Arduino Signal Processing
Signal processing is a fundamental skill in the world of embedded systems and IoT projects. When working with Arduino, your projects will often involve collecting data from the physical world through sensors. However, raw sensor data is rarely perfect—it contains noise, interference, and other unwanted components. This is where signal processing comes in.
In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement various signal processing techniques using Arduino to transform raw sensor data into meaningful, actionable information. Whether you're building a weather station, a music visualizer, or a motion-sensitive robot, these techniques will help you extract the signals you need from the noise.
What is Signal Processing?
Signal processing is the analysis, interpretation, and manipulation of signals. A signal is any variable that carries information, such as:
- Voltage readings from analog sensors
- Temperature variations over time
- Sound waves captured by a microphone
- Vibration patterns detected by an accelerometer
On Arduino, signal processing typically involves:
- Acquisition: Reading raw signals from sensors
- Conditioning: Cleaning up and preparing the signal
- Analysis: Extracting meaningful information
- Output: Using the processed information to trigger actions or display results
Let's explore each of these steps in detail.
Basic Signal Acquisition
Before we can process a signal, we need to acquire it. Arduino boards come with analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) that allow us to read analog voltages.
Here's a simple example of reading an analog value from a potentiometer:
const int potPin = A0; // Analog pin connected to the potentiometer
void setup() {
Serial.begin(9600); // Initialize serial communication
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(potPin); // Read the analog value (0-1023)
// Print the raw sensor value
Serial.print("Raw sensor value: ");
delay(100); // Short delay between readings
Output Example:
Raw sensor value: 512
Raw sensor value: 513
Raw sensor value: 510
Raw sensor value: 498
This gives us raw readings, but in real-world applications, these readings might contain noise or unwanted variations.
Signal Conditioning Techniques
Moving Average Filter
One of the simplest yet most effective signal processing techniques is the moving average filter. It smooths out short-term fluctuations and highlights longer-term trends.
const int potPin = A0;
const int numReadings = 10;
int readings[numReadings]; // Array to store readings
int readIndex = 0; // Current position in the array
int total = 0; // Running total
int average = 0; // Moving average
void setup() {
// Initialize all readings to 0
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
readings[i] = 0;
void loop() {
// Subtract the oldest reading from the total
total = total - readings[readIndex];
// Read the sensor
readings[readIndex] = analogRead(potPin);
// Add the new reading to the total
total = total + readings[readIndex];
// Advance to the next position in the array
readIndex = (readIndex + 1) % numReadings;
// Calculate the average
average = total / numReadings;
// Print both raw and filtered values
Serial.print("Raw: ");
Serial.print("\tFiltered: ");
Output Example:
Raw: 498 Filtered: 505
Raw: 512 Filtered: 506
Raw: 515 Filtered: 507
Raw: 510 Filtered: 508
The moving average filter is effective for removing random noise while preserving the underlying trend. By adjusting the numReadings
value, you can control the amount of smoothing:
- Larger values provide more smoothing but slower response
- Smaller values provide less smoothing but faster response
Exponential Moving Average
An exponential moving average (EMA) gives more weight to recent measurements, providing a more responsive filter while still smoothing the signal:
const int potPin = A0;
float EMA_alpha = 0.3; // Smoothing factor (0-1)
float EMA_filtered = 0; // Filtered value
void setup() {
// Initialize filtered value with first reading
EMA_filtered = analogRead(potPin);
void loop() {
int rawValue = analogRead(potPin);
// Apply exponential moving average filter
EMA_filtered = (EMA_alpha * rawValue) + ((1 - EMA_alpha) * EMA_filtered);
// Print both raw and filtered values
Serial.print("Raw: ");
Serial.print("\tEMA Filtered: ");
The EMA_alpha
parameter determines the filter behavior:
- Values closer to 1 make the filter respond more quickly to changes
- Values closer to 0 produce more smoothing but slower response
Median Filter
A median filter is excellent for removing "spikes" or outliers in your data:
const int potPin = A0;
const int windowSize = 5; // Must be an odd number
int readings[windowSize];
void setup() {
void loop() {
// Shift readings in array
for (int i = windowSize - 1; i > 0; i--) {
readings[i] = readings[i-1];
// Add new reading
readings[0] = analogRead(potPin);
// Create a temporary array for sorting
int temp[windowSize];
for (int i = 0; i < windowSize; i++) {
temp[i] = readings[i];
// Sort the array (bubble sort)
for (int i = 0; i < windowSize - 1; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < windowSize - i - 1; j++) {
if (temp[j] > temp[j + 1]) {
int t = temp[j];
temp[j] = temp[j + 1];
temp[j + 1] = t;
// Get the middle value (median)
int medianValue = temp[windowSize / 2];
// Print raw and median-filtered values
Serial.print("Raw: ");
Serial.print("\tMedian: ");
The median filter is particularly useful when dealing with occasional outliers or noise spikes, as it completely removes them rather than just reducing their impact.
