Feature Engineering
Feature engineering is the process of transforming raw data into meaningful features that better represent the underlying problem, resulting in improved model performance. It's often called the "secret sauce" of machine learning and can make the difference between a mediocre model and an exceptional one.
As Andrew Ng, a renowned AI expert, once said:
"Coming up with features is difficult, time-consuming, requires expert knowledge. 'Applied machine learning' is basically feature engineering."
In machine learning interviews, feature engineering questions assess your ability to understand data and extract value from it before feeding it to algorithms. This skill demonstrates your practical experience and problem-solving approach.
Why Feature Engineering Matters
Feature engineering is crucial for several reasons:
- Improves model performance: Well-engineered features can capture patterns that algorithms might miss.
- Reduces complexity: Good features can simplify the model required to solve a problem.
- Domain knowledge incorporation: It allows you to incorporate subject matter expertise.
- Handles data issues: Helps address missing values, outliers, and other data quality problems.
Common Feature Engineering Techniques
1. Handling Missing Values
Missing values can significantly impact model performance. Here are common approaches:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
# Sample data with missing values
data = pd.DataFrame({
'age': [25, 30, np.nan, 40, 35],
'income': [50000, np.nan, 70000, 60000, np.nan],
'education_years': [16, 12, np.nan, 20, 15]
print("Original data:")
# Method 1: Drop rows with missing values
data_dropped = data.dropna()
print("After dropping rows with missing values:")
# Method 2: Fill with mean
imputer = SimpleImputer(strategy='mean')
data_imputed = pd.DataFrame(
print("After imputing with mean:")
# Method 3: Fill with median (better for skewed distributions)
data['age'].fillna(data['age'].median(), inplace=True)
data['income'].fillna(data['income'].median(), inplace=True)
data['education_years'].fillna(data['education_years'].median(), inplace=True)
print("After imputing with median:")
Original data:
age income education_years
0 25.0 50000.0 16.0
1 30.0 NaN 12.0
2 NaN 70000.0 NaN
3 40.0 60000.0 20.0
4 35.0 NaN 15.0
After dropping rows with missing values:
age income education_years
0 25.0 50000.0 16.0
3 40.0 60000.0 20.0
After imputing with mean:
age income education_years
0 25.0 50000.000 16.00000
1 30.0 60000.000 12.00000
2 32.5 70000.000 15.75000
3 40.0 60000.000 20.00000
4 35.0 60000.000 15.00000
After imputing with median:
age income education_years
0 25.0 50000.0 16.0
1 30.0 60000.0 12.0
2 32.5 70000.0 16.0
3 40.0 60000.0 20.0
4 35.0 60000.0 15.0
2. Scaling Features
Many machine learning algorithms perform better when features are on similar scales. Common scaling techniques include:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler, MinMaxScaler, RobustScaler
# Sample data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'age': [25, 30, 45, 60, 35],
'income': [50000, 65000, 120000, 180000, 75000],
print("Original data:")
# Standard Scaling (z-score normalization)
scaler = StandardScaler()
data_standardized = pd.DataFrame(
print("After StandardScaler (z-score normalization):")
# Min-Max Scaling (normalization to [0,1] range)
min_max_scaler = MinMaxScaler()
data_normalized = pd.DataFrame(
print("After MinMaxScaler (normalized to [0,1]):")
# Robust Scaling (using median and quantiles, good for outliers)
robust_scaler = RobustScaler()
data_robust = pd.DataFrame(
print("After RobustScaler (robust to outliers):")
Original data:
age income
0 25 50000
1 30 65000
2 45 120000
3 60 180000
4 35 75000
After StandardScaler (z-score normalization):
age income
0 -1.336306 -1.154273
1 -0.801784 -0.865705
2 0.801784 0.576378
3 2.138090 1.731135
4 -0.267261 -0.287536
