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C# Base Keyword


In object-oriented programming, inheritance allows a class to inherit properties and behaviors from another class. When implementing inheritance in C#, there are situations where you need to access members of the base (parent) class from within a derived (child) class. This is where the base keyword comes into play.

The base keyword in C# is a reference to the base class. It allows you to:

  1. Call methods, constructors, and properties defined in the base class
  2. Override methods while still leveraging the original implementation
  3. Ensure proper initialization of inherited members

Understanding the base keyword is essential for effectively using inheritance, one of the fundamental pillars of object-oriented programming.

Syntax and Basic Usage

The base keyword is used with the following syntax:


Or when calling a constructor:


Let's look at some basic examples to understand how it works.

Accessing Base Class Members

When a derived class has a member with the same name as one in the base class, you can use the base keyword to access the base class member:

class Animal
public string Name { get; set; }

public void Display()
Console.WriteLine($"I am an animal named {Name}");

class Dog : Animal
public string Breed { get; set; }

// Method with same name as base class
public void Display()
// Call the base class version first

// Then add additional behavior
Console.WriteLine($"I am a {Breed} dog");

Here's how you would use these classes:

Dog myDog = new Dog();
myDog.Name = "Buddy";
myDog.Breed = "Golden Retriever";


I am an animal named Buddy
I am a Golden Retriever dog

In this example, the Dog class calls the Display method from its base class Animal using the base.Display() syntax, and then adds its own functionality.

Calling Base Class Constructors

The base keyword is commonly used to call constructors of the base class:

class Animal
public string Name { get; set; }

public Animal()
Console.WriteLine("Animal constructor called");
Name = "Unknown";

public Animal(string name)
Console.WriteLine($"Animal constructor with name parameter called");
Name = name;

class Dog : Animal
public string Breed { get; set; }

public Dog() : base()
Console.WriteLine("Dog constructor called");
Breed = "Unknown";

public Dog(string name, string breed) : base(name)
Console.WriteLine("Dog constructor with parameters called");
Breed = breed;

Let's see these constructors in action:

Console.WriteLine("Creating a default Dog:");
Dog dog1 = new Dog();
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {dog1.Name}, Breed: {dog1.Breed}");

Console.WriteLine("\nCreating a Dog with parameters:");
Dog dog2 = new Dog("Rex", "German Shepherd");
Console.WriteLine($"Name: {dog2.Name}, Breed: {dog2.Breed}");


Creating a default Dog:
Animal constructor called
Dog constructor called
Name: Unknown, Breed: Unknown

Creating a Dog with parameters:
Animal constructor with name parameter called
Dog constructor with parameters called
Name: Rex, Breed: German Shepherd

In this example, the constructors in the Dog class call their counterparts in the Animal class using the base() syntax, ensuring that the base class is properly initialized before the derived class adds its own initialization.

Overriding Methods While Using Base Implementation

When overriding virtual methods, the base keyword allows you to extend rather than completely replace the base implementation:

class Shape
public virtual double CalculateArea()
Console.WriteLine("Shape.CalculateArea called");
return 0;

public virtual void Display()
Console.WriteLine("This is a shape");

class Rectangle : Shape
public double Width { get; set; }
public double Height { get; set; }

public Rectangle(double width, double height)
Width = width;
Height = height;

public override double CalculateArea()
// Completely override the base implementation
return Width * Height;

public override void Display()
// Call base implementation and then extend it
Console.WriteLine($"Rectangle with Width: {Width}, Height: {Height}");
Console.WriteLine($"Area: {CalculateArea()}");

Using these classes:

Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(5, 3);


This is a shape
Rectangle with Width: 5, Height: 3
Area: 15

Here, Rectangle.Display() extends the base class implementation by first calling base.Display() and then adding its own output.

Real-World Example: Form Validation

Let's see a practical example using the base keyword in a form validation scenario:

class ValidationBase
public virtual bool Validate(string input)
// Basic validation: Check if input is not null or empty
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
Console.WriteLine("Input cannot be empty");
return false;
return true;

class EmailValidator : ValidationBase
public override bool Validate(string input)
// First perform base validation
if (!base.Validate(input))
return false;

// Additional email-specific validation
if (!input.Contains("@") || !input.Contains("."))
Console.WriteLine("Invalid email format");
return false;

Console.WriteLine("Email is valid");
return true;

class PasswordValidator : ValidationBase
public override bool Validate(string input)
// First perform base validation
if (!base.Validate(input))
return false;

// Additional password-specific validation
if (input.Length < 8)
Console.WriteLine("Password must be at least 8 characters");
return false;

Console.WriteLine("Password is valid");
return true;

Usage example:

EmailValidator emailValidator = new EmailValidator();
PasswordValidator passwordValidator = new PasswordValidator();

Console.WriteLine("Email validation:");
emailValidator.Validate(""); // Empty input
emailValidator.Validate("johndoe"); // Missing @ and domain
emailValidator.Validate("[email protected]"); // Valid email

Console.WriteLine("\nPassword validation:");
passwordValidator.Validate(""); // Empty input
passwordValidator.Validate("pass"); // Too short
passwordValidator.Validate("password123"); // Valid password


Email validation:
Input cannot be empty
Invalid email format
Email is valid

Password validation:
Input cannot be empty
Password must be at least 8 characters
Password is valid

In this example, both EmailValidator and PasswordValidator leverage the basic validation logic from ValidationBase while adding their own specific validation rules.

