PHP Rate Limiting
Rate limiting is a crucial technique in API development that restricts the number of requests a client can make to your API within a specified time period. By implementing rate limiting in your PHP applications, you can:
- Protect your servers from being overwhelmed by too many requests
- Prevent abuse or misuse of your API
- Ensure fair resource distribution among all users
- Reduce the risk of DDoS attacks
- Manage resource costs for your application
In this tutorial, we'll explore various approaches to implementing rate limiting in PHP APIs, from simple techniques to more advanced solutions.
Understanding Rate Limiting Concepts
Before diving into code, let's understand the key concepts of rate limiting:
Rate Limiting Terminology
- Rate limit: The maximum number of requests allowed within a time window
- Time window: The period over which requests are counted (e.g., per minute, per hour)
- Request quota: The number of requests a client is allowed to make
- Throttling: The process of limiting the rate of requests
- Rate limit headers: HTTP headers that inform clients about their limit status
Common Rate Limiting Algorithms
- Fixed Window: Count requests in fixed time intervals (e.g., 100 requests per minute)
- Sliding Window: Count requests over a continuously moving time period
- Token Bucket: Use tokens that are replenished at a fixed rate
- Leaky Bucket: Process requests at a constant rate, queueing or dropping excess requests
Let's visualize the difference between these algorithms:
Implementing Basic Rate Limiting in PHP
Let's start with a simple rate limiting implementation using PHP sessions and the fixed window algorithm.
Simple Session-Based Rate Limiting
This is a straightforward approach suitable for small applications:
// Start the session
// Define rate limit parameters
$maxRequests = 10; // Maximum requests allowed
$timeWindow = 60; // Time window in seconds (1 minute)
// Initialize session variables if they don't exist
if (!isset($_SESSION['rate_limit'])) {
$_SESSION['rate_limit'] = [
'requests' => 0,
'reset_time' => time() + $timeWindow
// Check if the time window has expired and reset if needed
if (time() > $_SESSION['rate_limit']['reset_time']) {
$_SESSION['rate_limit'] = [
'requests' => 0,
'reset_time' => time() + $timeWindow
// Increment the request counter
// Check if the rate limit has been exceeded
if ($_SESSION['rate_limit']['requests'] > $maxRequests) {
// Calculate when the rate limit will reset
$retryAfter = $_SESSION['rate_limit']['reset_time'] - time();
// Send rate limit headers
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: ' . $retryAfter);
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $maxRequests);
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: 0');
header('X-RateLimit-Reset: ' . $_SESSION['rate_limit']['reset_time']);
// Send error message
echo json_encode([
'error' => 'Rate limit exceeded',
'message' => 'Too many requests. Please try again later.',
'retry_after' => $retryAfter
// Calculate remaining requests
$remainingRequests = $maxRequests - $_SESSION['rate_limit']['requests'];
// Send rate limit headers
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $maxRequests);
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: ' . $remainingRequests);
header('X-RateLimit-Reset: ' . $_SESSION['rate_limit']['reset_time']);
// Continue with the API processing...
echo json_encode([
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'API request successful',
'rate_limit' => [
'remaining' => $remainingRequests,
'limit' => $maxRequests,
'reset' => $_SESSION['rate_limit']['reset_time']
Example Output (Success):
"status": "success",
"message": "API request successful",
"rate_limit": {
"remaining": 9,
"limit": 10,
"reset": 1614529820
Example Output (Rate Limited):
"error": "Rate limit exceeded",
"message": "Too many requests. Please try again later.",
"retry_after": 45
While this simple approach works for basic applications, it has limitations:
- It only works for single-server applications
- It cannot distinguish between different clients (all users share the same limit)
- It doesn't persist between sessions
Redis-Based Rate Limiting
For more robust rate limiting, we can use Redis, which provides better scalability and persistence:
Installing Required Dependencies
First, make sure you have the Redis PHP extension installed:
# Install Redis server (Ubuntu/Debian)
sudo apt-get install redis-server
# Install PHP Redis extension
sudo apt-get install php-redis
# Or using PECL
pecl install redis
Implementing Token Bucket Algorithm with Redis
The token bucket algorithm is more sophisticated and allows for burst traffic while still maintaining overall rate limits:
* Redis-based Token Bucket Rate Limiter
* This implementation uses the token bucket algorithm with Redis for storage.