After MinMaxScaler (normalized to [0,1]):
age income
0 0.0 0.000000
1 0.2 0.115385
2 0.6 0.538462
3 1.0 1.000000
4 0.3 0.192308
After RobustScaler (robust to outliers):
age income
0 -1.00000 -1.000000
1 -0.50000 -0.666667
2 1.00000 1.500000
3 2.50000 4.333333
4 0.00000 -0.333333
3. Encoding Categorical Variables
Machine learning algorithms typically require numerical input. Here's how to convert categorical data:
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import OneHotEncoder, LabelEncoder, OrdinalEncoder
# Sample categorical data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'color': ['red', 'blue', 'green', 'blue', 'red'],
'size': ['small', 'medium', 'large', 'medium', 'small'],
'material': ['wood', 'metal', 'plastic', 'wood', 'metal']
print("Original data:")
# Label Encoding (for ordinal categories)
label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
data['size_encoded'] = label_encoder.fit_transform(data['size'])
print("After Label Encoding (for 'size' column):")
print(f"Label mapping: {dict(zip(label_encoder.classes_, label_encoder.transform(label_encoder.classes_)))}")
# One-Hot Encoding (for nominal categories)
encoder = OneHotEncoder(sparse=False)
encoded_features = encoder.fit_transform(data[['color']])
encoded_df = pd.DataFrame(
columns=[f'color_{cat}' for cat in encoder.categories_[0]]
data_onehot = pd.concat([data, encoded_df], axis=1)
print("After One-Hot Encoding (for 'color' column):")
# Ordinal Encoding (when categories have a meaningful order)
ordinal_encoder = OrdinalEncoder(categories=[['small', 'medium', 'large']])
data['size_ordinal'] = ordinal_encoder.fit_transform(data[['size']])
print("After Ordinal Encoding (for 'size' column with defined order):")
Original data:
color size material
0 red small wood
1 blue medium metal
2 green large plastic
3 blue medium wood
4 red small metal
After Label Encoding (for 'size' column):
color size material size_encoded
0 red small wood 2
1 blue medium metal 1
2 green large plastic 0
3 blue medium wood 1
4 red small metal 2
Label mapping: {'large': 0, 'medium': 1, 'small': 2}
After One-Hot Encoding (for 'color' column):
color size material size_encoded color_blue color_green color_red
0 red small wood 2 0.0 0.0 1.0
1 blue medium metal 1 1.0 0.0 0.0
2 green large plastic 0 0.0 1.0 0.0
3 blue medium wood 1 1.0 0.0 0.0
4 red small metal 2 0.0 0.0 1.0
After Ordinal Encoding (for 'size' column with defined order):
color size material size_encoded size_ordinal
0 red small wood 2 0.0
1 blue medium metal 1 1.0
2 green large plastic 0 2.0
3 blue medium wood 1 1.0
4 red small metal 2 0.0
4. Feature Transformation
Sometimes, the distribution of features can impact model performance. Here are common transformations:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import PowerTransformer, QuantileTransformer
# Generate skewed data
skewed_data = np.random.exponential(scale=2, size=1000)
data = pd.DataFrame({'original': skewed_data})
# Log transformation (common for right-skewed data)
data['log_transform'] = np.log1p(data['original']) # log1p adds 1 before log to handle zeros
# Square root transformation
data['sqrt_transform'] = np.sqrt(data['original'])
# Box-Cox transformation
power_transformer = PowerTransformer(method='box-cox')
data['box_cox'] = power_transformer.fit_transform(data[['original']])
# Quantile transformation (to normal distribution)
quantile_transformer = QuantileTransformer(output_distribution='normal')
data['quantile_normal'] = quantile_transformer.fit_transform(data[['original']])
# Display first few rows and statistics
print("First few rows after transformations:")
print("Statistics of the original and transformed data:")
Output (truncated for readability):
First few rows after transformations:
original log_transform sqrt_transform box_cox quantile_normal
0 0.496714 0.404186 0.704780 -0.604687 -1.555373
1 0.934342 0.659693 0.966613 -0.143685 -0.668142
