Swift Where Clauses
When working with generics in Swift, you'll often need to place additional constraints on the type parameters you're using. This is where the where
clause comes in. A where
clause allows you to specify requirements that types must meet before they can be used with your generic code, adding an extra layer of type safety and enabling more powerful abstractions.
In this tutorial, we'll explore how to use where
clauses with Swift generics to write more expressive, type-safe code.
What is a Where Clause?
A where
clause is a condition that specifies additional requirements on the type parameters used in generic functions, methods, or types. These requirements can include:
- Type conformance to protocols
- Type relationships (equality between types)
- Associated type constraints
The syntax for adding a where
clause follows the generic type parameters:
func someFunction<T, U>(param1: T, param2: U) where T: SomeProtocol, U: AnotherProtocol {
// Function implementation
Basic Where Clause Usage
Let's start with a simple example to understand how where
clauses work:
func printEqual<T>(a: T, b: T) where T: Equatable {
if a == b {
print("Values are equal")
} else {
print("Values are not equal")
// Usage
printEqual(a: 5, b: 5) // Output: Values are equal
printEqual(a: "hello", b: "world") // Output: Values are not equal
In this example, the where T: Equatable
clause ensures that we can only call this function with types that conform to the Equatable
protocol, which means we can use the equality operator (==
) with them.
Multiple Constraints in Where Clauses
You can specify multiple constraints in a where
clause, separated by commas:
func processItems<T>(items: [T]) where T: Hashable, T: CustomStringConvertible {
for item in items {
print("Hash: \(item.hashValue), Description: \(item.description)")
// Usage
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4]
processItems(items: numbers)
// Output:
// Hash: 1, Description: 1
// Hash: 2, Description: 2
// Hash: 3, Description: 3
// Hash: 4, Description: 4
This function can only be used with types that conform to both Hashable
and CustomStringConvertible
Type Equality Constraints
You can also use where
clauses to establish equality relationships between different type parameters:
func mergeArrays<T, U, V>(array1: [T], array2: [U]) -> [V] where T == V, U == V {
return array1 + array2
// Usage
let intArray1 = [1, 2, 3]
let intArray2 = [4, 5, 6]
let combined = mergeArrays(array1: intArray1, array2: intArray2)
print(combined) // Output: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]
Here, the where
clause specifies that types T
and U
must both be the same as type V
, allowing us to combine arrays of the same element type.
Where Clauses with Associated Types
Associated types are placeholder types defined in protocols. You can use where
clauses to specify constraints on these associated types:
protocol Container {
associatedtype Item
var count: Int { get }
subscript(i: Int) -> Item { get }
// Function that works with any Container where the items are Equatable
func findFirstOccurrence<C: Container>(of item: C.Item, in container: C) -> Int? where C.Item: Equatable {
for i in 0..<container.count {
if container[i] == item {
return i
return nil
Where Clauses in Extensions
clauses are particularly powerful when used with protocol extensions, allowing you to provide specialized implementations for types that meet specific criteria:
extension Array where Element: Numeric {
func sum() -> Element {
return self.reduce(0, +)
let numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(numbers.sum()) // Output: 15
// This won't compile because String isn't Numeric
// let strings = ["a", "b", "c"]
// strings.sum() // Error!
In this example, we've extended Array
with a sum()
method, but only for arrays whose elements conform to the Numeric
Where Clauses in Generic Type Definitions
You can also use where
clauses when defining generic types:
struct PairContainer<T, U> where T: Comparable, U: Hashable {
let first: T
let second: U
func describe() -> String {
return "First: \(first), Second: \(second)"
let pair = PairContainer(first: 10, second: "Hello")
print(pair.describe()) // Output: First: 10, Second: Hello
Real-World Example: Type-Safe Observable Pattern
Let's implement a simple observable pattern using where
// A protocol for observers
protocol Observer {
associatedtype Value
func valueChanged(newValue: Value)
// Observable class - can notify observers when its value changes
class Observable<T> {
private var observers = [AnyObject]()
var value: T {
didSet {
init(value: T) {
self.value = value
func addObserver<O: Observer>(_ observer: O) where O.Value == T {
observers.append(observer as AnyObject)
private func notifyObservers() {
for observer in observers {
if let typedObserver = observer as? any Observer where Observer.Value == T {
typedObserver.valueChanged(newValue: value)
// A string observer implementation
class StringLogger: Observer {
typealias Value = String
func valueChanged(newValue: String) {
print("String value changed to: \(newValue)")
// Usage
let nameObservable = Observable(value: "John")
let logger = StringLogger()
nameObservable.value = "Alice" // Output: String value changed to: Alice
In this example, the where
clause in the addObserver
method ensures that the observer's value type matches the observable's value type, providing type safety.
Using Where Clauses with Conditional Conformance
Swift allows types to conditionally conform to protocols using where
// A Result type that can be either success or failure
enum Result<Success, Failure: Error> {
case success(Success)
case failure(Failure)
// Make Result Equatable only when both Success and Failure are Equatable
extension Result: Equatable where Success: Equatable, Failure: Equatable {
static func == (lhs: Result<Success, Failure>, rhs: Result<Success, Failure>) -> Bool {
switch (lhs, rhs) {
case let (.success(lValue), .success(rValue)):
return lValue == rValue
case let (.failure(lError), .failure(rError)):
return lError == rError
return false
// Usage
let result1: Result<Int, NSError> = .success(200)
let result2: Result<Int, NSError> = .success(200)
print(result1 == result2) // Output: true
Where Clauses in Protocol Extensions
You can use where
clauses to provide specialized implementations in protocol extensions:
protocol Collection {
associatedtype Element
// ... other requirements
extension Collection where Element: Equatable {
func containsDuplicates() -> Bool {
for (index, element) in self.enumerated() {
for otherIndex in index+1..<self.count {
if element == self[otherIndex] {
return true
return false
clauses are a powerful feature of Swift generics that allow you to express additional constraints on type parameters. They enable you to:
- Require types to conform to certain protocols
- Establish equality relationships between different type parameters
- Constrain associated types
- Provide specialized implementations for types that meet specific criteria
By using where
clauses effectively, you can write more expressive, type-safe generic code in Swift. They help you catch more errors at compile time rather than runtime, making your code more robust and maintainable.
Additional Resources
- Swift Documentation on Generics
- Swift Evolution Proposal SE-0142: Permit where clauses to constrain associated types
- Create a generic function that finds the average of any collection of elements that conform to the
protocol. - Define a
data structure that has apeek
method which works only when the elements areCustomStringConvertible
. - Write an extension on
that provides aprettyPrint
method, but only for dictionaries where both the key and value types conform toCustomStringConvertible
. - Create a generic function that compares two collections and returns a boolean indicating if they contain the same elements (in any order) where the elements conform to
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)