* It allows for burst traffic within limits.
class RedisRateLimiter {
private $redis;
private $maxTokens; // Maximum tokens in the bucket
private $refillRate; // Tokens added per second
private $keyPrefix; // Redis key prefix
* Constructor
* @param Redis $redis Redis connection
* @param int $maxTokens Maximum tokens allowed in bucket
* @param float $refillRate Token refill rate per second
* @param string $keyPrefix Prefix for Redis keys
public function __construct($redis, $maxTokens = 10, $refillRate = 0.1, $keyPrefix = 'rate_limit:') {
$this->redis = $redis;
$this->maxTokens = $maxTokens;
$this->refillRate = $refillRate;
$this->keyPrefix = $keyPrefix;
* Check if a request is allowed for a given client
* @param string $clientId Unique identifier for the client
* @param int $tokensRequired Number of tokens required for this request
* @return array Result with allowed status and rate limit info
public function checkRateLimit($clientId, $tokensRequired = 1) {
// Keys for storing the bucket state in Redis
$tokenKey = $this->keyPrefix . $clientId . ':tokens';
$timestampKey = $this->keyPrefix . $clientId . ':timestamp';
// Using Redis transaction to ensure atomicity
// Get current token count and last update timestamp
$result = $this->redis->exec();
list($currentTokens, $lastUpdateTime) = $result;
// Initialize if first request
if ($currentTokens === false || $lastUpdateTime === false) {
$currentTokens = $this->maxTokens;
$lastUpdateTime = time();
} else {
$currentTokens = (float) $currentTokens;
$lastUpdateTime = (int) $lastUpdateTime;
// Calculate token refill since last request
$now = time();
$timePassed = $now - $lastUpdateTime;
$newTokens = min($this->maxTokens, $currentTokens + ($timePassed * $this->refillRate));
// Check if enough tokens are available
if ($newTokens >= $tokensRequired) {
// Consume tokens
$newTokens -= $tokensRequired;
$allowed = true;
} else {
// Not enough tokens, request denied
$allowed = false;
// Calculate time until next token is available (if denied)
$retryAfter = $allowed ? 0 : ceil(($tokensRequired - $newTokens) / $this->refillRate);
// Update token count and timestamp in Redis
$this->redis->set($tokenKey, $newTokens);
$this->redis->set($timestampKey, $now);
$this->redis->expire($tokenKey, 86400); // TTL: 1 day
$this->redis->expire($timestampKey, 86400); // TTL: 1 day
// Return result with rate limit information
return [
'allowed' => $allowed,
'rate_limit' => [
'tokens_remaining' => $newTokens,
'limit' => $this->maxTokens,
'retry_after' => $retryAfter,
'tokens_required' => $tokensRequired
* Apply rate limiting headers to the response
* @param array $rateLimit Rate limit info from checkRateLimit()
* @return void
public function applyRateLimitHeaders($rateLimit) {
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $rateLimit['limit']);
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: ' . $rateLimit['tokens_remaining']);
if (!$rateLimit['allowed']) {
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: ' . $rateLimit['retry_after']);
// Example usage:
try {
// Create Redis connection
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
// Create rate limiter
// 10 tokens max, refill rate of 1 token per second
$rateLimiter = new RedisRateLimiter($redis, 10, 1);
// Client identifier (use IP, API key, user ID, etc.)
