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Go Packages


In Go, packages are a fundamental way to organize and reuse code. A package is a collection of Go source files in the same directory that are compiled together. Packages allow you to:

  • Group related code together
  • Manage code dependencies
  • Control visibility of variables, functions, and types
  • Reuse code across different projects

As your Go projects grow in size and complexity, understanding how to effectively use packages becomes essential for maintaining clean, organized, and reusable code.

What are Go Packages?

A package in Go is essentially a directory containing Go source files that belong together. Every Go source file must start with a package declaration that identifies which package the file belongs to.

// file: greeting.go
package greeting

func SayHello(name string) string {
return "Hello, " + name + "!"

In this simple example, we've created a file called greeting.go that belongs to the greeting package and contains a function called SayHello.

The Main Package

Every executable Go program must contain a main package with a main() function, which serves as the entry point for the program.

// file: main.go
package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
fmt.Println("Hello, World!")


Hello, World!

When you run go run main.go, the Go compiler looks for the main() function in the main package and executes it.

Importing Packages

To use functions, variables, or types from other packages, you need to import them using the import statement.

// file: main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
// Seed the random number generator

// Generate a random number between 1 and 100
randomNum := rand.Intn(100) + 1

fmt.Println("Random number:", randomNum)


Random number: 42  // The output will vary with each execution

In this example, we've imported three packages:

  • fmt: For formatted I/O
  • math/rand: For random number generation
  • time: For time-related functions

Import Syntax Variations

Go offers several ways to import packages:

  1. Single Import

    import "fmt"
  2. Multiple Imports (Grouped)

    import (
  3. Imports with Aliases

    import (
    r "math/rand" // Now we can use r.Intn() instead of rand.Intn()
  4. Dot Imports (Generally discouraged except in tests)

    import (
    . "math/rand" // Functions can be called without the package prefix
    // Now we can use Intn() directly instead of rand.Intn()
  5. Blank Imports (Used for side effects)

    import (
    _ "image/png" // Register PNG format without using its exported functions

Standard Library Packages

Go comes with a rich standard library that provides a wide range of functionality. Here are some commonly used standard library packages:

  • fmt: Formatted I/O
  • os: Operating system functionality
  • io: Core I/O functionality
  • strconv: String conversions
  • strings: String manipulation
  • time: Time-related functions
  • math: Mathematical functions
  • net/http: HTTP client and server implementations
  • encoding/json: JSON encoding and decoding
  • database/sql: Database interface

Example using the strings package:

package main

import (

func main() {
message := " Go Packages are powerful! "

// String manipulation using the strings package
fmt.Println("Original:", message)
fmt.Println("Trimmed:", strings.TrimSpace(message))
fmt.Println("Uppercase:", strings.ToUpper(message))
fmt.Println("Contains 'Package'?", strings.Contains(message, "Package"))
fmt.Println("Replace 'Go' with 'Golang':", strings.Replace(message, "Go", "Golang", 1))


Original:   Go Packages are powerful!  
Trimmed: Go Packages are powerful!
Contains 'Package'? false
Replace 'Go' with 'Golang': Golang Packages are powerful!

Creating Your Own Packages

Let's create a simple project with multiple packages to demonstrate how to organize and use your own packages.

First, let's set up a basic project structure:

├── main.go
└── calculator/
├── basic.go
└── advanced.go

Step 1: Create the calculator package files

// file: calculator/basic.go
package calculator

// Add returns the sum of two integers
func Add(a, b int) int {
return a + b

// Subtract returns the difference between two integers
func Subtract(a, b int) int {
return a - b
// file: calculator/advanced.go
package calculator

import "math"

// Power returns a raised to the power of b
func Power(a, b float64) float64 {
return math.Pow(a, b)

// Factorial returns the factorial of n
func Factorial(n int) int {
if n <= 1 {
return 1
return n * Factorial(n-1)

Step 2: Create the main.go file to use the calculator package

// file: main.go
package main

import (
"myproject/calculator" // Import our custom package

func main() {
// Using functions from the calculator package
sum := calculator.Add(5, 3)
difference := calculator.Subtract(10, 4)
power := calculator.Power(2, 3)
factorial := calculator.Factorial(5)

fmt.Println("5 + 3 =", sum)
fmt.Println("10 - 4 =", difference)
fmt.Println("2^3 =", power)
fmt.Println("5! =", factorial)


5 + 3 = 8
10 - 4 = 6
2^3 = 8
5! = 120

Go Modules

Go modules are the official dependency management system for Go, introduced in Go 1.11. They allow you to:

  • Create versioned packages
  • Manage dependencies
  • Work outside of the GOPATH
  • Have reproducible builds

Creating a Go Module

To create a Go module, you need to initialize it with go mod init:

$ mkdir mymodule
$ cd mymodule
$ go mod init

This creates a go.mod file that defines your module and its dependencies:


go 1.16

As you add dependencies to your code, they will be automatically added to the go.mod file when you run commands like go build or go test.

Package Visibility Rules

In Go, the visibility of a function, variable, type, or constant is determined by its first letter:

  • Exported (Public): If the first letter is uppercase, it's exported and can be accessed from other packages.
  • Unexported (Private): If the first letter is lowercase, it's unexported and can only be accessed within its own package.

Let's see an example:

// file: geometry/shapes.go
package geometry

import "math"

// Circle is an exported struct (public)
type Circle struct {
Radius float64 // Exported field (public)
color string // Unexported field (private)

// Area is an exported method (public)
func (c Circle) Area() float64 {
return math.Pi * c.Radius * c.Radius

// setColor is an unexported method (private)
func (c *Circle) setColor(color string) {
c.color = color

// GetColor is an exported method to access private field
func (c Circle) GetColor() string {
return c.color

// NewCircle is a constructor function (public)
func NewCircle(radius float64, color string) Circle {
c := Circle{Radius: radius}
return c
// file: main.go
package main

import (

func main() {
// Create a circle using the constructor
circle := geometry.NewCircle(5.0, "blue")

// Access public fields and methods
fmt.Println("Radius:", circle.Radius)
fmt.Println("Area:", circle.Area())
fmt.Println("Color:", circle.GetColor())

// This would cause a compilation error:
// fmt.Println(circle.color) // Can't access private field
// circle.setColor("red") // Can't access private method


Radius: 5
Area: 78.53981633974483
Color: blue

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)