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C# File Class


When working with applications, you often need to interact with files - whether to read data from them, write information to them, or simply check if they exist. C# provides robust file handling capabilities through its System.IO namespace, with the File class being one of the most important tools for file operations.

The File class in C# offers a collection of static methods that help you create, copy, delete, move, and open files, as well as assist you in retrieving file information. It's designed to be simple and straightforward, making it an excellent choice for basic file operations in your applications.

Getting Started with the File Class

Before you can use the File class in your C# program, you need to include the System.IO namespace:

using System.IO;

Basic File Operations

Let's explore some common operations you can perform using the File class:

1. Checking if a File Exists

One of the most basic operations is to check if a file exists before attempting to perform operations on it:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\example.txt";

if (File.Exists(filePath))
Console.WriteLine("The file exists!");
Console.WriteLine("The file does not exist!");

2. Creating a New File

You can create a new file using the Create method, which returns a FileStream that you can use to write to the file:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\newfile.txt";

// Create a new file
using (FileStream fs = File.Create(filePath))
// You can write bytes to the file here
byte[] info = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(true).GetBytes("Hello, World!");
fs.Write(info, 0, info.Length);

Console.WriteLine("File created successfully!");

3. Writing Text to a File

The WriteAllText method lets you write a string to a file, creating the file if it doesn't exist or overwriting it if it does:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";
string content = "This is a sample text that will be written to the file.";

File.WriteAllText(filePath, content);

Console.WriteLine("Text has been written to the file.");

4. Appending Text to a File

If you want to add content to an existing file instead of overwriting it, you can use AppendAllText:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";
string additionalContent = "\nThis line will be appended to the existing content.";

File.AppendAllText(filePath, additionalContent);

Console.WriteLine("Text has been appended to the file.");

5. Reading Text from a File

To read the entire content of a text file, use the ReadAllText method:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";

if (File.Exists(filePath))
string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
Console.WriteLine("File content:");
Console.WriteLine("The file does not exist.");


File content:
This is a sample text that will be written to the file.
This line will be appended to the existing content.

6. Reading a File Line by Line

You can read a file line by line using ReadAllLines, which returns an array of strings:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";

if (File.Exists(filePath))
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);
Console.WriteLine("File content line by line:");

for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine($"Line {i+1}: {lines[i]}");
Console.WriteLine("The file does not exist.");


File content line by line:
Line 1: This is a sample text that will be written to the file.
Line 2: This line will be appended to the existing content.

7. Copying Files

You can copy a file from one location to another using the Copy method:

string sourcePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";
string destinationPath = @"C:\temp\sample_copy.txt";

// Check if source file exists
if (File.Exists(sourcePath))
// Overwrite the destination file if it already exists
File.Copy(sourcePath, destinationPath, true);
Console.WriteLine("File copied successfully!");
Console.WriteLine("Source file does not exist.");

8. Moving Files

To move a file from one location to another, use the Move method:

string sourcePath = @"C:\temp\sample_copy.txt";
string destinationPath = @"C:\temp\moved_file.txt";

// Check if source file exists
if (File.Exists(sourcePath))
// Move the file
File.Move(sourcePath, destinationPath);
Console.WriteLine("File moved successfully!");
Console.WriteLine("Source file does not exist.");

9. Deleting Files

To delete a file, use the Delete method:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\sample.txt";

// Check if file exists before attempting to delete it
if (File.Exists(filePath))
Console.WriteLine("File deleted successfully!");
Console.WriteLine("File does not exist.");

Accessing File Information

The File class provides methods to retrieve information about files:

1. Getting File Attributes

string filePath = @"C:\temp\example.txt";

if (File.Exists(filePath))
FileAttributes attributes = File.GetAttributes(filePath);

Console.WriteLine("File Attributes:");

if ((attributes & FileAttributes.ReadOnly) == FileAttributes.ReadOnly)
Console.WriteLine("- Read-only file");

if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Hidden) == FileAttributes.Hidden)
Console.WriteLine("- Hidden file");

if ((attributes & FileAttributes.System) == FileAttributes.System)
Console.WriteLine("- System file");

if ((attributes & FileAttributes.Archive) == FileAttributes.Archive)
Console.WriteLine("- Archive file");

2. Getting File Creation, Access, and Modification Times

string filePath = @"C:\temp\example.txt";

if (File.Exists(filePath))
DateTime creationTime = File.GetCreationTime(filePath);
DateTime lastAccessTime = File.GetLastAccessTime(filePath);
DateTime lastWriteTime = File.GetLastWriteTime(filePath);

