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PHP Match Expression


The match expression is one of PHP's more recent additions, introduced in PHP 8.0. It provides a more elegant and concise way to handle conditional branching compared to the traditional switch statement. The match expression evaluates an expression and compares it against multiple possible values, then executes the corresponding expression for the first match it finds.

Think of the match expression as an upgraded version of the switch statement with a cleaner syntax, strict comparison, and the ability to return values directly. It's especially useful for mapping input values to corresponding output values without verbose conditional logic.

Basic Syntax

Here's the basic syntax of the PHP match expression:

$result = match (expression) {
value1 => returnExpression1,
value2, value3 => returnExpression2,
default => defaultReturnExpression,

Key points about the match expression:

  • It returns a value (unlike switch which is a statement)
  • It uses the => arrow syntax to map values to expressions
  • It uses strict comparison (===)
  • It doesn't require break statements
  • It allows multiple values to be handled by the same expression
  • The default arm handles any values that don't match other conditions

Match vs. Switch: Key Differences

Let's compare the match expression with the traditional switch statement:

TypeExpression (returns a value)Statement (doesn't return)
ComparisonStrict comparison (===)Loose comparison (==)
Fall-throughNo fall-throughFalls through without break
SyntaxConcise, uses =>More verbose, uses : and break
Multiple conditionsComma-separated valuesMultiple case statements

Basic Examples

Example 1: Simple Value Matching

$dayNumber = 3;
$dayName = match ($dayNumber) {
1 => 'Monday',
2 => 'Tuesday',
3 => 'Wednesday',
4 => 'Thursday',
5 => 'Friday',
6 => 'Saturday',
7 => 'Sunday',
default => 'Invalid day number',

echo "Day $dayNumber is $dayName";
// Output: Day 3 is Wednesday

Example 2: Multiple Values for One Result

$dayType = match ($dayName) {
'Saturday', 'Sunday' => 'Weekend',
'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday' => 'Weekday',
default => 'Unknown',

echo "$dayName is a $dayType";
// Output: Wednesday is a Weekday

Advanced Usage

Using Expressions in Match Arms

The match expression allows you to use expressions in both the value positions and the result positions:

$score = 85;
$grade = match (true) {
$score >= 90 => 'A',
$score >= 80 => 'B',
$score >= 70 => 'C',
$score >= 60 => 'D',
default => 'F',

echo "Score: $score, Grade: $grade";
// Output: Score: 85, Grade: B

In this example, we're using true as the expression to match against, and then using boolean expressions as conditions. The first condition that evaluates to true will be used.

Using Match for Error Handling

Match expressions are excellent for handling different error conditions:

function processFile($filename) {
$status = checkFile($filename); // Returns a status code

return match ($status) {
0 => "File $filename processed successfully",
1 => "File $filename not found",
2 => "Permission denied for $filename",
3 => "File $filename is empty",
default => "Unknown error occurred with $filename",

// Usage
echo processFile("data.txt");
// Output depends on the status returned by checkFile()

Using Match with Objects

Match expressions can also handle objects by comparing their properties:

class HttpResponse {
public function __construct(public int $statusCode) {}

$response = new HttpResponse(404);

$message = match ($response->statusCode) {
200, 201 => 'Success',
301, 302 => 'Redirection',
400 => 'Bad Request',
401 => 'Unauthorized',
403 => 'Forbidden',
404 => 'Not Found',
500 => 'Server Error',
default => 'Unknown Status Code',

echo "Response: $message";
// Output: Response: Not Found

Real-World Applications

Form Input Validation

function validateInput($type, $value) {
return match ($type) {
'email' => filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) ? 'Valid email' : 'Invalid email',
'url' => filter_var($value, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL) ? 'Valid URL' : 'Invalid URL',
'age' => (is_numeric($value) && $value >= 0 && $value <= 120) ? 'Valid age' : 'Invalid age',
'username' => (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]{3,20}$/', $value)) ? 'Valid username' : 'Invalid username',
default => 'Unknown validation type',

// Usage examples
echo validateInput('email', '[email protected]'); // Valid email
echo validateInput('age', '150'); // Invalid age

API Response Handling

function handleApiResponse($statusCode) {
$action = match ($statusCode) {
200 => fn() => displayData(),
400, 401, 403 => fn() => showErrorMessage("Client error: $statusCode"),
500, 502, 503 => fn() => logServerError("Server error: $statusCode"),
default => fn() => logUnknownStatus("Unknown status: $statusCode"),

return $action();

Command Router

function routeCommand($command, $parameters) {
return match ($command) {
'create' => createResource($parameters),
'read' => readResource($parameters),
'update' => updateResource($parameters),
'delete' => deleteResource($parameters),
'list' => listResources(),
'help' => displayHelp(),
default => "Unknown command: $command. Type 'help' for available commands.",

// Usage
echo routeCommand('create', ['name' => 'New Item', 'value' => 42]);

Flow Diagram

Here's a visual representation of how the match expression works:

Error Handling

If the match expression doesn't find a matching value and no default arm is provided, it will throw an UnhandledMatchError. Always include a default arm or ensure all possible values are covered:

function potentiallyDangerous($value) {
try {
return match ($value) {
1 => 'One',
2 => 'Two',
// No default arm!
} catch (\UnhandledMatchError $e) {
return "Error: Unhandled match value: $value";

echo potentiallyDangerous(3); // Error: Unhandled match value: 3

Best Practices

  1. Use match for simple value mapping: Match is best when mapping input values to output values.

  2. Include a default arm: Always include a default arm to handle unexpected values.

  3. Choose match over switch when:

    • You need to return a value directly
    • You want strict comparison
    • You have simple expressions to execute
  4. Choose switch over match when:

    • You have complex blocks of code to execute
    • You need fall-through behavior
    • You're working with older PHP versions (< 8.0)
  5. Combine related conditions: Group related values on the same line for cleaner code.


The PHP match expression is a powerful addition to PHP's control flow arsenal, offering a cleaner, more concise alternative to the switch statement. It's especially useful for:

  • Mapping values to results
  • Handling different conditions with compact syntax
  • Performing strict comparisons
  • Returning values directly from conditional logic

Match expressions make your code more readable and less error-prone by eliminating common issues like forgetting break statements or unexpected type coercions.

Practice Exercises

  1. Create a function that converts numeric scores (0-100) to letter grades (A, B, C, D, F) using a match expression.

  2. Write a function that takes a HTTP status code and returns an appropriate message using a match expression.

  3. Implement a simple calculator that takes two numbers and an operator (+, -, *, /) and returns the result using a match expression.

  4. Create a function that validates different types of user input (email, phone, zip code) using a match expression.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)