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Go Type Embedding


In object-oriented programming, inheritance is a fundamental concept that allows one class to inherit properties and methods from another class. However, Go takes a different approach: instead of traditional inheritance, Go uses a concept called type embedding to achieve similar functionality through composition.

Type embedding enables you to include one type within another, allowing the outer type to "inherit" the methods and fields of the embedded type. This creates a powerful mechanism for code reuse while maintaining Go's simplicity and clarity.

In this tutorial, we'll explore Go type embedding in depth, examining how it works with both structs and interfaces, and how it can be applied in practical scenarios.

Basic Type Embedding

Let's start with a simple example of type embedding using structs:

package main

import "fmt"

// Base type
type Person struct {
Name string
Age int

// Method for the base type
func (p Person) Introduce() {
fmt.Printf("Hello, my name is %s and I am %d years old.
", p.Name, p.Age)

// Embedding Person in Student
type Student struct {
Person // Embedded type (no field name)
School string
Grade int

func main() {
// Create a Student
student := Student{
Person: Person{
Name: "Alice",
Age: 20,
School: "Go University",
Grade: 3,

// Access fields directly
fmt.Println("Name:", student.Name)
fmt.Println("Age:", student.Age)
fmt.Println("School:", student.School)

// Call the embedded type's method


Name: Alice
Age: 20
School: Go University
Hello, my name is Alice and I am 20 years old.

In this example:

  1. We define a Person type with Name and Age fields, plus an Introduce() method
  2. We create a Student type that embeds the Person type
  3. The Student type now has access to all fields and methods of Person
  4. We can directly access Name and Age from a Student instance, as if they were defined directly on Student

Notice that when we embed a type, we don't provide a field name - we just specify the type. This is what makes embedding different from regular composition.

Field Promotion

When you embed a type, its fields and methods are "promoted" to the outer type. This means:

  1. You can access the embedded type's fields and methods directly from the outer type
  2. The outer type satisfies any interfaces that the embedded type satisfies

However, if the outer type has fields or methods with the same names as the embedded type, the outer type's fields/methods take precedence.

package main

import "fmt"

type Base struct {
Value int

func (b Base) Describe() {
fmt.Printf("Base value: %d
", b.Value)

type Container struct {
Value string // Shadows the embedded Base.Value

func (c Container) Describe() { // Overrides Base.Describe
fmt.Printf("Container value: %s, Base value: %d
", c.Value, c.Base.Value)

func main() {
c := Container{
Base: Base{Value: 42},
Value: "hello",

// Accessing fields
fmt.Println("Container.Value:", c.Value) // "hello" (Container's field)
fmt.Println("Container.Base.Value:", c.Base.Value) // 42 (Base's field)

// Calling methods
c.Describe() // Calls Container's method
c.Base.Describe() // Calls Base's method


Container.Value: hello
Container.Base.Value: 42
Container value: hello, Base value: 42
Base value: 42

In this example:

  1. Both Base and Container have a field named Value and a method named Describe()
  2. When we access c.Value, we get Container's Value field
  3. To access Base's Value field, we need to use c.Base.Value
  4. Similarly, c.Describe() calls Container's method, and c.Base.Describe() calls Base's method

Multiple Embedding

Go allows you to embed multiple types in a single struct:

package main

import "fmt"

type Walker struct{}
func (w Walker) Walk() {

type Talker struct{}
func (t Talker) Talk() {

type Human struct {
Name string

func main() {
h := Human{Name: "Bob"}
h.Walk() // From Walker
h.Talk() // From Talker
fmt.Println("Name:", h.Name)


Name: Bob

This approach provides a way to achieve behavior similar to multiple inheritance, but with a clearer composition model.

Interface Embedding

Just like structs, interfaces can also embed other interfaces. This creates a new interface that includes all the methods of the embedded interfaces.

package main

import "fmt"

// Define simple interfaces
type Reader interface {
Read() string

type Writer interface {
Write(data string)

// Embed interfaces to create a new interface
type ReadWriter interface {

// Implement a type that satisfies the combined interface
type Document struct {
content string

func (d *Document) Read() string {
return d.content

func (d *Document) Write(data string) {
d.content = data

func main() {
// Create a document
doc := &Document{}

// Use it as a ReadWriter
var rw ReadWriter = doc

// Write data
rw.Write("Hello, Go embedding!")

// Read data


Hello, Go embedding!

