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Design Case Studies


Design case studies are an invaluable way to strengthen your understanding of object-oriented design principles. While learning theory is important, seeing how these concepts apply to real-world problems provides deeper insights and practical experience. In this tutorial, we'll walk through several case studies that demonstrate effective object-oriented design in action.

Each case study will follow a structured approach:

  1. Problem definition
  2. Analysis of requirements
  3. Design exploration and decisions
  4. Implementation walkthrough
  5. Evaluation and lessons learned

By the end of this tutorial, you'll have a better understanding of how to approach complex design problems using object-oriented principles.

Case Study 1: Library Management System

Problem Definition

Let's design a simplified library management system that allows:

  • Tracking books and their availability
  • Managing member accounts
  • Handling book checkouts and returns
  • Maintaining a catalog system

Requirements Analysis

Before diving into code, we need to identify the key objects and their relationships:

Design Decisions

  1. Separation of Book and BookCopy: A book represents the abstract concept (title, author), while a BookCopy represents a physical instance of that book.
  2. Transaction class: To track checkout history and due dates.
  3. Library as a Facade: Provides a simplified interface to the complex system.


Let's implement the core classes:

public class Book {
private String title;
private String author;
private String isbn;
private List<BookCopy> copies = new ArrayList<>();

public Book(String title, String author, String isbn) {
this.title = title; = author;
this.isbn = isbn;

public void addCopy(BookCopy copy) {

public List<BookCopy> getAvailableCopies() {

// Getters and setters
public String getTitle() { return title; }
public String getAuthor() { return author; }
public String getIsbn() { return isbn; }

public class BookCopy {
private String id;
private Book book;
private boolean isAvailable = true;
private String condition;

public BookCopy(String id, Book book, String condition) { = id; = book;
this.condition = condition;

public boolean checkout() {
if (isAvailable) {
isAvailable = false;
return true;
return false;

public void returnBook() {
isAvailable = true;

// Getters
public String getId() { return id; }
public Book getBook() { return book; }
public boolean isAvailable() { return isAvailable; }
public String getCondition() { return condition; }

public class Member {
private String id;
private String name;
private String contactInfo;
private List<BookCopy> borrowedBooks = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Transaction> transactions = new ArrayList<>();

public Member(String id, String name, String contactInfo) { = id; = name;
this.contactInfo = contactInfo;

public boolean checkoutBook(BookCopy copy) {
if (copy.checkout()) {

// Create a transaction
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(,

return true;
return false;

public boolean returnBook(BookCopy copy) {
if (borrowedBooks.contains(copy)) {

// Create a transaction
Transaction transaction = new Transaction(,

return true;
return false;

// Getters
public String getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public List<BookCopy> getBorrowedBooks() { return new ArrayList<>(borrowedBooks); }

public class Transaction {
private LocalDate date;
private String type; // CHECKOUT or RETURN
private LocalDate dueDate;
private BookCopy bookCopy;

public Transaction(LocalDate date, String type, LocalDate dueDate, BookCopy bookCopy) { = date;
this.type = type;
this.dueDate = dueDate;
this.bookCopy = bookCopy;

// Getters
public LocalDate getDate() { return date; }
public String getType() { return type; }
public LocalDate getDueDate() { return dueDate; }
public BookCopy getBookCopy() { return bookCopy; }

// - Facade
public class Library {
private List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Member> members = new ArrayList<>();

public void addBook(Book book) {

public void addMember(Member member) {

public List<Book> searchByTitle(String titleQuery) {
.filter(book -> book.getTitle().toLowerCase().contains(titleQuery.toLowerCase()))

public List<Book> searchByAuthor(String authorQuery) {
.filter(book -> book.getAuthor().toLowerCase().contains(authorQuery.toLowerCase()))

public Member findMemberById(String id) {
.filter(member -> member.getId().equals(id))

public Book findBookByIsbn(String isbn) {
.filter(book -> book.getIsbn().equals(isbn))

Example Usage

Here's how our library system could be used:

// Creating a library
Library library = new Library();

// Adding books to the library
Book book1 = new Book("Clean Code", "Robert C. Martin", "9780132350884");
Book book2 = new Book("Design Patterns", "Erich Gamma et al.", "9780201633610");

// Adding book copies
BookCopy cleanCode1 = new BookCopy("CC001", book1, "Good");
BookCopy cleanCode2 = new BookCopy("CC002", book1, "Excellent");
BookCopy designPatterns1 = new BookCopy("DP001", book2, "Fair");

// Adding members
Member alice = new Member("M001", "Alice Smith", "[email protected]");
Member bob = new Member("M002", "Bob Johnson", "[email protected]");

// Checking out books

// Searching for books
List<Book> cleanCodeBooks = library.searchByTitle("Clean Code");
System.out.println("Found " + cleanCodeBooks.size() + " book(s) with title 'Clean Code'");
System.out.println("Available copies: " + cleanCodeBooks.get(0).getAvailableCopies().size());

// Output:
// Found 1 book(s) with title 'Clean Code'
// Available copies: 1


This design demonstrates several OO principles:

  1. Encapsulation: Each class manages its own data and provides methods to interact with it.
  2. Single Responsibility: Each class has a clear, focused purpose.
  3. Open/Closed Principle: We can add new book types or member types without modifying existing code.
  4. Dependency Management: Objects interact through well-defined interfaces.

