C++ Inheritance
Inheritance is one of the four fundamental concepts of object-oriented programming (alongside encapsulation, abstraction, and polymorphism). It allows a class (called a derived class or subclass) to inherit attributes and methods from another class (called a base class or parent class). This powerful mechanism enables code reuse, establishes relationships between classes, and supports the concept of hierarchy.
In this tutorial, we'll explore:
- What inheritance is and why it's useful
- The syntax and types of inheritance in C++
- How to create and work with derived classes
- Access specifiers in inheritance
- Function overriding and virtual functions
- Real-world applications of inheritance
Basic Inheritance Concept
Inheritance represents an "is-a" relationship. For example, a Car "is-a" Vehicle, or a Dog "is-a" Animal. This relationship allows us to model real-world hierarchies in our code.
Basic Syntax of Inheritance
Here's the basic syntax for creating a derived class in C++:
class BaseClass {
// Base class members
class DerivedClass : access_specifier BaseClass {
// Derived class members
The access_specifier
can be:
: Public and protected members of the base class become public and protected members of the derived classprotected
: Public and protected members of the base class become protected members of the derived classprivate
: Public and protected members of the base class become private members of the derived class
If you don't specify an access specifier, it defaults to private
for classes.
Your First Inheritance Example
Let's create a simple example of inheritance with a Person
class as the base class and a Student
class as the derived class:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
// Base class
class Person {
string name;
int age;
Person(string n, int a) : name(n), age(a) {}
void introduce() {
cout << "Hi, my name is " << name << " and I am " << age << " years old." << endl;
// Derived class
class Student : public Person {
string studentId;
string major;
Student(string n, int a, string id, string m) :
Person(n, a), // Call base class constructor
major(m) {}
void study() {
cout << name << " is studying " << major << "." << endl;
void displayStudentInfo() {
cout << "Student ID: " << studentId << endl;
cout << "Major: " << major << endl;
int main() {
// Create a Person object
Person person("John", 30);
cout << endl;
// Create a Student object
Student student("Alice", 20, "S12345", "Computer Science");
student.introduce(); // Inherited from Person
student.study(); // Defined in Student
return 0;
Hi, my name is John and I am 30 years old.
Hi, my name is Alice and I am 20 years old.
Alice is studying Computer Science.
Student ID: S12345
Major: Computer Science
In this example:
is our base class withname
is a derived class that inherits fromPerson
using public inheritance- The
class adds its own attributes (studentId
) and methods - The
constructor calls thePerson
constructor to initialize the inherited attributes - The
class can access the protectedname
member fromPerson
- The
object can use theintroduce()
method inherited fromPerson
Types of Inheritance in C++
C++ supports five types of inheritance:
Single Inheritance: A derived class inherits from only one base class
cppclass Animal {};
class Dog : public Animal {}; -
Multiple Inheritance: A derived class inherits from more than one base class
cppclass Animal {};
class Pet {};
class Dog : public Animal, public Pet {}; -
Multilevel Inheritance: A derived class inherits from a class that itself is derived from another class
cppclass Animal {};
class Mammal : public Animal {};
class Dog : public Mammal {}; -
Hierarchical Inheritance: Multiple derived classes inherit from a single base class
cppclass Animal {};
class Dog : public Animal {};
class Cat : public Animal {}; -
Hybrid Inheritance: A combination of two or more types of inheritance
cppclass Animal {};
class Mammal : public Animal {};
class Pet {};
class Dog : public Mammal, public Pet {};
Access Specifiers in Inheritance
Understanding how access specifiers work with inheritance is crucial:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
int publicVar;
int protectedVar;
int privateVar;
Base() : publicVar(1), protectedVar(2), privateVar(3) {}
void display() {
cout << "Base class: " << endl;
cout << "Public: " << publicVar << endl;
cout << "Protected: " << protectedVar << endl;
cout << "Private: " << privateVar << endl;
class PublicDerived : public Base {
void display() {