Advanced Signal Processing Techniques
Threshold Detection
Threshold detection is useful for identifying when a signal crosses a specific value, allowing you to detect events:
const int sensorPin = A0;
const int ledPin = 13;
const int threshold = 500; // Threshold value
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
void loop() {
int sensorValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Threshold detection
if (sensorValue > threshold) {
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
Serial.println("Threshold exceeded!");
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
Serial.print("Sensor value: ");
Edge Detection
Edge detection identifies rapid changes in a signal, which can indicate important events:
const int sensorPin = A0;
int lastValue = 0;
const int edgeThreshold = 100; // Minimum change to be considered an edge
void setup() {
// Initialize lastValue
lastValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
void loop() {
int currentValue = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Calculate the absolute difference
int difference = abs(currentValue - lastValue);
// Check if we detected a significant change (edge)
if (difference > edgeThreshold) {
if (currentValue > lastValue) {
Serial.println("Rising edge detected!");
} else {
Serial.println("Falling edge detected!");
Serial.print("Value: ");
Serial.print("\tDifference: ");
// Update lastValue for the next iteration
lastValue = currentValue;
Frequency Analysis Using Zero Crossing
A simple way to estimate the frequency of a signal is to count how many times it crosses zero (or a threshold value) in a given time period:
const int audioPin = A0;
const int samplePeriod = 1000; // Sample for 1 second
const int threshold = 512; // Midpoint for zero crossing detection
void setup() {
void loop() {
unsigned long startTime = millis();
int crossings = 0;
int lastValue = analogRead(audioPin);
bool wasAboveThreshold = (lastValue > threshold);
// Count zero crossings for the sample period
while (millis() - startTime < samplePeriod) {
int newValue = analogRead(audioPin);
bool isAboveThreshold = (newValue > threshold);
// Check if we crossed the threshold
if (isAboveThreshold != wasAboveThreshold) {
wasAboveThreshold = isAboveThreshold;
// Small delay to prevent overwhelming the ADC
// Calculate frequency (divide by 2 because each complete cycle has 2 crossings)
float frequency = (float)crossings / 2.0;
Serial.print("Estimated frequency: ");
Serial.println(" Hz");
This is a simplified approach to frequency detection. For more accurate results, especially with complex signals, you might need to implement more advanced techniques like the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT).
Real-World Applications
Digital Thermostat
This example uses filtering and threshold detection to create a simple thermostat:
#include <OneWire.h>
#include <DallasTemperature.h>
#define ONE_WIRE_BUS 2 // Data wire is connected to pin 2
#define RELAY_PIN 4 // Relay connected to pin 4
// Setup a oneWire instance
OneWire oneWire(ONE_WIRE_BUS);
// Pass oneWire reference to Dallas Temperature sensor
DallasTemperature sensors(&oneWire);
// Temperature settings
float targetTemp = 25.0; // Target temperature in Celsius
float hysteresis = 0.5; // Hysteresis to prevent rapid switching
// Filter settings
const int numReadings = 10;
float tempReadings[numReadings];
int readIndex = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize the temperature readings array
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
tempReadings[i] = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
void loop() {
// Request temperature
// Get temperature reading
float newTemp = sensors.getTempCByIndex(0);
// Update the readings array
tempReadings[readIndex] = newTemp;
readIndex = (readIndex + 1) % numReadings;
// Calculate the average temperature
float avgTemp = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < numReadings; i++) {
avgTemp += tempReadings[i];
avgTemp /= numReadings;
// Apply heating control with hysteresis
if (avgTemp < (targetTemp - hysteresis)) {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, HIGH); // Turn heating on
Serial.print("Heating ON - ");
} else if (avgTemp > (targetTemp + hysteresis)) {
digitalWrite(RELAY_PIN, LOW); // Turn heating off
Serial.print("Heating OFF - ");
// Print current status
Serial.print("Current: ");
Serial.print("°C, Filtered: ");
Serial.print("°C, Target: ");
Audio Beat Detector
This example detects beats in an audio signal using a combination of filtering and threshold detection:
const int audioPin = A0;
const int ledPin = 13;
// EMA filter variables
float EMA_a = 0.3; // EMA alpha for fast filter
float EMA_a_slow = 0.05; // EMA alpha for slow filter
float EMA_fast = 0; // Fast EMA value
float EMA_slow = 0; // Slow EMA value
float peak = 0; // Peak value
const float threshold_factor = 1.5; // How much fast needs to exceed slow for a beat
void setup() {
pinMode(ledPin, OUTPUT);
// Initialize EMA values with first reading