Case Study 2: Online Shopping Cart

Problem Definition

Design a shopping cart system that allows:

  • Adding and removing products
  • Calculating totals with different pricing rules
  • Applying various discounts
  • Processing checkout

Requirements Analysis

Let's identify the key objects:

Design Decisions

  1. Strategy Pattern: Using different pricing strategies (regular, bulk)
  2. Composite Pattern: Cart contains items, each with its own product
  3. Open for Extension: Different discount types implemented through an interface


public class Product {
private String id;
private String name;
private String description;
private double basePrice;
private PricingStrategy pricingStrategy;

public Product(String id, String name, String description, double basePrice) { = id; = name;
this.description = description;
this.basePrice = basePrice;
this.pricingStrategy = new RegularPricing(); // Default

public void setPricingStrategy(PricingStrategy strategy) {
this.pricingStrategy = strategy;

public double calculatePrice(int quantity) {
return pricingStrategy.calculatePrice(this, quantity);

// Getters
public String getId() { return id; }
public String getName() { return name; }
public String getDescription() { return description; }
public double getBasePrice() { return basePrice; }

// Pricing Strategies
public interface PricingStrategy {
double calculatePrice(Product product, int quantity);

public class RegularPricing implements PricingStrategy {
public double calculatePrice(Product product, int quantity) {
return product.getBasePrice() * quantity;

public class BulkPricing implements PricingStrategy {
private int minimumQuantity;
private double discountPercent;

public BulkPricing(int minimumQuantity, double discountPercent) {
this.minimumQuantity = minimumQuantity;
this.discountPercent = discountPercent;

public double calculatePrice(Product product, int quantity) {
double baseTotal = product.getBasePrice() * quantity;
if (quantity >= minimumQuantity) {
return baseTotal * (1 - discountPercent);
return baseTotal;

public class CartItem {
private Product product;
private int quantity;

public CartItem(Product product, int quantity) {
this.product = product;
this.quantity = quantity;

public double calculateSubtotal() {
return product.calculatePrice(quantity);

public void increaseQuantity(int amount) {
this.quantity += amount;

// Getters and setters
public Product getProduct() { return product; }
public int getQuantity() { return quantity; }
public void setQuantity(int quantity) { this.quantity = quantity; }

// Discount interface and implementations
public interface Discount {
double apply(double amount);

public class PercentageDiscount implements Discount {
private double percentage;

public PercentageDiscount(double percentage) {
this.percentage = percentage;

public double apply(double amount) {
return amount * (1 - percentage);

public class FixedAmountDiscount implements Discount {
private double amount;

public FixedAmountDiscount(double amount) {
this.amount = amount;

public double apply(double amount) {
return Math.max(0, amount - this.amount);

public class ShoppingCart {
private List<CartItem> items = new ArrayList<>();
private List<Discount> discounts = new ArrayList<>();

public void addItem(Product product, int quantity) {
// Check if the product is already in the cart
for (CartItem item : items) {
if (item.getProduct().getId().equals(product.getId())) {

// If not found, add a new cart item
items.add(new CartItem(product, quantity));

public void removeItem(Product product) {
items.removeIf(item -> item.getProduct().getId().equals(product.getId()));

public void updateQuantity(Product product, int newQuantity) {
for (CartItem item : items) {
if (item.getProduct().getId().equals(product.getId())) {
if (newQuantity <= 0) {
} else {

public void applyDiscount(Discount discount) {

public double calculateSubtotal() {

public double calculateTotal() {
double subtotal = calculateSubtotal();
double total = subtotal;

// Apply all discounts
for (Discount discount : discounts) {
total = discount.apply(total);

return total;

public Map<String, Object> checkout() {
Map<String, Object> receipt = new HashMap<>();
List<Map<String, Object>> itemDetails = new ArrayList<>();

for (CartItem item : items) {
Map<String, Object> itemDetail = new HashMap<>();
Product product = item.getProduct();

itemDetail.put("productId", product.getId());
itemDetail.put("productName", product.getName());
itemDetail.put("quantity", item.getQuantity());
itemDetail.put("unitPrice", product.getBasePrice());
itemDetail.put("subtotal", item.calculateSubtotal());


receipt.put("items", itemDetails);
receipt.put("subtotal", calculateSubtotal());
receipt.put("total", calculateTotal());
receipt.put("discounts", discounts.size());