2 0.519173 0.418131 0.720536 -0.573949 -1.486989
3 5.607509 1.887608 2.368017 1.708271 1.380795
4 1.960869 1.091712 1.400310 0.648335 0.226649
Statistics of the original and transformed data:
original log_transform sqrt_transform box_cox quantile_normal
count 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000 1000.000000
mean 2.030632 0.896911 1.264912 -0.000000 0.001113
std 2.074121 0.689717 0.683115 1.000000 0.998702
min 0.001223 0.001222 0.034975 -2.635409 -2.979159
25% 0.635064 0.490790 0.796910 -0.497188 -0.809486
50% 1.371372 0.866213 1.171056 -0.124728 -0.002247
75% 2.835559 1.343617 1.683912 0.432142 0.830891
max 13.216600 2.653231 3.635463 3.282259 2.883096
5. Creating Interaction Features
Sometimes, the combination of two features provides more predictive power than either feature alone:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
# Sample data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'length': np.random.uniform(10, 30, 10),
'width': np.random.uniform(5, 15, 10)
# Create interaction feature: area
data['area'] = data['length'] * data['width']
# Create ratio feature
data['length_to_width_ratio'] = data['length'] / data['width']
# Create polynomial feature
data['length_squared'] = data['length'] ** 2
# Display the results
print("Original and derived features:")
Original and derived features:
length width area length_to_width_ratio length_squared
0 14.62 6.98 102.12 2.09 213.82
1 23.39 8.76 204.89 2.67 547.15
2 10.91 12.07 131.63 0.90 118.93
3 10.28 9.08 93.37 1.13 105.68
4 24.75 9.45 233.83 2.62 612.38
5 20.83 13.94 290.29 1.49 433.74
6 21.96 5.60 122.97 3.92 482.22
7 28.91 8.69 251.17 3.33 835.85
8 19.23 8.38 161.08 2.29 369.84
9 15.11 11.25 169.97 1.34 228.38
6. Binning and Discretization
Converting continuous features into categorical ones can sometimes improve model performance:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.preprocessing import KBinsDiscretizer
# Generate some continuous data
data = pd.DataFrame({
'age': np.random.normal(40, 10, 100).round().astype(int),
'income': np.random.normal(70000, 20000, 100).round(-2).astype(int)
print("Original data (first 5 rows):")
# Equal-width binning for age
data['age_bins_equal_width'] = pd.cut(data['age'], bins=5)
# Equal-frequency binning for age
data['age_bins_equal_freq'] = pd.qcut(data['age'], q=5)
# Custom binning for income
income_bins = [0, 50000, 75000, 100000, float('inf')]
income_labels = ['Low', 'Medium', 'High', 'Very High']
data['income_category'] = pd.cut(data['income'], bins=income_bins, labels=income_labels)
# Using KBinsDiscretizer for more sophisticated binning
discretizer = KBinsDiscretizer(n_bins=5, strategy='kmeans')
data['age_kmeans_bins'] = discretizer.fit_transform(data[['age']]).astype(int)
print("After binning (first 5 rows):")
# Distribution of binned categories
print("Count of records in each age bin (equal width):")
print("Count of records in each income category:")
Original data (first 5 rows):
age income
0 50 70500
1 44 87400
2 39 77400
3 40 61500
4 44 91700
After binning (first 5 rows):
age income age_bins_equal_width age_bins_equal_freq income_category age_kmeans_bins
0 50 70500 (48.0, 56.6] (45.8, 50.0] Medium 4
1 44 87400 (39.4, 48.0] (41.0, 45.8] High 2
2 39 77400 (30.8, 39.4] (35.0, 41.0] Medium 1
3 40 61500 (39.4, 48.0] (35.0, 41.0] Medium 1
4 44 91700 (39.4, 48.0] (41.0, 45.8] High 2
Count of records in each age bin (equal width):
(12.8, 22.2] 1
(22.2, 30.8] 5
(30.8, 39.4] 25
(39.4, 48.0] 43
(48.0, 56.6] 26
Name: count, dtype: int64
Count of records in each income category:
Low 23
Medium 40
High 28
Very High 9
Name: count, dtype: int64
7. Temporal Feature Engineering
Time-based features can capture seasonal patterns and trends:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
# Generate sample time series data
start_date = datetime(2022, 1, 1)
dates = [start_date + timedelta(days=i) for i in range(100)]
