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Rust Pattern Matching

Pattern matching is one of Rust's most powerful features. It allows you to compare a value against a series of patterns and then execute code based on which pattern matches. When combined with enums, pattern matching becomes an elegant way to handle different variants of data.

Introduction to Pattern Matching

Pattern matching in Rust is primarily done through the match expression. Think of it as an advanced version of a switch statement from other languages, but with extra powers:

  • It's exhaustive, meaning you must handle all possible cases
  • It can destructure values to access their inner components
  • It allows binding variables to parts of the matched value

Let's dive into how pattern matching works with enums and explore the different ways we can use it in Rust!

Basic Pattern Matching with match

The match expression is the cornerstone of pattern matching in Rust. Here's a simple example using an enum:

enum Coin {

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
match coin {
Coin::Penny => 1,
Coin::Nickel => 5,
Coin::Dime => 10,
Coin::Quarter => 25,

fn main() {
let coin = Coin::Dime;
println!("Value: {} cents", value_in_cents(coin)); // Output: Value: 10 cents

In this example:

  1. We define a Coin enum with four variants
  2. The value_in_cents function uses a match expression to return the corresponding value for each coin
  3. Each arm of the match consists of a pattern (Coin::Penny, etc.) and the code to run if the pattern matches

The compiler ensures we've covered all possible variants of the enum, making our code more robust.

Matching with Data

Enums become even more powerful when they can hold data. Let's extend our Coin example:

enum UsState {
// ... other states

enum Coin {
Quarter(UsState), // Quarter now contains a UsState

fn value_in_cents(coin: Coin) -> u8 {
match coin {
Coin::Penny => 1,
Coin::Nickel => 5,
Coin::Dime => 10,
Coin::Quarter(state) => {
println!("State quarter from {:?}!", state);

fn main() {
let coin = Coin::Quarter(UsState::Alaska);
println!("Value: {} cents", value_in_cents(coin));
// Output:
// State quarter from Alaska!
// Value: 25 cents

Notice how we can:

  1. Bind the inner UsState value to the variable state
  2. Use that variable in the code block for that match arm
  3. Access the data inside the enum variant without complex extraction code

Pattern Matching with Option<T>

One of the most common uses of pattern matching is to handle Option<T> values. This helps eliminate null-related bugs by forcing you to handle both the Some and None cases:

fn find_square_root(number: i32) -> Option<f64> {
if number >= 0 {
Some((number as f64).sqrt())
} else {

fn main() {
let number = 16;

match find_square_root(number) {
Some(root) => println!("The square root of {} is {}", number, root),
None => println!("{} doesn't have a real square root", number),
// Output: The square root of 16 is 4

let negative = -5;
match find_square_root(negative) {
Some(root) => println!("The square root of {} is {}", negative, root),
None => println!("{} doesn't have a real square root", negative),
// Output: -5 doesn't have a real square root

This pattern is so common that Rust provides a more concise way to handle it with if let.

The if let Syntax

When you only care about one pattern and want to ignore the rest, if let provides a more concise syntax:

fn main() {
let some_value = Some(42);

// Using match
match some_value {
Some(value) => println!("Found a value: {}", value),
None => (), // We don't do anything for None

// Same functionality with if let
if let Some(value) = some_value {
println!("Found a value: {}", value);
// Both output: Found a value: 42

You can also use else with if let:

fn main() {
let coin = Coin::Penny;

if let Coin::Quarter(state) = coin {
println!("Quarter from {:?}!", state);
} else {
println!("Not a quarter!");
// Output: Not a quarter!

Use if let when:

  • You only care about one pattern
  • You want more concise code
  • You don't need the exhaustiveness check that match provides

Matching Multiple Patterns

You can match multiple patterns using the | (or) operator:

fn main() {
let dice_roll = 3;

match dice_roll {
1 | 2 => println!("Not great"),
3 | 4 => println!("Pretty good!"),
5 | 6 => println!("Excellent!"),
_ => println!("Invalid dice roll"), // Default case
// Output: Pretty good!

