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JavaScript Do While Loop

In JavaScript programming, loops are essential tools that allow you to execute blocks of code repeatedly. The do...while loop is a special type of loop that ensures a block of code runs at least once before checking the condition for further iterations.

Introduction to Do While Loops

The do...while loop is a variant of the while loop with a key difference: it always executes the code block at least once before evaluating the condition. This makes it useful when you want to ensure that certain operations happen at least once regardless of the initial condition.


The basic syntax of a do...while loop in JavaScript is:

do {
// Code to be executed
} while (condition);

Here's how it works:

  1. The code inside the do block executes once
  2. Then the condition is evaluated
  3. If the condition is true, the loop continues and the code block executes again
  4. If the condition is false, the loop terminates
  5. The process repeats until the condition becomes false

Basic Example

Let's look at a simple example of a do...while loop:

let i = 1;

do {
console.log(`Iteration ${i}`);
} while (i <= 5);


Iteration 1
Iteration 2
Iteration 3
Iteration 4
Iteration 5

In this example, the code block executes 5 times because the condition i <= 5 remains true until i becomes 6.

When the Condition is Initially False

What makes the do...while loop special is its behavior when the condition is initially false. Let's see this in action:

let count = 10;

do {
console.log(`This will execute once even though the condition is false.`);
console.log(`Count: ${count}`);
} while (count < 5);


This will execute once even though the condition is false.
Count: 10

Even though count < 5 is false from the beginning (since count is 10), the code block still executes once before checking the condition.

Difference Between While and Do While

To understand when to use do...while instead of a regular while loop, let's see a comparison:

// Using while loop
let j = 10;
console.log("With while loop:");
while (j < 5) {

// Using do...while loop
let k = 10;
console.log("With do...while loop:");
do {
} while (k < 5);


With while loop:
With do...while loop:

As you can see, the while loop's code block doesn't execute at all because the condition is initially false, but the do...while loop executes once.

Practical Examples

1. Menu Selection System

A common use case for do...while loops is creating menu systems where you want to display options at least once and then continue based on user input:

function displayMenu() {
let choice;

do {
console.log("\n==== Menu ====");
console.log("1. View profile");
console.log("2. Edit settings");
console.log("3. Logout");
console.log("0. Exit");

// In a real application, you would get user input
choice = prompt("Enter your choice (0-3):");

switch(choice) {
case "1":
console.log("Viewing profile...");
case "2":
console.log("Editing settings...");
case "3":
console.log("Logging out...");
case "0":
console.log("Invalid choice! Please try again.");
} while (choice !== "0");

// displayMenu(); // Uncomment to execute in a browser environment

2. Input Validation

Another useful application of do...while loops is input validation, where you want to keep asking for input until valid data is provided:

function getValidNumber() {
let userInput;

do {
userInput = prompt("Please enter a positive number:");
userInput = Number(userInput);

if (isNaN(userInput) || userInput <= 0) {
console.log("That's not a valid positive number. Try again.");
} while (isNaN(userInput) || userInput <= 0);

console.log(`Thank you! You entered: ${userInput}`);
return userInput;

// getValidNumber(); // Uncomment to execute in a browser environment

3. Game Loop

A simplified game loop that continues until the player decides to quit:

function simpleGame() {
let score = 0;
let playing;

do {
console.log(`Current score: ${score}`);

// Simulate a game action
const randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 10) + 1;
console.log(`You rolled a ${randomNumber}`);
score += randomNumber;

// In a real game, you would get player input here
playing = confirm("Play another round?");

} while (playing);

console.log(`Game over! Final score: ${score}`);

// simpleGame(); // Uncomment to execute in a browser environment

Common Pitfalls and Best Practices

1. Infinite Loops

Be careful to avoid creating infinite loops. Make sure the condition will eventually become false:

// ❌ BAD: Infinite loop
do {
console.log("This will never end!");
} while (true);

// ✅ GOOD: Provide an exit condition
let counter = 0;
do {
console.log("This will end after 5 iterations");
} while (counter < 5);

2. Forgetting the Semicolon

The do...while loop is one of the few JavaScript constructs that require a semicolon at the end:

// ❌ BAD: Missing semicolon
do {
console.log("Missing semicolon can cause issues")
} while (condition) // Missing semicolon here

// ✅ GOOD: With semicolon
do {
console.log("Proper syntax")
} while (condition); // Semicolon here is required


The do...while loop in JavaScript is a powerful control flow statement that:

  • Executes a block of code at least once before checking the condition
  • Continues execution as long as the specified condition evaluates to true
  • Is particularly useful for scenarios where you need to perform an action once before testing
  • Works well for input validation, menu systems, and other interactive features

Understanding when to use do...while instead of other loops can help you write more efficient and clearer code in specific situations.

Practice Exercises

To reinforce your understanding of the do...while loop, try these exercises:

  1. Write a program that uses a do...while loop to reverse a number (e.g., 1234 becomes 4321).
  2. Create a guessing game that uses a do...while loop to keep asking for guesses until the correct answer is provided.
  3. Implement a simple calculator program that uses a do...while loop to keep the program running until the user chooses to exit.

Additional Resources

With the do...while loop in your JavaScript toolbox, you can handle situations where you need to ensure code executes at least once, regardless of conditions. As you continue learning JavaScript, you'll discover many scenarios where this unique loop structure proves valuable.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)