cout << "PublicDerived class: " << endl;
cout << "Public from base: " << publicVar << endl; // Accessible
cout << "Protected from base: " << protectedVar << endl; // Accessible
// cout << "Private from base: " << privateVar << endl; // Not accessible
class ProtectedDerived : protected Base {
void display() {
cout << "ProtectedDerived class: " << endl;
cout << "Public from base: " << publicVar << endl; // Accessible
cout << "Protected from base: " << protectedVar << endl; // Accessible
// cout << "Private from base: " << privateVar << endl; // Not accessible
class PrivateDerived : private Base {
void display() {
cout << "PrivateDerived class: " << endl;
cout << "Public from base: " << publicVar << endl; // Accessible
cout << "Protected from base: " << protectedVar << endl; // Accessible
// cout << "Private from base: " << privateVar << endl; // Not accessible
int main() {
Base base;
PublicDerived pubDerived;
ProtectedDerived protDerived;
PrivateDerived privDerived;
// Accessing base class members
base.publicVar = 10; // Accessible
// base.protectedVar = 20; // Not accessible
// base.privateVar = 30; // Not accessible
// Accessing PublicDerived members
pubDerived.publicVar = 40; // Accessible
// pubDerived.protectedVar = 50; // Not accessible
// pubDerived.privateVar = 60; // Not accessible
// Accessing ProtectedDerived members
// protDerived.publicVar = 70; // Not accessible (becomes protected)
// protDerived.protectedVar = 80; // Not accessible
// protDerived.privateVar = 90; // Not accessible
// Accessing PrivateDerived members
// privDerived.publicVar = 100; // Not accessible (becomes private)
// privDerived.protectedVar = 110; // Not accessible
// privDerived.privateVar = 120; // Not accessible
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
Base class:
Public: 10
Protected: 2
Private: 3
PublicDerived class:
Public from base: 40
Protected from base: 2
ProtectedDerived class:
Public from base: 1
Protected from base: 2
PrivateDerived class:
Public from base: 1
Protected from base: 2
This example demonstrates how access specifiers affect member accessibility in derived classes.
Function Overriding and Inheritance
Function overriding occurs when a derived class provides a specific implementation for a function already defined in its base class. This is a key aspect of polymorphism.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
void makeSound() {
cout << "Animal makes a generic sound" << endl;
class Dog : public Animal {
// Override the makeSound function
void makeSound() {
cout << "Dog barks: Woof! Woof!" << endl;
class Cat : public Animal {
// Override the makeSound function
void makeSound() {
cout << "Cat meows: Meow!" << endl;
int main() {
Animal animal;
Dog dog;
Cat cat;
return 0;
Animal makes a generic sound
Dog barks: Woof! Woof!
Cat meows: Meow!
Using override
Keyword (C++11 and later)
The override
keyword helps ensure that you're actually overriding a base class function and not creating a new one:
class Animal {
virtual void makeSound() {
cout << "Animal makes a generic sound" << endl;
class Dog : public Animal {
// Using override keyword makes it explicit
void makeSound() override {
cout << "Dog barks: Woof! Woof!" << endl;
Virtual Functions and Polymorphism
Virtual functions allow us to achieve runtime polymorphism. When a function is declared as virtual
in a base class, C++ determines which function to call at runtime based on the actual object type, not the reference or pointer type.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Animal {
virtual void makeSound() {
cout << "Animal makes a generic sound" << endl;
// Virtual destructor is important when using polymorphism
virtual ~Animal() {
cout << "Animal destructor called" << endl;
class Dog : public Animal {
void makeSound() override {
cout << "Dog barks: Woof! Woof!" << endl;
~Dog() override {
cout << "Dog destructor called" << endl;
class Cat : public Animal {
void makeSound() override {
cout << "Cat meows: Meow!" << endl;
~Cat() override {
cout << "Cat destructor called" << endl;
int main() {
// Polymorphism through pointers
Animal* animals[3];
animals[0] = new Animal();
animals[1] = new Dog();
animals[2] = new Cat();
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
animals[i]->makeSound(); // Virtual function call
// Clean up
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
delete animals[i]; // Virtual destructor ensures proper cleanup
return 0;
Animal makes a generic sound
Dog barks: Woof! Woof!
Cat meows: Meow!