$clientId = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// Check if request is allowed
$result = $rateLimiter->checkRateLimit($clientId);
// Apply rate limit headers
if ($result['allowed']) {
// Request is allowed, continue processing
echo json_encode([
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'API request successful',
'rate_limit' => $result['rate_limit']
} else {
// Request denied due to rate limiting
echo json_encode([
'error' => 'Rate limit exceeded',
'message' => 'Too many requests. Please try again later.',
'retry_after' => $result['rate_limit']['retry_after']
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle connection errors
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
echo json_encode([
'error' => 'Server error',
'message' => 'Could not process request: ' . $e->getMessage()
Implementing Different Rate Limit Tiers
In real-world applications, you might want to have different rate limits for different users or API keys. Here's how to implement tiered rate limiting:
* Tiered Rate Limiter for different user types
class TieredRateLimiter {
private $redis;
private $tiers;
* Constructor
* @param Redis $redis Redis connection
* @param array $tiers Rate limit tiers configuration
public function __construct($redis, $tiers = []) {
$this->redis = $redis;
$this->tiers = $tiers ?: [
'free' => ['rate' => 10, 'period' => 60], // 10 requests per minute
'basic' => ['rate' => 20, 'period' => 60], // 20 requests per minute
'premium' => ['rate' => 60, 'period' => 60], // 60 requests per minute
'unlimited' => ['rate' => 1000, 'period' => 60] // 1000 requests per minute
* Check if a request is allowed
* @param string $clientId Unique identifier for client
* @param string $tier Client's tier level
* @return array Result with allowed status and rate limit info
public function checkLimit($clientId, $tier = 'free') {
// Default to free tier if specified tier doesn't exist
if (!isset($this->tiers[$tier])) {
$tier = 'free';
$tierConfig = $this->tiers[$tier];
$key = "rate_limit:{$tier}:{$clientId}";
$now = time();
$windowStart = $now - ($now % $tierConfig['period']);
// Use Redis pipeline for better performance
$result = $this->redis->exec();
list($requests, $ttl) = $result;
$requests = (int) $requests ?: 0;
// Check if over the limit
if ($requests >= $tierConfig['rate']) {
// Calculate retry after
$retryAfter = ($ttl > 0) ? $ttl : $tierConfig['period'];
return [
'allowed' => false,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $tierConfig['rate'],
'remaining' => 0,
'reset' => $windowStart + $tierConfig['period'],
'retry_after' => $retryAfter,
'tier' => $tier
// Increment counter and set expiry
// Set key expiry if it's new
if ($requests == 0) {
$this->redis->expireat($key, $windowStart + $tierConfig['period']);
// Request is allowed
return [
'allowed' => true,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $tierConfig['rate'],
'remaining' => $tierConfig['rate'] - $requests - 1,
'reset' => $windowStart + $tierConfig['period'],
'tier' => $tier
// Example usage:
try {
// Connect to Redis
$redis = new Redis();
$redis->connect('', 6379);
// Define custom tiers (optional)
$tiers = [
'free' => ['rate' => 5, 'period' => 60], // 5 requests per minute
'basic' => ['rate' => 30, 'period' => 60], // 30 requests per minute
'premium' => ['rate' => 100, 'period' => 60], // 100 requests per minute
'enterprise' => ['rate' => 500, 'period' => 60] // 500 requests per minute
$rateLimiter = new TieredRateLimiter($redis, $tiers);
// Get client identifier (use IP, API key, user ID, etc.)
$clientId = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
// Determine client's tier (in a real app, you'd look this up in a database)
$userTier = 'basic'; // Example: this user has a basic subscription
// Check rate limit
$result = $rateLimiter->checkLimit($clientId, $userTier);
// Set rate limit headers
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $result['rate_limit']['limit']);
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: ' . $result['rate_limit']['remaining']);
header('X-RateLimit-Reset: ' . $result['rate_limit']['reset']);
header('X-RateLimit-Tier: ' . $result['rate_limit']['tier']);
if ($result['allowed']) {
// Process the API request
echo json_encode([
'status' => 'success',
'message' => 'API request processed successfully',
'rate_limit' => $result['rate_limit']
} else {
// Return rate limit exceeded error
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: ' . $result['rate_limit']['retry_after']);
echo json_encode([
'error' => 'Rate limit exceeded',
'message' => 'You have exceeded your rate limit. Please try again later.',
'rate_limit' => $result['rate_limit']
} catch (Exception $e) {
// Handle errors
header('HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error');
echo json_encode(['error' => $e->getMessage()]);
Using a PHP Framework for Rate Limiting
If you're using a PHP framework like Laravel or Symfony, you can leverage their built-in rate limiting capabilities.
