Swift Subscripts
Subscripts are a powerful feature in Swift that provide a concise way to access elements in a collection, sequence, or any other container-like type. They allow you to query and set values by index or key without having to use separate methods. If you've ever accessed an array element using square brackets (like myArray[0]
), you've already used subscripts!
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to define custom subscripts for your own types, how they work, and when to use them in your Swift applications.
What Are Subscripts?
Subscripts allow instances of a class, structure, or enumeration to be accessed using one or more values in square brackets. They're similar to methods and computed properties in that they provide a way to access data, but they specifically allow for direct indexing or keying into a collection.
Basic Syntax
Here's the basic syntax for defining a subscript:
subscript(index: IndexType) -> ReturnType {
get {
// Return the appropriate value for the index
set(newValue) {
// Set the appropriate value for the index
- The
block is required and defines what value to return for a given index - The
block is optional and allows you to update values at the given index
Creating Your First Subscript
Let's create a simple Grid
structure that stores values in a two-dimensional grid:
struct Grid {
private var matrix: [[Int]]
init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
matrix = Array(repeating: Array(repeating: 0, count: columns), count: rows)
subscript(row: Int, column: Int) -> Int {
get {
return matrix[row][column]
set {
matrix[row][column] = newValue
Now let's see how we can use this subscript:
// Create a 3x3 grid
var grid = Grid(rows: 3, columns: 3)
// Set a value using subscript
grid[0, 0] = 10
grid[1, 1] = 20
// Get values using subscript
print(grid[0, 0]) // Output: 10
print(grid[1, 1]) // Output: 20
print(grid[2, 2]) // Output: 0
Read-Only Subscripts
If you only need to retrieve values but not modify them, you can create a read-only subscript by omitting the set
struct TimesTable {
let multiplier: Int
subscript(index: Int) -> Int {
return multiplier * index
let threeTimesTable = TimesTable(multiplier: 3)
print("3 × 6 is \(threeTimesTable[6])") // Output: 3 × 6 is 18
In this example, you can access values from the times table but not modify them.
Subscript Options and Capabilities
Default Parameter Values
Subscripts can have default parameter values:
struct Matrix {
let rows: Int
let columns: Int
var grid: [Double]
init(rows: Int, columns: Int) {
self.rows = rows
self.columns = columns
grid = Array(repeating: 0.0, count: rows * columns)
subscript(row: Int, column: Int = 0) -> Double {
get {
return grid[(row * columns) + column]
set {
grid[(row * columns) + column] = newValue
var matrix = Matrix(rows: 2, columns: 2)
matrix[0, 0] = 1.0
matrix[1] = 2.0 // Uses the default column value of 0
print(matrix[1]) // Output: 2.0
Using Variadic Parameters
Subscripts can accept variadic parameters:
struct MultiDimensionalArray {
private var storage: [Int] = []
private var dimensions: [Int]
init(dimensions: Int...) {
self.dimensions = dimensions
// Calculate total size
var totalSize = 1
for dim in dimensions {
totalSize *= dim
storage = Array(repeating: 0, count: totalSize)
subscript(indices: Int...) -> Int {
get {
return storage[calculateIndex(indices)]
set {
storage[calculateIndex(indices)] = newValue
private func calculateIndex(_ indices: [Int]) -> Int {
guard indices.count == dimensions.count else {
fatalError("Invalid number of indices")
var index = 0
var multiplier = 1
for i in (0..<indices.count).reversed() {
index += indices[i] * multiplier
multiplier *= dimensions[i]
return index
var cube = MultiDimensionalArray(dimensions: 3, 3, 3)
cube[0, 1, 2] = 42
print(cube[0, 1, 2]) // Output: 42
Type Subscripts
Like type methods, you can also define subscripts that belong to the type itself, not an instance of the type. These are declared with the static
enum PlanetDistance {
static let lightMinutesFromSun: [String: Double] = [
"Mercury": 3.2,
"Venus": 6.0,
"Earth": 8.3,
"Mars": 12.6
static subscript(planet: String) -> Double? {
return lightMinutesFromSun[planet]
// Access using type subscript
if let distance = PlanetDistance["Earth"] {
print("Earth is \(distance) light minutes from the Sun")
// Output: Earth is 8.3 light minutes from the Sun
For classes, you can use the class
keyword instead of static
to allow subclasses to override the subscript.