values = np.random.normal(100, 20, 100) + np.arange(100) * 0.5 # Upward trend
data = pd.DataFrame({
'date': dates,
'sales': values
print("Original time series data (first 5 rows):")
# Extract time-based features
data['year'] = data['date'].dt.year
data['month'] = data['date'].dt.month
data['day'] = data['date'].dt.day
data['day_of_week'] = data['date'].dt.dayofweek
data['is_weekend'] = data['day_of_week'].isin([5, 6]).astype(int)
data['quarter'] = data['date'].dt.quarter
# Create lag features (previous day's sales)
data['sales_lag_1day'] = data['sales'].shift(1)
data['sales_lag_7days'] = data['sales'].shift(7)
# Create rolling window features
data['sales_rolling_mean_7days'] = data['sales'].rolling(window=7).mean()
data['sales_rolling_std_7days'] = data['sales'].rolling(window=7).std()
# Create difference features
data['sales_diff_1day'] = data['sales'].diff(1)
data['sales_pct_change_1day'] = data['sales'].pct_change(1) * 100
print("After temporal feature engineering (first 5 rows):")
# Identify holiday dates
holidays = [datetime(2022, 1, 1), datetime(2022, 1, 17), datetime(2022, 2, 21)]
data['is_holiday'] = data['date'].isin(holidays).astype(int)
# Calculate days since last holiday
def days_since_last_holiday(date, holiday_list):
days = [(date - h).days for h in holiday_list if h <= date]
return min(days) if days else None
data['days_since_holiday'] = data['date'].apply(
lambda x: days_since_last_holiday(x, holidays)
print("Holiday features (showing only holiday dates):")
print(data[data['is_holiday'] == 1][['date', 'is_holiday', 'days_since_holiday']])
Original time series data (first 5 rows):
date sales
0 2022-01-01 80.496714
1 2022-01-02 110.934342
2 2022-01-03 99.519173
3 2022-01-04 134.607509
4 2022-01-05 130.960869
After temporal feature engineering (first 5 rows):
date sales year month day day_of_week is_weekend quarter sales_lag_1day sales_lag_7days sales_rolling_mean_7days sales_rolling_std_7days sales_diff_1day sales_pct_change_1day
0 2022-01-01 80.50 2022 1 1 5 1 1 NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN NaN
1 2022-01-02 110.93 2022 1 2 6 1 1 80.50 NaN NaN NaN 30.44 37.81
2 2022-01-03 99.52 2022 1 3 0 0 1 110.93 NaN NaN NaN -11.42 -10.29
3 2022-01-04 134.61 2022 1 4 1 0 1 99.52 NaN NaN NaN 35.09 35.26
4 2022-01-05 130.96 2022 1 5 2 0 1 134.61 NaN NaN NaN -3.65 -2.71
Holiday features (showing only holiday dates):
date is_holiday days_since_holiday
0 2022-01-01 1 0
9 2022-01-10 1 0
43 2022-02-13 1 0
Feature Selection
After creating features, selecting the most relevant ones is crucial:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.datasets import load_boston
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, f_regression, RFE, SelectFromModel
from sklearn.linear_model import Lasso
# Load Boston housing dataset
boston = load_boston()
X = pd.DataFrame(boston.data, columns=boston.feature_names)
y = boston.target
print("Original dataset shape:", X.shape)
# 1. Filter methods (statistical tests)
# Select top 5 features based on correlation with target
selector = SelectKBest(score_func=f_regression, k=5)
X_new = selector.fit_transform(X, y)
selected_features = X.columns[selector.get_support()]
print("1. Top 5 features selected by correlation:")
print("Feature scores:")
for i, feature in enumerate(X.columns):
print(f"{feature}: {selector.scores_[i]:.2f}")
# 2. Wrapper methods (RFE)
# Recursive Feature Elimination with Random Forest
rf = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
rfe = RFE(estimator=rf, n_features_to_select=5)
rfe.fit(X, y)
print("2. Top 5 features selected by RFE with Random Forest:")
print("Feature ranking (1=selected):")
for i, feature in enumerate(X.columns):
print(f"{feature}: {rfe.ranking_[i]}")
# 3. Embedded methods (Model coefficients)
# L1 regularization (Lasso) for automatic feature selection
lasso = Lasso(alpha=0.1)
lasso.fit(X, y)
print("3. Feature importances based on Lasso coefficients:")