Rate Limiting in Laravel
Laravel provides an elegant way to implement rate limiting through middleware. Here's how to use it:
// In your routes file (routes/api.php)
Route::middleware('auth:api')->group(function () {
// Rate limit to 60 requests per minute
Route::middleware('throttle:60,1')->group(function () {
Route::get('/user', function () {
return Auth::user();
// Different rate limits for different endpoints
Route::middleware('throttle:10,1')->group(function () {
Route::post('/resource', 'ResourceController@store');
// Specifying rate limits dynamically based on the user
Route::middleware(['auth:api', 'throttle:rate_limit,1'])->group(function () {
Route::get('/dashboard', 'DashboardController@index');
// In App\Providers\AppServiceProvider
public function boot()
// Define the rate_limit resolver
RateLimiter::for('rate_limit', function (Request $request) {
// Get the authenticated user
$user = $request->user();
// Return rate limit based on user's subscription
switch ($user->subscription_tier) {
case 'premium':
return 100; // 100 requests per minute
case 'basic':
return 30; // 30 requests per minute
return 10; // 10 requests per minute for free users
Rate Limiting in Symfony
Symfony provides rate limiting capabilities through its Rate Limiter component:
// config/packages/rate_limiter.yaml
# 30 requests per minute
policy: 'fixed_window'
limit: 30
interval: '1 minute'
# 60 requests per minute
policy: 'sliding_window'
limit: 60
interval: '1 minute'
// In your controller
use Symfony\Component\RateLimiter\RateLimiterFactory;
class ApiController
private $anonymousLimiter;
private $authenticatedLimiter;
public function __construct(RateLimiterFactory $anonymousLimiter, RateLimiterFactory $authenticatedLimiter)
$this->anonymousLimiter = $anonymousLimiter;
$this->authenticatedLimiter = $authenticatedLimiter;
public function index(Request $request)
// Choose limiter based on authentication status
$limiter = $this->getUser() ? $this->authenticatedLimiter : $this->anonymousLimiter;
// Create limiter for specific client
$clientLimiter = $limiter->create($request->getClientIp());
// Check if request can be fulfilled
if (false === $clientLimiter->consume(1)->isAccepted()) {
throw new TooManyRequestsHttpException();
// Process the request...
Best Practices for API Rate Limiting
When implementing rate limiting in your PHP APIs, follow these best practices:
1. Use Clear Rate Limit Headers
Always include standard rate limit headers in your API responses:
// Standard rate limit headers
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $limit); // The maximum number of requests allowed
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: ' . $remaining); // Remaining requests in the current window
header('X-RateLimit-Reset: ' . $reset); // Timestamp when the limit resets
// When limit is exceeded
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: ' . $retryAfter); // Seconds until requests can be made again
2. Implement Multiple Rate Limiting Strategies
Consider implementing multiple levels of rate limiting:
3. Use Distributed Storage for Rate Limiting
For applications running on multiple servers, use Redis or a similar distributed solution to store rate limit data.
4. Gradually Degrade Service Instead of Hard Limits
Consider implementing progressive throttling:
// Example of progressive throttling
function getThrottleDelay($requestsOverLimit) {
// Add exponential delay based on how far over the limit they are
return min(30, pow(2, $requestsOverLimit / 10)); // Max delay of 30 seconds
// Example usage
$overLimit = $requestCount - $limit;
if ($overLimit > 0) {
$delay = getThrottleDelay($overLimit);
sleep($delay); // Slow down the response rather than denying it
5. Provide Clear Documentation
Always document your rate limiting policies clearly for API users:
* API Rate Limits
* - Anonymous users: 30 requests per minute
* - Basic tier: 60 requests per minute
* - Premium tier: 120 requests per minute
* Headers:
* - X-RateLimit-Limit: Maximum number of requests per window
* - X-RateLimit-Remaining: Remaining requests in current window
* - X-RateLimit-Reset: Unix timestamp when the limit resets
* When rate limit is exceeded:
* - Status: 429 Too Many Requests
* - Retry-After: Seconds until next request is allowed
Building a Complete Rate Limiting Middleware
Let's put everything together to create a reusable middleware that you can include in your PHP applications:
* Rate Limiting Middleware
* A complete, reusable rate limiting middleware for PHP applications.
