Kotlin Functional Error Handling
Error handling is one of the most critical aspects of writing robust software. In traditional imperative programming, we often rely on exceptions to handle unexpected scenarios. However, functional programming offers alternative approaches that can make your code more predictable, type-safe, and easier to reason about.
In this tutorial, we'll explore functional error handling techniques in Kotlin and learn how they can improve your code.
Why Functional Error Handling?
Before diving into the techniques, let's understand why we might want alternatives to exceptions:
- Type Safety: Exceptions aren't part of a function's signature, making them invisible to the compiler
- Predictability: Functions that may throw exceptions are not pure functions
- Composition: Error handling with exceptions can break function composition patterns
- Readability: Try-catch blocks can make code harder to follow
Let's explore functional alternatives that address these concerns.
The Option/Maybe Type Approach
One of the simplest forms of functional error handling is using an Option
type (sometimes called Maybe
or Optional
Using Kotlin's Built-in Nullable Types
Kotlin's type system already provides a simple form of the Option pattern through nullable types:
// Traditional approach with exceptions
fun divide(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
if (b == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot divide by zero")
return a / b
// Functional approach with nullable types
fun divideOption(a: Int, b: Int): Int? {
return if (b == 0) null else a / b
// Usage
fun main() {
// Traditional approach requires try-catch
try {
println(divide(10, 2)) // Output: 5
println(divide(10, 0)) // Will throw exception
} catch (e: IllegalArgumentException) {
println("Error: ${e.message}")
// Functional approach using safe calls
println(divideOption(10, 2)) // Output: 5
println(divideOption(10, 0)) // Output: null
// We can provide a default value
println(divideOption(10, 0) ?: "Cannot divide by zero") // Output: Cannot divide by zero
Chaining Operations with Nullable Types
One benefit of the functional approach is composability:
data class User(val name: String, val email: String?)
fun getUser(id: Int): User? {
return if (id > 0) User("User$id", if (id % 2 == 0) "user$id@example.com" else null)
else null
fun sendEmail(email: String, message: String): Boolean {
println("Sending '$message' to $email")
return true
fun main() {
val userId = 2
// Imperative approach
try {
val user = getUser(userId) ?: throw Exception("User not found")
val email = user.email ?: throw Exception("User has no email")
sendEmail(email, "Hello!")
println("Email sent successfully")
} catch (e: Exception) {
println("Failed: ${e.message}")
// Functional approach
getUser(userId)?.email?.let { email ->
if (sendEmail(email, "Hello!")) {
println("Email sent successfully")
} ?: println("Failed: Either user not found or has no email")
The Either Type
While nullable types are helpful, they don't provide information about why something failed. The Either
type solves this problem by representing either a success or a failure with details.
Kotlin doesn't have a built-in Either
type, but we can implement one:
sealed class Either<out L, out R> {
data class Left<out L>(val value: L) : Either<L, Nothing>()
data class Right<out R>(val value: R) : Either<Nothing, R>()
fun isRight(): Boolean = this is Right
fun isLeft(): Boolean = this is Left
fun <T> fold(onLeft: (L) -> T, onRight: (R) -> T): T =
when (this) {
is Left -> onLeft(value)
is Right -> onRight(value)
fun <T> map(transform: (R) -> T): Either<L, T> =
when (this) {
is Left -> this
is Right -> Right(transform(value))
fun <T> flatMap(transform: (R) -> Either<L, T>): Either<L, T> =
when (this) {
is Left -> this
is Right -> transform(value)
Now let's use our Either
type to create more expressive error handling:
sealed class DivisionError {
object DivideByZero : DivisionError()
data class OtherError(val message: String) : DivisionError()
fun divideEither(a: Int, b: Int): Either<DivisionError, Int> {
return try {
if (b == 0) Either.Left(DivisionError.DivideByZero)
else Either.Right(a / b)
} catch (e: Exception) {
Either.Left(DivisionError.OtherError(e.message ?: "Unknown error"))
fun main() {
val result1 = divideEither(10, 2)
val result2 = divideEither(10, 0)
// Pattern matching approach
when (result1) {
is Either.Left -> println("Error: ${result1.value}")
is Either.Right -> println("Result: ${result1.value}")
// Using fold
val message1 = result1.fold(
onLeft = { "Failed: $it" },
