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Kotlin Resources Management


When working with external resources in any programming language, such as files, network connections, or database connections, it's crucial to properly manage these resources. Improper resource management can lead to resource leaks, which may cause your application to consume excessive memory or even crash.

In this tutorial, we'll explore how Kotlin handles resource management, particularly for I/O operations. We'll cover Kotlin's elegant solutions for ensuring resources are properly closed after use, preventing memory leaks, and maintaining application stability.

Why Resource Management Matters

Before diving into Kotlin's approaches, let's understand why proper resource management is essential:

  1. Memory Efficiency: Unclosed resources can lead to memory leaks.
  2. System Resource Limits: Operating systems limit the number of open files and connections.
  3. Data Integrity: Improperly closed resources might lead to incomplete or corrupted data.

Basic Resource Management in Kotlin

The Traditional Approach with try-finally

In many programming languages, resources are managed using a try-finally block:

fun readFirstLine(path: String): String {
val reader = BufferedReader(FileReader(path))
try {
return reader.readLine()
} finally {

While this works, it's verbose and error-prone. What happens if an exception occurs during close()? It would overshadow the original exception that might have occurred in the try block.

The Kotlin Way: use Function

Kotlin provides a concise and safe way to manage resources through the use extension function, which is available for all Closeable resources.

Basic Usage of use

fun readFirstLine(path: String): String {
BufferedReader(FileReader(path)).use { reader ->
return reader.readLine()

The use function automatically closes the resource after the block completes, even if an exception occurs. This is equivalent to the try-with-resources construct in Java but with a more elegant syntax.

How use Works

Under the hood, the use function:

  1. Executes the provided lambda with the resource as a parameter
  2. Ensures the resource's close() method is called when the lambda completes
  3. Properly handles exceptions so that exceptions in the close() method don't overshadow original exceptions

Example: Reading a File with use

fun readFile(path: String): List<String> {
val lines = mutableListOf<String>()

File(path).bufferedReader().use { reader ->
reader.forEachLine { line ->

return lines

Input: A text file named "example.txt" containing:



[Hello, Kotlin, Resources]

Multiple Resources with use

When working with multiple resources, you can nest use blocks:

fun copyFile(source: String, destination: String) {
File(source).inputStream().use { input ->
File(destination).outputStream().use { output ->

Using Kotlin's Destructuring for Cleaner Syntax

For even cleaner code when dealing with multiple resources, you can use Kotlin's destructuring declarations along with an extension function:

inline fun <T : Closeable, U : Closeable, R> useBoth(first: T, second: U, block: (T, U) -> R): R {
first.use { firstItem ->
second.use { secondItem ->
return block(firstItem, secondItem)

fun copyFileImproved(source: String, destination: String) {
val input = File(source).inputStream()
val output = File(destination).outputStream()

useBoth(input, output) { inp, out ->

Resource Management for Custom Types

You can make your own classes compatible with the use function by implementing the Closeable or AutoCloseable interface.

class DatabaseConnection(private val connectionString: String) : Closeable {
init {
println("Opening connection to $connectionString")
// Connection opening logic

fun executeQuery(query: String): List<String> {
println("Executing: $query")
return listOf("Result 1", "Result 2")

override fun close() {
println("Closing database connection")
// Resource cleanup logic

fun main() {
DatabaseConnection("jdbc:mysql://localhost/test").use { connection ->
val results = connection.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM users")
println("Query results: $results")


Opening connection to jdbc:mysql://localhost/test
Executing: SELECT * FROM users
Query results: [Result 1, Result 2]
Closing database connection

Real-World Example: Processing Large Files

Let's look at a practical example where proper resource management is crucial - processing a large file line by line without loading it entirely into memory:

fun countWordsInFile(filePath: String): Map<String, Int> {
val wordCounts = mutableMapOf<String, Int>()

File(filePath).bufferedReader().use { reader ->
reader.forEachLine { line ->
line.split(Regex("\\s+")).forEach { word ->
val cleanWord = word.trim().lowercase()
if (cleanWord.isNotEmpty()) {
wordCounts[cleanWord] = wordCounts.getOrDefault(cleanWord, 0) + 1

return wordCounts

For a large log file, this function would efficiently count word occurrences without excessive memory usage because:

  1. It processes the file line by line rather than loading it entirely
  2. The use function ensures the file handle is properly released
  3. Only the word count map is stored in memory

Beyond Files: Other Closeable Resources

The use function works with any resource that implements Closeable, including:

Network Connections

fun fetchUrl(urlString: String): String {
val url = URL(urlString)
return url.openConnection().getInputStream().use { inputStream ->

Database Connections

fun executeQuery(query: String): List<Map<String, Any>> {
val results = mutableListOf<Map<String, Any>>()

connection.use { conn ->
conn.createStatement().use { statement ->
statement.executeQuery(query).use { resultSet ->
while ( {
val row = mutableMapOf<String, Any>()
for (i in 1..resultSet.metaData.columnCount) {
val columnName = resultSet.metaData.getColumnName(i)
row[columnName] = resultSet.getObject(i)

return results

Advanced Patterns

Deferred Resource Cleanup

Sometimes you need to create a resource and return it for use elsewhere. In these cases, the caller should handle closing:

fun createReader(path: String): BufferedReader {
return File(path).bufferedReader()

fun processFile(path: String) {
createReader(path).use { reader ->
// Process the file

Creating Your Own Use-like Extensions

You can create your own extension functions similar to use for types that have different cleanup methods:

inline fun <T : Lock, R> T.withLock(block: () -> R): R {
try {
return block()
} finally {

fun processSharedResource(lock: ReentrantLock) {
lock.withLock {
// Access shared resource safely


Kotlin provides elegant solutions for resource management:

  1. The use extension function automatically closes resources, even when exceptions occur
  2. It works with any class implementing Closeable or AutoCloseable
  3. Resources are closed in the reverse order they were opened when nesting use blocks
  4. Custom types can be made compatible by implementing the Closeable interface

By following these patterns, you can write safer, more concise code that properly manages external resources like files, network connections, and database connections.


  1. Write a function that reads a CSV file and converts it to a list of objects using the use function.
  2. Create a custom Closeable class representing a logging system and use it with the use function.
  3. Implement a function that merges multiple text files into one using proper resource management.
  4. Write an extension function similar to use but for resources that need to be "reset" instead of closed.
  5. Refactor the following code to use proper resource management:
    fun readAndWriteFile(input: String, output: String) {
    val reader = BufferedReader(FileReader(input))
    val writer = BufferedWriter(FileWriter(output))

    var line = reader.readLine()
    while (line != null) {
    line = reader.readLine()


Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)