In this example:

  1. We define Reader and Writer interfaces
  2. We create a new ReadWriter interface that embeds both of them
  3. Any type that implements both Read() and Write() methods automatically satisfies the ReadWriter interface
  4. Our Document type implements both methods, so it can be used as a ReadWriter

This is a common pattern in Go's standard library. For example, the io package defines io.Reader, io.Writer, and io.ReadWriter using this approach.

Practical Example: Building a Web Server

Let's see a more practical example using embedding to build a simple HTTP server with logging capabilities:

package main

import (

// Logger embeds http.Handler and adds logging
type Logger struct {
LogPrefix string

// ServeHTTP overrides the embedded Handler's ServeHTTP
func (l Logger) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
startTime := time.Now()
fmt.Printf("[%s] %s %s - Started
", l.LogPrefix, r.Method, r.URL.Path)

// Call the embedded handler's ServeHTTP
l.Handler.ServeHTTP(w, r)

duration := time.Since(startTime)
fmt.Printf("[%s] %s %s - Completed in %v
", l.LogPrefix, r.Method, r.URL.Path, duration)

// HomeHandler is a simple http.Handler
type HomeHandler struct{}

func (h HomeHandler) ServeHTTP(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
w.Write([]byte("Welcome to Go Type Embedding!"))

func main() {
// Create our handlers
home := HomeHandler{}

// Wrap with logger
loggedHome := Logger{
Handler: home,
LogPrefix: "HOME",

// Start the server
fmt.Println("Server starting on :8080...")
http.Handle("/", loggedHome)
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))

If you run this code and visit http://localhost:8080/ in your browser, you'll see:

Console Output:

Server starting on :8080...
[HOME] GET / - Started
[HOME] GET / - Completed in 123.45µs

Browser Output:

Welcome to Go Type Embedding!

This example demonstrates how embedding allows us to:

  1. Take an existing implementation (http.Handler)
  2. Embed it in our custom type (Logger)
  3. Extend its behavior (adding logging before and after the request)
  4. Use it seamlessly with the standard library

This pattern is called the Decorator Pattern, and embedding makes it very clean and straightforward in Go.

Embedding vs. Composition

It's important to understand the difference between embedding and traditional composition:

// Embedding
type Car struct {
Engine // Embedded - methods and fields are promoted

// Composition
type Car struct {
engine Engine // Not embedded - methods and fields are not promoted

With embedding (Engine), you can directly call methods like car.Start(). With composition (engine Engine), you would need to call car.engine.Start().

Embedding provides convenience through field and method promotion, but it's essentially a syntactic sugar over composition. You're still creating a has-a relationship, not an is-a relationship as in traditional inheritance.

When to Use Type Embedding

Use embedding when:

  1. You want to reuse behavior: Embedding allows you to reuse code from existing types.
  2. You're implementing the Decorator Pattern: As shown in the HTTP server example.
  3. You want to satisfy an interface: Embedding a type that already implements an interface is a quick way to make your type satisfy that interface.

Avoid embedding when:

  1. You need to hide or protect embedded fields: Embedded fields are always accessible from the outside.
  2. You're trying to model an 'is-a' relationship: Go's embedding is more about 'has-a' with convenient access.

Mermaid Diagram: Type Embedding Visualization

Here's a visualization of how type embedding works:


Go type embedding is a powerful feature that enables code reuse through composition rather than inheritance. It allows you to:

  • Include one type inside another without giving it a field name
  • Access the embedded type's fields and methods directly from the outer type
  • Satisfy interfaces that the embedded type satisfies
  • Build complex behaviors through composition of simpler types

The key advantages of embedding are:

  1. Simplicity: It avoids the complexity of class hierarchies found in traditional inheritance
  2. Explicit: The relationship between types is clear and transparent
  3. Flexibility: You can embed multiple types to compose behavior from various sources

By favoring composition over inheritance, Go encourages you to build systems from small, reusable components, making your code more maintainable and easier to reason about.


To practice your understanding of Go type embedding, try these exercises:

  1. Create a Vehicle type with basic properties and methods, then create specific vehicle types (Car, Motorcycle, etc.) by embedding Vehicle.

  2. Implement a middleware chain for HTTP requests using embedding. Create different middleware components that can be composed together.

  3. Explore the Go standard library to find examples of interface embedding, such as in the io package.

  4. Create a logging system with different log levels by embedding a base logger and extending its functionality.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)