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Swift Throwing Functions

Error handling is a critical aspect of writing robust software. Swift provides a powerful and expressive way to handle errors through throwing functions. In this guide, we'll explore how to create functions that can throw errors, how to call them, and best practices for error handling in Swift.

Introduction to Throwing Functions

In Swift, a throwing function is a special type of function that can signal errors during its execution. Unlike regular functions that always return a value or complete successfully, throwing functions can report failures that the caller must handle.

Throwing functions are particularly useful when:

  • Operations might fail for various reasons
  • You need to communicate specific error conditions
  • You want to separate error handling code from normal execution flow

Basic Syntax of Throwing Functions

To declare a function that can throw errors, you use the throws keyword between the function's parameter list and return type.

func functionName(parameters) throws -> ReturnType {
// function body that might throw an error

Defining Custom Error Types

Before creating throwing functions, it's good practice to define the possible errors they might throw. In Swift, this is typically done using enumerations that conform to the Error protocol.

enum FileError: Error {
case fileNotFound
case noPermission
case corruptedData

Creating a Simple Throwing Function

Let's create a simple throwing function that simulates reading a file:

func readFile(named filename: String) throws -> String {
// Simulate conditions that might cause errors
if filename.isEmpty {
throw FileError.fileNotFound

if filename == "private.txt" {
throw FileError.noPermission

if filename.hasSuffix(".corrupted") {
throw FileError.corruptedData

// If we reach here, return the file contents
return "Contents of \(filename)"

Calling Throwing Functions

To call a throwing function, you need to use the try keyword and handle potential errors using one of these approaches:

1. Using do-catch Blocks

The most common approach is to use a do-catch block:

do {
let contents = try readFile(named: "document.txt")
print(contents) // Output: Contents of document.txt
} catch FileError.fileNotFound {
print("Error: File not found!")
} catch FileError.noPermission {
print("Error: You don't have permission to access this file.")
} catch FileError.corruptedData {
print("Error: The file data is corrupted.")
} catch {
print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error)")

2. Using try? to Convert Errors to Optionals

If you don't need detailed error information, you can use try? to convert the result to an optional:

// Returns nil if an error occurs
let contents = try? readFile(named: "private.txt")
if let contents = contents {
} else {
print("Failed to read the file")
// Output: Failed to read the file

3. Using try! when You're Certain No Error Will Occur

In situations where you're absolutely certain that a throwing function won't throw an error, you can use try!. However, this is risky because it will cause a runtime crash if an error does occur:

// Only use when you're 100% sure it won't throw
let contents = try! readFile(named: "document.txt")
print(contents) // Output: Contents of document.txt

// This would crash:
// let crashingExample = try! readFile(named: "private.txt")

Propagating Errors with Throwing Functions

One of the powerful features of Swift's error handling is the ability to propagate errors up the call stack. If your function calls a throwing function and you don't want to handle the error directly, you can mark your function as throws and let the caller deal with it:

func processFile(named filename: String) throws -> String {
let contents = try readFile(named: filename)
return "Processed: \(contents)"

// Now the caller of processFile needs to handle potential errors
do {
let result = try processFile(named: "data.txt")
print(result) // Output: Processed: Contents of data.txt
} catch {
print("Processing failed: \(error)")

Real-World Example: Network Request

Let's create a more practical example that simulates making a network request:

enum NetworkError: Error {
case invalidURL
case noConnection
case invalidResponse(statusCode: Int)
case dataCorrupted

func fetchData(from urlString: String) throws -> Data {
// Validate URL
guard !urlString.isEmpty else {
throw NetworkError.invalidURL

// Simulate network conditions
let connectionSimulator = Int.random(in: 1...10)
if connectionSimulator == 1 {
throw NetworkError.noConnection

// Simulate various HTTP responses
let statusCode = [200, 200, 200, 404, 500].randomElement()!
if statusCode != 200 {
throw NetworkError.invalidResponse(statusCode: statusCode)

// Simulate receiving data
return Data("Success! Data received".utf8)

// Using the network function
func displayWebContent(from url: String) {
do {
let data = try fetchData(from: url)
if let content = String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) {
print("Content: \(content)")
} catch NetworkError.invalidURL {
print("Error: The URL is not valid")
} catch NetworkError.noConnection {
print("Error: Check your internet connection")
} catch NetworkError.invalidResponse(let statusCode) {
print("Error: Server returned status code \(statusCode)")
} catch {
print("An unexpected error occurred: \(error)")

// Call the function
displayWebContent(from: "")
// Possible outputs:
// Content: Success! Data received
// Error: Server returned status code 404
// Error: Check your internet connection

Throwing Closures

Just like functions, closures in Swift can also throw errors. To create a throwing closure, you include the throws keyword in the closure's declaration:

let processItem: (String) throws -> String = { item in
if item.isEmpty {
throw FileError.fileNotFound
return "Processed \(item)"

// Using the throwing closure
do {
let result = try processItem("data")
print(result) // Output: Processed data
} catch {
print("Processing failed: \(error)")

Rethrowing Functions

Swift also supports functions that can "rethrow" errors thrown by the functions they call. These are particularly useful when your function takes a throwing closure as an argument.

func processItems<T, U>(_ items: [T], with processor: (T) throws -> U) rethrows -> [U] {
var results = [U]()

for item in items {
results.append(try processor(item))

return results

// Using the rethrowing function
let filenames = ["doc.txt", "image.jpg", ""]

do {
let processedFiles = try processItems(filenames) { filename in
if filename.isEmpty {
throw FileError.fileNotFound
return "Processed \(filename)"
// Output: ["Processed doc.txt", "Processed image.jpg"]
// This won't be fully output because an error is thrown
} catch {
print("Error occurred: \(error)")
// Output: Error occurred: fileNotFound

Best Practices for Throwing Functions

When working with throwing functions in Swift, keep these best practices in mind:

  1. Be specific with error types: Define enum cases that clearly describe what went wrong.

  2. Document your errors: Comment which errors your function might throw and under what circumstances.

  3. Handle errors appropriately: Don't just catch errors and ignore them; provide meaningful recovery or feedback.

  4. Avoid try!: Only use try! when you are absolutely certain the function won't throw.

  5. Consider the catch-all clause: Always include a general catch clause to handle unexpected errors.

  6. Use meaningful error messages: Include details that help diagnose the problem.


Throwing functions in Swift provide a structured way to handle errors in your code. By using the throws keyword, you can create functions that signal when something goes wrong, and by using try, do-catch, try?, and try!, you can handle these errors in various ways.

Key concepts we covered:

  • Declaring and implementing throwing functions
  • Creating custom error types
  • Different ways to call throwing functions
  • Propagating errors up the call stack
  • Working with throwing closures and rethrowing functions

Swift's error handling system encourages writing code that's both safer and easier to understand by separating error handling from the main logic flow.


To practice your understanding of throwing functions, try these exercises:

  1. Create a divide function that throws an error if trying to divide by zero.

  2. Write a validatePassword function that throws different errors based on password strength criteria.

  3. Implement a parseJSON function that safely converts a string to JSON and throws appropriate errors.

  4. Create a banking system simulator with functions for withdrawal and deposit that throw errors for insufficient funds and invalid amounts.

  5. Extend the processItems example to add error handling for specific conditions.

Additional Resources

Happy coding with Swift's throwing functions!

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)