TypeScript Quiz Game
Building a quiz game is an excellent way to practice your TypeScript skills while creating something fun and educational. In this tutorial, we'll walk through creating a command-line quiz game that demonstrates TypeScript's strengths including type safety, interfaces, and object-oriented programming concepts.
This project will help you understand:
- How to define and use interfaces in TypeScript
- Working with arrays and objects in a type-safe manner
- Handling user input with proper typing
- Implementing game logic with TypeScript features
By the end, you'll have a fully functional quiz game that you can customize with your own questions and expand with additional features.
Project Setup
Let's start by setting up our TypeScript project:
# Create a new directory for our project
mkdir typescript-quiz-game
cd typescript-quiz-game
# Initialize a new npm project
npm init -y
# Install TypeScript and readline-sync (for user input)
npm install typescript --save-dev
npm install readline-sync
npm install @types/readline-sync --save-dev
# Initialize TypeScript configuration
npx tsc --init
The tsconfig.json
should include these settings for our project:
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2016",
"module": "commonjs",
"outDir": "./dist",
"rootDir": "./src",
"strict": true,
"esModuleInterop": true
Defining Our Data Structure
First, we'll define interfaces for our quiz questions and the game state:
// src/types.ts
// Define the structure of a quiz question
export interface Question {
id: number;
text: string;
options: string[];
correctAnswerIndex: number;
// Define the structure of the game state
export interface GameState {
questions: Question[];
currentQuestionIndex: number;
score: number;
userName: string;
Creating Quiz Questions
Now, let's create a file to store our quiz questions:
// src/questions.ts
import { Question } from './types';
export const questions: Question[] = [
id: 1,
text: "What is TypeScript?",
options: [
"A programming language",
"A superset of JavaScript",
"A JavaScript framework",
"A JavaScript compiler"
correctAnswerIndex: 1
id: 2,
text: "Which of the following is NOT a TypeScript type?",
options: [
correctAnswerIndex: 2
id: 3,
text: "Which symbol is used for optional properties in TypeScript interfaces?",
options: [
correctAnswerIndex: 0
id: 4,
text: "What does the 'tsc' command do?",
options: [
"Tests TypeScript code",
"Transpiles TypeScript to JavaScript",
"Creates a TypeScript project",
"Checks TypeScript syntax only"
correctAnswerIndex: 1
id: 5,
text: "Which TypeScript feature allows you to combine multiple types?",
options: [
"Union types",
correctAnswerIndex: 2
Implementing the Quiz Game Logic
Let's create the main game logic:
// src/game.ts
import * as readlineSync from 'readline-sync';
import { GameState, Question } from './types';
import { questions } from './questions';
export class QuizGame {
private gameState: GameState;
constructor() {
this.gameState = {
currentQuestionIndex: 0,
score: 0,
userName: ""
private displayWelcomeMessage(): void {
console.log("🎮 TYPESCRIPT QUIZ GAME 🎮");
console.log("Test your TypeScript knowledge!\n");
private getUserName(): void {
this.gameState.userName = readlineSync.question("Please enter your name: ");
console.log(`\nWelcome, ${this.gameState.userName}! Let's begin the quiz.\n`);
private displayQuestion(question: Question): void {
console.log(`Question ${this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex + 1}/${this.gameState.questions.length}: ${question.text}\n`);
// Display options
question.options.forEach((option, index) => {
console.log(`${index + 1}. ${option}`);
private getUserAnswer(): number {
const currentQuestion = this.gameState.questions[this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex];
const validOptions = currentQuestion.options.length;
// Loop until user provides valid input
while (true) {
const answer = readlineSync.question(`Enter your answer (1-${validOptions}): `);
const parsedAnswer = parseInt(answer, 10);
if (!isNaN(parsedAnswer) && parsedAnswer >= 1 && parsedAnswer <= validOptions) {
return parsedAnswer - 1; // Convert to zero-based index
} else {
console.log(`Please enter a number between 1 and ${validOptions}.`);
private checkAnswer(userAnswerIndex: number): boolean {
const currentQuestion = this.gameState.questions[this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex];
const isCorrect = userAnswerIndex === currentQuestion.correctAnswerIndex;
if (isCorrect) {
console.log("✅ Correct! Well done!\n");
} else {
console.log(`❌ Wrong. The correct answer is: ${currentQuestion.options[currentQuestion.correctAnswerIndex]}\n`);
return isCorrect;
private displayFinalResults(): void {
const totalQuestions = this.gameState.questions.length;
const percentageScore = (this.gameState.score / totalQuestions) * 100;
console.log("🎯 QUIZ COMPLETED 🎯");
console.log(`Name: ${this.gameState.userName}`);
console.log(`Final Score: ${this.gameState.score}/${totalQuestions} (${percentageScore.toFixed(1)}%)`);
// Give feedback based on score
if (percentageScore === 100) {
console.log("Perfect score! You're a TypeScript master! 🏆");
} else if (percentageScore >= 80) {
console.log("Excellent! You know TypeScript very well! 🌟");
} else if (percentageScore >= 60) {
console.log("Good job! You have a solid understanding of TypeScript. 👍");
} else if (percentageScore >= 40) {
console.log("Keep learning! You're on the right track. 📚");
} else {
console.log("Time to review TypeScript fundamentals! You'll get better with practice. 💪");
private playAgainPrompt(): boolean {
const playAgain = readlineSync.keyInYNStrict("Would you like to play again?");
return playAgain;
private resetGame(): void {
this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex = 0;
this.gameState.score = 0;
// Keep the username for replay
public start(): void {
do {
if (this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex > 0) {
// Game loop
while (this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex < this.gameState.questions.length) {