// Clear the cart after checkout

return receipt;

Example Usage

// Create products
Product laptop = new Product("P001", "Laptop", "High-performance laptop", 999.99);
Product mouse = new Product("P002", "Mouse", "Wireless mouse", 29.99);
Product keyboard = new Product("P003", "Keyboard", "Mechanical keyboard", 89.99);

// Set bulk pricing strategy for keyboard
keyboard.setPricingStrategy(new BulkPricing(2, 0.15)); // 15% off when buying 2 or more

// Create shopping cart
ShoppingCart cart = new ShoppingCart();

// Add items to cart
cart.addItem(laptop, 1);
cart.addItem(mouse, 1);
cart.addItem(keyboard, 2);

// Display initial total
System.out.println("Subtotal: $" + cart.calculateSubtotal());
// Output: Subtotal: $1132.97 (999.99 + 29.99 + (89.99 * 2 * 0.85))

// Apply discount
cart.applyDiscount(new PercentageDiscount(0.10)); // 10% off entire order

// Display final total
System.out.println("Total after discount: $" + cart.calculateTotal());
// Output: Total after discount: $1019.67

// Checkout
Map<String, Object> receipt = cart.checkout();
System.out.println("Checkout complete. Order total: $" + receipt.get("total"));


This design showcases:

  1. Strategy Pattern: Different pricing strategies can be applied to products
  2. Open/Closed Principle: New discount types can be added without modifying existing code
  3. Single Responsibility: Each class has a specific purpose
  4. Dependency Inversion: High-level modules depend on abstractions, not concrete implementations

Case Study 3: Text Editor with Undo Functionality

Problem Definition

Design a simple text editor that allows:

  • Adding and removing text
  • Changing formatting (bold, italic)
  • Undo/redo operations
  • Saving documents

Design Approach

For this system, we'll implement the Command pattern to enable undo functionality.


public class Document {
private StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder();
private Map<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> formatting = new HashMap<>();

public void addText(int position, String textToAdd) {
text.insert(position, textToAdd);

// Shift formatting information
Map<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> newFormatting = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : formatting.entrySet()) {
int pos = entry.getKey();
if (pos >= position) {
newFormatting.put(pos + textToAdd.length(), entry.getValue());
} else {
newFormatting.put(pos, entry.getValue());
formatting = newFormatting;

public String deleteText(int position, int length) {
String deletedText = text.substring(position, position + length);
text.delete(position, position + length);

// Update formatting
Map<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> newFormatting = new HashMap<>();
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Map<String, Boolean>> entry : formatting.entrySet()) {
int pos = entry.getKey();
if (pos >= position + length) {
newFormatting.put(pos - length, entry.getValue());
} else if (pos < position) {
newFormatting.put(pos, entry.getValue());
// Formatting info within deleted text is discarded
formatting = newFormatting;

return deletedText;

public void formatText(int position, int length, String formatType, boolean value) {
for (int i = position; i < position + length; i++) {
if (!formatting.containsKey(i)) {
formatting.put(i, new HashMap<>());
formatting.get(i).put(formatType, value);

public String getText() {
return text.toString();

public Map<String, Boolean> getFormattingAt(int position) {
return formatting.getOrDefault(position, new HashMap<>());

public void save(String filename) {
// In a real implementation, this would save to a file
System.out.println("Saving document to " + filename);
System.out.println("Content: " + text.toString());
System.out.println("Formatting: " + formatting.toString());

// Command interface and implementations
public interface Command {
void execute();
void undo();

public class AddTextCommand implements Command {
private Document document;
private int position;
private String text;

public AddTextCommand(Document document, int position, String text) {
this.document = document;
this.position = position;
this.text = text;

public void execute() {
document.addText(position, text);

public void undo() {
document.deleteText(position, text.length());

public class DeleteTextCommand implements Command {
private Document document;
private int position;
private int length;
private String deletedText;

public DeleteTextCommand(Document document, int position, int length) {
this.document = document;
this.position = position;
this.length = length;

public void execute() {
deletedText = document.deleteText(position, length);

public void undo() {
document.addText(position, deletedText);

public class FormatTextCommand implements Command {
private Document document;
private int position;
private int length;
private String formatType;
private boolean value;
private Map<Integer, Boolean> previousValues = new HashMap<>();

public FormatTextCommand(Document document, int position, int length,
String formatType, boolean value) {
this.document = document;
this.position = position;
this.length = length;
this.formatType = formatType;
this.value = value;

public void execute() {
// Save previous state for undo
for (int i = position; i < position + length; i++) {
Map<String, Boolean> formatting = document.getFormattingAt(i);
previousValues.put(i, formatting.getOrDefault(formatType, false));