onRight = { "Success: $it" }
println(message1) // Output: Success: 5
val message2 = result2.fold(
onLeft = { error ->
when (error) {
is DivisionError.DivideByZero -> "Cannot divide by zero"
is DivisionError.OtherError -> "Error: ${error.message}"
onRight = { "Result: $it" }
println(message2) // Output: Cannot divide by zero
The Result Type
Kotlin's standard library doesn't include a Result
type for general use, but it does have kotlin.Result
which is primarily designed for callback-based APIs. However, we can create our own simplified version:
sealed class Result<out T> {
data class Success<T>(val value: T) : Result<T>()
data class Failure(val error: Throwable) : Result<Nothing>()
fun getOrNull(): T? = when (this) {
is Success -> value
is Failure -> null
fun getOrThrow(): T = when (this) {
is Success -> value
is Failure -> throw error
fun <R> map(transform: (T) -> R): Result<R> = when (this) {
is Success -> try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
is Failure -> this
fun <R> flatMap(transform: (T) -> Result<R>): Result<R> = when (this) {
is Success -> try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
is Failure -> this
fun <T> runCatching(block: () -> T): Result<T> = try {
} catch (e: Throwable) {
Let's use our Result
type to handle errors:
fun divide(a: Int, b: Int): Result<Int> = runCatching {
if (b == 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Cannot divide by zero")
a / b
fun calculateAndPrint(a: Int, b: Int) {
val result = divide(a, b)
when (result) {
is Result.Success -> println("Result: ${result.value}")
is Result.Failure -> println("Error: ${result.error.message}")
// Alternative approach using getOrNull with Elvis operator
val value = result.getOrNull() ?: run {
println("Operation failed")
println("Calculated value: $value")
fun main() {
calculateAndPrint(10, 2) // Outputs: Result: 5, Calculated value: 5
calculateAndPrint(10, 0) // Outputs: Error: Cannot divide by zero, Operation failed
Chaining Operations
One of the most powerful aspects of functional error handling is the ability to chain operations together:
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String, val email: String)
fun fetchUser(id: Int): Result<User> = runCatching {
if (id <= 0) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid user ID")
User(id, "User $id", "user$id@example.com")
fun validateEmail(email: String): Result<String> = runCatching {
if (!email.contains("@")) throw IllegalArgumentException("Invalid email format")
fun sendWelcomeEmail(email: String): Result<Boolean> = runCatching {
println("Sending welcome email to $email")
fun registerUser(id: Int): Result<Boolean> {
return fetchUser(id)
.flatMap { user ->
validateEmail(user.email).map { user }
.flatMap { user ->
fun main() {
val successResult = registerUser(1)
when (successResult) {
is Result.Success -> println("Registration successful")
is Result.Failure -> println("Registration failed: ${successResult.error.message}")
// Output: Sending welcome email to [email protected]
// Registration successful
val invalidIdResult = registerUser(-1)
when (invalidIdResult) {
is Result.Success -> println("Registration successful")
is Result.Failure -> println("Registration failed: ${invalidIdResult.error.message}")
// Output: Registration failed: Invalid user ID
Using Arrow Library
For production code, consider using the Arrow library, which provides comprehensive functional programming utilities for Kotlin, including robust error handling types:
// Add this to your build.gradle.kts
// implementation("io.arrow-kt:arrow-core:1.2.0")
import arrow.core.Either
import arrow.core.left
import arrow.core.right
fun divide(a: Int, b: Int): Either<String, Int> =
if (b == 0) "Cannot divide by zero".left()
else (a / b).right()
fun main() {
val result = divide(10, 2)
{ error -> println("Error: $error") },
{ value -> println("Result: $value") }
) // Output: Result: 5
// Chain operations
val chainedResult = divide(10, 2)
.map { it * 2 }
.flatMap { divide(it, 0) }
{ error -> println("Error: $error") },
{ value -> println("Result: $value") }
) // Output: Error: Cannot divide by zero
Practical Examples
Example 1: Form Validation
data class FormData(
val username: String,
val email: String,
val age: Int
sealed class ValidationError {
data class InvalidUsername(val reason: String) : ValidationError()
data class InvalidEmail(val reason: String) : ValidationError()
data class InvalidAge(val reason: String) : ValidationError()
fun validateUsername(username: String): Either<ValidationError, String> =
if (username.length >= 3) Either.Right(username)
