STM32 Protocol Selection
Selecting the appropriate communication protocol for your STM32 microcontroller project is a critical decision that impacts performance, complexity, and compatibility. STM32 microcontrollers support a wide range of communication protocols, each with distinct advantages and limitations. This guide will help you understand the available options and make an informed choice based on your project requirements.
Understanding Protocol Requirements
Before selecting a protocol, consider these key factors:
- Data transfer speed: How much data needs to be transferred and how quickly?
- Distance: How far apart are the communicating devices?
- Power consumption: Is your application power-sensitive?
- Complexity: How much development time can you allocate?
- Number of devices: How many devices need to communicate?
- Reliability: What level of error detection/correction is needed?
Common STM32 Communication Protocols
The Universal Asynchronous/Synchronous Receiver Transmitter is one of the simplest protocols available on STM32 devices.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: Typically 9600-115200 baud (bits per second)
- Wiring: Simple (TX, RX, GND)
- Communication Mode: Full-duplex (simultaneous send/receive)
- Addressing: Point-to-point (one-to-one)
Ideal For:
- Debug communication
- Simple device-to-device communication
- Connecting to computer terminals
- Legacy device integration
Basic Implementation:
// UART configuration example for STM32
void UART_Init(void) {
// Enable UART clock
// Configure UART pins (GPIOA)
// Configure PA2 as TX
GPIOA->AFR[0] |= (7 << (2 * 4)); // AF7 for USART2
// Configure PA3 as RX
GPIOA->AFR[0] |= (7 << (3 * 4)); // AF7 for USART2
// Configure UART
USART2->BRR = SystemCoreClock / 115200;
// Send a character via UART
void UART_SendChar(char ch) {
while(!(USART2->SR & USART_SR_TXE));
USART2->DR = ch;
// Receive a character via UART
char UART_ReceiveChar(void) {
while(!(USART2->SR & USART_SR_RXNE));
return USART2->DR;
2. SPI (Serial Peripheral Interface)
SPI is a synchronous serial communication protocol commonly used for communicating with sensors, displays, and other peripherals.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: Up to several MHz (much faster than UART)
- Wiring: 4 wires (MOSI, MISO, SCK, SS/CS)
- Communication Mode: Full-duplex
- Addressing: Master-slave with chip select lines
Ideal For:
- High-speed sensor communication
- Display interfaces
- SD card communication
- Daisy-chaining multiple devices
Basic Implementation:
// SPI configuration example for STM32
void SPI_Init(void) {
// Enable SPI1 clock
// Enable GPIOA clock
// Configure SCK (PA5), MISO (PA6), MOSI (PA7)
// Configure alternate function for SPI1
GPIOA->AFR[0] |= (5 << (5 * 4)) | (5 << (6 * 4)) | (5 << (7 * 4));
// Configure CS pin (PA4) as output
GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BS4; // Set CS high (inactive)
// Configure SPI: Master mode, 8-bit data, MSB first
SPI1->CR1 |= SPI_CR1_SPE; // Enable SPI
// Send/receive a byte via SPI
uint8_t SPI_Transfer(uint8_t data) {
// Start transmission
GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BR4; // CS low (active)
SPI1->DR = data;
while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_TXE));
while(!(SPI1->SR & SPI_SR_RXNE));
GPIOA->BSRR = GPIO_BSRR_BS4; // CS high (inactive)
return SPI1->DR;
3. I2C (Inter-Integrated Circuit)
I2C is a two-wire serial protocol designed for communication between integrated circuits on the same board.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: Standard (100 kHz), Fast (400 kHz), Fast+ (1 MHz)
- Wiring: 2 wires (SDA, SCL) + pull-up resistors
- Communication Mode: Half-duplex
- Addressing: Multi-master, multi-slave with device addresses
Ideal For:
- Multiple device communication on the same bus
- Communication with sensors and EEPROMs
- Applications with limited pins
- Internal board communication
Basic Implementation:
// I2C configuration example for STM32
void I2C_Init(void) {
// Enable I2C1 clock
// Enable GPIOB clock
// Configure I2C pins: PB8 (SCL), PB9 (SDA)
// Set pins to open-drain
// Enable pull-up
// Configure alternate function for I2C1
GPIOB->AFR[1] |= (4 << (0 * 4)) | (4 << (1 * 4)); // AF4 for I2C1
// Reset I2C
I2C1->CR1 = I2C_CR1_SWRST;
I2C1->CR1 = 0;
