Python Classes
Classes are one of the core features of Python and form the foundation of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) in Python. Understanding classes is essential for working with PyTorch, as PyTorch's architecture heavily utilizes classes to represent neural networks, datasets, and other components.
In this tutorial, we'll explore what Python classes are, how they work, and why they're important for PyTorch development. Classes allow us to create custom data types that bundle data and functionality together, providing a more organized and reusable code structure.
What is a Class?
A class is a blueprint for creating objects. It defines:
- Attributes - data or variables that describe the object
- Methods - functions that define the behavior of the object
Think of a class as a template, and objects as concrete instances created from that template.
Creating Your First Class
Here's a simple class definition in Python:
class Dog:
# Class attribute
species = "Canis familiaris"
# Constructor method
def __init__(self, name, age):
# Instance attributes = name
self.age = age
# Instance method
def description(self):
return f"{} is {self.age} years old"
# Instance method
def speak(self, sound):
return f"{} says {sound}"
Let's break this down:
class Dog:
defines a new class named Dog.species = "Canis familiaris"
is a class attribute, shared by all instances.__init__
is a special method (constructor) called when a new object is created.self
refers to the instance being created.description()
are instance methods that operate on the instance's data.
Creating Objects from a Class
Once you've defined a class, you can create instances (objects) of that class:
# Create an instance
buddy = Dog("Buddy", 9)
miles = Dog("Miles", 4)
# Access attributes
print( # Output: Buddy
print(buddy.age) # Output: 9
print(buddy.species) # Output: Canis familiaris
# Call methods
print(buddy.description()) # Output: Buddy is 9 years old
print(buddy.speak("Woof!")) # Output: Buddy says Woof!
print(miles.speak("Bark!")) # Output: Miles says Bark!
Instance vs. Class Attributes
Understanding the difference between instance and class attributes is crucial:
- Instance attributes are specific to each object (defined inside
) - Class attributes are shared across all instances of the class
class Dog:
# Class attribute
species = "Canis familiaris"
count = 0
def __init__(self, name): = name # Instance attribute
Dog.count += 1 # Update class attribute
# Create instances
dog1 = Dog("Buddy")
dog2 = Dog("Miles")
print( # Output: Buddy
print( # Output: Miles
print(Dog.count) # Output: 2
Inheritance allows a class to inherit attributes and methods from another class:
class Pet:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def show_info(self):
return f"{} is {self.age} years old"
class Cat(Pet):
def speak(self):
return "Meow!"
class Dog(Pet):
def speak(self):
return "Woof!"
# Create instances
fluffy = Cat("Fluffy", 3)
buddy = Dog("Buddy", 5)
print(fluffy.show_info()) # Output: Fluffy is 3 years old
print(fluffy.speak()) # Output: Meow!
print(buddy.speak()) # Output: Woof!
In this example, Cat
and Dog
inherit the __init__
and show_info
methods from Pet
Method Overriding
You can customize inherited methods by redefining them in the child class:
class Pet:
def __init__(self, name, age): = name
self.age = age
def show_info(self):
return f"Name: {}, Age: {self.age}"
class Dog(Pet):
def __init__(self, name, age, breed):
# Call parent's __init__ method
super().__init__(name, age)
self.breed = breed
# Override the show_info method
def show_info(self):
return f"Name: {}, Age: {self.age}, Breed: {self.breed}"
buddy = Dog("Buddy", 5, "Golden Retriever")
print(buddy.show_info()) # Output: Name: Buddy, Age: 5, Breed: Golden Retriever
Classes in PyTorch Context
PyTorch extensively uses classes for structuring its components. Here's a simple example of how you might define a neural network class using PyTorch:
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
class SimpleNetwork(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, output_size):
super(SimpleNetwork, self).__init__()
self.layer1 = nn.Linear(input_size, hidden_size)
self.relu = nn.ReLU()
self.layer2 = nn.Linear(hidden_size, output_size)
def forward(self, x):
x = self.layer1(x)
x = self.relu(x)
x = self.layer2(x)
return x
# Create an instance of the neural network
model = SimpleNetwork(input_size=784, hidden_size=128, output_size=10)
This would output the structure of the neural network:
(layer1): Linear(in_features=784, out_features=128, bias=True)
(relu): ReLU()
(layer2): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=10, bias=True)
Practical Example: Creating a Dataset Class
Here's how you might create a custom dataset class for PyTorch:
import torch
from import Dataset
class NumberDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, start=0, end=100):
self.numbers = list(range(start, end))
self.length = len(self.numbers)
def __len__(self):
return self.length
def __getitem__(self, idx):
number = self.numbers[idx]
# Create a feature (x) and target (y) where y = 2*x
x = torch.tensor([number], dtype=torch.float32)
y = torch.tensor([number * 2], dtype=torch.float32)
return x, y
# Create and use the dataset
dataset = NumberDataset(0, 5)
print(f"Dataset length: {len(dataset)}")
for i in range(len(dataset)):
x, y = dataset[i]
print(f"Item {i}: x={x.item()}, y={y.item()}")
Dataset length: 5
Item 0: x=0.0, y=0.0
Item 1: x=1.0, y=2.0
Item 2: x=2.0, y=4.0
Item 3: x=3.0, y=6.0
Item 4: x=4.0, y=8.0
Additional Features of Classes
Static Methods
Static methods belong to the class but don't operate on an instance:
class MathUtils:
def add(a, b):
return a + b
def multiply(a, b):
return a * b
# No need to create an instance
print(MathUtils.add(5, 3)) # Output: 8
print(MathUtils.multiply(5, 3)) # Output: 15
Class Methods
Class methods operate on the class itself, not on instances:
class Dog:
count = 0
def __init__(self, name): = name
Dog.count += 1
def get_count(cls):
return f"There are {cls.count} dogs"
dog1 = Dog("Buddy")
dog2 = Dog("Miles")
print(Dog.get_count()) # Output: There are 2 dogs
Properties allow controlled access to attributes:
class Person:
def __init__(self, name, age):
self._name = name
self._age = age
def age(self):
return self._age
def age(self, value):
if value < 0:
raise ValueError("Age cannot be negative")
self._age = value
person = Person("Alice", 30)
print(person.age) # Output: 30
# Using the setter
person.age = 31
print(person.age) # Output: 31
# This would raise an error
# person.age = -5
Python classes are a powerful way to organize code by bundling data and functionality together. Key concepts we covered:
- Creating classes with
keyword - Using constructors with
- Differentiating between class and instance attributes
- Implementing inheritance for code reuse
- Method overriding for customization
- Using classes in PyTorch context
Understanding classes is essential for working effectively with PyTorch, as its architecture is built around object-oriented principles. Classes help create reusable, organized code, which is particularly important in complex deep learning applications.
- Create a
class with width and height attributes and methods to calculate area and perimeter. - Extend the
class to create aSquare
class that ensures width and height are equal. - Create a custom PyTorch dataset class that loads and preprocesses images from a directory.
- Implement a simple neural network class using PyTorch's
to classify MNIST handwritten digits.
Further Reading
- Python's official documentation on classes
- PyTorch's nn.Module documentation
- PyTorch's Dataset documentation
- "Python Crash Course" by Eric Matthes (chapters on classes)
- "Fluent Python" by Luciano Ramalho (for more advanced class concepts)
If you spot any mistakes on this website, please let me know at [email protected]. I’d greatly appreciate your feedback! :)