true, "updated_at": true,

if validColumns[sortBy] {
if order != "asc" && order != "desc" {
order = "asc"
query = query.Order(fmt.Sprintf("%s %s", sortBy, order))
} else {
query = query.Order(defaultSort)

return query

// ApplyPagination adds LIMIT and OFFSET clauses
func (qb *QueryBuilder) ApplyPagination(query *gorm.DB, c *gin.Context) (*gorm.DB, int, int) {
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("limit", "10"))
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("page", "1"))

if limit <= 0 {
limit = 10 // Default limit
if limit > 100 {
limit = 100 // Maximum limit
if page <= 0 {
page = 1

offset := (page - 1) * limit
return query.Limit(limit).Offset(offset), page, limit

// BuildQuery constructs a query with all common parameters
func (qb *QueryBuilder) BuildQuery(c *gin.Context, model interface{}) (*gorm.DB, int, int) {
query := qb.DB.Model(model)
query = qb.ApplyFilters(query, c)
query = qb.ApplySorting(query, c, "id asc")
query, page, limit := qb.ApplyPagination(query, c)
return query, page, limit

Now you can use this reusable query builder in your handlers:

func GetProducts(c *gin.Context) {
var products []models.Product
db := database.GetDB()
qb := NewQueryBuilder(db)

// Build the query using our reusable builder
query, page, limit := qb.BuildQuery(c, &models.Product{})

// Count total for pagination metadata
var totalCount int64
qb.ApplyFilters(db.Model(&models.Product{}), c).Count(&totalCount)

// Execute the query
if result := query.Find(&products); result.Error != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "Failed to fetch products"})

c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": products,
"meta": gin.H{
"page": page,
"limit": limit,
"total": totalCount,
"pages": int(math.Ceil(float64(totalCount) / float64(limit))),

Full Example: Product Search API

Let's put everything together with a complete example of a product search API:

package handlers

import (


// ProductSearchRequest represents query parameters for product search
type ProductSearchRequest struct {
Name string `form:"name"`
Category string `form:"category"`
MinPrice float64 `form:"min_price"`
MaxPrice float64 `form:"max_price"`
InStock *bool `form:"in_stock"`
SortBy string `form:"sort" binding:"omitempty,oneof=id name price created_at"`
Order string `form:"order" binding:"omitempty,oneof=asc desc"`
Page int `form:"page" binding:"omitempty,min=1"`
Limit int `form:"limit" binding:"omitempty,min=1,max=100"`

// SearchProducts handles product searching with filtering, sorting and pagination
func SearchProducts(c *gin.Context) {
var searchReq ProductSearchRequest

// Bind query parameters to our struct with validation
if err := c.ShouldBindQuery(&searchReq); err != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusBadRequest, gin.H{"error": "Invalid search parameters"})

// Set defaults if not provided
if searchReq.Limit == 0 {
searchReq.Limit = 10
if searchReq.Page == 0 {
searchReq.Page = 1
if searchReq.SortBy == "" {
searchReq.SortBy = "id"
if searchReq.Order == "" {
searchReq.Order = "asc"

// Start building our query
db := database.GetDB()
query := db.Model(&models.Product{})

// Apply filters based on search request
if searchReq.Name != "" {
query = query.Where("name LIKE ?", "%"+searchReq.Name+"%")

if searchReq.Category != "" {
query = query.Where("category = ?", searchReq.Category)

if searchReq.MinPrice > 0 {
query = query.Where("price >= ?", searchReq.MinPrice)

if searchReq.MaxPrice > 0 {
query = query.Where("price <= ?", searchReq.MaxPrice)

if searchReq.InStock != nil {
query = query.Where("in_stock = ?", *searchReq.InStock)

// Count total matching records for pagination metadata
var totalCount int64

// Apply sorting
query = query.Order(searchReq.SortBy + " " + searchReq.Order)

// Apply pagination
offset := (searchReq.Page - 1) * searchReq.Limit
query = query.Limit(searchReq.Limit).Offset(offset)

// Execute the final query
var products []models.Product
if result := query.Find(&products); result.Error != nil {
c.JSON(http.StatusInternalServerError, gin.H{"error": "Failed to search products"})

// Calculate total pages
totalPages := int(math.Ceil(float64(totalCount) / float64(searchReq.Limit)))

// Return the response
c.JSON(http.StatusOK, gin.H{
"data": products,
"meta": gin.H{
"total": totalCount,
"page": searchReq.Page,
"limit": searchReq.Limit,
"pages": totalPages,

Security Considerations

When building database queries from user input, security should always be a priority:

  1. Prevent SQL Injection: Always use parameterized queries with placeholders (?) for user input
  2. Validate Input: Validate and sanitize all input parameters
  3. Use Whitelists: For sorting columns and other database identifiers, use whitelists of allowed values
  4. Limit Query Results: Always implement pagination to prevent resource exhaustion
  5. Protect Sensitive Data: Be careful when filtering by sensitive fields


Building effective database queries in Gin applications involves several key steps:

  1. Extract and validate query parameters from the request
  2. Convert string parameters to appropriate types (integers, floats, booleans)
  3. Construct dynamic database queries based on the parameters
  4. Apply security measures to prevent SQL injection
  5. Implement common patterns like filtering, searching, sorting, and pagination
  6. Return proper responses with metadata for clients

By following these patterns and best practices, you can create flexible, secure, and efficient API endpoints that interact with your database while providing a great developer experience for API consumers.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a Gin endpoint that allows searching users by name, email, and role, with sorting and pagination.
  2. Implement a product filtering system that includes price range, category, and availability filters.
  3. Build an advanced search API that supports fuzzy matching of text fields.
  4. Create a report generator that uses query parameters to filter data and return aggregated results.
  5. Implement a query builder that handles complex nested conditions (e.g., "category = 'books' AND (price < 20 OR author = 'Smith')").

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)