The _ Placeholder

The underscore _ is a special pattern that matches any value but doesn't bind to it:

fn main() {
let some_number = Some(7);

match some_number {
Some(1) => println!("One!"),
Some(2) => println!("Two!"),
Some(_) => println!("Some other number"),
None => println!("No number"),
// Output: Some other number

Range Patterns

You can match ranges of values:

fn main() {
let x = 5;

match x {
1..=5 => println!("One through five"),
6..=10 => println!("Six through ten"),
_ => println!("Something else"),
// Output: One through five

Destructuring Structs and Tuples

Pattern matching can also destructure complex data types:

struct Point {
x: i32,
y: i32,

fn main() {
let point = Point { x: 0, y: 7 };

// Destructuring a struct
match point {
Point { x: 0, y } => println!("On y-axis at y={}", y),
Point { x, y: 0 } => println!("On x-axis at x={}", x),
Point { x, y } => println!("At coordinates ({}, {})", x, y),
// Output: On y-axis at y=7

// Destructuring a tuple
let triple = (0, -2, 3);
match triple {
(0, y, z) => println!("First is 0, y={}, z={}", y, z),
(1, ..) => println!("First is 1, rest doesn't matter"),
_ => println!("Other case"),
// Output: First is 0, y=-2, z=3

Match Guards

For more complex conditions, you can use match guards with the if keyword:

fn main() {
let num = Some(4);

match num {
Some(x) if x % 2 == 0 => println!("{} is even", x),
Some(x) => println!("{} is odd", x),
None => println!("No number"),
// Output: 4 is even

Bindings with @

The @ operator lets you create a variable that holds a value while testing that same value against a pattern:

fn main() {
let msg = Message::Hello(5);

match msg {
Message::Hello(id @ 3..=7) => println!("Hello with id in range: {}", id),
Message::Hello(id) => println!("Hello with id: {}", id),
_ => println!("Other message"),
// Output: Hello with id in range: 5

Visualizing Pattern Matching Flow

Here's a diagram showing how a typical match expression evaluates:

Real-World Example: Command Processing

Let's look at a practical example of using pattern matching to process commands in a simple text editor:

enum Command {
Move { x: i32, y: i32 },
ChangeColor(i32, i32, i32),

fn process_command(command: Command) {
match command {
Command::Quit => {
println!("Exiting the program");
// Code to clean up and exit
Command::Save(filename) => {
println!("Saving file as: {}", filename);
// Code to save to file
Command::Move { x, y } => {
println!("Moving cursor to position ({}, {})", x, y);
// Code to move cursor
Command::Write(text) => {
println!("Writing: {}", text);
// Code to write text
Command::ChangeColor(r, g, b) => {
println!("Changing color to RGB: ({}, {}, {})", r, g, b);
// Code to change color

fn main() {
let commands = vec![
Command::Move { x: 10, y: 15 },
Command::Write(String::from("Hello, Rust!")),
Command::ChangeColor(255, 0, 0),

for command in commands {

This example shows how pattern matching can make command processing clear and maintainable, even with different types of commands containing different data.

Error Handling with Pattern Matching

Pattern matching shines when handling errors with Result<T, E>:

use std::fs::File;
use std::io::ErrorKind;

fn main() {
let file_result = File::open("hello.txt");

let file = match file_result {
Ok(file) => file,
Err(error) => match error.kind() {
ErrorKind::NotFound => match File::create("hello.txt") {
Ok(fc) => {
println!("Created a new file");
Err(e) => panic!("Problem creating the file: {:?}", e),
other_error => {
panic!("Problem opening the file: {:?}", other_error)

println!("File handle: {:?}", file);

This example demonstrates:

  1. Matching on a Result to handle success or failure
  2. Further matching on the error type to provide specific handling
  3. Nested match expressions to handle complex logic


Pattern matching in Rust is a powerful mechanism that allows you to:

  • Handle different enum variants with clarity and type safety
  • Destructure complex data to access inner components
  • Write concise, expressive code that's also exhaustive
  • Handle errors in a structured way

Key pattern matching tools:

  • match expressions for exhaustive matching
  • if let for simpler, non-exhaustive matching
  • Pattern combinators like | (or), ..= (range), and _ (wildcard)
  • Destructuring for complex data types
  • Match guards for additional condition checking

By mastering pattern matching with enums, you gain the ability to write more maintainable, safer code that elegantly handles complex data and control flow.


Try these exercises to practice pattern matching:

  1. Create an enum Shape with variants for Circle, Rectangle, and Triangle, each containing appropriate data. Write a function that calculates the area for each shape using pattern matching.

  2. Implement a simple calculator that takes an enum Operation (Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide) and two numbers, then returns the result using pattern matching.

  3. Create a function that processes a Vec<Option<i32>> and returns the sum of all Some values while counting how many None values were encountered.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)