Animal destructor called
Dog destructor called
Animal destructor called
Cat destructor called
Animal destructor called
Constructors and Destructors in Inheritance
When an object of a derived class is created:
- The base class constructor is called first
- Then the derived class constructor is executed
When an object is destroyed:
- The derived class destructor is called first
- Then the base class destructor is called
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Base {
Base() {
cout << "Base constructor called" << endl;
~Base() {
cout << "Base destructor called" << endl;
class Derived : public Base {
Derived() {
cout << "Derived constructor called" << endl;
~Derived() {
cout << "Derived destructor called" << endl;
int main() {
cout << "Creating a Derived object:" << endl;
Derived d; // Create an object in a local scope
cout << "Derived object destroyed" << endl;
return 0;
Creating a Derived object:
Base constructor called
Derived constructor called
Derived destructor called
Base destructor called
Derived object destroyed
Real-World Application: Shape Hierarchy
Let's create a more practical example using shapes:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
// Base class
class Shape {
string name;
Shape(string n) : name(n) {}
// Pure virtual function makes Shape an abstract class
virtual double area() const = 0;
// Virtual function that can be overridden
virtual double perimeter() const = 0;
string getName() const {
return name;
virtual void display() const {
cout << "Shape: " << name << endl;
cout << "Area: " << area() << endl;
cout << "Perimeter: " << perimeter() << endl;
virtual ~Shape() {}
// Derived class
class Circle : public Shape {
double radius;
Circle(double r) : Shape("Circle"), radius(r) {}
double area() const override {
return M_PI * radius * radius;
double perimeter() const override {
return 2 * M_PI * radius;
double getRadius() const {
return radius;
// Derived class
class Rectangle : public Shape {
double width;
double height;
Rectangle(double w, double h) : Shape("Rectangle"), width(w), height(h) {}
double area() const override {
return width * height;
double perimeter() const override {
return 2 * (width + height);
double getWidth() const {
return width;
double getHeight() const {
return height;
// Derived from Rectangle
class Square : public Rectangle {
Square(double side) : Rectangle(side, side) {
name = "Square"; // Modifying the inherited name
// No need to override area() or perimeter() - they work from Rectangle
double getSide() const {
return getWidth(); // Width and height are the same
// Function to process any shape
void processShape(const Shape& shape) {
cout << "--------------------------------" << endl;
int main() {
// Create different shapes
Circle circle(5.0);
Rectangle rectangle(4.0, 6.0);
Square square(4.0);
// Store shapes in a vector
vector<Shape*> shapes;
// Process all shapes polymorphically
cout << "Shape Information:" << endl;
cout << "================================" << endl;
for (const auto& shape : shapes) {
return 0;
Shape Information:
Shape: Circle
Area: 78.5398
Perimeter: 31.4159
Shape: Rectangle
Area: 24
Perimeter: 20
Shape: Square
Area: 16
Perimeter: 16
This example demonstrates several key inheritance concepts:
is an abstract base class with pure virtual functionsCircle
inherit fromShape
and implement the abstract methodsSquare
inherits fromRectangle
, reusing its area and perimeter calculations- We use polymorphism to process different shapes through a common interface
Inheritance and Memory Layout
Understanding how inheritance affects memory layout can be helpful:
Base class memory layout:
| Base members |
Derived class memory layout:
| Base members |
| Derived members|
The derived class object contains all the base class members, followed by its own members.
Common Inheritance Pitfalls
- Object Slicing: Occurs when a derived class object is assigned to a base class object, losing derived class-specific members.
Dog dog;
Animal animal = dog; // Object slicing - dog-specific members are lost
animal.makeSound(); // Calls Animal::makeSound(), not Dog::makeSound()
- Multiple Inheritance Ambiguity: The famous "diamond problem" occurs with multiple inheritance.
class A { public: void show(); };
class B : public A {};
class C : public A {};
class D : public B, public C {}; // Diamond problem
D d;
d.show(); // Ambiguous - is it B::show() or C::show()?
This can be resolved using virtual inheritance:
class B : virtual public A {};
class C : virtual public A {};
Inheritance is a powerful feature of C++ that enables:
- Code reuse through base classes
- Establishing "is-a" relationships between classes
- Implementing polymorphic behavior
- Creating well-organized class hierarchies
We've covered:
- The basics of inheritance syntax and types
- Access specifiers and their effects on inheritance
- Function overriding and virtual functions
- Constructors and destructors in inheritance context
- Practical applications with a shape hierarchy example
Inheritance is a key component of object-oriented programming, but it should be used judiciously. Always prefer composition over inheritance when the relationship between classes is more of a "has-a" than an "is-a" relationship.
Additional Resources
To deepen your understanding of C++ inheritance:
- C++ Documentation on Inheritance
- "Effective C++" by Scott Meyers (especially items related to inheritance and polymorphism)
- "C++ Primer" by Stanley Lippman
- "Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software" by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, and Vlissides
Create a base class
with properties likebrand
, and methods likestart()
. Then create derived classesCar
, andTruck
. -
Implement a class hierarchy for a banking system with a
base class and derived classes likeSavingsAccount
, andFixedDeposit
. -
Create a shape hierarchy that includes
classes in addition to our example classes. -
Implement a simple game character system with a
base class and different character types as derived classes. -
Create a class hierarchy to model an e-commerce system with classes for
, andSubscriptionProduct
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)