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Python Nested If Statements

In programming, decision-making is a fundamental concept. While simple if-else statements handle basic conditions, real-world problems often require more complex logic. This is where nested if statements come in - they allow you to check conditions within conditions, creating a more sophisticated decision-making structure in your Python code.

What are Nested If Statements?

A nested if statement is simply an if statement that is placed inside another if or else statement. This creates a hierarchical decision structure where certain conditions are only evaluated after other conditions have been met.

Think of it like a series of filters: the outer condition filters first, and only those that pass through will be tested by the inner conditions.

Basic Syntax

Here's the basic structure of nested if statements in Python:

if condition1:
# Executed if condition1 is True
if condition2:
# Executed if both condition1 and condition2 are True
# Executed if condition1 is True but condition2 is False
# Executed if condition1 is False

Simple Examples

Example 1: Checking Age and Ticket Status

Let's create a simple program that checks if someone can enter a concert based on their age and whether they have a ticket:

age = 25
has_ticket = True

if age >= 18:
print("Age requirement met.")
if has_ticket:
print("You have a ticket. Welcome to the concert!")
print("Sorry, you need a ticket to enter.")
print("Sorry, you must be 18 or older to enter.")


Age requirement met.
You have a ticket. Welcome to the concert!

In this example:

  1. First, we check if the person is 18 or older
  2. Only if that condition is met, we then check if they have a ticket
  3. The person is granted entry only if both conditions are satisfied

Example 2: Grade Classification

Let's create a more complex example for classifying grades:

score = 85

if score >= 60:
print("You passed!")
if score >= 90:
print("Grade: A")
elif score >= 80:
print("Grade: B")
elif score >= 70:
print("Grade: C")
print("Grade: D")
print("You failed.")
if score >= 50:
print("You were close. Study a bit more!")
print("You need significant improvement.")


You passed!
Grade: B

This nested structure first determines if the student passed, then assigns the appropriate letter grade based on the score.

Nesting Depth

You can nest if statements to any depth, but beware that excessive nesting can make code difficult to read and maintain. Here's an example with three levels of nesting:

user_type = "admin"
is_active = True
access_level = 2

if user_type == "admin":
if is_active:
print("Active admin account")
if access_level > 2:
print("Full system access granted")
elif access_level == 2:
print("Limited system access granted")
print("Basic system access granted")
print("Admin account is inactive")
print("Not an admin account")


Active admin account
Limited system access granted

Best Practices for Nested If Statements

  1. Maintain proper indentation: Python relies on indentation to determine code blocks, so consistent indentation is crucial.

  2. Avoid excessive nesting: Generally, try to limit nesting to 2-3 levels. If you find yourself going deeper, consider refactoring your code.

  3. Consider using logical operators: Sometimes, nested if statements can be simplified using logical operators (and, or, not).

    For example, this:

    if age >= 18:
    if has_ticket:
    print("Welcome to the concert!")

    Can be written as:

    if age >= 18 and has_ticket:
    print("Welcome to the concert!")
  4. Use comments: When nesting gets complex, add comments to clarify the logic.

Real-world Applications

Example: Weather Activity Recommender

Let's build a more practical example - a program that recommends activities based on weather conditions:

temperature = 75  # in Fahrenheit
is_raining = False
is_weekend = True

if is_weekend:
print("It's the weekend!")
if temperature > 80:
print("It's hot outside!")
if is_raining:
print("Recommended: Visit an indoor mall or museum.")
print("Recommended: Go swimming or visit a water park.")
elif temperature > 60:
print("The weather is pleasant!")
if is_raining:
print("Recommended: Watch a movie at home or visit a café.")
print("Recommended: Go for a hike or have a picnic.")
print("It's cold outside!")
if is_raining:
print("Recommended: Indoor activities like board games or reading.")
print("Recommended: Visit a cozy restaurant or go skiing if there's snow.")
print("It's a weekday. Don't forget your responsibilities!")
# Additional nested conditions could go here for weekday recommendations


It's the weekend!
The weather is pleasant!
Recommended: Go for a hike or have a picnic.

Example: Simple Banking System

Here's a simplified example of how nested if statements might be used in a banking application:

account_balance = 1500
withdrawal_amount = 600
daily_limit = 1000
account_active = True

if account_active:
print("Account is active.")
if account_balance >= withdrawal_amount:
print("Sufficient funds available.")
if withdrawal_amount <= daily_limit:
print(f"Withdrawal of ${withdrawal_amount} processed successfully.")
print(f"Remaining balance: ${account_balance - withdrawal_amount}")
print(f"Error: Daily withdrawal limit of ${daily_limit} exceeded.")
print("Error: Insufficient funds.")
print("Error: Account is inactive or blocked.")


Account is active.
Sufficient funds available.
Withdrawal of $600 processed successfully.
Remaining balance: $900


Nested if statements are a powerful way to implement complex decision-making logic in Python:

  • They involve placing one or more if statements inside another if or else block
  • They create a hierarchy of conditions that must be satisfied in sequence
  • They're useful for problems where decisions depend on multiple factors
  • They should be used judiciously, as excessive nesting can make code harder to read and maintain

Mastering nested if statements is an important step in developing more sophisticated Python programs. They allow you to create detailed logic flows and handle complex conditions that simple if-else statements cannot address.


To practice using nested if statements, try these exercises:

  1. Write a program that determines if a year is a leap year. (Hint: A year is a leap year if it's divisible by 4, except for century years which must be divisible by 400).

  2. Create a simple shopping cart program that applies discounts based on:

    • Purchase amount (>$100 gets 10% off)
    • Customer loyalty status (members get an additional 5% off)
    • Special promotion day (extra 2% discount)
  3. Build a movie ticket pricing system that considers:

    • Age of the viewer (child, adult, senior)
    • Day of the week (weekday vs weekend)
    • Time of the show (matinee vs evening)

Additional Resources

With practice, you'll become comfortable using nested if statements to solve complex problems in your Python programs. Remember that while nesting is powerful, clear and simple code is often the best approach.

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)