// Apply new formatting
document.formatText(position, length, formatType, value);

public void undo() {
for (Map.Entry<Integer, Boolean> entry : previousValues.entrySet()) {
document.formatText(entry.getKey(), 1, formatType, entry.getValue());

public class CommandHistory {
private Deque<Command> undoStack = new ArrayDeque<>();
private Deque<Command> redoStack = new ArrayDeque<>();

public void push(Command command) {
redoStack.clear(); // Clear redo stack when a new command is executed

public Command popUndoCommand() {
if (undoStack.isEmpty()) {
return null;

Command command = undoStack.pop();
return command;

public Command popRedoCommand() {
if (redoStack.isEmpty()) {
return null;

Command command = redoStack.pop();
return command;

public boolean canUndo() {
return !undoStack.isEmpty();

public boolean canRedo() {
return !redoStack.isEmpty();

public class Editor {
private Document document;
private CommandHistory history;

public Editor() {
document = new Document();
history = new CommandHistory();

public void executeCommand(Command command) {

public boolean undo() {
if (!history.canUndo()) {
return false;

Command command = history.popUndoCommand();
return true;

public boolean redo() {
if (!history.canRedo()) {
return false;

Command command = history.popRedoCommand();
return true;

public Document getDocument() {
return document;

public void saveDocument(String filename) {;

Example Usage

// Create an editor
Editor editor = new Editor();

// Add text
editor.executeCommand(new AddTextCommand(editor.getDocument(), 0, "Hello, "));
editor.executeCommand(new AddTextCommand(editor.getDocument(), 7, "world!"));

// Print current text
System.out.println("Text: " + editor.getDocument().getText());
// Output: Text: Hello, world!

// Make text bold
editor.executeCommand(new FormatTextCommand(editor.getDocument(), 0, 7, "bold", true));

// Delete some text
editor.executeCommand(new DeleteTextCommand(editor.getDocument(), 5, 3));

// Print current text
System.out.println("Text after delete: " + editor.getDocument().getText());
// Output: Text after delete: Helloworld!

// Undo last operation
System.out.println("Text after undo: " + editor.getDocument().getText());
// Output: Text after undo: Hello, world!

// Redo operation
System.out.println("Text after redo: " + editor.getDocument().getText());
// Output: Text after redo: Helloworld!

// Save document


This design demonstrates:

  1. Command Pattern: Encapsulates operations as objects, enabling undo/redo
  2. Single Responsibility: Each command handles one specific change to the document
  3. Open for Extension: New commands can be added without modifying existing code
  4. History Management: Command history maintains the state for undo/redo operations

Summary and Best Practices

Through these case studies, we've seen several object-oriented design principles in action:

  1. Identify the right abstractions

    • Find the natural objects in the problem domain
    • Abstract common behaviors into interfaces
  2. Apply appropriate design patterns

    • Factory, Strategy, Command, and Observer patterns solve common problems
    • Don't force patterns when simpler solutions exist
  3. Follow SOLID principles

    • Single Responsibility: Each class should have one purpose
    • Open/Closed: Open for extension, closed for modification
    • Liskov Substitution: Subtypes should be substitutable for their base types
    • Interface Segregation: Many specific interfaces are better than one general one
    • Dependency Inversion: Depend on abstractions, not concretions
  4. Design for change

    • Encapsulate what varies
    • Program to interfaces, not implementations
    • Favor composition over inheritance


  1. Extend the Library System

    • Add a fine calculation system for overdue books
    • Implement a reservation system for books currently checked out
    • Create a notification system for due dates
  2. Enhance the Shopping Cart

    • Add a coupon system that works with existing discounts
    • Implement a tax calculator based on different regions
    • Create a recommendation system based on cart contents
  3. Improve the Text Editor

    • Add paragraph styling (alignment, spacing)
    • Implement a find and replace feature
    • Create a document export system with multiple formats

Additional Resources

  • Books

    • "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Gamma et al.
    • "Clean Code" by Robert C. Martin
    • "Head First Design Patterns" by Freeman & Robson
  • Online Learning

    • Object-Oriented Design courses on Coursera and edX
    • Design pattern tutorials on Refactoring Guru
    • Practice exercises on LeetCode and HackerRank
  • Tools

    • UML modeling tools like PlantUML
    • IDE plugins for design pattern templates
    • Code analyzers to check for design principles adherence

Remember that good design evolves over time. Start simple, refine based on changing requirements, and always strive for readable, maintainable code.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)