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Kotlin Coroutine Scope

In the world of Kotlin coroutines, a CoroutineScope is a fundamental concept that determines when your coroutines should start and stop. Think of it as a boundary or container that defines the lifecycle of coroutines launched within it. Understanding scopes is crucial for writing robust, leak-free concurrent code.

Introduction to Coroutine Scopes

When you work with coroutines, you need a way to control their lifecycles and ensure they're properly managed. This is where coroutine scopes come in. A scope:

  • Keeps track of all coroutines created within it
  • Provides a way to cancel all its coroutines at once
  • Ensures coroutines don't leak or run longer than necessary
  • Establishes a parent-child relationship between coroutines

Let's explore how scopes work and why they're so important in Kotlin coroutines.

The Basics of CoroutineScope

To create coroutines, you need a CoroutineScope. The most basic way to use a scope is:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() = runBlocking { // this: CoroutineScope
// Launch a coroutine in this scope
launch {

delay(2000L) // Wait for the launched coroutine to complete



In this example, runBlocking creates a scope, and launch creates a coroutine within that scope. The parent scope (runBlocking) waits for all its children to complete before finishing.

Structured Concurrency

Kotlin coroutines follow a principle called structured concurrency. This means:

  1. Coroutines form parent-child hierarchies
  2. Child coroutines inherit context from their parents
  3. When a parent scope cancels, all its children cancel too
  4. A parent waits for all its children to complete

This structure helps prevent common concurrency problems like leaking resources or abandoned operations.

Types of Coroutine Scopes

Kotlin provides several built-in scopes for different use cases:

1. GlobalScope

GlobalScope is a top-level scope that lasts for the entire application lifetime.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() {
// Launching in GlobalScope
GlobalScope.launch {
println("Background task running...")

println("Main program continues")
Thread.sleep(1000L) // Keep the JVM alive
println("Main program ends")


Main program continues
Background task running...
Main program ends

Warning: GlobalScope should be used carefully as coroutines launched in it aren't tied to any specific lifecycle and can potentially run forever.

2. coroutineScope Builder

The coroutineScope builder creates a new scope that inherits the parent context but waits for all its children to complete:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
println("Started main")

coroutineScope {
launch {
println("Task 1 completed")

launch {
println("Task 2 completed")

println("Coroutine scope created")

println("Completed main")


Started main
Coroutine scope created
Task 2 completed
Task 1 completed
Completed main

Notice how "Completed main" is printed only after all tasks in the coroutineScope finish.

3. supervisorScope

A supervisorScope is similar to coroutineScope but with one key difference: failures of children don't affect each other or the parent.

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
try {
supervisorScope {
launch {
println("Task 1 completes")

launch {
println("Task 2 fails")
throw Exception("Task 2 failed")

launch {
println("Task 3 completes despite Task 2 failure")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Caught: ${e.message}")

println("After supervisorScope")


Task 2 fails
Task 1 completes
Task 3 completes despite Task 2 failure
Caught: Task 2 failed
After supervisorScope

Creating Custom Scopes

You can create your own coroutine scopes for specific components or features in your application:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

class UserService {
// Create a custom scope for this service
private val serviceScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())

fun fetchUserData() {
serviceScope.launch {
// Fetch user data asynchronously
val userData = fetchFromNetwork()
println("User data: $userData")

suspend fun fetchFromNetwork(): String {
delay(1000L) // Simulate network request
return "User123"

fun closeService() {
// Cancel all coroutines when service is no longer needed

fun main() = runBlocking {
val service = UserService()
delay(1000L) // Give time to see the effects
println("Application shutting down")


User data: User123
Application shutting down

Scope Lifecycle in Android

In Android development, coroutine scopes are often tied to component lifecycles:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

// This is a simplified example of how scopes work in Android
class MyActivity {
// Create a scope that will be cancelled when the activity is destroyed
private val activityScope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Main + Job())

fun onCreate() {
println("Activity created")

// Launch coroutines that automatically cancel when activity is destroyed
activityScope.launch {
while (true) {
println("Updating UI...")

fun onDestroy() {
println("Activity being destroyed, cancelling all coroutines")

fun main() = runBlocking {
val activity = MyActivity()
delay(2000L) // Observe that no more updates happen after destroy
println("Application end")


Activity created
Updating UI...
Updating UI...
Updating UI...
Activity being destroyed, cancelling all coroutines
Application end

Best Practices for Using Coroutine Scopes

  1. Never use GlobalScope in production code: Always prefer scopes tied to specific lifecycles.

  2. Always cancel scopes when they're no longer needed:

    val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default)
    // Use scope...
    scope.cancel() // Cancel when done
  3. Use the proper dispatcher for your scope:

    • Dispatchers.Main for UI operations
    • Dispatchers.IO for network/disk operations
    • Dispatchers.Default for CPU-intensive work
  4. Consider using SupervisorJob when appropriate:

    val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.IO + SupervisorJob())
  5. Handle exceptions properly:

    val exceptionHandler = CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
    println("Caught exception: ${exception.message}")
    val scope = CoroutineScope(Dispatchers.Default + exceptionHandler)

Advanced: Coroutine Context and Scope

A CoroutineScope is essentially a wrapper around a CoroutineContext. The context contains elements like:

  • Job: Controls the lifecycle
  • Dispatcher: Determines which thread the coroutine runs on
  • CoroutineName: Names the coroutine for debugging
  • CoroutineExceptionHandler: Handles uncaught exceptions

Here's how you can combine these elements:

import kotlinx.coroutines.*

fun main() = runBlocking {
val customContext = Dispatchers.Default + CoroutineName("CustomOperation") +
CoroutineExceptionHandler { _, exception ->
println("Caught $exception")

val customScope = CoroutineScope(customContext)

customScope.launch {
println("Coroutine running with name: ${coroutineContext[CoroutineName]?.name}")
println("On thread: ${Thread.currentThread().name}")

if (Math.random() > 0.5) {
throw RuntimeException("Random failure")

println("Completed successfully")

delay(1000L) // Wait for coroutine to finish

Possible output:

Coroutine running with name: CustomOperation
On thread: DefaultDispatcher-worker-1
Caught java.lang.RuntimeException: Random failure


Coroutine scopes are essential for structured concurrency in Kotlin. They provide:

  • Lifecycle management for coroutines
  • Hierarchical organization of concurrent work
  • Clean cancellation of related operations
  • Context inheritance for proper configuration

By understanding and properly using coroutine scopes, you can write concurrent code that's both powerful and maintainable, avoiding common pitfalls like leaks or uncontrolled concurrency.

Further Resources and Practice

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a custom scope that combines a dispatcher, job, and exception handler. Launch several coroutines in this scope with different delays.

  2. Implement a simple resource manager class that uses a coroutine scope to perform cleanup operations asynchronously but ensures all operations complete before the manager is closed.

  3. Experiment with nested scopes (a coroutineScope inside another coroutineScope) and observe how cancellation propagates when you cancel the outer scope.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)