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Arduino Robot Control


Building a robot with Arduino is an exciting way to apply programming concepts and learn about electronics. In this tutorial, we'll explore how to create a simple but functional robot using an Arduino board. You'll learn how to connect motors, sensors, and write code to make your robot navigate its environment.

Arduino is perfect for robotics because it's:

  • Affordable and accessible
  • Supported by a large community
  • Compatible with many sensors and actuators
  • Programmable using a simple C/C++ variant

By the end of this guide, you'll understand the fundamentals of robot control and be ready to build your own Arduino-powered robot.

Components Needed

To follow along with this tutorial, you'll need:

  • Arduino Uno or compatible board
  • Robot chassis with two DC motors
  • L298N motor driver module
  • Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04)
  • Battery pack (6-12V)
  • Jumper wires
  • Small breadboard
  • Optional: Line following sensors

Setting Up the Robot Hardware

Step 1: Assemble the Robot Chassis

Most beginner robot kits come with a chassis, wheels, and motors. Follow the assembly instructions provided with your chassis to attach the motors and wheels.

Step 2: Connect the Motor Driver

The L298N motor driver acts as an interface between the Arduino and the motors. Connect it as follows:

Here's the wiring breakdown:

  1. Power connections:

    • Connect L298N VCC to Arduino 5V
    • Connect L298N GND to Arduino GND
    • Connect battery positive to L298N power input
    • Connect battery negative to L298N ground
  2. Motor control connections:

    • Connect Arduino pin 7 to L298N IN1
    • Connect Arduino pin 6 to L298N IN2
    • Connect Arduino pin 5 to L298N IN3
    • Connect Arduino pin 4 to L298N IN4
    • Connect Arduino pin 9 to L298N ENA (optional for speed control)
    • Connect Arduino pin 10 to L298N ENB (optional for speed control)

Step 3: Add the Ultrasonic Sensor

The HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor will help your robot detect obstacles:

  • Connect VCC to Arduino 5V
  • Connect GND to Arduino GND
  • Connect Trig to Arduino digital pin 12
  • Connect Echo to Arduino digital pin 11

Programming the Robot

Let's start with the basic code to control our robot. We'll build it step by step.

Basic Movement Control

First, let's define the pins and create functions for basic movements:

// Motor A connections
const int enA = 9;
const int in1 = 7;
const int in2 = 6;
// Motor B connections
const int enB = 10;
const int in3 = 5;
const int in4 = 4;

void setup() {
// Set all motor control pins as outputs
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);

// Turn off motors - Initial state
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

// Set the motor speed (optional)
analogWrite(enA, 200); // Value from 0 to 255
analogWrite(enB, 200); // Value from 0 to 255

void loop() {
// Example movement sequence

// Movement functions
void moveForward() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void moveBackward() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnLeft() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void stopMotors() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

This code defines the basic movements your robot can make. Let's analyze it:

  • We define pins for both motors (A and B)
  • We set up all pins as outputs in the setup() function
  • We create five basic movement functions:
    • moveForward() - Both motors rotate forward
    • moveBackward() - Both motors rotate backward
    • turnRight() - Left motor forward, right motor backward
    • turnLeft() - Left motor backward, right motor forward
    • stopMotors() - All motors stop

Adding Obstacle Detection

Now, let's add the ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles and make the robot navigate autonomously:

// Motor pins (same as before)
const int enA = 9;
const int in1 = 7;
const int in2 = 6;
const int enB = 10;
const int in3 = 5;
const int in4 = 4;

// Ultrasonic sensor pins
const int trigPin = 12;
const int echoPin = 11;

// Variables for distance calculation
long duration;
int distance;

void setup() {
// Serial for debugging

// Motor pins setup (same as before)
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);

// Set the motor speed
analogWrite(enA, 180);
analogWrite(enB, 180);

// Ultrasonic sensor pins
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

void loop() {
// Check distance to obstacles
distance = measureDistance();
Serial.print("Distance: ");

// Navigate based on distance
if (distance > 20) {
// Path is clear, move forward
} else {
// Obstacle detected, stop and turn

delay(100); // Small delay to stabilize readings

// Measure distance using ultrasonic sensor
int measureDistance() {
// Clear the trigPin
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Set the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Read the echoPin, return the sound wave travel time in microseconds
duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculate the distance
int calculatedDistance = duration * 0.034 / 2; // Speed of sound wave divided by 2 (go and back)

return calculatedDistance;

// Movement functions (same as before)
void moveForward() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void moveBackward() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnLeft() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void stopMotors() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

This code adds obstacle detection using the ultrasonic sensor:

  1. We measure the distance using the HC-SR04 sensor in the measureDistance() function
  2. In the loop() function, we check if there's an obstacle within 20cm
  3. If the path is clear, the robot moves forward
  4. If an obstacle is detected, the robot stops, backs up, and turns right to find a new path

Advanced Project: Line Following Robot

Let's make our robot smarter by adding line-following capability. We'll need to add two or more infrared (IR) sensors to the bottom of the robot that can detect a black line on a white surface (or vice versa).