const currentQuestion = this.gameState.questions[this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex];
const userAnswer = this.getUserAnswer();
} while (this.playAgainPrompt());
console.log(`Thanks for playing, ${this.gameState.userName}! Goodbye! 👋`);
Creating the Main Entry File
Finally, let's create our main entry file:
// src/index.ts
import { QuizGame } from './game';
// Start the game
const game = new QuizGame();
Running the Game
To run the game, compile the TypeScript code and execute the resulting JavaScript:
# Create directory structure
mkdir -p src
# Create the files (make sure to copy the code snippets above into these files)
# Then compile and run:
npx tsc
node dist/index.js
Game Flow Diagram
Here's a visual representation of our game flow:
Enhancing the Game
Now that we have a basic quiz game working, let's explore some enhancements you could make to practice more TypeScript features:
Adding a Timer
Let's add a time limit for each question:
// In the QuizGame class, modify the getUserAnswer method
private getUserAnswer(): number {
const currentQuestion = this.gameState.questions[this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex];
const validOptions = currentQuestion.options.length;
const timeLimit = 10; // 10 seconds per question
console.log(`You have ${timeLimit} seconds to answer...`);
// Set up timer
const startTime = Date.now();
// Loop until user provides valid input or time expires
while (Date.now() - startTime < timeLimit * 1000) {
// Check if there's input available (non-blocking)
if (readlineSync.keyInYNStrict('Answer now? (Y/N)', { guide: false })) {
const answer = readlineSync.question(`Enter your answer (1-${validOptions}): `);
const parsedAnswer = parseInt(answer, 10);
if (!isNaN(parsedAnswer) && parsedAnswer >= 1 && parsedAnswer <= validOptions) {
return parsedAnswer - 1; // Convert to zero-based index
} else {
console.log(`Please enter a number between 1 and ${validOptions}.`);
console.log("Time's up! Moving to the next question.");
return -1; // Indicates timeout
// Modify the checkAnswer method to handle timeouts
private checkAnswer(userAnswerIndex: number): boolean {
if (userAnswerIndex === -1) {
console.log("❌ You ran out of time. No points awarded.");
return false;
const currentQuestion = this.gameState.questions[this.gameState.currentQuestionIndex];
const isCorrect = userAnswerIndex === currentQuestion.correctAnswerIndex;
if (isCorrect) {
console.log("✅ Correct! Well done!\n");
} else {
console.log(`❌ Wrong. The correct answer is: ${currentQuestion.options[currentQuestion.correctAnswerIndex]}\n`);
return isCorrect;
Adding Difficulty Levels
Let's enhance our question interface to include difficulty levels:
// Modified src/types.ts
export type Difficulty = 'easy' | 'medium' | 'hard';
export interface Question {
id: number;
text: string;
options: string[];
correctAnswerIndex: number;
difficulty: Difficulty;
points: number; // Points based on difficulty
// Modified GameState to include difficulty selection
export interface GameState {
questions: Question[];
filteredQuestions: Question[]; // Questions filtered by difficulty
currentQuestionIndex: number;
score: number;
userName: string;
selectedDifficulty: Difficulty | 'all';
Then update your quiz game to support difficulty selection:
// In the QuizGame constructor:
constructor() {
this.gameState = {
filteredQuestions: [],
currentQuestionIndex: 0,
score: 0,
userName: "",
selectedDifficulty: 'all'
// Add a method to select difficulty
private selectDifficulty(): void {
console.log("\nSelect difficulty level:");
console.log("1. Easy");
console.log("2. Medium");
console.log("3. Hard");
console.log("4. All levels");
const choice = readlineSync.question("Enter your choice (1-4): ");
switch(choice) {
case '1':
this.gameState.selectedDifficulty = 'easy';
case '2':
this.gameState.selectedDifficulty = 'medium';
case '3':
this.gameState.selectedDifficulty = 'hard';
this.gameState.selectedDifficulty = 'all';
// Filter questions based on selected difficulty
if (this.gameState.selectedDifficulty === 'all') {
this.gameState.filteredQuestions = [...this.gameState.questions];
} else {
this.gameState.filteredQuestions = this.gameState.questions.filter(
q => q.difficulty === this.gameState.selectedDifficulty
console.log(`Selected difficulty: ${this.gameState.selectedDifficulty}\n`);
// Update the start method to call selectDifficulty
public start(): void {
// Update the rest of your code to use filteredQuestions instead of questions
// ...
In this tutorial, we've built a TypeScript Quiz Game from scratch. We've:
- Set up a TypeScript project with proper configuration
- Defined interfaces for our game data
- Created a collection of quiz questions
- Implemented game logic with class-based TypeScript code
- Added user interaction using readline-sync
- Explored enhancements like timers and difficulty levels
This project demonstrates many powerful features of TypeScript including:
- Strong typing with interfaces
- Object-oriented programming with classes
- Type safety throughout the application
- Code organization with modules
Further Exercises
To continue learning and enhancing your TypeScript skills, try these exercises:
- Store high scores: Implement a system to save and display high scores.
- Add categories: Group questions by categories and let users select a category.
- Randomize questions: Add an option to shuffle questions for replayability.
- Add hints: Implement a hint system that users can use a limited number of times.
- Web interface: Convert this console app to a web application using HTML, CSS, and TypeScript.
- Multiple choice types: Add support for different question types (true/false, multiple correct answers, etc.)
Additional Resources
- TypeScript Documentation
- TypeScript Playground - Try out TypeScript code online
- readline-sync Documentation
- TypeScript Design Patterns
Happy coding with TypeScript! This quiz game project provides a solid foundation for many more interactive applications you might want to build.
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)