Console.WriteLine("File Time Information:");
Console.WriteLine($"- Creation Time: {creationTime}");
Console.WriteLine($"- Last Access Time: {lastAccessTime}");
Console.WriteLine($"- Last Write Time: {lastWriteTime}");

Practical Examples

Example 1: Creating a Simple Log File

Let's create a simple logging system that writes messages to a log file:

public class SimpleLogger
private readonly string _logFilePath;

public SimpleLogger(string logFilePath)
_logFilePath = logFilePath;

public void Log(string message)
string logEntry = $"{DateTime.Now}: {message}";

// Ensure the directory exists
string directoryPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(_logFilePath);
if (!Directory.Exists(directoryPath))

// Append the log entry to the file
File.AppendAllText(_logFilePath, logEntry + Environment.NewLine);
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error writing to log file: {ex.Message}");

// Usage:
SimpleLogger logger = new SimpleLogger(@"C:\temp\application.log");
logger.Log("Application started");
logger.Log("User logged in: john_doe");
// ... later in the application
logger.Log("User logged out: john_doe");
logger.Log("Application terminated");

Example 2: Reading and Processing a CSV File

Here's an example of reading and processing data from a CSV file:

public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public decimal Price { get; set; }

public class CsvProcessor
public List<Product> ReadProductsFromCsv(string filePath)
List<Product> products = new List<Product>();

if (!File.Exists(filePath))
Console.WriteLine($"File not found: {filePath}");
return products;

// Read all lines except the header
string[] lines = File.ReadAllLines(filePath);

for (int i = 1; i < lines.Length; i++) // Skip header row
string line = lines[i];
string[] parts = line.Split(',');

if (parts.Length >= 3)
Product product = new Product
Id = int.Parse(parts[0]),
Name = parts[1],
Price = decimal.Parse(parts[2])


return products;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"Error reading CSV file: {ex.Message}");
return products;

// Usage:
// Assuming a CSV file "products.csv" with content:
// Id,Name,Price
// 1,Laptop,999.99
// 2,Mouse,19.99
// 3,Keyboard,49.99

CsvProcessor processor = new CsvProcessor();
List<Product> products = processor.ReadProductsFromCsv(@"C:\temp\products.csv");

foreach (var product in products)
Console.WriteLine($"Product: {product.Id}, {product.Name}, ${product.Price}");

File Class vs. FileInfo Class

It's important to note that the File class provides static methods for file operations, while the FileInfo class provides instance methods. If you're going to perform multiple operations on a file, FileInfo might be more efficient because it doesn't need to verify security for each operation:

// Using File class (static methods)
if (File.Exists(filePath))
string content = File.ReadAllText(filePath);
File.AppendAllText(filePath, "New content");
File.Copy(filePath, destPath);
// Each method checks security

// Using FileInfo class (instance methods)
FileInfo fileInfo = new FileInfo(filePath);
if (fileInfo.Exists)
using (StreamReader reader = fileInfo.OpenText())
string content = reader.ReadToEnd();

using (StreamWriter writer = fileInfo.AppendText())
writer.WriteLine("New content");

fileInfo.CopyTo(destPath, true);
// Security is checked once when FileInfo is created

Exception Handling in File Operations

When working with files, many things can go wrong - the file might be in use, you might not have appropriate permissions, or the disk might be full. Always wrap your file operations in try-catch blocks to handle exceptions gracefully:

string filePath = @"C:\temp\important_file.txt";
string content = "This is important data.";

File.WriteAllText(filePath, content);
Console.WriteLine("File written successfully.");
catch (UnauthorizedAccessException)
Console.WriteLine("You do not have permission to write to this file.");
catch (DirectoryNotFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("The specified directory does not exist.");
catch (IOException ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An IO error occurred: {ex.Message}");
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine($"An unexpected error occurred: {ex.Message}");


The File class in C# is a powerful tool for performing operations on files in your applications. It provides methods for creating, copying, moving, and deleting files, as well as reading from and writing to files. Remember these key points:

  1. The File class contains static methods for file operations
  2. Include the System.IO namespace to use the File class
  3. Always check if a file exists before attempting operations on it
  4. Use appropriate exception handling when working with files
  5. For multiple operations on the same file, consider using FileInfo instead of File for better performance

Understanding how to work with files is essential for many real-world applications, from simple configuration storage to complex data processing tasks.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a program that reads a text file and counts the number of words, lines, and characters.
  2. Write a method that takes a directory path and returns information about all text files in that directory (name, size, last modified date).
  3. Create a simple text editor application that can open, edit, and save text files using the File class methods.
  4. Write a program that merges the contents of multiple text files into a single output file.
  5. Create a file backup utility that copies files from a source directory to a backup directory, but only copies files that have been modified since the last backup.

Happy coding!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)