Hardware Additions

Add two IR line sensors to the front bottom of your robot:

  • Left sensor connected to Arduino digital pin 2
  • Right sensor connected to Arduino digital pin 3

Line Following Code

// Motor pins (same as before)
const int enA = 9;
const int in1 = 7;
const int in2 = 6;
const int enB = 10;
const int in3 = 5;
const int in4 = 4;

// IR sensor pins
const int leftSensor = 2;
const int rightSensor = 3;

// Sensor readings
int leftValue;
int rightValue;

void setup() {
// Serial for debugging

// Motor pins setup
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);

// Set the motor speed
analogWrite(enA, 150); // Lower speed for more accurate line following
analogWrite(enB, 150);

// Line sensor pins
pinMode(leftSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(rightSensor, INPUT);

void loop() {
// Read line sensors
// LOW means line detected (black line on white surface)
// HIGH means no line detected
leftValue = digitalRead(leftSensor);
rightValue = digitalRead(rightSensor);

// Debug sensor readings
Serial.print("Left: ");
Serial.print(" | Right: ");

// Line following logic
if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == LOW) {
// Both sensors on the line - move forward
else if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == HIGH) {
// Line is under left sensor - turn left
else if (leftValue == HIGH && rightValue == LOW) {
// Line is under right sensor - turn right
else {
// Both sensors off the line - search for the line
// This could be a more complex algorithm, but for simplicity:

delay(50); // Small delay to stabilize readings

// Function to search for the line when lost
void searchForLine() {
// Stop briefly

// Move backward slightly

// Try turning to find the line again

// Movement functions (same as before)
void moveForward() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void moveBackward() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnLeft() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void stopMotors() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

This line-following algorithm:

  1. Reads both IR sensors
  2. If both sensors detect the line, the robot moves forward
  3. If only the left sensor detects the line, the robot turns left
  4. If only the right sensor detects the line, the robot turns right
  5. If neither sensor detects the line, the robot executes a search pattern to find the line again

Project Example: Obstacle-Avoiding and Line-Following Robot

For the final project, let's combine both capabilities to create a robot that can follow a line but also avoid obstacles in its path. This represents a more realistic robot navigation scenario.

// Motor pins
const int enA = 9;
const int in1 = 7;
const int in2 = 6;
const int enB = 10;
const int in3 = 5;
const int in4 = 4;

// Ultrasonic sensor pins
const int trigPin = 12;
const int echoPin = 11;

// IR sensor pins
const int leftSensor = 2;
const int rightSensor = 3;

// Variables
long duration;
int distance;
int leftValue;
int rightValue;
bool avoidingObstacle = false;

void setup() {

// Motor pins setup
pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in3, OUTPUT);
pinMode(in4, OUTPUT);

// Set the motor speed
analogWrite(enA, 160);
analogWrite(enB, 160);

// Ultrasonic sensor pins
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);

// Line sensor pins
pinMode(leftSensor, INPUT);
pinMode(rightSensor, INPUT);

void loop() {
// Check for obstacles
distance = measureDistance();
Serial.print("Distance: ");

// Read line sensors
leftValue = digitalRead(leftSensor);
rightValue = digitalRead(rightSensor);
Serial.print(" | Left: ");
Serial.print(" | Right: ");

// Navigation priority: obstacles first, then line following
if (distance < 15) {
// Obstacle detected - avoid it
avoidingObstacle = true;
else if (avoidingObstacle) {
// Continue avoiding obstacle until back on the line
if (leftValue == LOW || rightValue == LOW) {
avoidingObstacle = false; // Back on the line
} else {
// Keep searching for line
else {
// No obstacle - follow the line

delay(50); // Small delay to stabilize readings

// Follow the line using IR sensors
void followLine() {
if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == LOW) {
// Both sensors on the line - move forward
else if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == HIGH) {
// Line is under left sensor - turn left
else if (leftValue == HIGH && rightValue == LOW) {
// Line is under right sensor - turn right
else {
// Both sensors off the line - search

// Avoid obstacle function
void avoidObstacle() {
// Stop and back up

// Turn right to go around obstacle

// Move forward to clear the obstacle

// Try to find the line again

// Function to search for the line when lost
void searchForLine() {
// Simplified search pattern

// Measure distance using ultrasonic sensor
int measureDistance() {
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
int calculatedDistance = duration * 0.034 / 2;

return calculatedDistance;