// Set I2C clock frequency (APB1 clock = SystemCoreClock/4 typically)
I2C1->CR2 = SystemCoreClock / 4000000; // Input clock in MHz
// Configure for 100 kHz Standard mode
I2C1->CCR = 50; // For 100 kHz with 50 MHz APB1 clock
I2C1->TRISE = 51; // max rise time
// Enable I2C
I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_PE;
// Write data to I2C device
uint8_t I2C_Write(uint8_t device_addr, uint8_t reg_addr, uint8_t data) {
// Wait until I2C is not busy
while(I2C1->SR2 & I2C_SR2_BUSY);
// Generate START condition
I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;
while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_SB));
// Send device address (write mode)
I2C1->DR = device_addr << 1;
while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_ADDR));
uint8_t temp = I2C1->SR2; // Clear ADDR flag
// Send register address
I2C1->DR = reg_addr;
while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_TXE));
// Send data
I2C1->DR = data;
while(!(I2C1->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BTF));
// Generate STOP condition
I2C1->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP;
return 0; // Success
4. CAN (Controller Area Network)
CAN is a robust protocol designed for high reliability in noisy environments, commonly used in automotive and industrial applications.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: Up to 1 Mbps
- Wiring: Differential pair (CAN_H, CAN_L)
- Communication Mode: Multi-master with message prioritization
- Addressing: Message-based, not device-based
Ideal For:
- Automotive systems
- Industrial automation
- Applications requiring high reliability
- Distributed control systems
Basic Implementation:
// CAN configuration example for STM32
void CAN_Init(void) {
// Enable CAN1 clock
// Enable GPIOA clock
// Configure CAN pins: PA11 (RX), PA12 (TX)
// Configure alternate function for CAN
GPIOA->AFR[1] |= (9 << (3 * 4)) | (9 << (4 * 4)); // AF9 for CAN1
// Exit sleep mode
// Request initialization
while((CAN1->MSR & CAN_MSR_INAK) == 0);
// Configure for 250 kbps with 50 MHz clock
// BRP=10, TS1=3, TS2=2, SJW=1
CAN1->BTR = (1 << 24) | (2 << 20) | (3 << 16) | 9;
// Leave initialization mode
while(CAN1->MSR & CAN_MSR_INAK);
// Configure filters (accept all)
CAN1->FA1R |= 1;
CAN1->FM1R &= ~1;
CAN1->FS1R |= 1;
CAN1->FFA1R &= ~1;
CAN1->sFilterRegister[0].FR1 = 0;
CAN1->sFilterRegister[0].FR2 = 0;
// Send a CAN message
uint8_t CAN_Send(uint32_t id, uint8_t* data, uint8_t length) {
// Find an empty mailbox
uint8_t mailbox = 0;
if((CAN1->TSR & CAN_TSR_TME0) == CAN_TSR_TME0) {
mailbox = 0;
} else if((CAN1->TSR & CAN_TSR_TME1) == CAN_TSR_TME1) {
mailbox = 1;
} else if((CAN1->TSR & CAN_TSR_TME2) == CAN_TSR_TME2) {
mailbox = 2;
} else {
return 1; // No empty mailbox
// Set up the mailbox
CAN1->sTxMailBox[mailbox].TIR = (id << 21);
CAN1->sTxMailBox[mailbox].TDTR = length;
// Copy data
CAN1->sTxMailBox[mailbox].TDLR =
(data[0] << 0) | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24);
CAN1->sTxMailBox[mailbox].TDHR =
(data[4] << 0) | (data[5] << 8) | (data[6] << 16) | (data[7] << 24);
// Request transmission
CAN1->sTxMailBox[mailbox].TIR |= CAN_TI0R_TXRQ;
return 0; // Success
5. USB (Universal Serial Bus)
STM32 microcontrollers often include USB device capability, allowing direct connection to computers and other USB hosts.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: Full-speed (12 Mbps) or High-speed (480 Mbps)
- Wiring: D+, D-, VBUS, GND
- Communication Mode: Host-device
- Power: Can provide power to the device
Ideal For:
- PC communication
- USB peripherals
- Mass storage devices
- USB audio/video
Implementation Note:
USB implementation is more complex and typically uses ST's USB libraries rather than direct register programming. Example code would be significantly longer and require multiple files.
6. Ethernet
Many STM32 variants include Ethernet MAC for network connectivity.
Key Characteristics:
- Speed: 10/100 Mbps
- Wiring: Requires PHY and magnetics
- Communication Mode: Network-based
- Protocol: TCP/IP, UDP, etc.
Ideal For:
- IoT devices
- Network-connected applications
- Web servers
- Remote monitoring systems
Implementation Note:
Ethernet implementation is complex and typically uses libraries like LwIP. Full implementation example would be beyond the scope of this article.
