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C# Contravariance

Introduction to Contravariance

Contravariance is an advanced but powerful concept in C# generics that allows for greater flexibility when working with generic interfaces and delegates. While it might sound intimidating at first, understanding contravariance can help you write more flexible and reusable code.

In simple terms, contravariance allows you to use a more general (less derived) type than originally specified. It's essentially the opposite of covariance, which allows you to use a more specific type.

The key to remember is:

  • With contravariance, you can assign a generic interface or delegate with a less derived type parameter to a variable with a more derived type parameter.

Let's dive into how contravariance works in C# and explore practical examples to solidify your understanding.

Understanding Contravariance with Interfaces

Contravariance is indicated by the in keyword in generic type parameters. This keyword tells the C# compiler that the type parameter will only be used in input positions (as method parameters).

Here's a simple example of a contravariant interface:

public interface IComparer<in T>
int Compare(T x, T y);

Notice the in keyword before the type parameter T. This indicates that T is contravariant.

How Contravariance Works

To understand contravariance, let's consider a hierarchy of classes:

public class Animal { }
public class Mammal : Animal { }
public class Dog : Mammal { }

With contravariance, you can use a generic interface or delegate with a base type where a derived type is expected:

// This is valid with contravariance
IComparer<Animal> animalComparer = new CustomComparer<Animal>();
IComparer<Mammal> mammalComparer = animalComparer; // This works with contravariance

This might seem counterintuitive at first, but it makes sense when you think about it: if a comparer can compare any Animal, it certainly can compare any Mammal (which is a more specific type of Animal).

Practical Example: Custom Comparer

Let's implement a custom comparer to demonstrate contravariance:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class WeightComparer<T> : IComparer<T> where T : Animal
public int Compare(T x, T y)
return x.Weight.CompareTo(y.Weight);

// Adding Weight property to our hierarchy
public class Animal
public int Weight { get; set; }

public class Mammal : Animal { }
public class Dog : Mammal { }

// Using contravariance
public static void Main()
IComparer<Animal> animalComparer = new WeightComparer<Animal>();
IComparer<Mammal> mammalComparer = animalComparer; // Valid thanks to contravariance

var dog1 = new Dog { Weight = 15 };
var dog2 = new Dog { Weight = 25 };

int result = mammalComparer.Compare(dog1, dog2);
Console.WriteLine($"Comparison result: {result}"); // Output: Comparison result: -1

In this example, we can use an IComparer<Animal> where an IComparer<Mammal> is expected because the in keyword in IComparer<in T> makes T contravariant.

Contravariance with Delegates

Contravariance is also applicable to delegates. The Action<T> delegate is a good example:

// Action<in T> is contravariant in T
Action<Animal> feedAnimal = animal => Console.WriteLine($"Feeding an animal");
Action<Mammal> feedMammal = feedAnimal; // Valid with contravariance

Mammal mammal = new Mammal();
feedMammal(mammal); // Output: Feeding an animal

This makes sense because if a method can handle any Animal, it can certainly handle a Mammal. The contravariance allows us to pass a more specific type (Mammal) to a method that expects a more general type (Animal).

Real-World Applications of Contravariance

Example 1: Logging System

Consider a logging system where you want to log different types of events:

public interface ILogger<in T>
void Log(T item);

public class ConsoleLogger<T> : ILogger<T>
public void Log(T item)
Console.WriteLine($"Logging: {item}");

public class Event { }
public class ErrorEvent : Event { }
public class CriticalErrorEvent : ErrorEvent { }

// Using contravariance
public static void Main()
ILogger<Event> generalLogger = new ConsoleLogger<Event>();

// Thanks to contravariance, we can use a logger for all events
// to log more specific types of events
ILogger<ErrorEvent> errorLogger = generalLogger;
ILogger<CriticalErrorEvent> criticalLogger = generalLogger;

criticalLogger.Log(new CriticalErrorEvent()); // Output: Logging: CriticalErrorEvent

Example 2: Event Processing System

public interface IEventProcessor<in TEvent>
void Process(TEvent eventData);

public class DefaultEventProcessor : IEventProcessor<Event>
public void Process(Event eventData)
Console.WriteLine($"Processing {eventData.GetType().Name}");

public static void Main()
IEventProcessor<Event> generalProcessor = new DefaultEventProcessor();
IEventProcessor<ErrorEvent> errorProcessor = generalProcessor;

errorProcessor.Process(new ErrorEvent()); // Output: Processing ErrorEvent

When to Use Contravariance

Contravariance is particularly useful when:

  1. You have generic interfaces or delegates that consume types (use them as inputs)
  2. You want to allow more flexibility in the type hierarchy
  3. You need to reuse implementations that work with base types for derived types

Common Mistakes and Misconceptions

Mistake 1: Trying to Use Contravariance with Output Parameters

Contravariance works only with input type parameters. If your interface has methods that return the generic type, contravariance won't work:

// This won't work with contravariance
public interface IFactory<in T>
T Create(); // Error! Cannot use T as return type if T is contravariant

Mistake 2: Confusing Contravariance with Covariance


  • Contravariance (in): Allows a more general type to be used where a more specific type is expected
  • Covariance (out): Allows a more specific type to be used where a more general type is expected


Contravariance in C# allows for greater flexibility in your code by enabling you to use a more general type where a more specific type is expected, particularly in interfaces and delegates. The key points to remember are:

  1. Contravariance is indicated with the in keyword
  2. It works for input parameters in interfaces and delegates
  3. It allows you to pass a reference to a component that works with a base class when a component working with a derived class is expected
  4. It's particularly useful for interfaces that consume types rather than produce them

Mastering contravariance will help you write more flexible and reusable code, particularly when designing systems with complex type hierarchies.

Exercises to Reinforce Learning

  1. Create a contravariant interface IProcessor<in T> with a method to process items of type T
  2. Implement a generic validator that can validate both base and derived classes
  3. Design a system with contravariant delegates that can handle different types of notifications
  4. Try to convert an example of covariance to contravariance and vice versa

Additional Resources

Remember that variance concepts (both contravariance and covariance) might take time to fully understand. Practice with different examples, and gradually you'll build a solid intuition for when and how to use these powerful features in your C# code.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)