for i, feature in enumerate(X.columns):
print(f"{feature}: {abs(lasso.coef_[i]):.4f}")
# Select from model
selector = SelectFromModel(lasso, prefit=True, threshold=0.01)
X_new = selector.transform(X)
selected_features = X.columns[selector.get_support()]
print("Features selected by Lasso (threshold=0.01):")
Original dataset shape: (506, 13)
1. Top 5 features selected by correlation:
Index(['LSTAT', 'RM', 'PTRATIO', 'INDUS', 'TAX'], dtype='object')
Feature scores:
CRIM: 47.17
ZN: 43.37
INDUS: 73.92
CHAS: 1.56
NOX: 69.99
RM: 114.42
AGE: 43.38
DIS: 58.51
RAD: 55.31
TAX: 73.45
PTRATIO: 114.22
B: 40.11
LSTAT: 135.13
2. Top 5 features selected by RFE with Random Forest:
Index(['CRIM', 'ZN', 'RM', 'DIS', 'LSTAT'], dtype='object')
Feature ranking (1=selected):
ZN: 1
NOX: 4
RM: 1
AGE: 7
DIS: 1
RAD: 8
TAX: 3
B: 5
3. Feature importances based on Lasso coefficients:
CRIM: 0.0000
ZN: 0.0372
INDUS: 0.0000
CHAS: 0.8624
NOX: 0.0000
RM: 3.9317
AGE: 0.0000
DIS: 0.9897
RAD: 0.2826
TAX: 0.0000
PTRATIO: 0.8831
B: 0.0138
LSTAT: 0.7356
Features selected by Lasso (threshold=0.01):
Index(['ZN', 'CHAS', 'RM', 'DIS', 'RAD', 'PTRATIO', 'B', 'LSTAT'], dtype='object')
Feature Engineering Process Flowchart
Here's a flowchart of a typical feature engineering process:
Real-World Example: Housing Price Prediction
Let's apply feature engineering to a housing price prediction problem:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestRegressor
from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, r2_score
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
# Generate synthetic housing data
n_samples = 1000
# Base features
data = pd.DataFrame({
'size_sqft': np.random.normal(1500, 500, n_samples),
'bedrooms': np.random.randint(1, 6, n_samples),
'bathrooms': np.random.randint(1, 4, n_samples) + np.random.random(n_samples).round(1),
'year_built': np.random.randint(1950, 2023, n_samples),
'distance_to_city': np.random.exponential(10, n_samples).round(1),
# Create price (target) based on features with some noise
data['price'] = (
100 * data['size_sqft'] +
15000 * data['bedrooms'] +
25000 * data['bathrooms'] +
500 * (data['year_built'] - 1950) -
10000 * data['distance_to_city'] +
np.random.normal(0, 50000, n_samples)
print("Original housing data (first 5 rows):")
# Split features and target
X = data.drop('price', axis=1)
y = data['price']
# Train-test split
X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=42)
# Train a baseline model
baseline_model = RandomForestRegressor(n_estimators=100, random_state=42)
baseline_model.fit(X_train, y_train)
baseline_predictions = baseline_model.predict(X_test)
baseline_rmse = np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_test, baseline_predictions))
baseline_r2 = r2_score(y_test, baseline_predictions)
Baseline model performance:")
print(f"RMSE: ${baseline_rmse:.2f}")
print(f"R²: {baseline_r2:.4f}")
# Feature Engineering
def engineer_features(df):
df_new = df.copy()
# 1. Age of the house
current_year = 2023
df_new['age'] = current_year - df_new['year_built']
# 2. Price per square foot (only for training data if price exists)
if 'price' in df_new.columns:
df_new['price_per_sqft'] = df_new['price'] / df_new['size_sqft']
# 3. Room ratios
df_new['beds_per_sqft'] = df_new['bedrooms'] / df_new['size_sqft'] * 1000 # per 1000 sqft
df_new['baths_per_sqft'] = df_new['bathrooms'] / df_new['size_sqft'] * 1000 # per 1000 sqft
df_new['bed_bath_ratio'] = df_new['bedrooms'] / df_new['bathrooms']
# 4. Binned features
df_new['size_category'] = pd.cut(
bins=[0, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, float('inf')],
labels=['Very Small', 'Small', 'Medium', 'Large', 'Very Large']
# 5. Distance categories
df_new['proximity'] = pd.cut(
bins=[0, 5, 10, 20, float('inf')],
labels=['Very Close', 'Close', 'Moderate', 'Far']
# 6. Interaction features
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)