int firstReading = analogRead(audioPin);
EMA_fast = firstReading;
EMA_slow = firstReading;
peak = firstReading;
void loop() {
// Read audio level
int audioValue = analogRead(audioPin);
// Update fast and slow EMAs
EMA_fast = (EMA_a * audioValue) + ((1 - EMA_a) * EMA_fast);
EMA_slow = (EMA_a_slow * audioValue) + ((1 - EMA_a_slow) * EMA_slow);
// Update peak if necessary (with some decay)
peak = max(EMA_fast, peak * 0.95);
// Calculate dynamic threshold based on slow EMA and peak
float threshold = EMA_slow * threshold_factor;
// Detect beat (when fast EMA exceeds threshold)
if (EMA_fast > threshold && EMA_fast > 100) { // 100 is to avoid noise triggering
digitalWrite(ledPin, HIGH);
Serial.println("BEAT DETECTED!");
} else {
digitalWrite(ledPin, LOW);
// Print values for debugging
Serial.print("Raw: ");
Serial.print("\tFast EMA: ");
Serial.print("\tSlow EMA: ");
Serial.print("\tThreshold: ");
delay(10); // Short delay to not overwhelm the serial output
Tilt Angle Calculation with IMU Sensor
This example uses a complementary filter to calculate tilt angle from an accelerometer and gyroscope:
#include <Wire.h>
#include <MPU6050.h>
MPU6050 mpu;
// Complementary filter coefficient
float alpha = 0.98;
// Variables to store angles
float gyroAngleX = 0;
float accelAngleX = 0;
float complementaryAngleX = 0;
// Variables for timing
unsigned long previousTime = 0;
void setup() {
// Initialize MPU6050
Serial.println("Initializing MPU6050...");
while(!mpu.begin(MPU6050_SCALE_2000DPS, MPU6050_RANGE_2G)) {
Serial.println("Could not find a valid MPU6050 sensor, check wiring!");
// Calibrate gyroscope
void loop() {
// Get current time
unsigned long currentTime = millis();
float deltaTime = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000.0; // Convert to seconds
previousTime = currentTime;
// Read normalized values from MPU6050
Vector normAccel = mpu.readNormalizeAccel();
Vector normGyro = mpu.readNormalizeGyro();
// Calculate accel angle (uses atan2 for proper quadrant handling)
accelAngleX = atan2(normAccel.Y, sqrt(normAccel.X * normAccel.X + normAccel.Z * normAccel.Z)) * 180 / PI;
// Calculate gyro angle change
float gyroRateX = normGyro.X;
gyroAngleX += gyroRateX * deltaTime;
// Apply complementary filter
complementaryAngleX = alpha * (complementaryAngleX + gyroRateX * deltaTime) + (1 - alpha) * accelAngleX;
// Print angles for comparison
Serial.print("Accel Angle X: ");
Serial.print(" deg, Gyro Angle X: ");
Serial.print(" deg, Complementary Angle X: ");
Serial.println(" deg");
The complementary filter combines the strengths of both sensors:
- The accelerometer provides accurate long-term measurements but is sensitive to vibration
- The gyroscope provides smooth short-term measurements but tends to drift over time
- The complementary filter gives us the best of both worlds
Signal Processing Flow
Let's visualize a typical signal processing flow in an Arduino project:
Signal processing is an essential skill for Arduino projects that involve sensors and real-world data. In this tutorial, we've covered:
- Basic Signal Acquisition: Reading analog values from sensors
- Signal Conditioning Techniques:
- Moving Average Filter for general noise reduction
- Exponential Moving Average for responsive filtering
- Median Filter for eliminating spikes and outliers
- Advanced Processing Techniques:
- Threshold Detection for identifying when signals cross certain values
- Edge Detection for identifying rapid changes
- Frequency Analysis using zero crossings
- Real-World Applications:
- Digital Thermostat with hysteresis
- Audio Beat Detector with dynamic thresholds
- Tilt Angle Calculation with complementary filter
By applying these techniques to your projects, you can extract meaningful information from noisy sensor data and create more robust, responsive Arduino applications.
Basic Filtering: Connect a potentiometer to your Arduino and implement both moving average and exponential moving average filters. Compare the results with different filter parameters.
Noise Removal Challenge: Add random noise to a signal (you can do this by wiring a floating analog input) and try to clean it up using the filtering techniques learned.
Temperature Logger: Create a temperature monitoring system that filters sensor readings and alerts when the temperature changes significantly.
Sound Detector: Build a sound level meter that can identify loud noises above a certain threshold, with filtering to prevent false triggers.
Advanced Project: Create a hand gesture recognition system using an accelerometer, applying filtering and edge detection to identify different movements.
Additional Resources
- Arduino Reference for analogRead()
- Introduction to Digital Filters with Arduino
- FFT Library for Arduino for frequency domain analysis
- Sensor Fusion on Arduino for advanced IMU processing
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing - A comprehensive free online book
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)