Protocol Selection Decision Tree
Practical Application Examples
Example 1: Weather Station
A weather station might use:
- I2C for temperature, humidity, and pressure sensors
- SPI for the display
- UART for debugging
- USB for data logging to a computer
// Simplified code structure for a weather station
void WeatherStation_Init(void) {
// Initialize protocols
I2C_Init(); // For sensors
SPI_Init(); // For display
UART_Init(); // For debugging
// Initialize sensors
BME280_Init(); // Temperature/humidity/pressure sensor via I2C
// Initialize display
ST7735_Init(); // Color LCD via SPI
void WeatherStation_ReadSensors(void) {
// Read sensor data via I2C
float temperature = BME280_ReadTemperature();
float humidity = BME280_ReadHumidity();
float pressure = BME280_ReadPressure();
// Send data to UART for debugging
char buffer[64];
sprintf(buffer, "T:%.1f°C, H:%.1f%%, P:%.1fhPa\r
", temperature, humidity, pressure);
// Update display via SPI
ST7735_WriteString(10, 10, "Weather Station", Font_11x18, ST7735_WHITE, ST7735_BLACK);
sprintf(buffer, "Temp: %.1f C", temperature);
ST7735_WriteString(5, 40, buffer, Font_7x10, ST7735_GREEN, ST7735_BLACK);
sprintf(buffer, "Humidity: %.1f%%", humidity);
ST7735_WriteString(5, 60, buffer, Font_7x10, ST7735_CYAN, ST7735_BLACK);
sprintf(buffer, "Pressure: %.0fhPa", pressure);
ST7735_WriteString(5, 80, buffer, Font_7x10, ST7735_YELLOW, ST7735_BLACK);
Example 2: Automotive ECU
An automotive ECU might use:
- CAN for communication with other vehicle systems
- SPI for sensor data collection
- I2C for on-board peripheral control
// Simplified code structure for an automotive ECU
void ECU_Init(void) {
// Initialize protocols
CAN_Init(); // For vehicle network
SPI_Init(); // For high-speed sensors
I2C_Init(); // For configuration EEPROM
void ECU_ProcessMessages(void) {
// Check for new CAN messages
if(CAN_MessageAvailable()) {
CAN_Message msg = CAN_Receive();
// Process message based on ID
switch( {
uint16_t rpm = ([0] << 8) |[1];
// Process RPM data
uint8_t throttle_position =[0];
// Process throttle position
// Other message IDs...
// Read sensor data via SPI
uint16_t temperature = SPI_ReadSensor(TEMP_SENSOR_CS);
// Send status message on CAN bus
uint8_t status_data[8] = {0};
status_data[0] = (temperature >> 8) & 0xFF;
status_data[1] = temperature & 0xFF;
status_data[2] = CalculateSystemStatus();
CAN_Send(ECU_STATUS_ID, status_data, 3);
Protocol Comparison Table
Feature | UART | SPI | I2C | CAN | USB | Ethernet |
Speed | Low | High | Medium | Medium | High | Very High |
Wiring | 2-3 wires | 4+ wires | 2 wires | 2 wires | 4 wires | Complex |
Distance | Short | Very short | Short | Long | Medium | Very long |
Complexity | Low | Low | Medium | High | Very high | Very high |
Multi-device | No | Yes (with CS) | Yes | Yes | Limited | Yes |
Noise immunity | Low | Low | Medium | Very high | Medium | High |
Power usage | Low | Medium | Low | Medium | High | Very high |
How to Choose the Right Protocol
Define your requirements:
- Data rate needed
- Communication distance
- Number of devices
- Environmental constraints
Consider physical constraints:
- Available pins on your STM32
- Power limitations
- Space for wiring
Evaluate software complexity:
- Development time available
- Team's expertise
- Available libraries
Plan for future expansion:
- Will more devices be added later?
- Might speed requirements increase?
Common Mistakes and How to Avoid Them
Choosing based on familiarity alone
- Solution: Evaluate protocols based on requirements, not just what you know
Underestimating noise impact
- Solution: Consider CAN or RS-485 for noisy environments
Forgetting about pull-up resistors for I2C
- Solution: Always include proper pull-up resistors (typically 4.7kΩ)
Incorrect voltage levels
- Solution: Ensure all devices use compatible voltage levels or use level shifters
Exceeding maximum bus length
- Solution: Respect maximum cable lengths for each protocol
Selecting the right communication protocol for your STM32 project requires careful consideration of various factors including speed, distance, complexity, and reliability requirements. The STM32 family offers a wide range of protocol options from simple UART to complex Ethernet implementations.
- Use UART for simple point-to-point communication and debugging
- Choose SPI for high-speed communication with sensors and displays
- Select I2C when you need multiple devices on a simple bus
- Implement CAN for robust communication in noisy environments
- Consider USB for direct computer connectivity
- Use Ethernet for network-connected applications
By understanding the strengths and limitations of each protocol, you can make an informed decision that best meets your project requirements.
Design a protocol selection for a smart home system that needs to communicate with temperature sensors, a display, and a Wi-Fi module.
Compare the power consumption of I2C vs SPI when interfacing with three sensors on an STM32L4 microcontroller (low-power series).
Implement a simple data exchange between two STM32 boards using UART. Send temperature readings from one board to another.
Design a CAN network with three STM32 nodes, each responsible for different functions in an industrial control system.
Convert the example UART code to use interrupts instead of polling for efficient operation.
Additional Resources
- STM32 HAL Driver Documentation for communication peripherals
- STMicroelectronics Application Notes (AN2586, AN3155)
- STM32CubeMX for automatic peripheral initialization code generation
- Online communities: STM32 forums, Stack Overflow, Reddit r/embedded
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)