Practical Examples
Creating a Dictionary-Like Type
Let's create a simple caching mechanism using subscripts:
class Cache<Key: Hashable, Value> {
private var storage: [Key: Value] = [:]
subscript(key: Key) -> Value? {
get {
print("Fetching value for key: \(key)")
return storage[key]
set {
if let newValue = newValue {
print("Setting value \(newValue) for key: \(key)")
storage[key] = newValue
} else {
print("Removing value for key: \(key)")
storage.removeValue(forKey: key)
// Usage
let userCache = Cache<String, Int>()
userCache["score"] = 100
userCache["lives"] = 3
print(userCache["score"] ?? 0) // Output: Fetching value for key: score, 100
userCache["lives"] = nil // Output: Removing value for key: lives
JSON Access
Subscripts are perfect for creating a cleaner API for accessing nested data like JSON:
struct JSONAccessor {
private var data: [String: Any]
init(data: [String: Any]) {
self.data = data
subscript(path: String) -> Any? {
get {
let components = path.split(separator: ".")
var current: Any? = data
for component in components {
if let currentDict = current as? [String: Any] {
current = currentDict[String(component)]
} else {
return nil
return current
// Example with nested JSON
let userData: [String: Any] = [
"user": [
"profile": [
"name": "John Doe",
"age": 30
"settings": [
"notifications": true
let json = JSONAccessor(data: userData)
print(json["user.profile.name"] as? String ?? "") // Output: John Doe
print(json["user.settings.notifications"] as? Bool ?? false) // Output: true
Safe Array Access
We can create a subscript that handles out-of-bounds errors gracefully:
extension Array {
subscript(safe index: Index) -> Element? {
return indices.contains(index) ? self[index] : nil
let numbers = [1, 2, 3]
if let secondNumber = numbers[safe: 1] {
print("The second number is \(secondNumber)") // Output: The second number is 2
// No crash for out-of-bounds access
if let tenthNumber = numbers[safe: 9] {
print("The tenth number is \(tenthNumber)")
} else {
print("Index out of bounds") // Output: Index out of bounds
When to Use Subscripts
Subscripts are particularly useful in the following scenarios:
- When creating collection-like types (arrays, dictionaries, matrices)
- When providing access to elements in a sequence or series
- When implementing a custom lookup mechanism
- When you want to provide a syntactically cleaner way to access elements
However, subscripts might not be appropriate when:
- The operation does significant processing (methods might be clearer)
- The operation might fail in many different ways (methods allow for better error handling)
- When the conceptual model isn't about accessing elements by index or key
Subscripts are a powerful Swift feature that allows you to provide a concise way to access elements in your custom types. They work like computed properties but are accessed using square bracket syntax. Key points to remember:
- Subscripts can have multiple parameters of any type
- Subscripts can be read-only or read-write
- Type subscripts are defined with the
keyword - Subscripts are perfect for collection-like types and data access patterns
By implementing custom subscripts, you can make your code more expressive, readable, and Swift-like, especially when working with collection or container-like types.
- Create a
struct that wraps around when accessing elements beyond its bounds using a custom subscript. - Implement a
class with a subscript that allows accessing nodes by their path (e.g., "left.right.left"). - Extend the
type with a subscript that allows access to character ranges using integers. - Create a
struct with subscripts that support both single-index access (flattened) and dual-index access.
Additional Resources
- Swift Documentation: Subscripts
- Swift Evolution: SE-0148 - Generic Subscripts
- Swift By Sundell: The power of subscripts in Swift
Happy coding!
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)