Kotlin Inheritance Constraints
In object-oriented programming, inheritance is a powerful feature that allows classes to inherit properties and behaviors from other classes. However, Kotlin places certain constraints on inheritance to make code more predictable and safer. Understanding these constraints is essential for writing robust Kotlin code.
In this tutorial, we'll explore the various constraints Kotlin imposes on inheritance, why they exist, and how to work with them effectively.
Kotlin's Default: Classes are Final
One of the most significant differences between Kotlin and many other object-oriented languages like Java is that classes in Kotlin are final by default. This means they cannot be inherited from unless explicitly allowed.
class RegularClass {
fun sayHello() = "Hello"
// This will cause a compilation error
class ChildClass : RegularClass() {
// Error: This type is final, so it cannot be inherited from
Why Final by Default?
This design choice was made to address the Fragile Base Class Problem, where changes to a base class can unexpectedly break subclasses. By making classes final by default, Kotlin encourages developers to design their class hierarchies more carefully.
The open
To allow a class to be inherited from, you must explicitly mark it with the open
open class OpenClass {
fun sayHello() = "Hello"
// Now inheritance is allowed
class ChildClass : OpenClass() {
// This works fine!
Member Inheritance Constraints
In Kotlin, the inheritance constraints apply not only to classes but also to their members (properties and functions).
Methods are Final by Default
Just like classes, methods are also final by default and cannot be overridden:
open class Parent {
fun normalMethod() = "I cannot be overridden"
open fun openMethod() = "I can be overridden"
class Child : Parent() {
// This would cause a compilation error
// fun normalMethod() = "Trying to override"
// This is allowed because the method is marked as open
override fun openMethod() = "Overridden successfully"
The override
In Kotlin, when you override a method or property from a superclass, you must use the override
keyword. This makes it explicit that you are intentionally overriding a member from the parent class:
open class Animal {
open fun makeSound() = "..."
class Dog : Animal() {
override fun makeSound() = "Woof!"
class Cat : Animal() {
override fun makeSound() = "Meow!"
fun main() {
val dog = Dog()
val cat = Cat()
println(dog.makeSound()) // Output: Woof!
println(cat.makeSound()) // Output: Meow!
Abstract Classes and Members
Abstract classes in Kotlin follow a similar pattern but with some special characteristics:
abstract class Shape {
abstract fun area(): Double
// Non-abstract function in an abstract class
// Note that you don't need to mark it as 'open' - it already is
fun description() = "This is a shape"
class Circle(private val radius: Double) : Shape() {
override fun area() = Math.PI * radius * radius
// You can override non-abstract methods too
override fun description() = "This is a circle with radius $radius"
fun main() {
val circle = Circle(5.0)
println("Area: ${circle.area()}") // Output: Area: 78.53981633974483
println(circle.description()) // Output: This is a circle with radius 5.0
Key points about abstract classes:
- They cannot be instantiated directly
- They can have abstract members that must be implemented by subclasses
- Non-abstract members in abstract classes are implicitly open (but can be marked
Preventing Overrides with final
If you have an open class but want to prevent specific methods from being overridden in subclasses, you can mark those methods as final
open class Vehicle {
open fun start() = "Vehicle started"
final fun stop() = "Vehicle stopped"
class Car : Vehicle() {
override fun start() = "Car started"
// This would cause a compilation error
// override fun stop() = "Car stopped"
Sealed Classes
Kotlin provides sealed classes, which represent restricted class hierarchies. A sealed class can be subclassed only by its nested classes or classes in the same file:
sealed class Result {
class Success(val data: Any) : Result()
class Error(val message: String) : Result()
object Loading : Result()
fun handleResult(result: Result) {
when (result) {
is Result.Success -> println("Success with data: ${result.data}")
is Result.Error -> println("Error: ${result.message}")
is Result.Loading -> println("Loading...")
// No need for an 'else' clause as all possible subclasses are covered
fun main() {
val success = Result.Success("Data loaded")
val error = Result.Error("Connection failed")
val loading = Result.Loading
handleResult(success) // Output: Success with data: Data loaded
handleResult(error) // Output: Error: Connection failed
handleResult(loading) // Output: Loading...
Real-world Application: Building a UI Component System
Let's see how these inheritance constraints can be applied in a practical example - building a UI component system:
// Base component class - open to allow inheritance
open class UIComponent(val id: String) {
open fun render(): String = "Generic component"
// This method is final and cannot be overridden
final fun uniqueId(): String = "component_$id"
// Abstract component that enforces certain behaviors
abstract class InputComponent(id: String) : UIComponent(id) {
abstract fun getValue(): Any
// All input components show a label
open fun renderLabel(label: String): String = "Label: $label"
// Concrete input implementation
class TextInput(id: String, private val value: String = "") : InputComponent(id) {
override fun render(): String = "Text input with value: $value"
override fun getValue(): Any = value
// Another concrete implementation
class Checkbox(id: String, private val checked: Boolean = false) : InputComponent(id) {
override fun render(): String = if (checked) "✅ Checked" else "⬜ Unchecked"
override fun getValue(): Any = checked
// Specialized label rendering for checkboxes
override fun renderLabel(label: String): String = "$label: [ ]"
fun main() {
val components = listOf(
TextInput("name", "John Doe"),
Checkbox("subscribe", true)
for (component in components) {
println("Component ID: ${component.uniqueId()}")
println("Rendered: ${component.render()}")
println("Value: ${component.getValue()}")
println("Label: ${component.renderLabel("Field")}")
Component ID: component_name
Rendered: Text input with value: John Doe
Value: John Doe
Label: Label: Field
Component ID: component_subscribe
Rendered: ✅ Checked
Value: true
Label: Field: [ ]
This example demonstrates how to use various inheritance constraints to create a flexible yet controlled UI component system:
- Base class is
to allow inheritance final
methods protect critical functionalityabstract
classes and methods enforce implementation requirementsoverride
keyword makes method overriding explicit
In this tutorial, we've explored Kotlin's inheritance constraints, which are designed to make code more predictable and robust:
- Classes are final by default and must be explicitly marked
to allow inheritance - Methods are also final by default and must be marked
to allow overriding - The
keyword is required when overriding a method - Abstract classes can have abstract methods that must be implemented by subclasses
- The
keyword can prevent further overriding of methods - Sealed classes restrict the inheritance hierarchy to specific classes
These constraints may seem restrictive at first, especially if you're coming from languages like Java, but they lead to more intentional and safer inheritance hierarchies, reducing common bugs and making code easier to maintain.
Create a
class hierarchy with appropriate inheritance constraints:- Make a base
class withopen
methods forstartEngine()
- Create a
that cannot be overridden - Implement
subclasses that override the appropriate methods
- Make a base
Implement a
hierarchy:- Create an abstract
class with abstract methods fordeposit()
- Implement
classes with appropriate implementations - Make sure the
property cannot be overridden in subclasses
- Create an abstract
Additional Resources
- Kotlin Official Documentation on Inheritance
- Effective Java by Joshua Bloch - Item 19: "Design and document for inheritance or else prohibit it"
- Composition vs. Inheritance in Kotlin
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)