C++ Delegating Constructors
When building classes in C++, you often need multiple constructors to initialize objects in different ways. Before C++11, implementing several constructors often led to duplicated code or required separate helper methods to share initialization logic. Delegating constructors, introduced in C++11, solve this problem by allowing one constructor to call another constructor in the same class.
This feature helps you:
- Eliminate code duplication
- Centralize initialization logic
- Create more maintainable and less error-prone code
- Implement the DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) principle
Basic Syntax
The syntax for delegating constructors is straightforward. A constructor can call another constructor in its initialization list:
class MyClass {
// Primary constructor
MyClass(int x, std::string s, bool b) {
// Full initialization logic here
// Delegating constructor
MyClass(int x) : MyClass(x, "default", false) {
// Any additional logic specific to this constructor
How Delegating Constructors Work
Let's understand the concept with a simple example:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Person {
std::string name;
int age;
std::string address;
// Primary constructor
Person(const std::string& n, int a, const std::string& addr)
: name(n), age(a), address(addr) {
std::cout << "Primary constructor called" << std::endl;
// Delegating constructor 1
Person(const std::string& n, int a)
: Person(n, a, "Unknown") {
std::cout << "Delegating constructor with two parameters called" << std::endl;
// Delegating constructor 2
: Person("John Doe", 0) {
std::cout << "Default constructor called" << std::endl;
void display() const {
std::cout << "Name: " << name << ", Age: " << age << ", Address: " << address << std::endl;
int main() {
std::cout << "Creating p1:" << std::endl;
Person p1("Alice", 25, "123 Main St");
std::cout << "\nCreating p2:" << std::endl;
Person p2("Bob", 30);
std::cout << "\nCreating p3:" << std::endl;
Person p3;
return 0;
Creating p1:
Primary constructor called
Name: Alice, Age: 25, Address: 123 Main St
Creating p2:
Primary constructor called
Delegating constructor with two parameters called
Name: Bob, Age: 30, Address: Unknown
Creating p3:
Primary constructor called
Delegating constructor with two parameters called
Default constructor called
Name: John Doe, Age: 0, Address: Unknown
Step-by-Step Explanation
class has three constructors:- The primary constructor that initializes all member variables
- A delegating constructor that only requires name and age, delegating to the primary constructor with a default address
- A default constructor that delegates to the two-parameter constructor with default values
When we create
, only the primary constructor is called since we provide all three parameters. -
When we create
, first the primary constructor is called (through delegation), and then the two-parameter constructor continues with its own body. -
When we create
, the call chain is: default constructor → two-parameter constructor → primary constructor. Each constructor's body executes in the reverse order after the initialization is complete.
Rules and Restrictions
When using delegating constructors, keep these important rules in mind:
No circular delegation: A constructor cannot delegate to itself or create a circular chain of delegations. The compiler will detect this and produce an error.
Initialization order: The delegated constructor completes its initialization list and body before the delegating constructor's body executes.
Member initializers: A delegating constructor cannot include member initializers in its initialization list alongside the constructor delegation.
class Example {
int a;
int b;
Example(int x, int y) : a(x), b(y) {}
// INCORRECT - cannot mix delegation with member initialization
// Example(int x) : Example(x, 0), a(x) {} // Compiler error
// CORRECT approach
Example(int x) : Example(x, 0) {
// Any additional initialization goes here
Practical Applications
1. Configuration Class with Default Values
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
class Configuration {
std::string hostname;
int port;
bool useSSL;
int timeout;
// Primary constructor with all parameters
Configuration(const std::string& host, int p, bool ssl, int time)
: hostname(host), port(p), useSSL(ssl), timeout(time) {
// Database server configuration
Configuration(const std::string& host, int p)
: Configuration(host, p, true, 30) {
// Default local configuration
: Configuration("localhost", 8080, false, 10) {
void printConfig() const {
std::cout << "Host: " << hostname << "\n"
<< "Port: " << port << "\n"
<< "SSL: " << (useSSL ? "Enabled" : "Disabled") << "\n"
<< "Timeout: " << timeout << " seconds\n";
int main() {
// Full custom configuration
Configuration custom("api.example.com", 443, true, 60);
std::cout << "Custom Configuration:\n";
// Database server with defaults
Configuration db("db.example.com", 5432);
std::cout << "\nDatabase Configuration:\n";
// Default local development configuration
Configuration local;
std::cout << "\nLocal Configuration:\n";
return 0;
Custom Configuration:
Host: api.example.com
Port: 443
SSL: Enabled
Timeout: 60 seconds
Database Configuration:
Host: db.example.com
Port: 5432
SSL: Enabled
Timeout: 30 seconds
Local Configuration:
Host: localhost
Port: 8080
SSL: Disabled
Timeout: 10 seconds
2. Resource Management Class
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class ResourceManager {
std::string resourceName;
std::vector<int> data;
bool isInitialized;
void logCreation() const {
std::cout << "Resource '" << resourceName << "' created with "
<< data.size() << " elements" << std::endl;
// Primary constructor
ResourceManager(const std::string& name, const std::vector<int>& initialData, bool init)
: resourceName(name), data(initialData), isInitialized(init) {
if (isInitialized) {
std::cout << "Initializing resource '" << resourceName << "'" << std::endl;
// Imagine complex initialization here
// Pre-initialized resource with data
ResourceManager(const std::string& name, const std::vector<int>& initialData)
: ResourceManager(name, initialData, true) {
// Empty resource that's initialized
ResourceManager(const std::string& name)
: ResourceManager(name, {}, true) {
// Default resource that's not initialized
: ResourceManager("default", {}, false) {
std::cout << "Warning: Created uninitialized default resource" << std::endl;
void addData(int value) {
if (!isInitialized) {
std::cout << "Warning: Adding data to uninitialized resource" << std::endl;
isInitialized = true;
void displayInfo() const {
std::cout << "Resource '" << resourceName << "' has " << data.size()
<< " elements and is " << (isInitialized ? "initialized" : "not initialized")
<< std::endl;
int main() {
// Using different constructors
ResourceManager r1("config", {1, 2, 3, 4});
ResourceManager r2("settings");
ResourceManager r3;
std::cout << "\nResource status after creation:\n";
std::cout << "\nAdding data to resources:\n";
std::cout << "\nFinal resource status:\n";
return 0;
Initializing resource 'config'
Resource 'config' created with 4 elements
Initializing resource 'settings'
Resource 'settings' created with 0 elements
Resource 'default' created with 0 elements
Warning: Created uninitialized default resource
Resource status after creation:
Resource 'config' has 4 elements and is initialized
Resource 'settings' has 0 elements and is initialized
Resource 'default' has 0 elements and is not initialized
Adding data to resources:
Warning: Adding data to uninitialized resource
Final resource status:
Resource 'config' has 5 elements and is initialized
Resource 'settings' has 1 elements and is initialized
Resource 'default' has 1 elements and is initialized
Advantages of Delegating Constructors
Code Reusability: Common initialization code is written once and reused.
Reduced Duplication: Eliminates the need to repeat initialization code across multiple constructors.
Centralized Initialization: All initialization logic can be maintained in one place (usually the most complex constructor).
Better Maintainability: Changes to initialization logic only need to be made in one place.
Simplified Constructors: Constructors become shorter and more focused on their specific initialization needs.
Common Pitfalls and Best Practices
Pitfalls to Avoid
Circular Dependencies: Avoid creating circular chains of constructor delegation.
Over-delegation: Don't create unnecessarily deep chains of constructor calls.
Performance Concerns: Be aware that each delegated constructor adds a small overhead.
Best Practices
Delegate to the Most Complete Constructor: Have all other constructors delegate to the constructor with the most parameters.
Keep Constructor Bodies Minimal: Ideally, the delegating constructor should only provide default values and minimal additional logic.
Use Meaningful Default Values: When delegating with default values, make sure they are sensible and well-documented.
Consider Using Default Arguments: For simple cases, default arguments might be cleaner than multiple delegating constructors.
Delegating constructors are a powerful feature in modern C++ that helps reduce code duplication and centralize initialization logic. By allowing one constructor to call another within the same class, you can write more maintainable and less error-prone code.
Key points to remember:
- Use delegation to centralize initialization logic
- The delegated constructor runs before the delegating constructor's body
- You cannot mix member initialization with delegation in the same initialization list
- Avoid circular delegation chains
- Delegate to the most complete constructor for best organization
By mastering delegating constructors, you'll write cleaner, more maintainable C++ code that follows the DRY principle.
Create a
class with three constructors:- One that takes width and height
- One that takes only one dimension (creating a square)
- A default constructor
Implement a
class with delegating constructors that handle different connection scenarios (secure/insecure, with/without timeout, etc.). -
Refactor the following class to use delegating constructors:
cppclass Student {
std::string name;
int id;
double gpa;
Student(std::string n, int i, double g) {
name = n;
id = i;
gpa = g;
Student(std::string n, int i) {
name = n;
id = i;
gpa = 0.0;
Student() {
name = "Unknown";
id = 0;
gpa = 0.0;
Additional Resources
- C++11 Standard
- CPP Reference on Constructors
- Book: "Effective Modern C++" by Scott Meyers (Item 7 covers delegating constructors)
- C++ Core Guidelines
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)