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Python Function Composition


Function composition is a fundamental concept in functional programming that allows you to combine multiple functions to create new functions. The output of one function becomes the input of another, creating a chain of operations. This concept lets you build complex operations from simple, modular functions, making your code more reusable, readable, and maintainable.

In mathematical notation, function composition is written as (f ∘ g)(x) = f(g(x)). In Python terms, this means applying function f to the result of applying function g to x.

Basic Function Composition

Let's start with a simple example of function composition using regular Python functions.

def double(x):
return x * 2

def increment(x):
return x + 1

# Manual composition
result = double(increment(5))
print(result) # Output: 12

In this example:

  1. increment(5) returns 6
  2. double(6) returns 12

However, manually composing functions like this can become cumbersome when dealing with multiple functions. Let's implement a more flexible approach.

Creating a Compose Function

We can create a helper function that takes multiple functions as arguments and returns a new function that represents their composition:

def compose(*functions):
Compose any number of functions into a single function.
Functions are applied from right to left.
def composed_function(x):
result = x
for function in reversed(functions):
result = function(result)
return result
return composed_function

# Usage example
double_then_increment = compose(increment, double)
increment_then_double = compose(double, increment)

print(double_then_increment(5)) # Output: 11
print(increment_then_double(5)) # Output: 12

Note that in the compose function, we apply the functions from right to left (using reversed). This matches the mathematical notation where functions are applied from inner to outer.

Using functools.reduce for Composition

For a more functional approach, we can use functools.reduce:

from functools import reduce

def compose(*functions):
Compose any number of functions using functools.reduce.
Functions are applied from right to left.
def compose_two(f, g):
return lambda x: f(g(x))

if not functions:
return lambda x: x # Identity function

return reduce(compose_two, functions)

# Example usage
add_5 = lambda x: x + 5
multiply_by_3 = lambda x: x * 3
square = lambda x: x ** 2

composed = compose(square, multiply_by_3, add_5)
print(composed(10)) # Output: 1225 = (10 + 5) * 3)² = 15² * 3² = 45²

The calculation flow is:

  1. add_5(10) = 15
  2. multiply_by_3(15) = 45
  3. square(45) = 2025

Right-to-Left vs. Left-to-Right Composition

The standard mathematical notation applies functions from right to left. However, you might want to compose functions from left to right for more intuitive code reading. Let's implement both versions:

def compose(*functions):
"""Right-to-left composition (mathematical order)"""
def composed_function(x):
result = x
for function in reversed(functions):
result = function(result)
return result
return composed_function

def pipe(*functions):
"""Left-to-right composition (pipeline order)"""
def piped_function(x):
result = x
for function in functions:
result = function(result)
return result
return piped_function

# Example
add_5 = lambda x: x + 5
multiply_by_3 = lambda x: x * 3

# With compose (right-to-left): first add_5, then multiply_by_3
composed = compose(multiply_by_3, add_5)
print(composed(10)) # Output: 45

# With pipe (left-to-right): first add_5, then multiply_by_3
piped = pipe(add_5, multiply_by_3)
print(piped(10)) # Output: 45

The pipe function is especially useful when you want to create a data processing pipeline where data flows through a series of transformations in a left-to-right order.

Real-World Application: Data Processing Pipeline

Function composition is particularly useful for data processing tasks. Let's build a simple text processing pipeline:

def remove_punctuation(text):
import string
return ''.join(c for c in text if c not in string.punctuation)

def lowercase(text):
return text.lower()

def remove_extra_spaces(text):
return ' '.join(text.split())

def tokenize(text):
return text.split()

# Create a text processing pipeline
process_text = pipe(

# Process some text
text = "Hello, World! This is an Example text... "
processed = process_text(text)
# Output: ['hello', 'world', 'this', 'is', 'an', 'example', 'text']

This pipeline processes the text in four steps:

  1. Removes punctuation
  2. Converts to lowercase
  3. Removes extra spaces
  4. Tokenizes (splits into words)

Partial Application with Function Composition

Function composition works well with partial application using functools.partial:

from functools import partial

def multiply(a, b):
return a * b

def add(a, b):
return a + b

# Create specialized functions using partial
multiply_by_2 = partial(multiply, 2)
add_5 = partial(add, 5)

# Compose them
transform = compose(add_5, multiply_by_2)
print(transform(10)) # Output: 25 (10 * 2 + 5)

Composition with Class-based Approach

For more complex scenarios, you might prefer a class-based approach:

class Compose:
def __init__(self, *functions):
self.functions = functions

def __call__(self, x):
result = x
for function in reversed(self.functions):
result = function(result)
return result

# Usage
double = lambda x: x * 2
increment = lambda x: x + 1
square = lambda x: x ** 2

transform = Compose(square, increment, double)
print(transform(3)) # Output: 49 = ((3 * 2) + 1)² = 7² = 49

Error Handling in Function Composition

When composing functions, error handling becomes important:

def safe_compose(*functions):
"""Composition with basic error handling"""
def composed_function(x):
result = x
for function in reversed(functions):
result = function(result)
return result
except Exception as e:
return f"Error in composition: {e}"
return composed_function

# Example with error
def reciprocal(x):
return 1 / x

safe_transform = safe_compose(square, reciprocal)
print(safe_transform(2)) # Output: 0.25
print(safe_transform(0)) # Output: Error in composition: division by zero


Function composition is a powerful technique in functional programming that allows us to:

  • Combine multiple simple functions into more complex operations
  • Create data processing pipelines
  • Write more modular, reusable code
  • Express complex transformations clearly

By understanding and applying function composition, you can write more elegant, maintainable Python code that follows functional programming principles.


  1. Create a compose function that logs each step of the composition.
  2. Implement a composition function that works with functions that accept multiple arguments.
  3. Build a data transformation pipeline for processing a list of dictionaries using function composition.
  4. Create a decorator that automatically composes a function with a given set of pre-processing and post-processing functions.
  5. Implement a composition function that can handle asynchronous functions.

Additional Resources

  • Functional Programming in Python - Python's official documentation
  • functools module - More tools for functional programming
  • "Functional Python Programming" by Steven Lott - A comprehensive book on the topic
  • toolz - A functional programming library for Python that includes composition utilities

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)