class RateLimitMiddleware {
private $redis;
private $options;
private $identifierCallback;
* Constructor
* @param Redis $redis Redis connection
* @param array $options Middleware options
* @param callable $identifierCallback Function to get client identifier
public function __construct($redis, $options = [], $identifierCallback = null) {
$this->redis = $redis;
// Default options
$defaultOptions = [
'limit' => 60, // Default requests per window
'window' => 60, // Default window size in seconds
'algorithm' => 'sliding', // Default algorithm (fixed, sliding, token)
'prefix' => 'rate_limit:' // Redis key prefix
$this->options = array_merge($defaultOptions, $options);
// Default identifier callback uses IP address
$this->identifierCallback = $identifierCallback ?: function() {
* Check if the request should be allowed
* @return array Result with allowed status and rate limit info
public function check() {
$clientId = call_user_func($this->identifierCallback);
switch ($this->options['algorithm']) {
case 'token':
return $this->tokenBucketCheck($clientId);
case 'sliding':
return $this->slidingWindowCheck($clientId);
case 'fixed':
return $this->fixedWindowCheck($clientId);
* Apply middleware to the request
* @param callable $next Next middleware or request handler
* @return mixed Response from next handler or 429 error
public function handle($next) {
$result = $this->check();
// Add rate limit headers
header('X-RateLimit-Limit: ' . $result['rate_limit']['limit']);
header('X-RateLimit-Remaining: ' . $result['rate_limit']['remaining']);
header('X-RateLimit-Reset: ' . $result['rate_limit']['reset']);
if (!$result['allowed']) {
// Rate limit exceeded
header('HTTP/1.1 429 Too Many Requests');
header('Retry-After: ' . $result['rate_limit']['retry_after']);
echo json_encode([
'error' => 'Rate limit exceeded',
'message' => 'Too many requests. Please try again later.',
'retry_after' => $result['rate_limit']['retry_after']
return false;
// Continue to next middleware/handler
return $next();
* Fixed window rate limiting algorithm
private function fixedWindowCheck($clientId) {
$key = $this->options['prefix'] . $clientId;
$limit = $this->options['limit'];
$window = $this->options['window'];
// Get current window and current count
$currentWindow = floor(time() / $window);
$windowKey = $key . ':' . $currentWindow;
// Get current count
$count = $this->redis->get($windowKey);
$count = $count ? (int) $count : 0;
// Check if over limit
if ($count >= $limit) {
// Calculate time until next window
$resetTime = ($currentWindow + 1) * $window;
$retryAfter = $resetTime - time();
return [
'allowed' => false,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $limit,
'remaining' => 0,
'reset' => $resetTime,
'retry_after' => $retryAfter
// Increment counter and set expiry
$this->redis->expire($windowKey, $window * 2); // Keep for 2 windows to handle edge cases
// Calculate reset time
$resetTime = ($currentWindow + 1) * $window;
return [
'allowed' => true,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $limit,
'remaining' => $limit - $count - 1,
'reset' => $resetTime,
'retry_after' => 0
* Sliding window rate limiting algorithm
private function slidingWindowCheck($clientId) {
$key = $this->options['prefix'] . $clientId;
$limit = $this->options['limit'];
$window = $this->options['window'];
$now = time();
// Remove old entries
$this->redis->zremrangebyscore($key, 0, $now - $window);
// Count requests in current window
$count = $this->redis->zcard($key);
// Check if over limit
if ($count >= $limit) {
// Get oldest timestamp in window
$oldest = $this->redis->zrange($key, 0, 0);
if (empty($oldest)) {
$retryAfter = $window;
} else {
// Calculate when oldest will expire from window
$retryAfter = ($oldest[0] + $window) - $now;
return [
'allowed' => false,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $limit,
'remaining' => 0,
'reset' => $now + $retryAfter,
'retry_after' => $retryAfter
// Add current request to window with timestamp as score
$this->redis->zadd($key, $now, $now . '-' . uniqid());
// Set expiry on the entire sorted set
$this->redis->expire($key, $window * 2);
return [
'allowed' => true,
'rate_limit' => [
'limit' => $limit,
'remaining' => $limit - $count - 1,
'reset' => $now + $window,
'retry_after' => 0
* Token bucket rate limiting algorithm
private function tokenBucketCheck($clientId) {
$key = $this->options['prefix'] . $clientId;
$limit = $this->options['limit'];
$refillRate = $limit / $this->options['window']; // Tokens per second
// Get current tokens and last update time
$result = $this->redis->exec();
$bucketData = $result[0];
$now = time();
// Initialize if first request
if (empty($bucketData)) {
$tokens = $limit;
$lastUpdate = $now;
} else {
$tokens = (float) $bucketData['tokens'];
$lastUpdate = (int) $bucketData['last_update'];
// Refill tokens based on time passed
$elapsedTime = $now - $lastUpdate;
$newTokens = $elapsedTime * $refillRate;
$tokens = min($limit, $
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)