// Movement functions
void moveForward() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void moveBackward() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnRight() {
digitalWrite(in1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, HIGH);

void turnLeft() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in3, HIGH);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

void stopMotors() {
digitalWrite(in1, LOW);
digitalWrite(in2, LOW);
digitalWrite(in3, LOW);
digitalWrite(in4, LOW);

This combined robot control program:

  1. First checks for obstacles using the ultrasonic sensor
  2. If an obstacle is detected, it executes an avoidance maneuver
  3. If no obstacle is present, it runs the line-following algorithm
  4. When avoiding an obstacle, it attempts to return to the line after clearing the obstacle

Improving Robot Performance

Here are some tips to enhance your robot's performance:

1. Better Motor Control with PID

For smoother and more precise movement, you can implement a PID (Proportional-Integral-Derivative) controller. This is especially useful for line following:

// PID constants
float Kp = 2.0; // Proportional gain
float Ki = 0.1; // Integral gain
float Kd = 1.0; // Derivative gain

// PID variables
float error = 0;
float lastError = 0;
float integral = 0;
float derivative = 0;
float PIDvalue = 0;

// Calculate PID for line following
float calculatePID() {
// Calculate error (position relative to line center)
// Negative error means robot is to the right of the line
// Positive error means robot is to the left of the line
if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == HIGH) {
error = -1;
} else if (leftValue == HIGH && rightValue == LOW) {
error = 1;
} else if (leftValue == LOW && rightValue == LOW) {
error = 0;
} else {
// Both sensors off line, use previous error

// Calculate PID components
integral = integral + error;
derivative = error - lastError;

// Calculate total PID value
PIDvalue = (Kp * error) + (Ki * integral) + (Kd * derivative);

// Update last error
lastError = error;

return PIDvalue;

// Use PID to adjust motor speeds for line following
void followLineWithPID() {
float pidValue = calculatePID();

// Base motor speed
int baseSpeed = 150;

// Adjust motor speeds based on PID value
int leftMotorSpeed = baseSpeed - pidValue;
int rightMotorSpeed = baseSpeed + pidValue;

// Constrain speeds to valid range
leftMotorSpeed = constrain(leftMotorSpeed, 0, 255);
rightMotorSpeed = constrain(rightMotorSpeed, 0, 255);

// Set motor speeds
analogWrite(enA, leftMotorSpeed);
analogWrite(enB, rightMotorSpeed);

// Move forward with adjusted speeds

2. Smoother Turning with Speed Control

Instead of full on/off movements, you can make more gradual turns:

void smoothTurnRight() {
// Right turn with different speeds for each motor
analogWrite(enA, 180); // Left motor faster
analogWrite(enB, 80); // Right motor slower

void smoothTurnLeft() {
// Left turn with different speeds for each motor
analogWrite(enA, 80); // Left motor slower
analogWrite(enB, 180); // Right motor faster

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Robot Doesn't Move

  1. Check power supply: Ensure your batteries are charged and properly connected.
  2. Check wiring: Verify all connections between Arduino, motor driver, and motors.
  3. Test motors individually: Run a simple sketch that activates one motor at a time.
  4. Check motor driver: Some L298N modules have jumpers that need to be set.

Robot Moves Unpredictably

  1. Motor polarity: You might need to swap motor wires if the robot moves in the opposite direction.
  2. Sensor calibration: IR sensors might need adjustment for different lighting conditions.
  3. Uneven wheels: Check if both wheels are making proper contact with the ground.

Sensor Issues

  1. Ultrasonic readings are inconsistent: Ensure there are no loose connections and try adding a small delay between readings.
  2. IR sensors don't detect the line: Adjust the height of sensors from the ground (usually 5-10mm is optimal).


In this tutorial, you've learned:

  1. How to build a basic Arduino robot with DC motors and a motor driver
  2. How to program basic movement functions for your robot
  3. How to implement obstacle detection using an ultrasonic sensor
  4. How to create a line-following robot using IR sensors
  5. How to combine multiple navigation capabilities
  6. Advanced techniques for smoother robot control

Your robot can now navigate autonomously, following lines and avoiding obstacles. This foundation can be expanded with additional sensors, more complex algorithms, or even wireless control.

Next Steps and Exercises

  1. Add a Bluetooth module to control your robot remotely from a smartphone app
  2. Implement more sensors like a gyroscope or accelerometer for better orientation
  3. Create a maze-solving algorithm that combines line following and wall following
  4. Add LED indicators to show the robot's current state or intended direction
  5. Challenge: Program your robot to map its environment and remember obstacles

Exercise: Improve the Line Detection

Try to enhance the line-following capability by adding a third center sensor. Modify the code to handle three sensors for more precise line tracking.

Remember that robotics is an iterative process - start simple, test thoroughly, and gradually add complexity. Happy building!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)