else Either.Left(ValidationError.InvalidUsername("Username must be at least 3 characters"))
fun validateEmail(email: String): Either<ValidationError, String> =
if (email.contains("@")) Either.Right(email)
else Either.Left(ValidationError.InvalidEmail("Email must contain @"))
fun validateAge(age: Int): Either<ValidationError, Int> =
if (age >= 18) Either.Right(age)
else Either.Left(ValidationError.InvalidAge("Must be at least 18 years old"))
fun validateForm(form: FormData): Either<ValidationError, FormData> {
return validateUsername(form.username).flatMap { username ->
validateEmail(form.email).flatMap { email ->
validateAge(form.age).map { age ->
FormData(username, email, age)
fun main() {
val validForm = FormData("john_doe", "[email protected]", 25)
val invalidForm = FormData("jo", "invalid-email", 16)
val validResult = validateForm(validForm)
val invalidResult = validateForm(invalidForm)
{ error -> println("Validation failed: $error") },
{ data -> println("Form valid: $data") }
) // Output: Form valid: FormData(username=john_doe, [email protected], age=25)
{ error ->
val message = when (error) {
is ValidationError.InvalidUsername -> "Invalid username: ${error.reason}"
is ValidationError.InvalidEmail -> "Invalid email: ${error.reason}"
is ValidationError.InvalidAge -> "Invalid age: ${error.reason}"
println("Validation failed: $message")
{ data -> println("Form valid: $data") }
) // Output: Validation failed: Invalid username: Username must be at least 3 characters
Example 2: API Request Handling
data class User(val id: Int, val name: String)
sealed class ApiError {
object NetworkError : ApiError()
data class ServerError(val code: Int) : ApiError()
data class NotFoundError(val resource: String) : ApiError()
data class UnknownError(val message: String) : ApiError()
// Simulates fetching user from API
fun fetchUser(id: Int): Either<ApiError, User> {
// Simulate different errors based on id value
return when {
id < 0 -> Either.Left(ApiError.NetworkError)
id == 0 -> Either.Left(ApiError.ServerError(500))
id > 100 -> Either.Left(ApiError.NotFoundError("User"))
else -> Either.Right(User(id, "User $id"))
// Process user data if available
fun processUserData(user: User): Either<ApiError, String> {
return try {
Either.Right("Processed user: ${user.name}")
} catch (e: Exception) {
Either.Left(ApiError.UnknownError(e.message ?: "Unknown error during processing"))
fun main() {
val ids = listOf(-5, 0, 42, 101)
ids.forEach { id ->
println("Fetching user with ID: $id")
val result = fetchUser(id).flatMap { user ->
val message = result.fold(
onLeft = { error ->
when (error) {
is ApiError.NetworkError -> "Network error occurred"
is ApiError.ServerError -> "Server returned error ${error.code}"
is ApiError.NotFoundError -> "${error.resource} not found"
is ApiError.UnknownError -> "Unknown error: ${error.message}"
onRight = { it }
println("Result: $message\n")
Functional error handling offers several advantages over traditional exception-based approaches:
- Explicit Errors: Error handling becomes part of the function signature
- Type Safety: The compiler forces you to handle potential errors
- Composability: Easier to chain operations with error handling built-in
- Readability: Clearer data flow without try-catch blocks
- Testability: Easier to test functions that return values instead of throwing exceptions
Through techniques like Option
(nullable types in Kotlin), Either
, and Result
types, we can handle errors in a more functional, composable way that leads to safer, more predictable code.
- Create a validation pipeline for user registration that checks username, password strength, and email format using the
type - Implement a function to parse a configuration file that uses the
type to handle different parsing errors - Use the Arrow library to implement a chained API request that handles different error states gracefully
- Convert an existing method that uses exceptions to use the functional error handling approach
- Create a custom
type similar to Scala's that can convert exceptions into functional error handling
Additional Resources
- Arrow Documentation - Functional companion to Kotlin's standard library
- Railway Oriented Programming - A functional approach to error handling
- Functional Error Handling with Either
- Kotlin Result class documentation
- Kotlin Collection Operations for functional programming
With these techniques, you can move toward a more functional approach to error handling, making your code more robust, predictable, and maintainable.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)