Accessing Protected Members

The base keyword is particularly useful for accessing protected members of the base class:

class BankAccount
protected decimal balance;

public BankAccount(decimal initialBalance)
balance = initialBalance;

public virtual void Deposit(decimal amount)
if (amount > 0)
balance += amount;
Console.WriteLine($"Deposited {amount:C}. New balance: {balance:C}");

public virtual bool Withdraw(decimal amount)
if (amount <= balance && amount > 0)
balance -= amount;
Console.WriteLine($"Withdrew {amount:C}. New balance: {balance:C}");
return true;
Console.WriteLine("Insufficient funds or invalid amount");
return false;

class SavingsAccount : BankAccount
private decimal interestRate;

public SavingsAccount(decimal initialBalance, decimal rate) : base(initialBalance)
interestRate = rate;

public void ApplyInterest()
decimal interest = balance * interestRate;
Console.WriteLine($"Interest applied: {interest:C} at rate of {interestRate:P}");

public override bool Withdraw(decimal amount)
// Apply a withdrawal fee
decimal fee = 2.0m;

if (amount + fee <= balance)
// First withdraw the amount using base class method
bool success = base.Withdraw(amount);
if (success)
// Then apply the fee
balance -= fee;
Console.WriteLine($"Fee applied: {fee:C}. New balance: {balance:C}");
return success;
Console.WriteLine("Insufficient funds (including fee)");
return false;

Let's see how this account behaves:

SavingsAccount savings = new SavingsAccount(1000, 0.05m);


Withdrew $100.00. New balance: $900.00
Fee applied: $2.00. New balance: $898.00
Deposited $44.90. New balance: $942.90
Interest applied: $44.90 at rate of 5.00%

In this example, SavingsAccount extends BankAccount and uses the base keyword to:

  1. Call the base class constructor to initialize the balance
  2. Call the base class Withdraw method before applying an additional fee
  3. Access the protected balance field through the base class Deposit method

Common Mistakes and Pitfalls

1. Forgetting to Call Base Constructor

If a base class only has parameterized constructors (no default constructor), you must explicitly call one of them using the base keyword:

class Parent
public Parent(string value)
// Constructor code
// No default constructor

// INCORRECT: This will cause a compilation error
class Child : Parent
public Child()
// Error: No matching constructor in base class

// CORRECT: Explicitly call base constructor
class CorrectChild : Parent
public CorrectChild() : base("default value")
// Constructor code

2. Using base with Static Members

The base keyword can only be used with instance members, not static members:

class Parent
public static void StaticMethod()
Console.WriteLine("Parent static method");

class Child : Parent
public void SomeMethod()
// INCORRECT: This will cause a compilation error
// base.StaticMethod();

// CORRECT: Call the static method through the class name

3. Using base Outside of Inheritance Context

The base keyword can only be used within a class that inherits from another class:

// INCORRECT: This will cause a compilation error
class StandaloneClass
public void SomeMethod()
// base.ToString(); // Error: 'StandaloneClass' does not have a base class


The base keyword in C# is a powerful mechanism that helps you leverage and extend the functionality of your base classes. Here's a quick recap of what we've learned:

  • The base keyword provides access to members of a base class from within a derived class
  • It's commonly used to call base class constructors via base(parameters)
  • It enables you to call base class methods with the same name as derived class methods via base.MethodName()
  • It allows you to extend rather than completely replace base class functionality
  • It's particularly useful when working with protected members and virtual methods

By using the base keyword appropriately, you can create more maintainable and extensible code that properly respects class hierarchies and inheritance relationships.

Additional Resources and Exercises

Further Reading

  1. Official Microsoft Documentation on the base keyword
  2. C# Inheritance in Depth

Practice Exercises

  1. Employee Hierarchy: Create a base Employee class with properties like Name, ID, and BaseSalary, and a virtual CalculatePay() method. Then create derived classes like Manager, Developer, and SalesPerson that override CalculatePay() but still use the base implementation as part of their calculation.

  2. Shape Calculator: Extend the Shape example from this tutorial to include more shapes like Circle, Triangle, etc. Each should override CalculateArea() and Display() methods properly using the base keyword where appropriate.

  3. Custom Exception Hierarchy: Create a custom exception class hierarchy where each derived exception calls the base constructor but adds additional logging or context information.

  4. Game Character System: Design a base Character class with health, movement, and attack methods. Create derived classes like Warrior, Mage, and Archer that override these methods while still leveraging base functionality.

By practicing with these exercises, you'll develop a strong understanding of when and how to use the base keyword in your C# applications.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)