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Swift Gestures


Gestures are a fundamental part of iOS user experience. They allow users to interact with applications through touch-based actions like tapping, swiping, dragging, and pinching. SwiftUI provides a powerful gestures API that makes it easy to add these interactive elements to your app.

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to implement various types of gestures in SwiftUI, customize their behavior, and combine multiple gestures to create rich user experiences. Whether you're building a simple utility app or a complex game, understanding gestures will help you create more intuitive and engaging interfaces.

Basic Gesture Concepts

In SwiftUI, gestures are modifiers that you can attach to views. When a user performs the specified gesture on that view, your app responds accordingly. The fundamental structure follows this pattern:


Let's start by exploring the basic gesture types available in SwiftUI.

Tap Gesture

The tap gesture is the most common interaction in iOS apps. It's equivalent to a click on desktop platforms.

Basic Implementation

Here's how to add a simple tap gesture:

struct TapGestureExample: View {
@State private var backgroundColor =

var body: some View {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.onEnded { _ in
// Change color when tapped
backgroundColor = backgroundColor == ? :

In this example, tapping the rectangle toggles its color between blue and red.

Configuring Tap Count

You can configure a tap gesture to detect a specific number of taps:

TapGesture(count: 2)  // Double tap
.onEnded { _ in
// Action for double tap
print("Double tapped!")

Long Press Gesture

A long press gesture is triggered when the user touches and holds a view for a specified duration.

struct LongPressGestureExample: View {
@State private var isPressed = false

var body: some View {
.fill(isPressed ? :
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0) // 1 second
.onEnded { _ in
Text(isPressed ? "Released" : "Press and hold")

This example changes a circle from blue to green when the user holds their finger on it for at least one second.

Drag Gesture

The drag gesture allows users to move views around the screen.

struct DragGestureExample: View {
@State private var position =

var body: some View {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.offset(x: position.width, y: position.height)
.onChanged { value in
position = value.translation
.onEnded { value in
// Optional: Add animations or reset behavior

This example allows the user to drag a purple circle around the screen. The .onChanged callback updates the position as the user drags.

Adding Spring Animation

Let's enhance the drag gesture by adding a spring animation that returns the circle to the center:

struct AnimatedDragGestureExample: View {
@State private var position =

var body: some View {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.offset(x: position.width, y: position.height)
.onChanged { value in
position = value.translation
.onEnded { _ in
withAnimation(.spring()) {
position = .zero

Rotation Gesture

The rotation gesture lets users rotate views with a twisting motion of two fingers.

struct RotationGestureExample: View {
@State private var angle: Angle = .degrees(0)

var body: some View {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.onChanged { value in
angle = value

Magnification Gesture

The magnification gesture (commonly known as pinch-to-zoom) detects when users pinch to scale a view.

struct MagnificationGestureExample: View {
@State private var scale: CGFloat = 1.0

var body: some View {
Image(systemName: "star.fill")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.onChanged { value in
scale = value
.onEnded { _ in
withAnimation {
scale = 1.0

This example allows users to pinch to resize a star icon, which then animates back to its original size when released.

Combining Gestures

SwiftUI allows you to combine multiple gestures using three main operators:

  1. simultaneously: Both gestures can be recognized at the same time
  2. sequentially: The second gesture is only recognized after the first completes
  3. exclusively: Only one gesture can be recognized

Here's an example that combines drag and tap gestures:

struct CombinedGesturesExample: View {
@State private var position =
@State private var color =

var body: some View {
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)
.offset(x: position.width, y: position.height)
.onChanged { value in
position = value.translation
.onEnded { _ in
withAnimation(.spring()) {
position = .zero
TapGesture(count: 2)
.onEnded {
color = color == .blue ? .red : .blue

In this example, you can both drag the circle and double-tap to change its color at the same time.

Using Gesture State

For more complex gesture handling, you can use the .updating modifier to temporarily store values during a gesture:

struct GestureStateExample: View {
@State private var position =
@GestureState private var isDragging = false

var body: some View {
.fill(isDragging ? :
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.offset(x: position.width, y: position.height)
.updating($isDragging) { _, state, _ in
state = true
.onChanged { value in
position = value.translation
.onEnded { _ in
withAnimation(.spring()) {
position = .zero

The @GestureState property wrapper automatically resets to its initial value when the gesture ends.

Real World Example: Card Swiping Interface

Let's create a more complex example that mimics a card swiping interface (like dating apps):

struct CardView: View {
@State private var offset =
@State private var color = Color.white
let card: String

var body: some View {
ZStack {
.frame(width: 320, height: 420)
.shadow(radius: 10)

.offset(x: offset.width, y: offset.height)
.rotationEffect(.degrees(Double(offset.width / 20)))
.onChanged { gesture in
offset = gesture.translation

// Change color based on drag direction
if offset.width > 0 {
color = .green.opacity(min(abs(offset.width) / 100, 1.0))
} else if offset.width < 0 {
color = .red.opacity(min(abs(offset.width) / 100, 1.0))
.onEnded { gesture in
// Swipe card away or return to center
if abs(offset.width) > 150 {
withAnimation {
offset.width = offset.width > 0 ? 1000 : -1000
} else {
withAnimation(.spring()) {
offset = .zero
color = .white

struct CardSwipeExample: View {
let cards = ["🐶", "🐱", "🐰", "🦊", "🐼"]

var body: some View {
VStack {
ZStack {
ForEach(cards.indices, id: \.self) { index in
CardView(card: cards[index])

Text("Swipe left to reject, right to accept")

This example creates a stack of cards that users can swipe left or right. The cards change color as they're dragged and fly off the screen if swiped far enough.


In this tutorial, you've learned:

  • How to implement basic gestures like tap, long press, drag, rotation, and magnification
  • Ways to customize gesture behavior with modifiers like .onChanged and .onEnded
  • Techniques for combining multiple gestures
  • How to use @GestureState for temporary state during gestures
  • A real-world application with a card swiping interface

Gestures are a powerful way to make your SwiftUI apps feel natural and interactive. By mastering these techniques, you can create interfaces that are both intuitive and delightful to use.

Additional Resources


  1. Create a photo viewer that supports pinch-to-zoom and double-tap to reset zoom.
  2. Implement a custom slider that users can drag to adjust a value.
  3. Build a drawing app that tracks finger movements using drag gestures.
  4. Create a deck of cards that can be spread out and rearranged with drag gestures.
  5. Implement a rotation lock that only allows objects to be rotated to specific angles (e.g., 0°, 90°, 180°, 270°).

If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)