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The Rust use Keyword


When working with Rust projects that contain multiple files and modules, you'll need a way to access items (functions, structs, enums, etc.) defined in one module from another. This is where the use keyword comes in. The use keyword allows you to bring paths into scope, making your code more concise and readable.

In this guide, we'll explore how the use keyword works in Rust, its various syntax options, and how it helps you organize your code effectively.

Understanding the use Keyword

The use keyword in Rust serves a similar purpose to import in Python or #include in C/C++. It brings items from other modules into scope so you can reference them directly without using their full path.

Basic Usage

Let's start with a simple example of how to use the use keyword:

// Without 'use'
fn main() {

// With 'use'
use std::collections::HashMap;

fn main() {

Using the use keyword, we bring HashMap into scope, allowing us to use it directly without specifying the full path each time.

Different Ways to Use the use Keyword

Importing a Single Item

The most basic way to use the use keyword is to import a single item:

use std::fmt::Formatter;

fn example(f: &mut Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
// Now we can use Formatter directly
// ...

Importing Multiple Items from the Same Module

You can import multiple items from the same module using curly braces:

use std::collections::{HashMap, HashSet, BTreeMap};

fn main() {
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let mut set = HashSet::new();
let mut btree = BTreeMap::new();

// Use these types directly

Nested Paths

For deeply nested paths, you can use nested braces:

use std::{
collections::{HashMap, HashSet},
fmt::{self, Display, Formatter},

fn main() {
// Now HashMap, HashSet, fmt, Display, and Formatter are all in scope

The glob operator (*)

To import all public items from a module, you can use the glob operator (*):

use std::collections::*;

fn main() {
// Now all public items from std::collections are available
let mut map = HashMap::new();
let mut set = HashSet::new();
// ...

Note: Using the glob operator is generally discouraged in production code as it can make it unclear where certain items are coming from, potentially causing name conflicts. It's better to be explicit about which items you're importing.

Re-exporting with pub use

The pub use syntax allows you to re-export items from other modules as part of your own module's public API:

// In
mod math;

// Re-export the add function from the math module
pub use math::add;

// In
pub fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
a + b

Now, users of your crate can use the add function directly:

use my_crate::add;

fn main() {
println!("Sum: {}", add(5, 3)); // Output: Sum: 8

Using Aliases with as

If you want to import an item but give it a different name (perhaps to avoid name conflicts), you can use the as keyword:

use std::io::Error as IoError;
use std::fmt::Error as FmtError;

fn main() {
let io_error = IoError::new(std::io::ErrorKind::Other, "an IO error occurred");
let fmt_error = FmtError;

// Now we can use both error types without confusion

Real-World Example: A Project Structure

Let's look at a practical example of how you might organize a small project and use the use keyword effectively.

Imagine we're building a simple task management application:

└── storage/

// Define a Task struct
pub struct Task {
pub id: u32,
pub title: String,
pub completed: bool,

impl Task {
pub fn new(id: u32, title: &str) -> Self {
Task {
title: title.to_string(),
completed: false,

pub fn complete(&mut self) {
self.completed = true;


pub mod file;
pub mod memory;

pub trait Storage {
fn save_task(&mut self, task: &crate::Task) -> Result<(), String>;
fn get_task(&self, id: u32) -> Option<crate::Task>;
fn list_tasks(&self) -> Vec<crate::Task>;


use crate::Task;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use super::Storage;

pub struct MemoryStorage {
tasks: HashMap<u32, Task>,

impl MemoryStorage {
pub fn new() -> Self {
MemoryStorage {
tasks: HashMap::new(),

impl Storage for MemoryStorage {
fn save_task(&mut self, task: &Task) -> Result<(), String> {
self.tasks.insert(, task.clone());

fn get_task(&self, id: u32) -> Option<Task> {

fn list_tasks(&self) -> Vec<Task> {

mod task;
mod storage;

use task::Task;
use storage::{Storage, memory::MemoryStorage};

fn main() {
let mut storage = MemoryStorage::new();

let mut task1 = Task::new(1, "Learn Rust");
let task2 = Task::new(2, "Build a project");



println!("All tasks:");
for task in storage.list_tasks() {
let status = if task.completed { "Done" } else { "Pending" };
println!("- [{}] {}: {}",, task.title, status);


All tasks:
- [1] Learn Rust: Done
- [2] Build a project: Pending

In this example, we've used the use keyword in several different ways:

  • In storage/, we used use crate::Task to import the Task struct from the crate root
  • In storage/, we used use std::collections::HashMap to import HashMap from the standard library
  • In storage/, we used use super::Storage to import the Storage trait from the parent module
  • In, we used use task::Task to import the Task struct
  • In, we used use storage::{Storage, memory::MemoryStorage} to import multiple items with a nested path

Visualizing Module Relationships

Here's a diagram showing the relationship between modules in our example project:

Where to Use the use Statement

You can place use statements:

  1. At the crate root ( or
  2. Inside a module
  3. Inside a function or block

When placed at the module level, the imported items are available throughout the module. When placed inside a function or block, they're only available within that scope:

fn process_data() {
// HashMap is only available inside this function
use std::collections::HashMap;

let mut map = HashMap::new();
// ...

fn main() {
// Error: HashMap is not in scope here
// let map = HashMap::new();


Best Practices for Using the use Keyword

  1. Be explicit: Avoid using glob imports (*) in production code
  2. Group related imports: Use nested paths to group related imports
  3. Use consistent styling: Follow a consistent pattern for organizing imports
  4. Re-export for API design: Use pub use to create a clean public API
  5. Use local imports: For large modules, consider using local imports inside functions instead of module-level imports
  6. Use aliases when needed: Use as to avoid name conflicts or to provide more context


The use keyword in Rust is a powerful tool for organizing your code and making it more readable. It allows you to:

  • Import items from other modules into the current scope
  • Import multiple items with nested paths
  • Re-export items using pub use
  • Create aliases with as

By understanding how to use the use keyword effectively, you can write Rust code that is more concise, more readable, and better organized.


  1. Create a simple project with multiple modules and practice importing items between them using different use patterns.
  2. Experiment with re-exporting items using pub use to create a clean public API.
  3. Try to refactor some existing Rust code to improve its import organization.

Additional Resources

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)